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Director Ideas to Promote Nc to Your Team?

In summary, National Conference is a MUST attend event if you are looking to grow your business! The skills you learn will be applicable in any industry and you will leave feeling empowered and excited to take on the challenges ahead. The cost is not too bad when you compare it to the dividends you'll receive in increased income and decreased stress in
Any ideas to share???
Here you go!!!Why should I go to National conference? And why is so important?

National Conference
Did you know that at least 1/4 of all conference-goers are in their first year of business! There are workshops that are just right for what you need to build your business! Please consider printing this article and sharing it with your supportive family members.

Why commit to National Conference? Did you know Conference attendees are:
" 3x more likely to be active in one year
" 20x more likely to be a current Director
" Recruit almost 10x as many new Consultants
" Generate 3x as many bookings per show
" Enjoy sales 6x higher than non-attendees
" Those who go to Conference and apply right away what they learned, wil earn back what they spent to go in 1-3 months! Think of all that "extra" money coming in all the rest of the year!

If every scenario was perfect would you go? You know - no worries about how to pay for it, who will take care of the kids, having a supportive spouse, no other time obligations.

The funny thing about life is that there is never a "perfect" time for anything. What we truly want we have to go after! Maybe you're thinking "I'll go next year because this summer we're _____________ (moving, putting braces on the kids, going to a family reunion, remodeling, doing a yard project, etc). I can tell you if any of these things are going on for you right now that next summer maybe your circumstances will be different but you'll have the same challenges! That's normal, that's just the way life goes….for everyone. For most all it takes is commitment to finding a plan!

We sometimes have this notion that no one else can relate to the challenges that we face, that somehow our challenges are greater and don't allow us to achieve our dreams. The truth is we all have challenges! These things may be different for everyone, but the impact is the same.

Most of us as consultants are women. Every day of the year we put our family's needs first making sure they have all that they need from clean clothes, grocery shopping/meals, errands, chauffeurs, breadwinners, etc. As women we, too, need to take time for ourselves. All we ask for is 4 days in ONE YEAR to focus on our own needs - our professional and social outlet. Selfish? No way! A balanced woman is a woman who can give to others! So, taking this time for you is actually one of the best ways you can further support your family emotionally as well as financially.

So, let's talk about National Conference. For months you've heard us talk about it at every meeting, read about it in several emails, seen it in the Kitchen Consultant News and now it's time to decide! I know many of you have already committed to go and some of you just can't see how it can work around the other things you've got going this summer, so if you're open to it read on for some strategies that might help make it easier.

Attending National Conference is the SINGLE most important step you can take to ensure the future success and growth of YOUR business! I cannot impress upon you how incredible this experience is for you personally and professionally.

But I know a BIG reason that many do not attend fall into 2 reasons: Money and Family Responsibility. So, here are some ideas for you.

When Is It?
July 7-9, 2011 in Chicago. We typically fly out the day before and come home the day after….so plan on being gone July 6-9. Not returning to my office until the 9th late day.

How will you pay for it?
The overall cost is around $700-800 (right now about $280, approx. to fly out of Omaha, NE, around $175 approx. for hotel, $200 Conference Regrstation Fee (VERY cheap Considering EVERYTHING you get ro come home with and the GREAT meals!)

Is that a lot of money? Yes. But if it meant that you gained the skills you needed to grow your business to the level you wanted would it be worth it to your family? Do you foresee a need for your family to have an increased income in the next year? Doesn't it make good sense to invest in YOU so that you'll be better able to provide that kind of income?

When do you need to come up with the money:
1. Plane tickets need to be purchased as soon as there's a decent fare. I like to make travel arrangements through www.southwest.com. Most consultants purchase tickets in now (in April or May).
2. Register for Conference. This does not open until in May on the 8th! Keep in mind the later you wait to register the more likely that the Home Office Tours will be sold out. These tours are a highlight for most consultants.
3. Hotel rooms will be reserved for our group by usually 1 or 2 poeple. Depending on how many go. That is why we like to know AS SOON AS YOU COMMITT to COMING. You do not need to pay for the room until you arrive at Conference.
4. Miscellaneous expenses are to cover your meals that are not included in the Conference registration. If you pack a lunch to take on the plane (most airlines do not provide food) you'll need to buy your dinner on the day you arrive, lunch/dinner on Day 1 of Conference, lunch, dinner Day 3 and on the day you fly home. All other meals are covered. (Advanced Directors have an event the night of the 6th) So, all other team members going will all be together and we will hook up after! There is a mall very close to our hotel with a food court as well as a grocery store nearby.

How can you come up with the money fast?
1. Set up Conference Club on consultant's corner for the maximum savings and you'll have more than enough saved to cover your airfare, hotel, registration and even spending money! Be smart, set it up TODAY. Go to consultant's corner click on "Consultant & Leadership Training"; conferences; national conference; Conference Club Savings. The conference club pulls out the amount you designate from your commission check once per month to save toward conference. It's easy!
2. If you have a birthday coming up ask for money to apply to conference.
3. Have a garage sale.
4. Designate your next few shows as your conference account.
5. If you have frequent flyer miles use it to buy your ticket.
6. Instead of grabbing fast food for the next month try really hard to plan ahead and save the difference - that can really add up!

