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How to Restart Your Business...

In summary, Sherri Lynn's business had been going well until she got sick in December and had surgery in January. She is now struggling with recovering from her sickness and her computer breaking. She is looking for advice on restarting her business. She found success by hosting a re-grand opening and reaching out to her Facebook friends to do a mystery catalog show.
My buisness has gone COLD. I only have a couple leads for new shows. My last two shows have BOMBED.

Any suggestions with how to restart my business? I just started in January so it seems to have gone cold fast.
Start calling all your past customers and see how they are doing. Ask how things are with their products and share your excitement about our new products! See if they'd like to have a fun night with their friends, enjoying time together and trying out a new recipe. The new products are amazing and the best way for people to see them is in action! ;)Share with them the gift sets for April. Don't just call them Mother's Day specials because some people will tune out if it doesn't apply to their lives. They are great for showers, weddings, anniversaries, birthday, Mother's Day, etc.You can host a show of your own which will give you an excuse to call your list of 40-100 people. Do you have the MFP? Host a quick demo show of the Mango Salsa and have a dessert already prepared, so it's a "Short & Sweet" show. (I just did one last month) :D
This post could not have come at a better time for me. I got sick in December and had cardiac surgery in January with a slow recovery. Once I recovered from the cardiac surgery, I got kidney stones. I hope that I am getting all sickness out of the way for 2011:) I have one show on for this month with nothing else in the forseeable future. I of course am hoping for a booking off of the party I am having, but you never know. To add to all this, my computer broke and had been since mid January. Just got it back this week! I am looking at posts on here and trying to regain my prior level of excitement with PC. I really do love the products, and always have fun at a party. I haven't had a party since December, and am nervous about my upcoming party to say the least. Any other suggestions or tips/ideas are very welcome! One thing I am going to do is to attend my cluster meeting this month, as I have not been to one since Dec. Thanks for any advice in advance:)
Sherri Lynn - sorry to hear what's been going on with you. I have been a consultant for 5yrs. I just came off a 6 month health-related break. I came back to work in February. It's been slow but I'm trying to be resourceful. I had a party at my house for my neighbors. I didn't get any bookings but I made pretty good sales. I called on my family and friends to help me out. That didn't go as well as I had hoped. Fortunately I have one friend that does a party for me every six months or so. She invited over 50 people. I did amazing sales and booked 6 shows with 2 possible recruits. I have also lined up 5 fairs. I would like to get myself up to 2 shows a weeks. It's been a slow start but I will keep trying until I reach my goal!!!! Be positive and be resourceful. Maybe this month you can go to the local doctor's offices and give them a book alone with the lunch tote flyer. I know that has brought in some sales for me. Just don't give up.
I moved to Tennessee almost two years ago; I had to restart. I hosted a re-grand opening. In your case host a spring open house. Invite past hosts, customers, family and friends. The Key is to follow up with reminder calls to see if they are coming.
Pamper A Business-Pamper a business searchfind a vendor fair-Use google, craiglist to search for events. Keywords for searching fair, festival, event, other direct sales businesses, open house, mom's day out, etc.I've found this fairly successful-Pick ten friends on facebook send them a group private message ask if they would like to participate in a mystery catalog show. I sent it to 2 groups of 10 Out of a group of 10 I got 5 people willing to participate and 3 people that were successful. So Next time I would do 4 group sof 10My message was this "Good Evening everyone! I'm working toward a goal for the month of February of $5000 in sales to help me earn a trip to New Orleans in November! In order to reach this goal I'm reaching out to a select few people to see if they would be willing to collect a few orders for me.
I'll send you a catalog and outside order forms. If you collect $100 dollars (work, school, church, family, friends, etc.), I'll enter you in a drawing for the host benefits. One entry for the 1st $100, another entry for each additional $50 you collect.
The prizes will be $100 in free products, $115 in free products, 2 - 1/2 price items, 2 - 1/2 price items, 1 - 60% off item, 1 60% off item, a free small better bowl, 30% off your own order, a free cookbook, and 10% off for a year. Please let me know by Friday, February 10th if you would like to participate. Orders will be due by February 25th and I will deliver them over the my spring break (march 21st-26th) when I drive to Illinois. I've only offered this to you 10 individuals."
Nikki...the most important thing is this: never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up. What you are experiencing is what every consultant who's gone before you is experiencing. 90 days is the toughest point in your business. Everyone has hot and cold periods in this business...the only difference between successful and unsuccessful consultants is their determination to succeed. "Failure is not an option" tell yourself. Go back to your "why." "Why" did you sign up? What difference does your business make in your life? You have to have strong motivation to persevere and get through the dry times.

Next, train yourself. There are so many wonderful opportunities for training. Take online classes, or listen to the MP3s you can download. I put them on my iPod and listen in the car. It gets me psyched and gives me some great word choices. Listen to the opportunity line. It makes me want to sign up all over again! My favorite is the Duska Mills video from a few years ago. I'll see if I can post it in the files section.

