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I Need Serious Reume Help Because I'm Torn!

you are capable of meeting the demands of the position, even if you don't know what those demands are just yet. Good luck and keep us updated.
Gold Member
:yuck:I finally faced the reality that we need more income...especially steady income since my hubby insists on the kids going to private schools. I bit the bullet and dug up my old resume. Yikes it's from 1990! Last month I bought the special paper and have since lost my resume. But, I did find my diploma...Hah! I graduated Magna Cum Laude w/ my little degree of associate of science in business. Sadly, not knowing that shows how immature I was back then. (won't put that in resume)

I've been with PC for almost 11 years, a director for around 8 years, earned TPC in personal sales 6 of the 7 least years, earned a trip every year and I'm on a committe w/PC. I know I have lots of skills that might be important to an employer, but I don't have a clue which one's will scream hire her...or might say "no". I know I need to get this finished, but I love what I do and I'm resisting change!

Now that I finally committed to working(PC doesn't always feel like work) I must be more confident because all of a sudden I am recruiting and having insane sales! I have recruited 2 amazing people this week. One is a past director that quit 10 years ago and she has 4 solid recruit leads! The other is a psychic I met 3 months ago(but didn't know she was really a psychic until late last night when my guests swore she is - for real). She called me about 2 hours before I did her friends show yesterday saying she wants to sign up. We are now doing her kick off party tomorrow! Even though she wouldn't be at last night's party I offered her all of those bookings. But when I went there the host said she has decided to become a consultant! I told her to sign up under Debi. She said she is and "Debi just called to say she was a consultant and that I was to sign up under her." and "She didn't know I was even interested." I laughed and said Debi tells me she's psychic...that's when it got interesting...

... because 3 months ago Debi told me she didn't see good energy with the company that I was excited about interviewing with...and I should put all of my energy into the Pampered Chef because it will really be taking off if I do.

Last night as I was leaving for my show I received a callback for an interview from this same awesome company!

Here is my real delimma:
If I work for this company I can only sell Pampered Chef until January. I understand them wanting a 100% of my attention. The pay is killer - plus commission. But, I have focused so hard on rebuilding my business these last months. Maybe I'm finally ready to promote to a new level and leave the eternal director status(and worry of dropping my status) behind! I have a team that I love! Can I really focus on them 100%? Can I finally help them reach their dreams and at the same time make the steady income that my family needs?

On paper this is a no-brainer. Make a great impression, get the job, make double the $ of my best year w/PC and have normal 8:00AM-5:00PM hours. I love this prospective company's ethics, costs and product. I believe in it. But what a lifestyle change! What if I can't do what is needed every month and they let me go?

Ahhhhhhh!!!! I know I should use common sense and not let someone else influence my decision. Maybe, I'm I hearing what I want and finding excuses not to make a change.

So, instead of trying to type up a resume...I'm sitting here knowing that either way change is around the corner. I really do need resume help. The links that I've found just have suggestions. I'm frozen and feel like a dork. Eeek!

Any suggestions? Any tips? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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  • #2
Bump... Please respond:)
I can't tell you which choice to make, but I can give you some advice on your resume. You want to tailor your resume to the particular job for which you are applying. If it's management, then focus on your PC Management skills. If you will be doing a job that requires very little supervision, you need to show that you can work independently with excellent results (ie the TPC achievements), etc.Your achievements can and WILL show the potential employer that you are self motivated and can achieve your goals with very little supervision.
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  • #4
Shiela -Thank you so much! That didn't even occur to me. It's sort of supervised but all about sales results.
Well, then you have a proven sales record! I do agree with Sheila. TPC is the elite of the elite! Out of thousands and thousands of consultants across the country, you are among the top sellers. Resumes---UGH!!! I just updated mine. I was on the job hunt before I opened the store and then focused on the cafe, so it looks like I haven't worked in two years. (That's a good one!) I would put everything down about PC because while this may be a lite mgmt position now, something could be opening up later and having that experience down now would be beneficial.

I would hate to see you give up PC, but you have to make the best choice for your family. I say, try to do both and see what happens. The answer will come to your heart.

If its in Word, I could always help you with your resume.
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  • #6
Awww Anne, that is sweet. It's in a word document that I opened and typed "resume" in the search space. Picked professional document and took their suggestions. I have no clue what to do next.

I couldn't believe it when they said if I get the job I could keep doing Pampered Chef until January. My big mistake was telling my husband the salary. The kicker is I might not get it, but now hubby is fixated on me making a certain monthly income on a steady basis...I'm terrified.
Elaine - If you send me what the job is, any details about it (say from an ad or job board posting) and then what you have so far as your resume I'd be happy to review it for you. My FT Job is that of Recruiter/Employee Relations in an HR Department for a large Health Care System. I have my Masters in Human Resources and good writing skills (ignore my posts - here is where I simply jibber jabber). You can email me at [email protected].

