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How Can Pampered Chef Sell Damaged Products

In summary, PC is known for high quality products, but there are reports of damaged products being sent to customers. This makes consultants doubt recommending PC to their clients.
Trish in Texas
Gold Member
In my last show, all three batter bowl lids came cracked. Plus, the trifle bowl glass was marred. How can PC think they can stay in business when they sell damaged products? It makes me look bad as a consultant...and makes me doubt being a consultant...when the high quality PC is known for is no longer there! These were Christmas presents...now I will have to call and apologize all over the place to my host and guests. Ukk!

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
Rather than vent about it here, may I suggest you send an email to the solution center? They may not be aware that this is happening. If you let them know, they can address the issue and possibly send out apologies to your customers.
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I had two batter bowl lids arrive broken too. I was just telling my husband that there must be a quality issue with them. Now that I read this post and am even more convinced.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I just got off the phone with the Solution Center and they are overnighting the new lids...they said, "they just pack the products, they don't look inside the boxes." What the heck! They'd rather alienate customers and consultants than do it right the first time? Oh, my, lions and tigers and bears, oh, my! Makes me scared for PC's future as a quality company.

On a more positive note, my pharmacist wants a catalog to order some housewarming presents.

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
I wonder how the whole line works. I understand how the packing people just pack boxes. I can imagine it would take a lot of time for them to inspect every item as they pack them. But they do need to double check that they are packing the right items, right packing slip, etc. And somewhere they do need to open the inventory and check the quality. As they accept shipments from the manufacturers, isn't someone opening them up then to double check? If not, then as we all complain, I hope they are complaining to the manufacturers about their quality control. I agree about the reputation... it's embarrassing to be talking up how great PC is, then to have to apologize for late things, broken things, damaged things, wrong things. Luckily it doesn't happen too often for me, but enough that I am frustrated. Most of the times, it's been on things for me, so I just am thankful for that.
I've been having a lot of problems with batter bowl lids but from my understanding, it is because of the cold weather. They sit on a UPS truck for a day, freeze and then are bumped and crack. Not something PC can really help. These lids stand up to a lot but when you're freezing plastic, you always need to be careful.
We have a line of hundreds of items, and 99.9% of the time, everything arrives in perfect condition - I can't imagine getting worked up and doubting the quality of PC because of a batter bowl lid? Just call PC and they will take care of it.

I think there is a quality issue with the BB lids right now - but I am sure PC is aware and is dealing with it.
Good point, Winnepegk. I have observed that when there's a quality issue with a specific product, PC will address it within a couple weeks of it cropping up. As Carolyn mentioned, it's best to let PC know about this.

I've only been with PC a year but have racked up 39k in sales, which is a decent amount of product. I have had only 4 calls from customers with products that arrive damaged or break shortly after being used (mfg flaw). That's a pretty darned good track record IMO.
I must be one of the lucky ones I havent really had many problems with things. All my shipments seem to be correct and hardly any returns. Knock on wood
  • #10
babywings76 said:
I wonder how the whole line works. I understand how the packing people just pack boxes. I can imagine it would take a lot of time for them to inspect every item as they pack them. But they do need to double check that they are packing the right items, right packing slip, etc. And somewhere they do need to open the inventory and check the quality. As they accept shipments from the manufacturers, isn't someone opening them up then to double check? If not, then as we all complain, I hope they are complaining to the manufacturers about their quality control.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but do you understand the enormity of the task that you're asking for? We as consultants see our own personal sales each month, and it's easy to start to view that as the volume HO deals with. But there are thousands of consultants all over the country, and many of them do personal volume each month equivalent to whole years for other consultants. It's just not possible for HO to open each and every box to check every single product - they'd need to double the warehouse/receiving staff, if not triple it! Companies check representative items as they come in from suppliers - a small percentage of each truckload/pallet/case.

Sure, it's discouraging to have quality issues with items, especially at this time of year, when customers want them for gifts. But any customer who expects absolutely every product they order from every catalog/online retailer to be absolutely perfect every time is deluded. Even with automated manufacturing, mistakes happen and aren't always caught. That's why there's a guarantee in the first place.

