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I'm Freaking Out a Little Over Here...(Long)

Let me start by saying that I just need to get this out. It could be nothing, but it could be something.

So a good 6 months ago DH has a vasectemy. He went back 6 weeks later with a "sample" but it ended up that there were still some live guys in it, so he was supposed to go back and try again 6 weeks later. He never did. We were using additional protection up until about 3 months ago when I got put on birth control for some pain that I was having right before my period. Then last month I stopped it because I was starting some antibiotics and also wanted to see if it was causing some headaches that I had been having. Oh, and on top of all of that I was diagnosed with being in menopause.

I went for a second opinion about the menopause on the 25th and found out that the diagnosis was completely wrong. I am fine. The 25th was also DH's birthday. So that night we "celebrated", but didn't use any additional protection. (I know, I know...)

So this past Wednesday, the 5th, I had a very, very little bit of spotting and thought my period was starting. It never came. Last night I mentioned something to DH thinking that just by putting out there that I might be pregnant might make my period come. Still nothinng.

Of course we were done having kids, since DH had the "V". At one point I did want to try for a girl (we have 2 DS's now), but ultimately I was ok with no more. I'm starting to wonder if subconciously (sp?) I didn't tell DH about not being on the pill last month on purpose. Yikes!

The other problem is that I have no idea when the last time I had my period. I totally don't keep track of it. It has always been pretty regular and when I start to think that it should be coming soon it comes. Now of course I'm racking my brain trying to remember when I had it and I can't remember! I'm so embarassed at how irresponsible I have been! I am usually not like this!

If you have made it this far, thanks for listening. I just really needed to get it off my chest, because I don't dare say anything to my family. You know, I don't want to stir things up for no reason. I will probably go get a pregnancy test this evening and take it in the morning, that way I can be sure. DH will just be tickled when I tell him that! I think he is worried, but will be really upset if I am worried enough to go buy a test!

Oh, and just for the record, if this were to happen, I would be a little upset, but I also realize that it was God's plan and would ultimately happy. DH I know would come around also. But he would definitely be upset at first. And he won't be mad at me, just more at the situation, ya know?
Sarah...I would get a test just to put your mind at ease.

It could be nothing....could be something.

Don't beat yourself up about any of it. You are not irresponsible for not knowing when your period was! I have been TRACKING mine for months now (since July) and I still couldn't tell you when mine was without looking at my chart!
Hmm, well I am not going to be much help...sounds pretty much like you are pregnant to me. The same thing just recently happened to me, and I go Tuesday to find out my due date, since I really do not remember when my last period was, and DH and I could not remember when we last "celebrated". We weren't done having kids, but we do have an 8 month old, so we weren't exactly trying. I was kinda like you, pretty much figured I was PG, but still kinda in denial. Till I got the BFP! I swear the first time, the first line appeared then a faint second line. This time BOTH lines started appearing at the same time and it was dark! LOL.How old is your youngest??Good Luck!
Wow Sarah......now that it's out there, you know we are all going to be waiting for you to pee on that stick.:D

You have the right attitude. If it's positive, it's bound to be a bit of a shock for a while, but then you know that every child is a gift from God....

And if it's negative, then maybe that will be just the push DH needs to get back to the Dr.!

I'll be checking in tomorrow morning for sure!

And - FWIW - I'm pretty bad about keeping track too - usually DH is the one who asks me if it's about time...and then I have to say "um, yeah, I think it might be.":rolleyes:
Wow. I hope this turns out the way you want it to. I know I would be an absolute wreck.

My DH had to go back several times (over a few months) before all the sperm were not only dead but nonexistent.

Let Sarah's story be a lesson for anyone who has a vasectomy, the testing must continue until there are no sperm (dead or alive) in the sample! This will probably require (at the minimum) two tests.

(Hope I'm not freaking anyone out -- in my first career I was a Vasectomy Counselor.)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
KellyTheChef said:
Big Fat Positive! (I'm just saying what BFP means, not that I have one!) :D
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  • #8
I am hoping you get the results you want!!
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  • #9
Thanks you guys. I feel just a little better just even getting it out. Now I wish I would have stopped at the store this morning when I was out. I want to take the test now!

