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Is Today the Day for Your Baby's Arrival?

In summary, Lindsay's water broke on 3/7/10 and she underwent a C-Section. She and her husband are doing well and are looking forward to welcoming their new daughter.
TO HAVE A BABY! :love:

My water just broke so I guess March 7th it is!

Wish me luck! :p
Whoo hoo! Congratulations :)
YEAH for Babies! Have a happy birth-day.
Congratulations! Hope everything goes smoothly.
Her's hoping for a smooth delivery! I see Caitylyn is not due until March 9th...let's hope she arrives on the 7th!!
Congratulations! Saying a quick prayer for you and baby Catelyn.
Oh, a baby! Good luck & congratulations. Make sure you post a picture soon.
Congrats!!! Praying for a smooth, healthy delivery!!!
  • #10
CONGRATS!!! 3/7/10 is awesome and easy to remember! 3+7=10. hee hee I have this thing with numbers...I'm so bizarre! lol I can't wiat to hear more!!!
  • #11
Congratulations! What a beautiful day for a baby! Yes we all look forward to updates-blessings!
  • #12
Yay! Congrats on your newest addition...I'm sure I speak for a LOT of people when I say we look forward to getting an update on her arrival!
  • #14
Congratulations! My goddaughter was born on this day 3 years ago.
  • #15
jbdowd0798 said:
CONGRATS!!! 3/7/10 is awesome and easy to remember! 3+7=10. hee hee I have this thing with numbers...I'm so bizarre! lol I can't wiat to hear more!!!

don't mean to hijack this thread but I love doing things with numbers also

My mom was born in 33 and had me when she was 30
My dad was born in 30 and has was 33

Guess when I was born



  • #16
How exciting - congratulations!
  • #17
today is my son's 20th birthday
March 7 is a great day hope all is well & congrats!!!
  • #18
Congratulations and welcome baby Catelyn! Hope everything went smoothly and mom and baby are doing well :)
  • #19
WoooHooo! March 7th is an AWESOME day!!! It's MY birthday!!!!!
Teresa! Here's my numbers!
3/7/73 and I'm 37 today! :D
  • #20
Congratulations!!! I hope you are having a very easy labor!!!
  • #21
Praying for you and baby! If yours was anything like mine was, my water broke at 7:30 a.m., contractions started at 9:15 a.m. and my son was born at 9:06 p.m. So we should be welcoming your little girl this evening!!

  • #22
Best of luck!
Don't the red sox have a game in spring training today too?
  • #23
Congrats! Hope everything is ok and everything went smoothly. Let us know details when you can.I have a thing with numbers too. I was born on the 27th of October and my name had 27 letters in it too! Sharon Michele Streetenberger (yes my maiden name is actually longer than my married name)
  • #24
Congrats! Hope everything is ok and everything went smoothly. Let us know details when you can.

I have a thing with numbers too. I was born on the 27th of October and my name had 27 letters in it too! Sharon Michele Streetenberger (yes my maiden name is actually longer than my married name)
  • #25
rkcreations said:
WoooHooo! March 7th is an AWESOME day!!! It's MY birthday!!!!!
Teresa! Here's my numbers!
3/7/73 and I'm 37 today! :D
Happy Birthday (to you and Catelyn!)
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Thanks everyone!
It's been a crazy 24 hours for sure!

Catelyn Robin was born after an unexpected C-Section at 10:55am on Sun, 3/7/10. She weighs 8lbs 14oz and is 20" long. So far we're both doing well, I'm just sore from the surgery.

This is the only picture we have right now. I'll post a few more when I can.

  • #27
Welcome to the world, Catelyn. You're beautiful!

Lindsay, sorry to hear that you had to have a C-section. Praying for fast healing.
  • #29
She is beautiful!!!!!!!! I can almost smell that lovely baby smell!!!!! Congrats!!!! Welcome and God Bless you, Catelyn Robin!!!!
  • #30
She is absolutely adorable.
  • #31
Congratulations, Lindsay & family! She is just adorable!
  • #32
Welcome, Catelyn! You are a beautiful little girl.Congratulations, Megan, for becoming an older sister. Enjoy - it can be fun!Congrats to the rest of the family, too. Hope you heal quickly, Lindsay.
  • #33
Congrats! Praying for a fast healing!
  • #34
So sweet and beautiful! Congrats on your new addition....welcome Catelyn. Praying that you heal quickly.
  • #35
Awwwwwwwww!!!! She is adorable!!!
  • #36
Congratulations! I can't see the picture, but I know she must be adorable.
  • #37
Congratulations Lindsay! She is just beautiful:) Good luck with your healing - having had 3 c-sections myself - all I can say is don't do too much (hard to do with kids - I know!). You will tire extremely easily. Ask for lots of help - if the hospital offers a band to go around your stomach - take it! I got this with my 3rd child and it was a lifesaver for holding your stomach in and healing from the incision. Enjoy your new daughter:)
  • #38
Congratulations Lindsay.......she is so beautiful!!!
  • #39
Congrats! She is adorable!! Glad to hear you are both doing well.
  • #40
Not sure if the Red Sox are playing but you and your hubby sure hit one out of the park!! She is just gorgeous!!! Glad you are on the mend. And along with those wonderful baby smells, are the little expressions, cute little noises and the cuddling!!!
  • #42
Ahh, how sweet is she! Loves those baby cheeks. SO, cute! Enjoy! Hope you heal fast. Had 2 c-sections myself and definitely don't do anything more than holding that baby! Let everyone else do the cleaning for you! That is major surgery!

Related to Is Today the Day for Your Baby's Arrival?

1. When should I start preparing for my baby's arrival?

It's always a good idea to start preparing for your baby's arrival as soon as possible. This can include creating a budget, setting up a nursery, and purchasing necessary items like diapers and clothes.

2. How can I make my labor and delivery experience more comfortable?

There are many ways to make labor and delivery more comfortable, such as using relaxation techniques, having a support person with you, and discussing pain management options with your healthcare provider.

3. What items should I include in my hospital bag?

Some items you may want to include in your hospital bag are comfortable clothes, toiletries, snacks, and any necessary paperwork or insurance information. It's also a good idea to pack a going-home outfit for your baby.

4. How will I know when it's time to go to the hospital?

It's important to discuss this with your healthcare provider, as they will have specific guidelines for when to go to the hospital. Generally, if your contractions are regular and getting closer together, your water breaks, or you experience any bleeding, it's time to head to the hospital.

5. What can I expect during the postpartum period?

The postpartum period can be a challenging time as your body adjusts to the physical and hormonal changes after giving birth. You may experience fatigue, mood changes, and discomfort. It's important to take care of yourself during this time and seek support from loved ones and healthcare professionals as needed.

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