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Is Casual Sex Portrayed Unrealistically on TV?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of sex and how it is portrayed on TV and in everyday life. The speakers express their concerns about the casual and indiscriminate nature of sex, as well as the consequences it can have. They also discuss how TV and media can influence young people's attitudes towards sex and the importance of raising children to respect themselves and make responsible decisions.
Is it just me, or do people on TV have ridiculous, indiscriminate sex? People have sex with their friends and then it's like no big deal. Seriously?! If I had sex with a buddy, I would NEVER be able to look at him the same again!

And then there are the people who just "hook up." Am I just some sort of prude or something? I couldn't just JUMP INTO that kind of activity. There are consequences, PEOPLE!! I don't know. It's not like I'm some conservative old lady...I like to have a good time and all, but it just makes me wonder where they come up with this stuff...

And we wonder what's wrong with kids these days....

(This commentary after the panty thing...)
Oh dear I have about 25 employees and the things that I hear about on a daily basis. They range in age between 15-56 and you think with age comes mature decision making....NOT!! What you see on TV does happen in everyday life. TRUST ME I hear about it all the time.:rolleyes:
That is true. TV is more like the world we live in than ever before. It is sickening. You can't watch a good program anymore. You can't even let your kids watch cartoons!! The language, nudity, and other immoral things that go on is terrible. I actually turned my tv off for over 3 years. Now my kids are older and can choose their shows better. And, we rarely go to the movies for the same reason. It is sad. I want to watch tv and relax...not happening.
No your not a prude, unless I am too! I can count on less than 5 fingers how many men I have slept with! (sorry if TMI!) Anyway, my point is I agree 100% I had a friend in high school that slept with guys just because!! Same with my sister!! She started having sex at 14 with the neighbor boy just because!! I went to school with 4 people that had babies!! (very small town, i might add!) My cousin had a baby the day before she turned 16!! hello i learned from her about not having sex, because i sure as heck didn't want to have a baby at 16.

The thing is you have to look at some of these mom's. They are trying to act and dress like they are 16. The girls don't know any better when their mom is doing it and they are copying her! You can bet that my daughter will be raised to respect herself and her body and I hope to the Good Lord that she will have enough sense to wait until she is married. Did I mention she is 1?? LOL!! But I am being serious!

Sorry to go on and on! This is a sore subject for me. I work in a middle school and am having to tell girls to pull the shirts down and telling guys to pull their pants up. it is ridiculous, but most of these kids don't have parents, they have grown friends, that don't want to raise them.
Chef_2_Four said:
No your not a prude, unless I am too! I can count on less than 5 fingers how many men I have slept with! (sorry if TMI!) Anyway, my point is I agree 100% I had a friend in high school that slept with guys just because!! Same with my sister!! She started having sex at 14 with the neighbor boy just because!! I went to school with 4 people that had babies!! (very small town, i might add!) My cousin had a baby the day before she turned 16!! hello i learned from her about not having sex, because i sure as heck didn't want to have a baby at 16.

The thing is you have to look at some of these mom's. They are trying to act and dress like they are 16. The girls don't know any better when their mom is doing it and they are copying her! You can bet that my daughter will be raised to respect herself and her body and I hope to the Good Lord that she will have enough sense to wait until she is married. Did I mention she is 1?? LOL!! But I am being serious!

Sorry to go on and on! This is a sore subject for me. I work in a middle school and am having to tell girls to pull the shirts down and telling guys to pull their pants up. it is ridiculous, but most of these kids don't have parents, they have grown friends, that don't want to raise them.

Would you believe that when I was in grade 8 there was a girl in my sewing class that had a baby a week after she turned 13:eek: I saw her a couple of months ago, she is now 31 and looks about 50.
rennea said:
Would you believe that when I was in grade 8 there was a girl in my sewing class that had a baby a week after she turned 13:eek: I saw her a couple of months ago, she is now 31 and looks about 50.
Yikes!!!! :eek: I couldn't imagine. I would feel 50 raising a kid completely before I turned 30, eek! I will be 30 later this year and my oldest just turned 10, and that's the only part that makes me feel any older, lol, is looking at him, ahh, shouldn't they stay at least 2 feet shorter than you until they are 18?!

