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I Have to Share My Hwc Success!!

In summary, The Pampered Chef is running a Help Whip Cancer campaign in May. They are asking businesses to help out by displaying materials, collecting order forms, and donating a portion of sales. Businesses are also able to donate additional money to the American Cancer Society.
I decided that I am not going to wait for a host to do HWC. I hit the pavement and had packets ready to go for local businesses explaining what they could do to help in this cause (have catalogs and OOF available for cutomers, etc.) Most I dropped off with a secretary to give to a manager, but one said absolutly yes!! She said she would love to help and let me put my catalogs out for everyone to see.

She also had a friend in her store who heard me talking about PC. She asked if I was a consultant and booked a show no Q's asked!! I told her that if she books off the fundraiser $3 goes to ACS. She told me she would book off the fundraiser but June would be a better month for her show!! I tried not to grin like an idiot (sell-a-thon! sell-a-thon! sell-a-thon!) and agreed to mail her a packet. I went to my mom's business to give her a packet (she has to approve it with her bosses) and she said that her friend at the local paper want to put in a small story (more than a press release, less than a real story) about the fundraiser!! I called my friend who is a nurse and creative memories cons. to tell her all my successes and she said that she want to put up posters in the lounge at the hospital!!

I am sorry that this is long but I just wanted to tell everyone that people want to help, they are just waiting for the right opportunity to walk up to them!! In one (lucky) day I blindly booked a show and got a million prospects!! I never thought it would be so much fun kicking cancer butt!

Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
Way to go Gillian!!! That is so awesome!! It just reinforces that old saying about Just Ask, Ask Everyone!! They will all be glad you did!!!

Good for you, keep us updated!!
ready to tryOk, after reading your post I am ready to try this. Can you tell me what you put in your packets? I am just getting started and wouldn't want to forget something important. I had been wanting to donate part of my commission to a local support group for breast cancer patients and now you have given me a great idea since I only have 2 parties booked for May and neither is a fundraiser.
Thanks for giving me the incentive to get out there and try this.
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  • #4
Wendy, I am so glad that you are ready! I just decided that it is a waste of time to find someone who want to help, when I want to help right now!! My packets were geared towards businesses. They included a campaign intro stolen from someone on this board and slighly changed, Sample order information sheet, sample May Outside order form, catalog, breast cancer info from ACS, by business card and a pin. I put them in the nancy's catalog bags and tied the top with a curled pink plastic ribbon. They were adorable if I do say so myself ;) I can't figure out how to attatch so I am going to cut and paste.

Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska

pic of all HWC products at top
Welcome to our 7th Annual Help Whip Cancer® campaign!!

Each year, The Pampered Chef® dedicates the month of May to raise funds for and awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Last May, over $1 million was raised in just one month’s time – proof that together we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. By supporting this campaign, we are able to positively impact the lives of women and their families across the United States.

Ways that your business can help:
Display and distribute the Help Whip Cancer flyers and catalogs. In addition to $1 being donated to the American Cancer Society for each HWC product sale, an additional 15% of product sales will be donated to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Collect completed order forms/payment and safely store them until pick-up.
Both of the above and any other ways your business can think of! Together, we can make this campaign a success!!

What I will provide:
An abundance of flyers, catalogs, order forms, and any other print materials you’d like to support this campaign.
A Limited Edition HWC campaign pin for each order.
Educational brochures titled You Can Fight Breast Cancer produced by the American Cancer Society.

I would love to work with your business to help make this our best Help Whip Cancer campaign yet. If you are interested please contact me as soon as possible so I can prepare and drop off your materials. Let’s work together to help the millions of women touched by this disease to whip cancer for good!!

Gillian Wright
Independent Consultant

Pics at top again

Welcome to our 7th Annual Help Whip Cancer Campaign!!

Each year, The Pampered Chef® dedicates the month of May to raise funds for and awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Last May, over $1 million was raised in just one month’s time – proof that together we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. By supporting this campaign, we are able to positively impact the lives of women and their families across the United States.

