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I Am Seriously Feeling Sorry for Myself Right Now

I just got home from a show that went ok. Actually it went pretty good. Only thing is I didn't get any bookings!! I have only had two people book from a show in the past 6 shows. Which really stinks because I have only had six shows since December!!

Maybe this just isn't my gig. I would really like to make it work, but if I can't get a booking the way that is supposed to be the easiest, what am I supposed to do? My sales are great at the shows, averaging $785.

So now I am looking at a completely empty calendar and feeling no motivation to get on the phone. I feel like these people like the products, they just don't like me. I think I need a haircut. And lose 15 pounds. Oh, and maybe get a personality.:yuck:

Somebody please say something to help me get out of my funk. I have been known to let things like this really get me down, and I don't want to do that this time!
Oh Sarah!!! (((hugs))))!!! (and a drink if you take part!) :balloon:

I say hang in there! You are obviously doing something RIGHT to be having high dollar shows!! My show average is about $160!!

I say don't beat yourself up! It is coming upon summer time and a lot of people have a lot of things coming up on their calendars. Whenever you have your next show you should definitely offer catalog shows as an option.

I don't like the phone and even if I did I don't have that many contacts since I'm still pretty new to all this. I have decided I need to wear Pampered Chef EVERYWHERE! ( I haven't actually done this yet, but I'll definitely be posting updates once I start). I just feel like there are people out there and don't know that we are there. I was looking for a consultant for 2 months before I signed, finally gave up and contacted HO. So I know there are at least a few people who might approach if wearing it.

Do you have a friend you can go shopping with and help you pick out something that you feel fabulous in (whether its a nice fitting pair of jeans or whatever).
Just hang in there!
Sarah, sometimes I come home with no bookings too. It happens to all of us!Maybe there is someone from your cluster who would go to your next show and observe what you say and do to generate bookings? That might be helpful for you. She can make sure you're throwing in those oneliners, making hosting sound fun, etc.
I'll trade you my problems for yours! :) Kidding... I know how you feel and I wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom for you, but I don't.

Have you ever thought of purchasing Belinda Elsworth's CD collection? It has great ideas for bookings, etc. It really helped me and I averaged I believe 6 bookings per show...

Best of luck- I doubt it has anything to do with your hair or losing 15 pounds... I personally don't trust skinny cooks. :) Sorry to those of you who are cute and skinny- I'm cute and fluffy :)
Ahhhh Sarah... it is not you! I have been having a hard time getting bookings too! I had my first show in 45 days tonight. It is going to be close to 1000, but no bookings. I have this great group of women who all love the products and keep buying but no one wants to host. I live an hour away from them so I can not host for them myself. I have a feeling the economy is affecting things. People are holding onto their money and do not want to ask their friends to spend money.

Guess the phone is going to be my friend for the rest of May. I hear crickets everytime I open my calendar!
PCJenni said:
Ahhhh Sarah... it is not you! I have been having a hard time getting bookings too! I had my first show in 45 days tonight. It is going to be close to 1000, but no bookings. I have this great group of women who all love the products and keep buying but no one wants to host. I live an hour away from them so I can not host for them myself. I have a feeling the economy is affecting things. People are holding onto their money and do not want to ask their friends to spend money.

Guess the phone is going to be my friend for the rest of May. I hear crickets everytime I open my calendar!

You should call an exterminator! LOL...just kidding!
You're not alone...My show last week I came home with no bookings either and the guests sales were low because of it being a combined show.It's always hard to explain that to a host and this one is a friend. I always seem to have the hardest time getting bookings, even at shows. It seems like the last few shows that I did were held so far apart that I spent most of my time focusing on just remembering my show outline and forget to do a full service check out.

My director has been in slumps like us and she has used that to motivate her to get on the phone. Seeing how I can hate the phone, I have to remind myself....the phone is my friend...the phone is my friend.:balloon:

Btw, you are such a sweet and cute lady! It definately is not you! Remember from Regional...don't let the stinkin' thinkin' get in the way.:chef:

And, Jenni, I think my crickets migrated to your calendar...or maybe it's the other way around.:rolleyes:
PCJenni said:
I have a feeling the economy is affecting things. People are holding onto their money and do not want to ask their friends to spend money.

I don't know if this will help, but here's the way I think about it (and try to convey at my shows).