My youngest DS will be two in May. The older one will be 4 in May.

Here's some other info that I forgot above. I have been feeling a little nauseous, but I thought that was from the flu that I had at the end of last week, beginning of this week. With both of my other DS's I was terribly sick. I also have less of an appetite, but that may just be nerves.

I kind of feel like I am almost talking myself into feeling pregnant. I'm such a dork!

Becky - DH has already said that he is going to go back again next week! As a funny little fact, his little sister is a result of his father not going back and getting checked after his V. I wonder if having strong and determined guys runs in the family?!
  • #10
My husband only went for 1 test and it was negative - that was last June. Hopefully it was correct.
  • #11
Call your DH and have him pick up a test on the way home. I couldn't wait all night.
  • #12
sfdavis918 said:
I wonder if having strong and determined guys runs in the family?!

That is a very kind way to put it. . . .I don't think I'd be feeling so generous right now. :rolleyes:

Good Luck!
  • #13
If you find out you are, you can always present it to him the way I did for our little "miracle #5" He asked me what was wrong and I told him that all depends,
"The doctor told me that there is either something REALLY wrong with me, or I am pregnant."
He was very happy to know that it was a baby and nothing worse!! Funny thing is, we had been trying for 5 years for another baby and they had told me it wasn't going to happen due to all my problems and so we were getting ready for a hysterectomy--doctor told me to wait out one more cycle and then we would schedule the date--silly doctor. I called the doctor's office and the nurse asked what date I wanted to schedule my preop and I told her I needed to schedule a prenatal instead!! Hard to believe that was almost 12 years ago. Of course he is definitely spoiled by his older siblings and now he is the favorite uncle to our grandson! God does work in wondrous ways. Linda
  • #14
and you have lasted this long without getting a test? Go get that test and like Becky said, pee on the stick! We want to know!
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  • #15
LOL, I have been going to the bathroom so much today just to check I don't think I have anything left to pee!!
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  • #16
Go out and get the home test. You'll feel so much more relieved. You might be stressing yourself out so much that might be why your period isnt coming!
  • #17
And now - WHY are you posting on Chef Success an not RUNNING to the drug store to pick up a test so we can all find out!?!??!?! Go go go !!!!!
  • #18
when we were having our 4th, our big surprise, I really didn't come to complete terms with everything until about 6 weeks before he was born. Not that I was in denial, more just like I can't belive we're doing this again. We had gotten rid of all the baby stuff prior, etc. Actually a couple of people I know got rid of their baby things and then got pregnant!!

AS for remembering the monthly date, I had to set up a reminder on Outlook just so I would remember there was a reason for being unhinged! If my date strays I just readjust the series from there with a reminder 7-10 days before my start date.

Best Wishes either way, please let us know!!
  • #19
Good luck to you. I'm sure whatever the outcome you will be relieved just to know. I should have bought stock in hp test when ds was born and I was nursing. I thought I was pregant every month until I finally quit nursing and started my p. Then my periods were all messed up. I was 16 days late one time. Kinda wish now that I had been preggy. I don't know that we will ever intentionally try again. :) We've got our hands full with our little sweetie and I was so very sick with him the whole time.
  • #20
Well my DH had his "BIG V" a few months ago and he had to go back twice with "samples". The first time there were some dead one's, he was going to go back last Monday but he was sick. I reminded him last Firday and he went, I was not going to take any chances.

Good luck, I hope the results are what you want. Like you said if you are it will be a shock but maybe you will get the girl you want. Let us know what the results are.
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  • #21
It's naptime right now so I can't go!:cry: DH should be getting off of work by 4:30 so as soon as he gets home I will go to the corner store and get one.

Now that I have talked about it though I feel like Aunt Flo will be here any minute. LOL, I am probably stressing myself out so much that I am making it not come! I have been to the bathroom at least twice to check since I started this thread!
  • #22
chefjeanine said:
Wow. I hope this turns out the way you want it to. I know I would be an absolute wreck.

