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I'm Freaking Out a Little Over Here...(Long)

  • #51
Wow, this is the most suspense I have had in years:)! Glad I just got home from my cluster meeting to hear the news!
  • Thread starter
  • #52
It was negative.

Still no sign of my period though either.

So now the question is, do I do it again first thing in the morning or wait longer?

And yes, I am a bit disappointed. I have been day dreaming about a little girl all dolled up in a summer dress and ribbons in her hair!
  • Thread starter
  • #53
Oh, and you guys, I came right here when I finished up in the bathroom, if you catch my drift!

DH still doesn't know I did it.
  • #54
I know! I'm putting off putting the kid's to bed! Lol! Sarah, at least you know you have a lot of people praying for you!! Not sure whether it's kosher to pray for no baby, but praying for the whole situation.See, I post and Sarah posts. I can also get food to come at a restaurant by going to the bathroom.Gee, Sarah, I don't know. I would probably wait until Sunday morning and use "first pee", but that's easy to say because I'm not the one that has to wait, this time!And DH doesn't know about 50% of the tests I've taken, because he's cheap enough he got "mad" that I wasted money on a negative test. Well, if I knew it was going to be negative I wouldn't have needed it!!!!
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  • #55
sfdavis918 said:
It was negative.

Still no sign of my period though either.

So now the question is, do I do it again first thing in the morning or wait longer?

And yes, I am a bit disappointed. I have been day dreaming about a little girl all dolled up in a summer dress and ribbons in her hair!

If it hasn't come by morning I would try again...we'll still be refreshing the page ;) .
  • #56
You can tell who the nosiest cheffer's are! :eek:
  • #57
Aww, I'm so sorry!!

Well, if it's gonna happen, it won't matter if you do it in the morning or wait a few more days even...if you can stand it!!

Good luck to you!
  • #58
pamperedposey said:
You can tell who the nosiest cheffer's are! :eek:
I'm outed! I'm nosy! I read all of the "drama" threads, too, I just didn't post :)
  • #59
Paula R. Lewis said:
Wow! After finding and reading through this thread, I gotta tell ya, I feel like I'm watching a whole new "reality TV" here!! lol

It's like..."tune in next week and see....!!"

Here's wishing for happy results!!


I just found this thread and it was all I could do to not skip to the end and see how things turned out! "Tune in next week"???? Like any of us could wait that long!!!

This reminds me of the Friends episode when the girls are in the bathroom (at someone's wedding?) and Rachel takes a hpt. They are all standing around and yelling at anyone who tries to come in. Too funny!

Sarah - this is one time when I hate that we are all online. I wish we could all come over to your house and hold your hand! Wouldn't DH be surprised if we all showed up and followed you into the bathroom?!?!
  • #60
sfdavis918 said:
It was negative.

Still no sign of my period though either.

So now the question is, do I do it again first thing in the morning or wait longer?

And yes, I am a bit disappointed. I have been day dreaming about a little girl all dolled up in a summer dress and ribbons in her hair!

Like someone else said...wait until an early morning pee...and wait a day or so if you can.
  • #61
I would wait a few days.
  • #62
Mine are 12 months and 12 days apart, talk about a shock :)
Good luck and let us know what happens.
I was the one who got "fixed" and I would not recommend that to any woman, if your Dr. tells you it is an easy,procedure, he's lying!!
  • #63
merego said:
Mine are 12 months and 12 days apart, talk about a shock :)
Good luck and let us know what happens.
I was the one who got "fixed" and I would not recommend that to any woman, if your Dr. tells you it is an easy,procedure, he's lying!!

In our family it was an easy decision...I had the kids so your turn!!!!
  • #64
Aw Sarah~I know what it's like to not be ready for more kids, but then to start day dreaming and actually becoming OK with the notion, just to then take a test & it come up negative.
I hope you are ok with it~if Aunt Flo doesn't show, I'd take another test...but I probably took 15 tests before I found out I was prego w/ Ellie, so I might not be the right person to take advice from!!
  • #65
sarahlegare said:
Aw Sarah~I know what it's like to not be ready for more kids, but then to start day dreaming and actually becoming OK with the notion, just to then take a test & it come up negative.
I hope you are ok with it~if Aunt Flo doesn't show, I'd take another test...but I probably took 15 tests before I found out I was prego w/ Ellie, so I might not be the right person to take advice from!!