When you encounter a problem, whether you find it or a customer does, report it to HO. They'll then take the appropriate steps to check the rest of that batch from the manufacturer.
  • #11
I re-read my post, I think the way I worded it, it came out wrong. I understand what you mean, Ann. I agree, it's a huge task and they just have an incredible amount of product moving in and out. I didn't mean they need to check every item. :eek: That's why I said I wonder how the line works...I really didn't know. I was hoping that some representative boxes from each shipment PC receives from manufacturers would be checked for quality assurances. When there's an understanding of the process, it's easier to understand all around. Percentage-wise I know PC is doing a fantastic job. I just hold my breath with every shipment, waiting for bad news. But that's just me being a worry-wart. It's probably me just being new with sales in general... I try to please everyone and feel bad when things aren't up people's expectations. But thank goodness for the PC guarantee! :)
  • #12
With any of the items I have ever had a problem with PC has always done their best to make it better. The first time the overnighted a glazed rectangular baker to a host because the prior one they sent her was broken and she was supposed to use it at a holiday brunch the next day! Then the second girl they threw in a free item with the new carafe they shipped her when the prior one was received broken to bits!

We can't expect every item to be in perfect condition everytime, because the mail people aren't exactly gentle with everyones mail ( and I know this from experience... don't get me started on my mail man or fed ex delievery guy...GRRR.....)
  • #13
Amanda- I'm glad we're on the same page. I thought we were, but wanted to put that out there in case there was someone who thought that HO should check every single item.The issue with the representative sample method is that there's still a chance that the sample checked will be fine, and there are still a bunch of errors in that shipment from the manufacturer.
  • #14
I just got online after a whole day off and saw this thread.Thank you Ann for verbalizing what I'd say too!Do you realize what it would be like to open 10,000 products a day and inspect them? Do you realize the cost of that? Not to mention the time?! Then, they would ship and possible get broken by a carrier and then you'd still be upset that it was broken.PC does all they can to give us an exceptional product at a reasonable cost. As with anything, life isn't perfect and we have to deal with a few issues. Often we take the "apology" harder than our customers. They understand things happen. Life happens...How you handle it makes all the difference in the world! I had an overhead scanner in my facility die last week. I had to explain to the owners that we'd be hand manifesting 10K packages a day for the next week because I could not locate a replacement and have to upgrade the scanner. Today the parts and technician arrived, but not a necessary cable. I can either get mad and storm all over the place or smile, think clearly and solve it to the best of my ability. You can guess what I chose. Do the same with PC. The good thing is PC will IMMEDIATELY reship the product to replace the damage ones and address the product concerns. If Walmart had that issue, you'd get your money back maybe, but a too bad, so sad, you won't have it for Christmas if not in the store.PC is one of the best DS companies around and most DS companies try to model themselves after PC. I can guarantee you won't get that service with most!
  • #15
Amanda - my comments aren't toward you, I'm responding to Trish's comment of:
What the heck! They'd rather alienate customers and consultants than do it right the first time?
Trust me, every company would rather do it right the first time. I'd LOVE to explain the warehouse processes to you in any company and then you'd probably understand, but I don't have the time today. Please trust from those of us who have seen the warehouse and met these men/women that they do a great job!The are going nuts right now trying to get EVERYTHING out for us by Christmas and doing a great job!
  • #16
I too am very frustrated with the problems with the Trifle Bowls I have had. I have received 8 of them. 5 of them (including the replacement for one that arrived chipped & having air bubbles) where messed up! I got one of the first orders probably this month since I submitted it on the 2nd and told them that 2 of the 2 Trifle Bowls were messed up. The CSR put me on hold to tell her supervisor, but it still seems to be an issue. 10 of 14 Beaded Spreaders have also been messed up! That is super frustrating since I was unable to give out all I wanted to/needed to. I managed to get everyone who purchased one theirs, but the "extra" ones I got were the ones that ended up not good. Thanks for the better perspective Janet & Ann. I do know HO is very prompt in their help but it is frustrating 3 days before Christmas!
  • #17
janetupnorth said:
The are going nuts right now trying to get EVERYTHING out for us by Christmas and doing a great job!

that is the truth! and they are exceeding my expectations. I've had a few individual and online orders come in after the 15th deadline and they have shipped out, meaning customers are getting them for Christmas even AFTER the cutoff!

