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Introduce Yourself & Share Your Wish Product at a Show!

fork" even mean?Heather, in the UK, it is common for consultants to ask guests how good they are in the kitchen. Most people choose the middle ground and go for 5.
I got this idea in the middle of the night last night when I couldn't sleep and wanted to know opinions on it.

After thanking the host for having me there and giving her a Season's Best, I then have all the guests introduce themselves. I want to have them tell their name, why they came, and the one product they would love to have and why. So it would go something like this. "My name is Brandi and I came to get away from my two little boys to keep my sanity. I would love to have all the Professional Cookware. It is so durable, cooks great, and absolutely nothing sticks to it."

I am trying to accomplish 3 things. I want to learn their names. I want to know their reason they might want to be a consultant (why they came). I want to find their booking incentive I can use at the ordering process. This will also help sell products.

Most consultants will ask what their favorite product is but that doesn't help in booking or recruiting. Whereas if I ask their wish product then I can steer them towards booking a show or even recruiting them if it's something they can get in the kit or during super starter.

Plus finding out why they came can give me an idea of what they are like and why they may want to consider the opportunity. It can guide me towards what to focus on during the demo for my booking and recruiting sprinkles. If they came because they love the products I can show them the super starter brochure and they can see how much product they can get for free. If they came because they wanted to socialize I can focus on being able to party for a living. If they came because they needed to get away from the kids then I can relate and let them know they can do that as many times a week as they want.

I thought it was a good opener and I am definately going to try it at my next few shows, but I also wanted to know what others thought.

Brandi W.
Sounds greatThanks for sharing! I learned a thing or 2, reading your opener! I loved it!
Brandi I think that is a great idea! I may have to try that at my next show! :D
I think it is a great idea! and I think I will try it tonight!!
Thank you so much for sharing.

Brandi, You have an awesome idea. Sometimes I ask if they like to spend, save or make money. (thanks to my recruiter) Then say those are the ways I can help you get your PC products. Spend as a customer, make and save as a PC consultant, or save as a host. I will be giving yours a try at my next show.
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One thingI have tried this before. But you have to control it. In a room with 15-20 women things quickly get off on a tangent. We only made it halfway across the room. A lot of time was used and I had to reign everyone in.

You might want to gauge your group first before jumping right in with this one.

In theory, I love the idea.
I think it's a great idea but I know myself personally (since having children and giving them MY brain cells) there's NO way I'd be able to remember their names, why they came, AND what they wanted most and why! I have a hard enough time matching faces to names at the end...LOL

But that's just me (with less brain cells then I used to have) :eek:
I was thinking of using a pad of paper to jot things down as people talked? I'm the same I could never remember all those things for later.
I am at the moment waiting for my starter kit to arrive, so i haven't actually done any of my own shows. But the two i have been to, the consultant gives everyone a sticker and a marker pen and asks the guests to write their name on it and wear it during the show. It works well and it looks as if the consulant knows everyone by name. I don't know if you can do this in the US but it's done here in England. Also the shows i have been to the consultant asks everyone, on a scale of 1 to 10 how good you rate yourself in the kitchen. Most people choose the middle ground and go for 5!!
scale 1 is prick with a fork and bung in the microwave and 10 is Jamie Oliver.
  • #10
Ria...just wondering...what does "prick with a fork and bung in the microwave' mean? It's a cute saying, but not sure I understand it :)

have a great day,
  • #11
SandyIt refers to people who can't cook / won't cook.
They get ready made meals usually frozen. You pierce the plastic film lid and chuck it in the mircowave to cook. Simple as that :)
  • #12
I start off saying something like this:
"Thank you all for coming tonight! Who here has never been to a Pampered Chef show? (hand out candy to my PC virgins) Who here has been to a show in the last year? 6 months? Well, tonight you will see lots of new things! We've got a great new line of Fall products that I'm excited to share with you!

I also want to thank the host for keeping a roof over my head :) The Pampered Chef has become my full time job, and I absolutely love that whenever I go to work, I get to go to a party!

As a gift for having me here tonight, I'd like to give Susie (my host) an item that is very collectible. It is our Season's Best--there are 30 recipes here for just $1--that's cheaper than a greeting card! Stock up on these, write a quick note on the inside cover..."Thank you very much for...", "Happy Birthday", "Thinking of you, and know you'd love the recipe on page 5", etc. But tonight, Susie gets her very own for free, and like I said, they are collectable, because they retire after every selling season! It may seem like a little token, but Susie's going to get much more for free for hosting a show tonight!

How many of you came tonight with something specific in mind to buy? Who came to learn a new recipe? Who here came tonight to get away from your kids? Okay, now close your eyes, Susie (the host)...Who here came because Susie forced them? (everyone laughs)

In order for me to get to know each of you, lets go around the room and do some introductions. I'd like to know your name, which I guarantee I won't remember (laugh), how you know Susie, and I'd like you to rate yourself in the kitchen on a scale of 1 to 10...one's being that you hate to cook, don't cook, and your idea of preparing dinner for your family is making sure there is gas in the car and driving to McDonald's. My 10's will be those of you who love to cook, or are great cooks, and are in the kitchen as much as you can be.

**as they go around the room, I relate their level to myself, or to a Pampered Chef product that I think they can't live without

Well, as you can see, we've got many different levels of cooking in the crowd. Before I started Pampered Chef, I hated to cook, because I was TERRIBLE at it! What I learned, though, was that having the right tools makes cooking so much more fun--the food turns out great every time, and I'm in and out of the kitchen much faster, giving me more time at the table with my family and friends."