You were determined to find a test that wasn't negative, weren't you????
  • #66
You know they have hpts at the Dollar Tree? Yeah, I actually took one. Of course, it was a waste of a dollar - I had to take another one because how could I trust a hpt from the dollar tree????Although I think they could have been a $ because they weren't pee sticks - you had to collect a sample and use a dropper. I don't keep the nifty pee cups my OBGYN stocks on hand!
  • #67
That's what I thought, but we had friends who had bad "V" experiences and it freaked him out, so I just said I'll do it, no big deal and it ended up being a nightmare.
I have 3 kids and even though one may not have been planned, I can not imagine my life without him.
Everything happens for a reason, right??!! :)
  • #68
katie0128 said:
You were determined to find a test that wasn't negative, weren't you????

Well, she always got 1/2 of the positive so she wanted the rest.
  • #69
Maybe it was a test like Kate's from the Dollar Tree!!!
  • #70
janetupnorth said:
Yeah DH got one about 3 years ago and NEVER got tested so we joke about the fact that I'm going to be surprised when I turn 40 and am pregnant! :eek:

Of course, we'd take another kid if that happened...

But, I've NEVER had an issue getting pregnant...can tell you the exact day of EVERYTHING so I'm sure with all the "celebrations" we've had I'd be pregnant by now! ;)

That is the same with me...although I have had some times I thought I might really be. So far, all is working (or I guess not working).
  • #71
When I was pregnant with ds it took almost a month for me to show up preggy. But, like i said before, since I had him, my periods have been messed up. I'm back on the pill now b/c one month i was 16 days late and not pregnant. If it were me, I'm so anxious and nosey, i would test again in the morning, then again in the afternoon, evening, until i started or got a positive. With ds we spent well over 100 bucks on test. LOL
  • #72
ok, have you tried the other test yet?!?!?! I've on pins and needles. So either tell us when you start or when you get the positive.

guess I'm a nosy cheffer too!:p :eek:
  • #73
I think it's only 5am there :eek: . How funny. I have already thought about it this morning too.
  • #74
Did you take another one this morning??
Fresh am pee is always the best to use for a test :)
  • #75
I have a question...I should probably ask the OB but hey what does HE know?!?!
I'm having a c-section in less than 2 wks. so I will be getting "fixed", is there an amount of time (other than the time it takes to heal) that we will need to wait or is that an instant kind of thing?
  • #76
Sarah is in CA - so while it is 9:30am here, it's only 6:30 there, and it's Saturday morning.....we are on pins and needles, but she may not be awake yet!:balloon:

But Sarah, as soon as you do pee on the stick - you had better check in here!:p
  • #77
I wish I would have talked to the female Dr. in my practice because after everything went wrong with my procedure and I told her what the male doc said she said she would have never told me that.
As far as recovery time after a tubal as soon as you feel up to it you can resume "getting busy". Since you are having a c-section I think you have that recovery time as well don't you? I have never had a c-section.
When my procedure was done a nerve was hit and I did not have any feeling in my "hoo-ha" for 4 months and I still don't have total feeling and they can not figure out why. I was told it was a 24 hour recovery and that was not the case either, I had to end up going back to the ER 2 days later for complications from the procedure. Now, I could have just been that fluke 2% that had problems so I don't want to scare anyone off, but I would say your DH should get the "V" since we are the ones who are pregnant for 10 months, go through labor and pushing a watermelon out of something the size of a pea~ ha ha :) Did I answer your question Lisa??
  • #78
Yes you answered my questions. I was actually referred to this Dr. because I delivered both of my DD's with midwives. I won't tell my horror stories here (there are way to many pregnant women!) but they said they don't feel it is safe for me or the baby to deliver naturally again! I asked and they said since I was already going to be open the risk factor is even less for me to have it done. DH is more than willing to get the V but it seems silly for us both to have surgery. I'm not sure of the recovery time for being able to "celebrate", as it was so nicely put, but I want to make sure that it is enough time for "the girls to close up shop". DH and I have decided that this is not something we want to do again.
  • #79
The "Big V" wasn't a thrilling idea for my DH. I did the research on it, cheaper for him, higher reversal rate, less invasive, etc. but I was willing to be the one done. :angel: I wanted to make sure I was not having anymore children!! My back about broke in half after our little guy! Anyway, the hospital I delivered at doesn't allow for that kind of procedure, so I would have had to go back in about 6 weeks to another hospital. Well, that was enough for me. Dh was going! So wouldn't you know DH anded up with an infection. :eek: I couldn't believe, I went through delivering 4 children and he was going to whine about the infection!! BTW our children were 9.9, 9.10, 8.10 and 9.13 not any small potatoes. I do have to say that he got an awesome souvenier shirt to remember the experience by.. I took a picture of it to show my friends, if I can find it I'll add it to the post. Think like a no smoking sign, but now in "Big V" terms.....:D
  • #80
PChef_ang said:
I wanted to make sure I was not having anymore children!!

  • #81
Lisa, I believe they do it differently if you are already open for a c-section. there are 3 or 4 different ways to do the procedure I was told.
If for some reason I would have had to have a c-section, they would have done it, but I delivered vaginal so no such luck, I went back 8 weeks later to close the factory forever :)
  • #82
When my husband had his V, I was in the room watching. I watched the whole thing. It was hard because we had gone thru Years of infertility and at one point had given up. Then my miracle happened! I gave birth to my daughter a month after I turned 40. The Drs had decided they had been treating me wrong the entire time, and so we knew what to do to get #2. I was 42 when she was born. At that point we are doing the math and knowing how old we will be when they hit college etc, decide we better shut this down. He didn't go back to have it checked, a part of me didn't care. Fast forward 2 years, at his yearly check-up the Dr wanted a sample. Ta-Da, he had swimmers!! It had grown back! Good news, the Dr did the surgery again at no charge! After watching the first surgery, I couldn't imagine how it could have grown back together. It's like cutting a rubber band, how could those ends could find each other! The Dr took extra measure the second time. When he went back for his check-up, the nurse was looking over his chart, looked up and smiled and said "oh, you're the one"
  • #83
buckeyefan08 said:
I have a question...I should probably ask the OB but hey what does HE know?!?!
I'm having a c-section in less than 2 wks. so I will be getting "fixed", is there an amount of time (other than the time it takes to heal) that we will need to wait or is that an instant kind of thing?
It's an INSTANT thing because you are cut and soldered - for lack of better terms. This is what I had done over 2 years ago when I had my son. I had a c-section (he was breech) and then I was "fixed" at the same time. I swear my OB asked me like 50 times if I was sure because there is NOOOOO going back and fixing this one. NOOOO going back and un-doing, or thinking it will grow back together, or the rings will fall off. It's permanent - which is what we wanted. Personally, I'm so happy we did it!! It's a nice relief to know I never have to go through another month wondering.......
But on the other hand, any news this am???? (I just found this thread today and of course, I too had to skip to the end!@)
  • #84
Sorry your first was negative, especially since you were disappointed. Maybe the second will show something else...
  • Thread starter
  • #85
OK, well I decided to wait to take another test. (Sorry!) But there is also absolutely no sign of AF either. I keep thinking that when I say things like that the next time AF will be here. Ugh!

Thanks everyone for going through this with me. It really helps to have people to talk to. I did tell DH last night finally that I took the test and he is worried now. Poor guy, I gave him such a hard time with kidding him. He finally said I'm glad you find this so funny! I told him that I had to laugh about it because if I actually am pg then there's really not a whole lot we can do, baby will be on the way!

OK, so now to get through the day without going crazy again. I promise to update if AF shows up.