Our shows aren't about people coming to spend money. They're one of the few opportunities friends have to actually get together, sociailize, learn some tips/recipes they can actually use, have a good time and help each other out. Everyone is so busy these days; we tend to view much of what we do as "have to's." This shouldn't be one of those things.

During my host coaching and at the beginning of every show, I explain I don't want anyone to buy anything they don't need or aren't going to use (got this from ScottCooks...thank you). The irony of this is that when they let go of their anxiety over 'having to buy something to support the host', they feel so much more positive about the purchases they do make (and will often add an extra item or two).

You have a great sales average Sarah. Have you been able to use that to your advantage? For example, when you give your booking spiel, share that the national average for a show is over $450 (I think that's right). Share how good you feel about having an average over $750 because it allows you to really help a host stock her kitchen with quality products. (Add the disclaimer that you can't guarantee everyone has a high show, but it is your average.)

Anyway, I hope some of this helps.
Hi Sarah, it is not you, please don't think that way. You are sweet and fun! I agree that it might be a bad economy or busy summer months coming up that are getting in your way. I recommend Julie Weiss's Outward Image CDs. I know it seems like a big risk to spend more money on your business when the crickets are chirping on your calendar, but maybe the new ideas with inspire and rejuvenate you. Good luck! It will get better!P.S. Kacey - you are TOO funny! I am fluffy, too, and that is the way I am going to think of it from now on. :)
  • #10
Great advice here already.

I just want to add that I have been where you are. From the time I started my business until recently I rarely had a month that wasn't at least $2500 and 8-10 bookings for the next couple of months. Since December it's been like pulling teeth to get bookings. March started with 1 show on my books and nothing after. I did an open house which gave me some sales but no new bookings.

I did get on the phone ...some. March ended up with 2 cooking and one catalog show. April had 1 show and 2 fairs. Thankfully I did hit my rock minimum of $1250 each month but it was hair pulling!:grumpy:

I really got on the phone and got a few bookings but what I really did to try to turn the tide was the fairs (new blood). The first fair gave me one solid booking and lots of leads who haven't committed yet. That booking was supposed to be my second show in April but moved to yesterday (May). I have 2 bookings from that and a strong recruit lead.

The second fair was the best I have ever had. There were 2 other PC consultants there which never was allowed before. BUT... fortunately I NEEDED business so I offered deals. I offered a gift for anyone who booked that day and a discount for orders placed at the show. Sales were $100 which is $100 more than I usually get and I got 7 bookings ON the calendar - 4 in May!! 1 in June and 2 in July. That was huge for me.

Because I was proactive and scared my May is full and I have 3-4 shows in June and July so far. I feel like I'm finally getting back on track.

I told you all of this to show you that even seasoned consultants and directors go through these slumps. The way out is to shake it off and be determined. Offer them something - like ideas to save money, a fun night out, shopping without the mall... Be upbeat. If you are desperate they will know. Of course, the biggest thing is to step out of your comfort zone and CALL!

Hope this helped someone.
  • #11


We've all been there! I don't have a lot of extra advice, what others have said has been great. I have found that the biggest determiner of success in this business is not talent, or a polished presentation, or even luck. What determines success is persistence, and consistency. Those who persevere, and are consistent in working their business, will succeed.

Don't give up! It will happen ~ and the bookings will come. When you feel discouraged - come here for an encouragement fix, and we'll help keep you going!
  • #12
Posted by BethCooks4U:
The second fair was the best I have ever had....I offered a gift for anyone who booked that day...I got 7 bookings ON the calendar...
A new consultant and I have a fair tomorrow and have been brainstorming what we could offer that wouldn't cost too much. This is a GREAT idea Beth! Do you mind sharing what you offered? (I also loved the rest of your advice. Being scared for my business has gotten me moving once or twice as well!)

Posted by ChefBeckyD
I have found that the biggest determiner of success in this business is not talent, or a polished presentation, or even luck. What determines success is persistence, and consistency. Those who persevere, and are consistent in working their business, will succeed.
Wow Becky. I've been wondering how to share with my team these exact thoughts. I love your wording. I earned Level 4 this year, but felt awkward about it, since I didn't feel special. Then I went on the London trip and realized no one there was particularly special, just pretty normal. What everyone had in common though, is exactly what you expressed. That was an aha moment for me.