My DH had to go back several times (over a few months) before all the sperm were not only dead but nonexistent.

Let Sarah's story be a lesson for anyone who has a vasectomy, the testing must continue until there are no sperm (dead or alive) in the sample! This will probably require (at the minimum) two tests.

(Hope I'm not freaking anyone out -- in my first career I was a Vasectomy Counselor.)

Yeah DH got one about 3 years ago and NEVER got tested so we joke about the fact that I'm going to be surprised when I turn 40 and am pregnant! :eek:

Of course, we'd take another kid if that happened...

But, I've NEVER had an issue getting pregnant...can tell you the exact day of EVERYTHING so I'm sure with all the "celebrations" we've had I'd be pregnant by now! ;)
  • #23
PChef_ang said:
when we were having our 4th, our big surprise, I really didn't come to complete terms with everything until about 6 weeks before he was born. Not that I was in denial, more just like I can't belive we're doing this again. We had gotten rid of all the baby stuff prior, etc. Actually a couple of people I know got rid of their baby things and then got pregnant!!

AS for remembering the monthly date, I had to set up a reminder on Outlook
just so I would remember there was a reason for being unhinged! If my date strays I just readjust the series from there with a reminder 7-10 days before my start date.

Best Wishes either way, please let us know!!

ROFLOL! What does your reminder say? Uncle Red and Aunt Flo are coming to visit and bringing the kids to tear up the house?
  • #24
I hope you get the results you want!And just so ya know .. might be something, might be nothing. My periods have been wacky for a good long while, and I haven't seen any appearances of the angel Gabriel proclaiming a second virgin birth ... so I know I am not PG! For me, it's PCOS. Everybody's body works differently, which is why it's important to know what's up with your body, period.
  • #25
I want to know too!!! I'd be dying. I'd have to go get the test even if I had to drag the kids to the store. Isn't there any milk or something you need to pick up to???:D There has to be SOMETHING else you need at the store!!

Good luck to you, though....whatever the results.
  • #26
pamperedbecky said:
I want to know too!!! I'd be dying. I'd have to go get the test even if I had to drag the kids to the store. Isn't there any milk or something you need to pick up to???:D There has to be SOMETHING else you need at the store!!
Good luck to you, though....whatever the results.

when I bought my test for my last pregnancy I also picked up the playtex thinking that would make me start for sure. I'm sure the clerk thought I was a very confused woman.:eek:

oh, and I did start...

10 months later after, after the birth of our TWINS!! shock I tell ya. pure shock!
  • #27
Hang in there Sarah, & whatever the results are; it'll work out okay! I've heard several stories about people getting preggo after the big V. Now you better let us know in about an hour after you go to the store!

Amy....that's funny!
  • #28
lacychef said:
Hang in there Sarah, & whatever the results are; it'll work out okay! I've heard several stories about people getting preggo after the big V. Now you better let us know in about an hour after you go to the store!

Amy....that's funny!

yeah, I laughed so hard I cried. :rolleyes:

But it's all good now. Just a shock I tell ya.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
amy07 said:
when I bought my test for my last pregnancy I also picked up the playtex thinking that would make me start for sure. I'm sure the clerk thought I was a very confused woman.:eek:

oh, and I did start...

10 months later after, after the birth of our TWINS!! shock I tell ya. pure shock!
OMG - wouldn't that just send DH to the nut house, twins!!
  • #30
I was in your shoes not too long ago. We had given away our baby clothes and I was getting rid of my preggo clothes took the test and found out I was pregnant with #4.

My husband had a V in June and we were using condoms while we waited for him to pass the testing and we STILL got pregnant! I was in denial for a LONG time! I'm going to be honest here, I'm not a perfect person. Our daughter was about 6 months old before I really could look lovingly upon her. She's now 21 mos old and I have to say she truly completes our family!