How do you get your spouse to support you?
Have a full plan in place BEFORE you talk to him! The 2 things your husband will most likely say: "How are we supposed to pay for this" and "What will we do with the kids?"

Hopefully, you'll think about your money strategy using some ideas above. Maybe break it down into thirds: take 1/3 of what you'll need from your family's budget, earn 1/3 from a garage sale and earn 1/3 from shows in the next month. That's just $250 from each source! You can do this!

What will you do with the kids? Have that completely figured out. Most likely dad is home one of the days you'll be gone. So you need kids covered the other 3 days. Think of who you would help if needed. Maybe 2 different people. Someone to take the first 2 days; the other to take the 3rd day and 4th morning. When you call your girlfriend, mom, sister, whoever DON'T say: "I'm thinking about going to my Pampered Chef National Conference this July and wondered if you think you could help me by watching the kids?" INSTEAD: "I'm going to National Conference in July and wondered if you could watch my kids for 2 of the 4 days while my husband is at work?" Just the rephrasing shows you're serious and will be more likely to generate a firm commitment from them. Offer to trade back the same babysitting for a couple days during the summer so they can enjoy a break, too.

Now when your husband asked about the kids you can proudly say: "I've got it all taken care of! So and so is watching them…."

I'm confident that when you approach your spouse about attending National Conference and you've got all your ducks in a row FIRST you're much more likely to get his support!

What can you do to let your family know you haven't abandoned them when you're gone?
1. If cooking's not dad's thing have some meals all ready to go in the freezer before you leave. Or make sure they know Domino's Pizza's phone number - order enough and they've got leftovers the second night! Have easy things for everyone to eat. It doesn't have to be gourmet!
2. Make a little package for the kids to open each day when you're gone that's age appropriate. Wrap the package like a present and include inexpensive activities like some bubbles, new coloring books, a disposable camera, a movie & some popcorn, dairy queen gift certificates OR directions on where to find a special ice cream treat hidden in the freezer!
3. Leave your spouse a card expressing how much you appreciate his support on your venture. They love recognition, too!

Bottom Line: This is an amazing experience that will tremendously affect your business! The key is to make a commitment to going AND to make a commitment to work hard implementing what you learned.

If you need more help in making this experience a reality, call me! I remember the first time I left my family when Ashley was 2 and the fears that went with that. Because I had never been away from my immediate family, let alone my little girl and husband! Now, she's 11. And Brittany has joined our family to, who is 8 1/2. THat first year I went I was also pregnant! Pregnant with Brittany!
The girls and understand that mom is going to leave for a few days to learn how to be a better leader. Doug, my husband, enjoy special bonding time that would not happen in the same way if I were around. I'm grateful for my business in supporting their bond too.
So, going to National Conference will make great things happen at home too…..and when you get back you will be SOOOOO appreciated! :

Trust me, you will be SO glad you did!

Come See the BIG Picture we all take abou and you read in articles from Home Office!

Your Dreams can be your Realities,
If you can dream it, you can do it!
Your Director who cares about you and your DREAMS!,
Janice, I wish our teams could grasp what a BARGAIN this is for us since we are local. I tell them every year how much money other consultants have to spend in airfare and hotel just to come and all we have to do is drive up to the city everyday.I wish I could get through to them. *sigh*
Not only that Deb, it's SO cheap to go to the conference itself! Even more so if they earn something off!

I used to be involved in a professional org and their annual conference was $895 just for registration... then the workshops were $149 each and a ticket to the *dinner* was $249. That didn't include airfare, hotel or transportation to the conference center! :eek:

Related to Ideas to Promote Nc to Your Team?

1. How can I effectively promote Nc to my team?

To promote Nc to your team, you can start by creating a sense of excitement and urgency around the product. Share success stories and testimonials from current Nc users, and offer special promotions or incentives for those who try it. You can also host informational sessions or cooking demonstrations to showcase the benefits and versatility of Nc.

2. How can I get my team to try Nc?

One way to get your team to try Nc is by offering a free sample or trial period. This allows them to see for themselves the quality and benefits of the product. You can also offer a special discount or promotion for first-time Nc users to encourage them to give it a try.

3. How do I educate my team on the features and benefits of Nc?

There are several ways to educate your team on the features and benefits of Nc. You can provide them with product information sheets or host a training session to go over the key features and benefits. You can also share videos or articles that highlight the versatility and convenience of Nc in the kitchen.

4. What are some creative ways to incorporate Nc into our team events?

Nc can be incorporated into team events in a variety of ways. You can host a cooking competition using Nc as the main ingredient or have a potluck where everyone brings a dish made with Nc. You can also offer Nc as a prize for team challenges or use it as a tool for team building activities.

5. How can I track the success of Nc within my team?

To track the success of Nc within your team, you can set specific goals and metrics to measure the impact of Nc on your team's sales and customer satisfaction. You can also gather feedback from your team through surveys or one-on-one discussions to see how they are enjoying and using Nc. Additionally, you can track the number of team members who are using and promoting Nc to gauge its overall success within the team.

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