I have one more comment...reference comfort zones. We always talk about getting "out of our comfort zones". I've never liked that wording 'cause it already tells me I'm not going to like doing it! Instead, I perfer to get excited about creating a new comfort zone. Totally changed how I looked at some things.
  • #13
This is a great thread with a wealth of advice for all of us! Thanks everyone!

To answer Leggy's question about my gift: I didn't tell them and they didn't ask. I intend to look at their wish list and pick something from there or give them a price range - depending on total sales at their show. I will get their discount off the price too remember.

Had someone asked I would have said "well, it depends on what your guest sales are".
  • #14
BethCooks4U said:
I didn't tell them and they didn't ask. I intend to look at their wish list and pick something from there or give them a price range - depending on total sales at their show. I will get their discount off the price too remember.

Had someone asked I would have said "well, it depends on what your guest sales are".

Very clever kemosabe! :cool:
  • #15
I'm glad it's not just me. I had no shows in April and having a dickens of a time getting any for May. I have one for June and one for July though... go figure.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Thank you everyone for the great advice! What I need to do now is pull up my big girl panties and get on the phone. It's so hard though!!! It does feel better to know that even seasoned consultants and directors go through the same thing.

All of this has also brought me back to reality about my business. It is a business! It has to be worked. No matter what level of consultant you are, you still have to work it. You don't magically get sales and recruits when you become a director. (OK, well maybe through HO leads you do, but you still have to make contacts and such with those leads too.)

I have realized recently that I don't think of this as a job. Which in a way is good, but I think is what has me in trouble now. As my own boss I don't have anyone to answer to. I take it too lightly. I make promises to myself and others that I will make so many calls a day, and then I find excuses not to do it. That only hurts MY business, MY family, and ME!!

So I know what I need to do now (and always did) and today I am going to do it!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!!! I want life to be better for my family and working my business can make that happen!!!

Thank you again everyone, it really helps to come here and be able to voice my concerns, worries and all that to people that completely understand!!:love:
  • #17
What a great thread! Thanks for starting it Sarah! Congratulations to you for your show average. I am lucky if mine is $350.

I do not have much of anything to add to all the great advice above, but I agree with Beth about the booth.

I also have a hard time getting bookings at my show, and when I do get the bookings, I have had a hard time reaching the hosts, although I leave messages, they don't return them until a few days before the show, cancelling on me. Right now, I have about 5 shows in May, and 6-7 for June. Half of those came from a booth I did on April 12th. I have 3-4 recruit leads from that same booth. I have another booth at a Spring Bazaar this weekend, and another on May 31st at a Country Club.

So, right now, I think the booths are a boost for my slump, but I do know that I need to be on the phone consistently.
  • #18
Great work at your booth Brenda. Wow. I need to learn from you. What did you do that you think made it so successful?

Please post your answer in the bookings at booths thread. Thanks!
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  • #19
A Free Cooking show was offered for the drawing to get leads. I probably walked away with about 18 names or so. The recruit leads came from just coming straight out and asking them at the booth, "Have you ever thought about doing something like this?". I gave 4 recruit packets away that day. Since then, I have only been able to reach 1 person so far, who I have interviewed. I have a couple more recruit leads from following up on the drawing slips. (some checked yes on the wanting more info on the business opportunity)

This is my 3 or 4th booth sharing it with others, and I have seen them be very conservative when people walk by. I try to make eye contact with people as they are walking by, and then usually have a recipe card and ask them if they would like one, and then ask them if they are familiar with the PC, and take the conversation from there (and direct them to the free cooking show drawing).

Let me know if you have any questions. I am going to copy this to the other thread.
  • #20
This is a good thread. I was/am getting discouraged, too. I have no bookings for May and only two shows for June. I have started to get on the phone again. "Maybe" it's because I wasn't on the phone that I don't have any May shows. I've been considering that maybe this isn't for me, either. But, then, I realized how little it really took to make just over $400 in April. I can't give that up. I have to work a little harder than I've been working to be able to consistently pay myself that much money. We can all do this. It's so much better than working for someone else and making a measley hourly wage.
  • #21
JAE said:
I realized how little it really took to make just over $400 in April. I can't give that up. I have to work a little harder than I've been working to be able to consistently pay myself that much money. We can all do this. It's so much better than working for someone else and making a measley hourly wage.

Amen to that...especially the part in bold!
  • #22
Yeah ~ You got rid of that stinkin' thinkin' ! ! !Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...