Ways that you can help:
Order products from the catalog and our limited edition “Help Whip Cancer“ products. A $1 is donated to the American Cancer Society for each HWC product sale. 15% of your product total will also be donated to the ACS. You can use the attached sheet, or call, mail, email, or access my website to order these items. You can order products May 1st through May 26th, 2006.
Double your impact and get a friend or relative’s order. Each order you get helps fight breast cancer even more!!
Collect 25 orders and I will personally thank you with our pink cups and squares, not available for purchase!

If you would like your order shipped directly to:
-your home via UPS, please pay the direct shipping prices on the back of the order form.
-me and arrange pick-up or delivery to your home or place of work, please pay the regular 15% shipping. This is a great way to see exactly how much you are donating to fight breast cancer!
Deliveries will be made the first week of June 2006
Great idea!! I hope you get a lot more bites!
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  • #6
Thanks everyone for your support! I am also waiting on a call back from our local school district about getting permission to "access" the teachers at local schools. I have contacts at most schools and e-mailed the principals at others. Most didn't write me back, but I am waiting to actually drop off materials until I get my permission. I am so excited for this campaign and it is so much more fun getting the leads/ orders yourself rather than checking in with your host every few days!!Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
HWC flyerI made up this flyer to give out to local businesses with order forms and a catalog or two. And I think I'm going to make up some of the oreo bites "HWC style" to give to them too! I have a list of people to call & talk to.. Hopefully I'll get some bookings off it; I'm trying to gather some hosts together to do one big megashow in the middle of May.


  • HWC FLYER.pdf
    161 KB · Views: 497
can you convert this?Hey Amanda,

I LOVE your flyer! And, I'd love to use it too. Can you convert it to word or publisher so I can tweak it to my needs?

Thanks so much,
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I would also like this in word!! This is an incredible flyer Amanda!! I already have all my flyers done, but I totally would have copied yours!! It look so professional. Next year, I'm using it!!Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
  • #10
pamperedlinda said:
Hey Amanda,

I LOVE your flyer! And, I'd love to use it too. Can you convert it to word or publisher so I can tweak it to my needs?

Thanks so much,

I totally agree! Please post in Word or Publisher format. TIA!
  • #11
Best one I've seen...and agree would love to use it if it were in Word.

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  • #12
Update on my successes!The word got around about my findraiser to the local paper and they are doing a story on the fundraiser! A real story, not just the press release. She called today to get some quotes from me! I am so nervous that I said something stupid that I will regret later! I will post the article when it comes out because no one else I know will care. Keep your heads up and ask, ask, ask!! I seem to have so much more confidence knowing I am helping breast cancer victims.

Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
  • #13
That is so cool! Way to go! I hope that gets you some great interest in your fundraiser. That's so neat....definitely share the article with us.
  • #14
gilliandanielle said:
I decided that I am not going to wait for a host to do HWC. I hit the pavement and had packets ready to go for local businesses explaining what they could do to help in this cause (have catalogs and OOF available for cutomers, etc.) Most I dropped off with a secretary to give to a manager, but one said absolutly yes!! She said she would love to help and let me put my catalogs out for everyone to see.

She also had a friend in her store who heard me talking about PC. She asked if I was a consultant and booked a show no Q's asked!! I told her that if she books off the fundraiser $3 goes to ACS. She told me she would book off the fundraiser but June would be a better month for her show!! I tried not to grin like an idiot (sell-a-thon! sell-a-thon! sell-a-thon!) and agreed to mail her a packet. I went to my mom's business to give her a packet (she has to approve it with her bosses) and she said that her friend at the local paper want to put in a small story (more than a press release, less than a real story) about the fundraiser!! I called my friend who is a nurse and creative memories cons. to tell her all my successes and she said that she want to put up posters in the lounge at the hospital!!

I am sorry that this is long but I just wanted to tell everyone that people want to help, they are just waiting for the right opportunity to walk up to them!! In one (lucky) day I blindly booked a show and got a million prospects!! I never thought it would be so much fun kicking cancer butt!

Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska

  • #15
Thanks ;) Okay here is the version of that HWC flyer in Publisher. I can't figure out how to change it over to Word, as I created it in Publisher. If you want to use it but need your name/info on it, I'd be happy to put it on there for you and email it to you... i've yet to call my businesses--that's on my "to do" list tomorrow while my son is napping. and then friday, i'll drop off the information to all of the interested parties.. because I know in faith there'll be a lot of them! :D
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  • #16
Thank You!!!You are the best! Thank you so much!:)
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  • #17
Thanks Amanda!Gillian
  • #18
Awesome flyer!! I sent you a PM too.

  • #19
Super Big Thanks!Thanks so much to Gillian for inspiring me to get off my 'pitty pot' and get out there and find some business! April pretty much sucked for me and I had only 2 catalog shows in the works for May. Well, after reading your post I too got off my lazy tail and emailed everyone I knew about the HWC fundraiser. I was so surprised at the response I received! I've now got 5 people taking HWC orders and 2 Ladies Workout Express locations! Thank you so much Gillian!

And to Amanda, Thanks so much for posting your flyer in a format that I can 'borrow'. I got another good flyer here as well....just don't remember who posted it.

Everyone here is great! After reading about the BRU opportunity, I call my local store and I ALSO have a table there next weekend....hopefully this is just a sign of things to come! I've been in my lull of using up all my friends & family and breaking out into new territory....this could be it!

Thanks ladies (and gentlemen....and you too Kitchen Guy for all the humor)! And keep on sharing these great ideas! I hope that one day I too can contribute at least a portion of what I've already received here.

Hope to meet some of you at Conference....it's Wave 2 for me.

Good Luck Everyone.
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  • #20
I am glad to help Linda! It inspires me to see others following in my footsteps. I take it day by day trying to slowly accomplish what I want to accomplish so I don't get overwhelmed. Every day look at your calendar and decide what you want to (and resonably can) accomplish. I live out of my consultant planner!! Even if you want to start small call one business a day and ask if you can drop off a couple catalogs. I am always discourages if they say no, but I just move on to someone else. When HO came up to Alaska in Feb the woman (I forgot her name!!! Jan from sales) said people want PC stuff, you just have to find the right people. My director also told me that for every 10 no's there is a yes, so get your no's out of the way!! I bet even more peopls say yes out of 10 for HWC!! Good luck and always remember what you are selling for!! Whip cancer's butt!Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
  • #21

Would you mind giving us an idea of what you said when you approached them. My husband tells me that I talk too fast because I get so excited and it turns people off. I know he is right so I am really trying to work on this and simplify what I want to say.
  • #22
Hi Dawn,

I too am accused of talking fast at times - not all of us southerners have a slow drawl! I found someone's script here and 'borrowed' it! Don't remember where it was posted. Basically when I called I asked to speak to the manager. Then said something along the lines of: Hi, my name is Linda Child and I am a consultant for The Pampered Chef. As you are probably aware, May is The American Cancer Society's big month for fundraising. The Pampered Chef also commits to fundraising by selling special pink items during the month of May with proceeds going to ACS breast cancer research and awareness programs. What I'd like to do is set aside a day to come to your store to take orders for these great items. Would it be possible for me to come see you and bring you some more information on our fundraisers.

She was more that willing. She said that her store was tiny and that she didn't think that she had the room for me to do this, but was more than willing for me to come by. I went by the next morning and she was so right....not an inch of spare room!. We decided that I could come during their busiest times and sit at a small (teeny tiny) table that was there. I gave her my HWC letter and pictures of the items. Once we settled on a date and time I brought back flyers for her to post and a door prize drawing box and some catalogs. Before I left she asked me if I'd also consider doing this at their other location......well, of course!

Now I just have to decide what to bring with me, since I have NO space! I think it will just be the HWC items and more catalogs. since this is a workout facility I'm bringing the It's Good For You cookbook and I'm thnking of printing out a recipe or two on cardstock (with my contact info on it) to hand out to everyone. Any more ideas?