Okay, so basically, that turned out to be my opener...sorry it was long. Just typed as if I was standing in front of the crowd :)
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Opener LinesRebecca, I loved your funny lines. I have been thinking of ways to add more humor into my shows. I'm not that funny to most people. I have an odd sense of humor. I may use a couple of those lines. Or at least think I will.

I can never remember names either. I am terrible at it. So your line about not remembering them would work great for me.

Brandi W.
  • #14
I don't dare be funny!I tried funny ONCE and it was terrible (for me). There's nothing worse than making a joke that nobody laughs at. Oddly enough, my friends think I'm funny one-on-one, but I guess I'm not in front of a crowd (so much for my career at Yuk-Yuk's!! :rolleyes: )
My advice is be funny if it works for you but don't force it!! If you just aren't any good at joking with a crowd, don't do it--I think it's worse to try and have it fall flat than not to try at all. (then again I could simple be traumatized by my bad experience! :eek: )

  • #15
chefjulie_sc said:
Thanks for sharing! I learned a thing or 2, reading your opener! I loved it!

Me too!! :D
  • #16
Amanda--I hope you read this!Hi Amanda!

Do you know, I didn't even know we COULD send private messages to one another? I never even realized I had one until today!!! (is there an "I'm so lame" icon I could use here?)
I'd send one back in response, but I don't know how! Sorry about that.
(the workshop I went to was in Palgrave, but if I find a way to send a private message I'd like to ask you about being a consultant in Oshawa--if you have a good customer base there?)
I'll try to figure this out!
  • #17
Hey Deborah,

Just click on the persons name and it will give you the option to send a private message.
  • #18
luvs2sellit said:
Hey Deborah,

Just click on the persons name and it will give you the option to send a private message.
You can also click on "quote" at the end of the private message. ;)
  • #19
Thank youThanks so much! I was looking around for something that said "Private Message" and couldn't find anything. Of course it would be something simple!! :rolleyes:

Thanks again!
  • #20
My 2 CentsBrandi, I agree with what someone else said that this is a great idea but it sounds like it would take a long time. You don't want your show to run too long. I think I would go with the name tag idea. You can have them put their name on a tag and youv'e probably heard the idea of Putting their favorite tool after their name , like "Julie Chopper". Well, you could do the same with the product they want most, like "Julie Cookware". Then you could quickly ask them at the begining why they want that product and it would speed things up. And you could Take a poll like someone else suggested as to why they came and that would further speed things up and keep you in control. That's what I love about this site, you get so many great ideas and can mix them all up together to make them work for your own personal style.
  • #21
OpenersI do nametags and have for a long time -- it makes me crazy when I realize I've run out at a show and have sometimes used masking tape if the host has some! I'm really dependent on them and tell everyone at the beginning that I love that I get to meet all of them at my job, but I realized a long time ago I'm terrible with names so "thank you" for wearing name tags. I also ask if the all know each other...and if not I ask "Do you care?" -- and the nametags help them get to know each other, too. It's a big help with follow-up calls when I can more readily put names, faces, comments, etc. together.

I think it's good to have several ways of opening shows, too, since there may be repeat guests. I like the idea of asking why they came, or the suggestion of whether they like to "spend, save, or make money." I often have them say their name and one word they'd use to describe themselves in the kitchen -- gives a great idea of what type of group is there (usually varied). The variation is great to point out, too, since it shows how PC can appeal to everyone -- not just great cooks. I'll also ask them to say what they're asked to bring to a potluck (i.e. a special casserole or napkins...hey, napkins are important, too!)

~~ Jill
  • #22
I like to ask what their favorite PC product is and why. I think of it as free advertising. I'm alot more likely to buy something that my best friend is raving about then I am a product that some lady I don't even know is trying to sell me because she needs to make money. It works good especially if you have a few who don't have any PC products. It kinda peaks their interest.

  • #23
I know this is old but I'm a new PC consultant and I'm reading around for ideas.

I wanted to share mine on this topic.

For my opener, I hand out name tags and ask everyone to write there first name and for there last name to use the name of PC product they'd like to buy tonight. *This way I can cross sell items*

So if your name is Shannon and you love the food chopper you name tag should read, Shannon Chopper. :D *then I can cross sell with the cutting board*

After I do the thank you for coming, thank you host for booking and announcing the Monthly Host special for that month and next and all the great stuff the host will receive for booking the show I then ask everyone to introduce themselves and give me a 10 second run down on why they are interested in buying that product tonigth/

It goes by quickly and it gives me an idea of what they are looking to buy that night.
  • #24
Great ideaI learned this at my cluster meeting. The PC consultant gives the host the Season's Best as a Host gift. Then pass it around for all of the guest to sign it and/or write a message in it.


Related to Introduce Yourself & Share Your Wish Product at a Show!

1. What does it mean to introduce yourself and share your wish product at a show?

Introducing yourself and sharing your wish product at a show means taking a few minutes at the beginning of the show to introduce yourself to the guests and share your favorite Pampered Chef product that you personally love and would recommend to others.

2. Do I have to introduce myself and share a product at every show I attend?

No, it is not required to introduce yourself and share a product at every show. However, it is a great way to connect with the guests and show your enthusiasm for Pampered Chef products.

3. Can I choose any Pampered Chef product to share as my wish product?

Yes, you can choose any Pampered Chef product that you love and would recommend to others as your wish product. It can be a current or discontinued product.

4. How do I introduce myself and my wish product at a show?

You can introduce yourself by sharing a little bit about yourself, such as your name, how long you have been with Pampered Chef, and why you love the products. Then, you can introduce your wish product by explaining its features and benefits and why it is your favorite.

5. Is there a specific time during the show to introduce myself and share my wish product?

There is no specific time during the show to introduce yourself and share your wish product, but we recommend doing it at the beginning of the show to grab the guests' attention and generate excitement for the products.

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