God had to work on me though! I DID NOT want another baby!
  • #31
sfdavis918 said:
OMG - wouldn't that just send DH to the nut house, twins!!
The recent episodes of According to Jim are about this... they are having twins. A few days before he sold all of the old baby stuff then had to buy it back... ofcourse his wife decides after all of this that they need all new stuff and double to boot! Funny. In a comedy setting, not real life. :)
  • #32
Ok, now I am dying to find out Sarah. Also, I thought that was funny that you said your DH's lil SIS is the result of his Dad not getting tested....so maybe this will be your girl! AMy, I just noticed the twins part, it was in such small type. I thought you had actually started. HOLY, that is my biggest fear right now, that I am having twins! I have some reasons why I think it might be. DH thinks I am nuts. OK Sarah, where are you... dying to find out a BFP or BFN!!!
  • #33
sfdavis918 said:
I wonder if having strong and determined guys runs in the family?!

And it only takes ONE of those little buggers! I hope your test results is what you and DH wants...maybe someone has others plans for you guys...good luck!
  • #34
Janet-my reminder is not as funny as yours, do mind if I use it? Somehow "Friend should visit" just seems so blah now...
  • Thread starter
  • #35
OK, kids are still sleeping. I have a question though. If Wednesday's spotting was from implantation, would a hpt show positive yet?
  • #36
PChef_ang said:
Janet-my reminder is not as funny as yours, do mind if I use it? Somehow "Friend should visit" just seems so blah now...

Go ahead and use it...I don't "remind myself" was just curious how you did. :)

My SIL always used that phrase and when it was really bad or she was cramping, she'd always comment how the kids were tearing up the house!
  • #37
Well, it could, but early morning would give you the darkest read.
After the fertilized egg implants, it starts to produce the hormone, hCG. HCG is the hormone most home pregnancy tests detect in your urine. Implantation can take up to 7-14 days after fertilization. If a home pregnancy test is used too soon (before the fertilized egg has had the change to implant), the test will give a negative result, even if you happen to be indeed pregnant; a false negative result.
I forgot to add, I went through a similar situation a few days ago, but I had bought a 2-pk last March and only needed one to find out I was pregnant with DD#2. (There was no V involved, just...well, a lot of other things I won't get into) This time it was a negative. Amazingly, half of my "symptoms" disappeared/decreased - nausea, tiredness, all that.
Last edited:
  • #38
Wow! After finding and reading through this thread, I gotta tell ya, I feel like I'm watching a whole new "reality TV" here!! lol

It's like..."tune in next week and see....!!"

Here's wishing for happy results!!

  • #39
Wow, Amy, you have twins, too?!?!? There are so many of us on here I want to start a poll to find out how many of us there are! Mine are 2.5... how old are yours??Oh, and Sarah, I think if I were in your shoes I would have been outside the room where the kids were napping "accidentally dropping" things until I "accidentally woke them up" so I could go to the store... I will be watching with interest, too!
  • #40
I am so jealous!! My DH had a "V" almost 2 years ago, and I really really want another baby!!

Good luck getting the results you want!
  • #41
sfdavis918 said:
OK, kids are still sleeping. I have a question though. If Wednesday's spotting was from implantation, would a hpt show positive yet?

Ok, I didn't notice you were in CA. I thought "It's 5:00! Those kids are never going to sleep tonight." LOL. I should have looked first. It is like a reality show and I'm hooked. I want to know!! ;)
  • #42
Inquiring minds here too want to know!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
OK, I went to the store and got the tests. DH doesn't know.

I went to get Mexican for dinner as well. It's a new restaurant. There was hardly anyone in there. So I'm sitting there waiting for my food to go and I look up and there is one of my Mom's good friends with her husband. They see me and come over to say hello. All I can think is, if they only knew I had the hpt in the car! So then they ask about the kids and then ask if we are planning on having a third! What are the chances that that would happen??? So funny!

OK, I'm gonna go test. Will be right back. (I got a two pack just in case this one is negative, I will test in the morning then.)