I do agree with others - tailor your resume to fit the job, do not oversell yourself but find creative ways to match your skills/experiences to what they are seeking with the job. And if you want a pet peeve of mine, do not list an objective that states the same thing the hiring mgr knows...."I want to obtain a challenging position in X field where I can utilize my previous experiences and achieve personal growth" *VOMIT* We know that already - otherwise you wouldnt be applying and we know you say that to everyone. How I got around that for mine, since I am not uber creative, I listed relevant experience/skills in bullet points at the top - good overview in easy to read terms.

Just my two cents. If you want two more cents, give me a shout. I may get you up to a nickel. :)
I'm not sure how much this will help you Elaine, but this is what the college I go to puts out in reference to creating a resume & interviewing. Right now we have to do a resume for one of the classes I am in. Hope this site helps you though. http://www.cup.edu/careers/index.jsp?pageId=1580830010421196477309293
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  • #9
OMG! I just saw Amy's tips...Thanks for the heads up!! I don't have anything that is appropriate to wear!! I went to Fashion Bug and bought a cute brown jacket...to go with some black slacks that I own, but it sounds like I might need a suit. This is for a sales job...I might be shopping tomorrow!

I think I'll pray to my magic closet. I've tons of clothes surely something will match up!

Ughh!! I'm not ready for this! I think it's another sign to keep doing what I love...and make it work.

But then again, I need to give this interview an honest effort. Grrrr...
  • #10
You don't have to be matchy-matcy as far as a suit goes. Try a classic look; something maybe a red top (for confidence). Good luck!

Whatever you are meant to do, you will do. We are precisely where we are supposed to be at all times. (Sometimes I don't get it, but that's the way it is).
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  • #11
Ugh! I got a call around 11:00 asking if it was possible to meet tomorrow instead of today because the manager got tied up in a meeting. Sure! I mean, am I really going to say no? Now, if I was busy I wouldn't say yes. I'll be finding out if that's a normal practice.

It probably is good since I didn't finish my resume anyway.

Anne, I've heard that about wearing red...today it was black and brown. Maybe I'll get out tomorrow and shop a bit before the interview. Thanks for the inspiration. We are strong!
  • #12
So I'm just now reading this - seven weeks later. Did you get/take the job? Did all your recruits pan out? Just curious...BEE
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  • #13
Thanks for asking. I was pretty much offered the job, but was told that I really would have to quit PC at the end of December. I have decided to stay with PC. My sister made me an offer that made the decision easier. She opened a law office last summer and needs help with billing and errands. It's supposed to be 2 days a week for 3 hours, but I'm there 3-4 days and 5 hours (each week). I finally had to say I can only work on set days and I can't talk business when I'm supposed to be doing PC work. She's paying me $22 an hour so I'm not complaining...

Debi did have 4 people join her team the night I did her show! She signed 2 and they each signed 1. She just qualified last night with a $900 triple trip points show! 2 of the 4 are doing shows. The one that I think will go the furthest just had her FIL pass away so I'm trying not to push... And, as I'm typing Deby just called to say she was signing up her friend that was going to sign in November! She is on fire!

I've been trying to juggle the new job, Pampered Chef and the kids. My son decided to give up homework Nov 23...after much stress and him cleaning he now sees the light. I decided that I need structure so I am planning my week in advance...

I can't imagine my life without my incredible team in it.
  • #14
Congratulations! It sounds like you made the right decision and all is working out for you. When you figure out how to balance it all without stress, let me know the secret - I just can't do it. Keep up the good work....BEE

Related to I Need Serious Reume Help Because I'm Torn!

What are the most common resume mistakes people make?

The most common resume mistakes people make are spelling and grammar errors, using a generic template, and not tailoring their resume to the specific job or industry they are applying for.

How can I make my resume stand out?

To make your resume stand out, focus on highlighting your unique skills and experiences, using keywords from the job posting, and formatting it in a visually appealing way.

Should I include all of my work experience on my resume?

No, it is not necessary to include all of your work experience on your resume. Focus on only including relevant experience that showcases your skills and qualifications for the job you are applying for.

Is it better to have a one-page or two-page resume?

This ultimately depends on your level of experience and the job you are applying for. If you have less than 10 years of experience, a one-page resume is typically sufficient. However, if you have a lot of relevant experience, a two-page resume may be necessary.

What should I include in my resume's skills section?

In your skills section, include a mix of hard skills (technical skills and abilities) and soft skills (personal qualities and traits). Make sure to also include skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

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