Good luck to you.
  • #23
Dawn,Make sure to bring hosting packets and recruiting info! Also, I would have a some Wedding Registry flyers on hand. Maybe you could post one or have one in a plastic stand?Good Luck!Kate
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  • #24
I really like your script Linda! I am going to take some notes and have an actuall script in front of me next time I call businesses. I am also going to call anyone who orders on my fundraiser and personally thank them. I thought I would tell everyone exactly how much was being donated on their behalf and offer $3 more for booking, etc. I was also going to ask if I can contact them monthly with my newsletter, or if they would like to participate in HWC next year. I hope this gives you ladies some more ideas!

Gillian Wright
Wasilla, Alaska
  • #25
Hey everyone! The flyer that was posted by Amanda, I updated some. So now you can just change my contact info to your own.


  • HWC Flyer.doc
    561.5 KB · Views: 372
  • #26
help - wouldn't print in wordI changed my contact information, it looked good on print preview but when it printed in word it would only print my contact info. Any ideas why or if I did something wrong? I was really hoping to get this done by Friday at 11 when I go to the doctors and was going to drop it off there.
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  • #27
I guess it is late now Wendy! Sorry you didn't get any help!
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  • #28
I am really unmotivated all of a sudden. I was doing great, and flying high, then my article flopped. Now I feel like what's the point?? I was picturing this huge successful fundraiser and I only have $60 in orders after 8 days AND an article in the local paper. I really need some motivation, but I am so dissapointed in how my article turned out.
  • #29
Don't give up! Keep on getting the word out about the fundraiser! Think about all of the people that don't know about it yet. Are there events locally that you can attend? Maybe a senion citizen's luncheon, fair, flea market, etc. Or are there other places for your flyers - teachers lunch room, hospital, dr's offices. Maybe there's a women's group in your area that would want to help spread the word.

I'll share my huge dissappointment. Last week I put out flyers all over (very difficult with my two little ones I might add), placed an ad in the paper, etc. I found out today that my phone line and my neighbor's new phone line were crossed. So, my neighbor was receiving my phone calls (yes, the callers were asking for me) and she was telling the callers that they had the wrong number! :eek: All that hard work last week for nothing! I am wondering how many catalog requests, orders and bookings I may have lost over this. I also wonder how many people in the community think I'm a total flake because they probably think I put the wrong phone number on my flyers!!!! Arghhhhh! :mad:

Hang in there Gillian! Maybe the month won't turn out as amazing as it looked like it would but we still have a lot of month left. I'm hoping that the ugly surprises are now over for the month and it is only going to get better!
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  • #30
Thanks for the inspiration Audra! I totally understand how hard it is to get around town (in a good way) with two kids in tow. My son will be one next Tuesday and my daughter is coming up on two and a half. I think I am going to put our portable DVD player in the car and Baby Einstien the heck out of them while I run in and out of offices. I live in a very safe area in Alaska, but I still don't like to leave them.

That is horrible about your phone lines! Maybe you could put another ad in. It would suck to have to pay again, but it could be worth it. Good luck!
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  • #31
OK, the article with my info is supposed to re-run today, but I have a horrible feeling in my stomach that it will just have my onfo in the corrections box or something similarly crushing. I will let you know when I see the paper! Wish me luck!
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  • #32
Here's the update ladies...Ok, so my MIL got me a paper and brought it over to my house. I ripped it open and scanned it for info- nothing!! I checked again and read everything really carefully and still nothing! I don't understand why she said she was going to re-run it if she isn't going to. Maybe she will put it in the Friday paper, but why wait!?! I am just so frustrated right now I could scream!! Thanks for letting me vent!
  • #33
Gillian, I'm sorry this didn't work as you expected. Frequently newspapers won't run personal information in stories. This is mostly meant to protect you. Sometimes having your name, etc. "out there" can bring on the crazy folks. I don't know if you'd really want someone calling you at 3:00 a.m., just to bug you, rather than place an order or ask for more information. Trish
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  • #34
The sucky thing was that she meant to put my website in the article and just forgot. She said "oops, I thought it was in there, sorry" Like in the "that sucks" tone. I don't really want my phone number in the paper, but my website would have been a great option.

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