PS - It's funny that you guys were talking about me at what would have been 6:30 my time. That is exactly when I was debating with myself to take the test or not!
  • #86
I hope your Aunt shows up soon...well, if you want her to!
  • Thread starter
  • #87
Well, she just showed up. Oh well. I am a little disappointed, but I'm also relieved.

Now the drama is over, we can all get back to our regular lives!:D Oh, and yes, I marked it on my calendar and already told DH he's not getting it again until he does his duty!
  • #88
sfdavis918 said:
Oh, and yes, I marked it on my calendar and already told DH he's not getting it again until he does his duty!

Stick with your guns on this . . .

Go enjoy your two wonderful children!
  • #89
at least you know.
Sorry you a disappointed :(
Everything happens for a reason, I truly beleive that!!
  • #90
Make sure you stick to your plan and don't give in. You don't want to go through all this again.
  • #91
sfdavis918 said:
Well, she just showed up. Oh well. I am a little disappointed, but I'm also relieved.

Now the drama is over, we can all get back to our regular lives!:D Oh, and yes, I marked it on my calendar and already told DH he's not getting it again until he does his duty!

If that doesn't make him want to knock the MD's door down right now, I'm not sure what would!

And now on to the next cheffer drama...
  • #92
There has to be another cheffer out there waiting for 2 lines (or not).
  • Thread starter
  • #93
Well, aren't you a little relieved the stress of "not knowing" is over.

Hopefully you are ok with the outcome! I think not knowing is the worst part because thoughts consume your mind and take over!

  • #94
Ok, let me highjack this thread and tell you my big stress factor right now. We put our house on the market a week and a half ago. within 36 hours we had an offer contigent on them selling their house. Well this week we got another offer and they already have a contract on their house, so it is sold. We finalized their offer today and they want to close on our house by the 31st of this month. So I have three weeks to get out and search for a new home and be out of this house. To top it off my daughter is having surgery this Thursday.
She will have her tonsils and adnoids removed and a sinus flush done.
We are also getting prepared to go on the cruise with The Pampered Chef in April.
I wanted it to sell fast but it has been really fast.
We went looking for another house today with no luck. We may have to rent a apt or something until we find what we are looking for. I really don't want to move twice either.
  • #95
I would also like to highjack this thread to ask if after your DH's big V did they have any problems? My husband has had a few problems since procedure. 1St, I will explain that the nurse never took the turniquet off of his arm so his sedative was done inproperly. When they figured it out they gave him more an overdosed him. He awoke during the procedure and was trying to kick at the doctor. It was only supose to take about 20-30 minutes and he was in the office over an hour and half. I was very worried. He was not able to wear pants for 6 months.
  • #96
OKay I'm highjacking this as well since others have...ha ha. How big have your kids been? DS was 9.2lbs at birth while DD was 11.6lbs! One vaginal and one C-section. Thank God for the 6 week recovery time with my C or else DH would have wanted to 'get busy' sooner- gotta love Doctor's orders! ha ha
  • #97
Mine were 10 lbs 1 oz... then 8 lbs 1 oz... the third (and FINAL) to be determined Wednesday morning.

=) Jen
  • #98
Sarah ... I am sorry you are disappointed.

I agree, everything happens for a reason.

Aside from stress ... have you ever looked into PCOS? I am no doctor, but that's what I have, and my one and only clear symptom was Aunt Flo not showing up. Didn't worry me much until my gyno gave me a scare about uterine cancer because of stuff building up over the months.
  • #99
pjpamchef said:
When my husband had his V, I was in the room watching. I watched the whole thing. It was hard because we had gone thru Years of infertility and at one point had given up. Then my miracle happened! I gave birth to my daughter a month after I turned 40. The Drs had decided they had been treating me wrong the entire time, and so we knew what to do to get #2. I was 42 when she was born. At that point we are doing the math and knowing how old we will be when they hit college etc, decide we better shut this down. He didn't go back to have it checked, a part of me didn't care. Fast forward 2 years, at his yearly check-up the Dr wanted a sample. Ta-Da, he had swimmers!! It had grown back! Good news, the Dr did the surgery again at no charge! After watching the first surgery, I couldn't imagine how it could have grown back together. It's like cutting a rubber band, how could those ends could find each other! The Dr took extra measure the second time. When he went back for his check-up, the nurse was looking over his chart, looked up and smiled and said "oh, you're the one"