I am so scared!!:yuck:
  • #44
Don't be scared Sarah--easy for me to say! I am sure whatever the results are you will be fine. Glad you got 2 to be sure. Keep us posted!
  • #45
Oh My Gosh Sarah.....HURRY!!!!!! I need to know!!

God will bless you with whatever the results....
We have 3 and little Ellie completes our family!!
  • #46
sarahlegare said:
Oh My Gosh Sarah.....HURRY!!!!!! I need to know!!

God will bless you with whatever the results....
We have 3 and little Ellie completes our family!!

I know! I subscribed to the thread, so when you posted I thought we were going to know something.

She is probably breathing a sigh of relief or has some explaining to do to DH right now. ;) We're not the top priority.
  • #47
Bah, DH is just one person - there's a whole fleet of us nationwide hitting refresh like mad!Just kidding. I mean, we are, but DH and God are definitely people to talk to before us :)
  • #48
KateD said:
Bah, DH is just one person - there's a whole fleet of us nationwide hitting refresh like mad!

Just kidding. I mean, we are, but DH and God are definitely people to talk to before us :)

You are too funny! :balloon:
But, I agree, there's alot of us, just waiting....:angel:

  • #49
Do you suppose she told her husband where she was going when she left?


  • #50
Ok, Sarah is online...where are you? Where is your answer...

I don't know if I'm supposed to be hoping for a baby or no baby!
<h2>1. "What is the background information of your situation?"</h2><p>The background information is that my husband had a vasectomy 6 months ago, but it was not completely successful. We were using additional protection until I stopped taking birth control 3 months ago. I was also diagnosed with menopause, but it turned out to be incorrect. On my husband's birthday, we had unprotected sex and now I am potentially worried about being pregnant.</p><h2>2. "What is your current concern?"</h2><p>My current concern is that I may be pregnant despite my husband's vasectomy and our use of additional protection. I am also worried about not knowing when my last period was and potentially being irresponsible about keeping track of it.</p><h2>3. "What is your plan of action?"</h2><p>I plan on taking a pregnancy test in the morning to confirm whether or not I am pregnant. I also plan on discussing the situation with my husband and addressing any potential concerns or worries he may have.</p><h2>4. "How do you feel about the possibility of being pregnant?"</h2><p>I am a little nervous and anxious about the possibility of being pregnant, but I am also open to the idea if it is part of God's plan for us. I know my husband may initially be upset, but ultimately he will come around and we will be happy with whatever the outcome may be.</p><h2>5. "Why did you choose to share this with us?"</h2><p>I needed to get this off my chest and share my concerns with someone outside of my family. I don't want to stir things up for no reason, but I also needed to express my thoughts and feelings about the situation. Thank you for listening and providing a non-judgmental platform for me to share my thoughts.</p>

Related to I'm Freaking Out a Little Over Here...(Long)

1. "What is the background information of your situation?"

The background information is that my husband had a vasectomy 6 months ago, but it was not completely successful. We were using additional protection until I stopped taking birth control 3 months ago. I was also diagnosed with menopause, but it turned out to be incorrect. On my husband's birthday, we had unprotected sex and now I am potentially worried about being pregnant.

2. "What is your current concern?"

My current concern is that I may be pregnant despite my husband's vasectomy and our use of additional protection. I am also worried about not knowing when my last period was and potentially being irresponsible about keeping track of it.

3. "What is your plan of action?"

I plan on taking a pregnancy test in the morning to confirm whether or not I am pregnant. I also plan on discussing the situation with my husband and addressing any potential concerns or worries he may have.

4. "How do you feel about the possibility of being pregnant?"

I am a little nervous and anxious about the possibility of being pregnant, but I am also open to the idea if it is part of God's plan for us. I know my husband may initially be upset, but ultimately he will come around and we will be happy with whatever the outcome may be.

5. "Why did you choose to share this with us?"

I needed to get this off my chest and share my concerns with someone outside of my family. I don't want to stir things up for no reason, but I also needed to express my thoughts and feelings about the situation. Thank you for listening and providing a non-judgmental platform for me to share my thoughts.

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