Everyone her gave you great advice...glad to hear you're going to "work" your business...and not be a Pampered Princess. LOL

Your biz is going to have the highs and lows...that's the biz! But when you hit those lows, you've got to pull up your big girl panites (as you said), got ON that phone and work it!

What I did when I first started my biz and hated picking up that phone...I rewarded myself after 10 calls (live people). Of course, it's YOUR biz, you determine how many calls you'll make to get your reward. My reward was the internet. "I'm Ginny, and I'm addicted to the internet...." I would not allow myself to get on the internet until my 10 calls were made. CONSISTENCY...make a set number of calls each night...it gets easier and easier if you do it on a consistent basis. Customer care calls, out of the box calls, host coaching ~ whatever they may be...MAKE THEM! The phone will eventually not be a heavy weight in your hand.

Another thing you can do is print out a dollar sign...big! Attach it to the phone you make your calls on...great motivator!
  • #23
BethCooks4U said:
Great advice here already.

I just want to add that I have been where you are. From the time I started my business until recently I rarely had a month that wasn't at least $2500 and 8-10 bookings for the next couple of months. Since December it's been like pulling teeth to get bookings. March started with 1 show on my books and nothing after. I did an open house which gave me some sales but no new bookings.

I did get on the phone ...some. March ended up with 2 cooking and one catalog show. April had 1 show and 2 fairs. Thankfully I did hit my rock minimum of $1250 each month but it was hair pulling!:grumpy:

I really got on the phone and got a few bookings but what I really did to try to turn the tide was the fairs (new blood). The first fair gave me one solid booking and lots of leads who haven't committed yet. That booking was supposed to be my second show in April but moved to yesterday (May). I have 2 bookings from that and a strong recruit lead.

The second fair was the best I have ever had. There were 2 other PC consultants there which never was allowed before. BUT... fortunately I NEEDED business so I offered deals. I offered a gift for anyone who booked that day and a discount for orders placed at the show. Sales were $100 which is $100 more than I usually get and I got 7 bookings ON the calendar - 4 in May!! 1 in June and 2 in July. That was huge for me.

Because I was proactive and scared my May is full and I have 3-4 shows in June and July so far. I feel like I'm finally getting back on track.

I told you all of this to show you that even seasoned consultants and directors go through these slumps. The way out is to shake it off and be determined. Offer them something - like ideas to save money, a fun night out, shopping without the mall... Be upbeat. If you are desperate they will know. Of course, the biggest thing is to step out of your comfort zone and CALL!

Hope this helped someone.

The fairs are my way of keeping the business strong into fall. Definitely find a local fair. Many are very cheap. I found a one day fourth of July fair for only $35 with electricity! I'll make that up with just one person. When I'm feeling down, I grab one of my cd's or even tapes and listen to it. It gets me a pumped up mood. Heads up. You'll get those bookings!
  • #24
Another idea for getting on the phone is to reward yourself after you hear 30 (or however many you chose) No's. By the time you have heard that many no's you will have gotten some yes's as well :)
I can't take credit for this, I think I heard it on a teleclass

Related to I Am Seriously Feeling Sorry for Myself Right Now

1. Why am I not getting bookings from my shows?

There are a few potential reasons for this. It could be that your target audience is not attending these shows, or that your presentation or sales pitch may need improvement. It's also possible that there is simply not a high demand for your products at these events. It's important to analyze your approach and make adjustments to increase your chances of getting bookings in the future.

2. Is this the right career path for me?

It's natural to question your career choice when facing challenges and setbacks. However, it's important to remember that success takes time and perseverance. Consider seeking advice from other successful individuals in your field and continue to work on your skills and strategies.

3. How can I improve my sales at shows?

There are a few things you can try to increase your sales. Consider offering special deals or discounts, improving your product displays, or offering free samples. You can also try networking with other vendors and attendees to spread the word about your products.

4. How can I get out of my current funk?

It's important to take care of yourself and address any negative thoughts or feelings that may be affecting your motivation. Consider talking to a friend or mentor for support, practicing self-care activities, and setting small achievable goals to help boost your confidence and motivation.

5. Should I change my appearance or personality to be more successful?

No, it's important to be authentic and true to yourself. Your appearance and personality should not determine your success. Instead, focus on improving your skills and strategies in your career and finding ways to connect with your target audience. Remember, success comes from hard work and determination, not solely from appearance or personality.

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