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Personal Is an Extra-Squish Necessary for My Annual Mammogram?

In summary, at 29 years old, the expert summarizer had their annual squish. Turns out that, like the last three times, they think they might possibly see something. Hence, they will be going in for the extra-squish films tomorrow (Friday).
Staff member
I had my annual squish last week. Turns out that, like the last three times, they think they might possibly see something. Hence, I'll be going in for the extra-squish films tomorrow (Friday). I'm not particularly concerned. Like I said, they've done this the last three times. Even if there is something, statistics and a family history of cysts make it likely to be benign. Even if it's not, it's been caught early. I'm really good about self-exams and yearly squish tests. Still, I figure prayer can't hurt. ;)Thanks.
Keep the positive attitude! I'm thinking about having that done--it's been 3 or so years. The results always were "dense", but now with digital technology I think that can be overcome.
Just had that a few months ago Rae...remember?I hope your results turn out as good as mine.
I'll be praying you have no lumps or tumors to deal with.
Prayers for a clean squish.

Thank goodness God knows what we mean LOL
Praying for a gentle squish with no issues!
Also praying for you!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks! I'll let you know when I know something.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
My films were clear! It was only the right breast that they needed to check this time. Nothing there.Save the ta tas!
  • #10
raebates said:
My films were clear! It was only the right breast that they needed to check this time. Nothing there.

Save the ta tas!

My husband saw this bumper sticker today and almost ditched the car. It was soo funny!!!
  • #11
Going in for the "squish" -- never heard it called that but knew exactly what you meant! I'm so happy for you that all turned out well.
  • #12
Thanks for updating us with the great news, Rae!
  • #13

("the message you have entered is too short." OK. Here's some more words...)
  • #14
Glad to hear Rae!!!!!!!
  • #15
I need to schedule my squish...ick!
  • #16
Yay Rae :)
  • #17
Okay, sorry to hijack your thread Rae but this got me thinking. At what age did everyone start going for the 'squish'? I've never gone and I turned 40 in December :eek:
  • #18
kcjodih said:
Okay, sorry to hijack your thread Rae but this got me thinking. At what age did everyone start going for the 'squish'? I've never gone and I turned 40 in December :eek:

Time to make a pancake!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
kcjodih said:
Okay, sorry to hijack your thread Rae but this got me thinking. At what age did everyone start going for the 'squish'? I've never gone and I turned 40 in December :eek:
Forty is the magic age when they suggest that all of us girls start getting the twins squished. (Don't worry. It's not a truly official CS thread until it's been hijacked.)Honestly, while it's not a trip to Disney (or a good CS session), it isn't horrible. The anticipation is probably about the worst part. A couple of people suggested to me that I take an OTC painkiller a good 30-45 minutes before the scheduled squish. That makes it less uncomfortable.* And, remember that, while it's embarrassing to be topless in front of a stranger, this is their job. Every mammographer I've ever dealt with has been very caring and as gentle as possible.*At least, that's the theory. Since I've always taken the painkiller, I don't have anything to compare it to.
  • #20
Big hugs to you!!!!!!!! :balloon:
  • #21
Rae, I'm so glad that all turned out well.

Here's a little something that will hopefully make you laugh about my squish just a month ago: even though I'm not a small gal (weight wise), my ta tas however, have remained fairly small - always have been, even when I weighed less. ANYWAY, I get in the room and the gal gets me all situated and gets me as stretched out and as flat as possible (did I mention that I nursed 2 kids for almost a year a piece???? Yeah, you get the idea, sag city), and she starts to make the machine do the vise thing, and she says, ummm, hold on, I'm going to change something. So she takes the top "tray" thingy off and goes over to the shelf and gets another top tray thingy. She didn't tell me why she was doing this. So I asked, "Let me guess, that's a smaller one, right??!!??" She sheepishly smiles, and says, "Yeah, it is." Ahhh, even when I think that all the squishing and stretching will make me a "big girl" in that department, it doesn't even happen!!!!!!! Go B-cups!!!! :D
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  • #22
My friend went in for her squish. She's fairly well endowed. The mammographer, as she was getting my friend situated, said, "Gee, have you ever considered breast reduction?"
  • #23
kcjodih said:
Okay, sorry to hijack your thread Rae but this got me thinking. At what age did everyone start going for the 'squish'? I've never gone and I turned 40 in December :eek:

I was 29 years old (I just turned 46 on Feb 1st) because I have a lump in my right breast - it isn't anything but I go every year

One year I had my mammy on June 6 (first day of my Relay) and then the next year on June 3, the nurse told me that I should reschedule because my insurance might not pay because it has been less than a year. I told her that my doctor already have taken care of that and he doesn't want me to change the date.

I always have two - 1 one day and then 1 more two weeks later.
The insurance company requires that for me because of family history.

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  • #24
I think that it depends on your level of pain tolerence. I've never taken anything before nor have I ever felt like I needed anything afterwards.

Related to Is an Extra-Squish Necessary for My Annual Mammogram?

1. What exactly is "Going in for the Extra Squish"?

"Going in for the Extra Squish" is a popular phrase used in Pampered Chef to refer to getting the most out of your baked goods by using a tool to press down on the dough or batter before baking.

2. Do I need a specific tool to "Go in for the Extra Squish"?

While there are specific tools designed for this purpose, such as our Pastry Blender or Mix 'N Scraper, you can also use a fork or even your hands to achieve the same effect.

3. How does "Going in for the Extra Squish" affect the texture of my baked goods?

Pressing down on the dough or batter helps to release any trapped air, resulting in a denser and more evenly baked final product.

4. Can I "Go in for the Extra Squish" with any type of dough or batter?

Yes, this technique can be used with various types of dough or batter, including cookie dough, pizza dough, and cake batter.

5. Is there a specific method to "Going in for the Extra Squish"?

The general method is to press down evenly on the dough or batter until it is slightly flattened. However, the amount of pressure and the number of times you need to "Go in for the Extra Squish" may vary depending on the type of dough or batter you are working with.

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