I watched DH get his V too! I wanted to make sure it was done! LOL... They clamped, cut out a section and soldered... I couldn't imagine anything getting through after that! LOL... I was funny too... no way I was getting prego so after being responsible for birth control my entire adult life, I had to learn in this 'new' process and took some time, even after we got the 'all clear' from the doc. The brain filled with fear is an amazing bit of birth control at times. LOL
  • #100
sfdavis918 said:
Well, she just showed up. Oh well. I am a little disappointed, but I'm also relieved.

Now the drama is over, we can all get back to our regular lives!:D Oh, and yes, I marked it on my calendar and already told DH he's not getting it again until he does his duty!

Congrats and I'm sorry... LOL. I know it's mixed feelings... a couple months back I had a weird month and "wondered"... Aunt Flo came just more oddly (I've been getting odd lately anyway)....

No for me, babies are lovely which makes being a great-aunt all the better!! I got to see my newest great-niece (only 5 weeks old) over the weekend... what a little peanut! And my niece (her mommy) already had the tattoo on her arm to celebrate her! Both are gorgeous! LOL..
<h2>1. "What is the background information of your situation?"</h2><p>The background information is that my husband had a vasectomy 6 months ago, but it was not completely successful. We were using additional protection until I stopped taking birth control 3 months ago. I was also diagnosed with menopause, but it turned out to be incorrect. On my husband's birthday, we had unprotected sex and now I am potentially worried about being pregnant.</p><h2>2. "What is your current concern?"</h2><p>My current concern is that I may be pregnant despite my husband's vasectomy and our use of additional protection. I am also worried about not knowing when my last period was and potentially being irresponsible about keeping track of it.</p><h2>3. "What is your plan of action?"</h2><p>I plan on taking a pregnancy test in the morning to confirm whether or not I am pregnant. I also plan on discussing the situation with my husband and addressing any potential concerns or worries he may have.</p><h2>4. "How do you feel about the possibility of being pregnant?"</h2><p>I am a little nervous and anxious about the possibility of being pregnant, but I am also open to the idea if it is part of God's plan for us. I know my husband may initially be upset, but ultimately he will come around and we will be happy with whatever the outcome may be.</p><h2>5. "Why did you choose to share this with us?"</h2><p>I needed to get this off my chest and share my concerns with someone outside of my family. I don't want to stir things up for no reason, but I also needed to express my thoughts and feelings about the situation. Thank you for listening and providing a non-judgmental platform for me to share my thoughts.</p>

Related to I'm Freaking Out a Little Over Here...(Long)

1. "What is the background information of your situation?"

The background information is that my husband had a vasectomy 6 months ago, but it was not completely successful. We were using additional protection until I stopped taking birth control 3 months ago. I was also diagnosed with menopause, but it turned out to be incorrect. On my husband's birthday, we had unprotected sex and now I am potentially worried about being pregnant.

2. "What is your current concern?"

My current concern is that I may be pregnant despite my husband's vasectomy and our use of additional protection. I am also worried about not knowing when my last period was and potentially being irresponsible about keeping track of it.

3. "What is your plan of action?"

I plan on taking a pregnancy test in the morning to confirm whether or not I am pregnant. I also plan on discussing the situation with my husband and addressing any potential concerns or worries he may have.

4. "How do you feel about the possibility of being pregnant?"

I am a little nervous and anxious about the possibility of being pregnant, but I am also open to the idea if it is part of God's plan for us. I know my husband may initially be upset, but ultimately he will come around and we will be happy with whatever the outcome may be.

5. "Why did you choose to share this with us?"

I needed to get this off my chest and share my concerns with someone outside of my family. I don't want to stir things up for no reason, but I also needed to express my thoughts and feelings about the situation. Thank you for listening and providing a non-judgmental platform for me to share my thoughts.

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