I am curious, is she a young grandma, or did her daughter learn from her mistake?
Kind of off topic, but with all the things I have witnessed and heard 'adults' who are 'parents' have been doing lately (just in my podunkville) I made the comment the other day that people should have to have a license to have a kid, go through a mental exam. I just hope these children of theirs grow up to act like adults when they are that age and not like they are acting, but I know it will be hard. I cringe every time my two oldest go to their so-called father's because of all the stupidity and childish behavior over there.
jdavis said:
Yikes!!!! :eek: I couldn't imagine. I would feel 50 raising a kid completely before I turned 30, eek! I will be 30 later this year and my oldest just turned 10, and that's the only part that makes me feel any older, lol, is looking at him, ahh, shouldn't they stay at least 2 feet shorter than you until they are 18?!

I am curious, is she a young grandma, or did her daughter learn from her mistake?

Not sure if she's a grandma yet but I do know that she didn't stop at one in her teens. I know of at least one more she had before she was 16. I think she has about 4 or 5 kids. She only has half of a grade 8 education. Her parents should have been charged with child neglect or something. The father of the first one was out of highschool:eek:
jdavis said:
Kind of off topic, but with all the things I have witnessed and heard 'adults' who are 'parents' have been doing lately (just in my podunkville) I made the comment the other day that people should have to have a license to have a kid, go through a mental exam. I just hope these children of theirs grow up to act like adults when they are that age and not like they are acting, but I know it will be hard. I cringe every time my two oldest go to their so-called father's because of all the stupidity and childish behavior over there.

Jennifer, have you seen the movie Idiocracy? Your comment made me think of that ... the premise is 500 yrs from now our society is stupid beyond belief b/c all the "idiots" have a zillion kids and the smart ppl think about it too much lol.
  • #10
That reminds me of a girl in my neighborhood that just had a baby. She is twelve years old. The father is 19, and mentally challenged. I look at that poor innocent little baby and wonder what kind of life it is going to have...
  • #11
I could NOT imagine being 13 and having a baby!! I was 25 when I had my son, and thought the timing was perfect! I had time to be and kid and grow up!
  • #12
I cant imagine being that young either. I have a cousin who is 14 and he got a 21 yr old preggo. I was shocked he was a baby having a baby.
  • #13
chefbritt said:
That reminds me of a girl in my neighborhood that just had a baby. She is twelve years old. The father is 19, and mentally challenged. I look at that poor innocent little baby and wonder what kind of life it is going to have...
OMG, that is so sad.
  • #14
lisacb77 said:
Jennifer, have you seen the movie Idiocracy? Your comment made me think of that ... the premise is 500 yrs from now our society is stupid beyond belief b/c all the "idiots" have a zillion kids and the smart ppl think about it too much lol.
HMMM, I will have to check out that movie, with all the stupidity going on around here like I said before by so-called adults it is looking like that may be where we are headed.
  • #15
I've got to jump in on this one....We are currently battling with our school board of this issue or sort of......It's called Friends with Benefits............

They have a school newspaper that's sent to EVERYONE in the community and since it's a school paper, I've just started let Megan (my 7 year old) read it to me as practice for her reading......well she won't be reading it again unless changes happen.

I'll try and attach the link to the school paper.......it's apalling on so many levels that this was put in a school newspaper that 2nd graders read and many parents are like myself and have them read it, what's the harm?? :eek: ??

Also on the level of not a balanced article and telling all the AWFUL things that can happen.

Here's the link, hopefully............


Be prepared, we're meeting with the school board and the administrators on Monday evening. I'm hoping to get as much support from all over the place about our arguing that this was WAY over the line.......

Let me know what you think,

  • #16
forgot to say, it's on page 2.......Life as We Know it column....Sorry about that, if you go to page 2 of this issue and look at the Life as We Know it column, you'll be horrified!!