Finally, get out of your comfort zone. The reason successful consultants are successful is that they are willing to do what others refuse to do: namely, pick up the phone or start conversations with people they don't even know, and ask them something...to host or start their own business or even just place an order.

There are no shortcuts...there are great tips and strategies out there, but the biggest thing you need is determination. For me, if I don't make my business work, I'm looking at going back to work behind a desk or, worse yet, retail. I can't handle that! No, no, no! So that keeps me going. For you, it will be something different. Find your why and go for it.
And yes, like Sherri-Lynn said, get to that cluster meeting. Ultra-important.
I'm struggling too. I wanted nothing more than to earn the picnic package this month, but i have no shows biting at all! :(No shows at all in the future. I was ready to toss in the towel, but I think I'm gonna send an email out tonight for last minute parties with an incentive.
I'll send you a catalog and outside order forms. If you collect $100 dollars (work, school, church, family, friends, etc.), I'll enter you in a drawing for the host benefits. One entry for the 1st $100, another entry for each additional $50 you collect.
The prizes will be $100 in free products, $115 in free products, 2 - 1/2 price items, 2 - 1/2 price items, 1 - 60% off item, 1 60% off item, a free small better bowl, 30% off your own order, a free cookbook, and 10% off for a year. Please let me know by Friday, February 10th if you would like to participate. Orders will be due by February 25th and I will deliver them over the my spring break (march 21st-26th) when I drive to Illinois. I've only offered this to you 10 individuals."[/COLOR]
Just curious how you offer that much in free products?? I realize the host rewards, but wow! Do these prizes only go to ONE person?
  • #10
I'll send you a catalog and outside order forms. If you collect $100 dollars (work, school, church, family, friends, etc.), I'll enter you in a drawing for the host benefits. One entry for the 1st $100, another entry for each additional $50 you collect.
The prizes will be $100 in free products, $115 in free products, 2 - 1/2 price items, 2 - 1/2 price items, 1 - 60% off item, 1 60% off item, a free small better bowl, 30% off your own order, a free cookbook, and 10% off for a year. Please let me know by Friday, February 10th if you would like to participate. Orders will be due by February 25th and I will deliver them over the my spring break (march 21st-26th) when I drive to Illinois. I've only offered this to you 10 individuals."

Brenda.the.chef said:
Just curious how you offer that much in free products?? I realize the host rewards, but wow! Do these prizes only go to ONE person?

If she has 10 people who EACH collect $100 in orders, then that is a $1000 show! So look at the benefits and you'll see that the Free products add up tot he $1000 level, the 4 half-price items, the 60% off, the host discount of 30%, etc. I think her 2nd 60% item was due to the special that particular month being TWO items....but you can customize it. I would be sure that you make mention that if the orders are less, the product values may be subject to change....but not sure how that's been handled. And it looks like she was giving 10 prizes total:
$100 Free Product
$115 FP
(2) half price items
(2) half price items
(1) 60% item
(1) 60% item
one free batter bowl
30% discount on anything they ordered
10% discount for a year
free cookbook

She would enter ALL of the prize winning items under the HOST ORDER. And I'd guess she'd list the host as the person who won the 10% for a year- since that's how they'll get the discount. Ship the show to yourself (consultant) so you can divide it up.

The only snag with stuff like that though woudl be the lifetime warranty items would then be in someone else's name and can be confusing in the future...but I know consultant's do this. Me personally, I think I'd avoid it because of the nightmare it would be for customer service down the road trying to figure out where that order was!! I'd rather do a drawing for ALL or none to one person.

Anyway- hope that helps answer your questions a bit.

Related to How to Restart Your Business...

1. How can I restart my Pampered Chef business after a break?

Restarting your Pampered Chef business after a break is easy! First, reach out to your former customers and host a "Welcome Back" party to let them know you're back in business. Next, update your social media pages and website to let potential customers know you're taking orders again. Finally, reach out to friends and family to spread the word and start booking parties.

2. What steps should I take to re-engage with my previous customers?

To re-engage with previous customers, start by sending out a personalized email or message to each of them. Offer a special discount or promotion for their first order back. You can also host a virtual party or cooking class to reconnect with them and showcase new products.

3. How can I attract new customers to my restarted business?

There are several ways to attract new customers to your restarted business. Utilize social media platforms to showcase your products and engage with potential customers. Consider offering a referral program where current customers receive a discount for referring new customers. You can also reach out to local businesses or community groups to offer your services for events or fundraisers.

4. What are some effective marketing strategies for restarting my business?

Some effective marketing strategies for restarting your business include hosting a launch party or event, offering limited-time promotions or discounts, collaborating with other businesses or influencers, and utilizing social media and email marketing to reach potential customers. Additionally, creating visually appealing and informative content can help attract and retain customers.

5. How can I ensure a successful restart for my Pampered Chef business?

To ensure a successful restart for your Pampered Chef business, it's important to have a clear plan and set realistic goals. Stay organized and track your progress to make adjustments as needed. Utilize the resources and support available from Pampered Chef, such as training and marketing materials. Most importantly, stay positive and passionate about your business, and your enthusiasm will be contagious to your customers.

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