  • #17
That is beyond scary!! As the mother of an almost 12 year old girl, I can't even express my feeling!!!I was just browsing looking for sympathy because all we do lately is fight! I guess if that kind of pressure is out there, she has a right to be moody!
  • #18
That is proof positive of what a sin filled world we live in. My step daughter is 15 and lives in a different state than us. I can tell you, that this is real and we need to be educating our young ones how to steer away from this type of behavior! I can not believe, though, that it was so casually written about in a school paper! But, a think there are a lot of people in this world that don't see the problem. Just last week, on one of the morning shows (the one Meredith Vierra moved to) was interviewing a 20 something girl and she pretty much said how GREAT "hooking up" is. How there's no strings attached and it was purely physical. HUH?!?!? There are ALWAYS strings attached with sex. That is why the bible tells us it is a SIN to engage in sex outside of marriage. God doesn't say that just to ruin our fun....it's because it is wrong and there are soooooooooo many implications and ramifications of doing so. (Emotional, physical, spiritual, and on and on...) He tells us the right path to take because he loves each of us and doesn't want us to experience the pain that sex outside of marriage creates.

On a positive note, I am glad that they showed the other side to this story and had some high school kids who believed in the bible and are standing up for their beliefs. That morning show only focused on the ones "hooking up" and thinking it's no big deal. I don't even think Meridith (who has young kids!!) seemed to think it was wrong. If she did, she certainly didn't show it by asking the right questions.

People better wake up! This world is "going to hell in a handbasket" as my grandma used to say. She's rolling over in her grave seeing what a mess it is now!

Please keep us posted on how the meeting went!
  • #19
I would like to add my two cents in on this thread. I don't like to watch much tv anymore because of all the language and the sex. Even kids shows have language that I don't agree with. My four year old has been repeating things that he hears off of tv and I don't like what he says. When I was in high school there were plenty of girls who had babies before they finished high school, if they did finish. I just can't believe how many kids want to experement with sex. I hope that I teach my kids right and they will wait until they are realy to have sex, when they are 30 is a good age. You can't control everything that your kids do but you can have an influence in what they decide to do.
  • #20
Wow, that article really saddens me even though I *know* that is happening. I, like a previous poster, had a classmate who had her 1st kid in 8th grade, 2nd freshman year, and 3rd junior year. The sad thing is she was very smart and I think actually finished HS. But, what kind of mother can you be to 3 little ones not even out of HS - plus there were definitely 3 different fathers in that case.

The GOOD thing is that it made me even more determined to get a college degree before getting married and wait until marriage personally. I personally think these kids will truly miss out on how God truly intended a sexually relationship and how close and intimate it can be when as God intended.

I truly pray that God protects my little girl (and boy for that matter!) from this mentality. This attitude was already started in my generation and I made it until 26 to get married and 28 for my first child...I'm hoping and praying my kids learn from that and that my husband and I continually provide them with an example of how things can and should be.
  • #21
What's really sad about this article is that the ENTIRE school board and all the administrators rec. this before it goes to print and NOT ONE of them was concerned about this article or how it was written or that it was going to homes with young children.

Please pray for the concerned parents that we can go to our meeting on Monday the 19th and speak from our hearts and be listened to with open minds by the school board. And that the appropriate decision is made about the paper and future articles.

They've been lying to people and saying to there's not that many parents or people talking about it and concerned and they don't see the big deal.

Well elections are coming and most are up for re-election, I think we'll be seeing lots of new school board members come next year.


Related to Is Casual Sex Portrayed Unrealistically on TV?

1. Is TV sex a realistic portrayal of real-life sexual experiences?

No, TV sex is often exaggerated and glamorized for entertainment purposes. Real-life sexual experiences are more diverse and varied.

2. Does TV sex impact our expectations and attitudes towards sex?

Yes, TV sex can shape our beliefs and expectations about sex, especially for younger viewers who may not have much real-life experience.

3. Are there any potential negative effects of TV sex?

Yes, TV sex can perpetuate unrealistic and unhealthy ideas about sex, body image, and consent.

4. Can TV sex influence our sexual behavior?

While TV sex may not directly cause a change in behavior, it can contribute to shaping our attitudes and beliefs, which can then impact our behavior.

5. Is it important to have realistic and diverse representations of sex on TV?

Yes, it is important to have a diverse and accurate representation of sex on TV to promote healthy attitudes and understanding of sexuality.

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