Yay PC!
  • #18
pcchefjane said:
I too am very frustrated with the problems with the Trifle Bowls I have had. I have received 8 of them. 5 of them (including the replacement for one that arrived chipped & having air bubbles) where messed up! I got one of the first orders probably this month since I submitted it on the 2nd and told them that 2 of the 2 Trifle Bowls were messed up. The CSR put me on hold to tell her supervisor, but it still seems to be an issue. 10 of 14 Beaded Spreaders have also been messed up! That is super frustrating since I was unable to give out all I wanted to/needed to. I managed to get everyone who purchased one theirs, but the "extra" ones I got were the ones that ended up not good.

Thanks for the better perspective Janet & Ann. I do know HO is very prompt in their help but it is frustrating 3 days before Christmas!

My trifle bowl has a bubble it in but I don't care, it's the nature of glass, it happens.
  • #19
wadesgirl said:
My trifle bowl has a bubble it in but I don't care, it's the nature of glass, it happens.

I was thinking the same thing. A few of my Dots Stemware have bubbles, too. It's glass--it happens!
  • #20
For sure it can be frustrating as a Consultant - but I still think that PC has great products. EVERY Company goes through defective products.

I don't make a big deal of it when I am talking to my customers. I make a quick apology for the inconvenience and then tell them I am going to handle it. I phone HO and then contact my customer again to explain how the return/refund process works. It happens occassionally - but is just part of the job. :rolleyes:

BTW, I can't even IMAGINE how many products are shipped out everyday. It would take a little while before they realize the defect - and by then THOUSANDS have been shipped out already. HO just does the best they can in that situation.

Hang in there - it'll get fixed right away! :)
  • #21
I would have to agree with you Chefann!
  • #22
We can't expect everything to be perfect everytime can we? HO works hard to keep us happy and are always willing to make it right.

As for the batter bowl lids, PC can't control the weather. The lids are cracking because of the cold temps.
  • #23
rennea said:
We can't expect everything to be perfect everytime can we? HO works hard to keep us happy and are always willing to make it right.

As for the batter bowl lids, PC can't control the weather. The lids are cracking because of the cold temps.

No kidding! I have had a 32oz bottle of bath gel, shampoo and conditioner come frozen...HARD...from sitting on that darn delivery truck for so long. Of course we are in the frozen north...it's been in the 20's below zero 4 of the 7 mornings in the last week! It so affects everything shipped in one way or another.
  • #24
After I read the thread about the Triffle bowls, I was concerned because I had a show ship with three of them. I wanted to get them to my customers immediately to ensure that there were no problems. My friend's bowl was just fine and I have not gotten a call about the others.

I have only had one customer complain about an item being broken upon arrival. She e-mailed me and I urged her to call 1-888-our chef immediately and have the item replaced. I also offered to let her borrow my pie plate if it didn't arrive before Christmas.
  • #25
I just have to send out a thanks to Janet and Ann. They put things in perspective while staying unbiased. They are wonderful, Thank You Ladies!!
  • #26
Can you imagine being the person who had to check EVERY item!?!?!?! When the Mix N Chop came out they were shipping that baby out at a rate of 5000 per day.....I have very little that arrives broken or damaged and when it does, HO takes care of it.

We work for an awesome company! They aren't perfect, but they are close :)
  • #27
ChefBeckyD said:
We have a line of hundreds of items, and 99.9% of the time, everything arrives in perfect condition - I can't imagine getting worked up and doubting the quality of PC because of a batter bowl lid? Just call PC and they will take care of it.

I think there is a quality issue with the BB lids right now - but I am sure PC is aware and is dealing with it.

Thank you Becky for saying what I was thinking. Good grief...PC has been around for almost 30 years...I'm not about to doubt my company just because of a few broken items. It's gonna happen...it's life..get over it.
Sorry if that sounded harsh, but sheesh...
  • #28
Ah, tis the season for frustrations to abound more than usual!!! :) I do understand being upset about broken/missing items and personally, I think that HO does an outstanding job of getting those items back out super quick. However, the issues with the glass (trifle, stemware, spreaders, etc.) is completely and perfectly normal. It's glass. Bubbles happen. It's actually sometimes considered part of the beauty of it. I understand that it's not perfect and would be great if there were no bubbles, but even in Waterford crystal I've seen bubbles. Unless they are really severe, I personally don't worry about it.
Quality control - they've got it! That's why the Holiday spreaders were "recalled" and taken off. Same thing with the dots stemware, holiday plates, etc. They do check things and like Ann and so many others stated, it's an ENORMOUS undertaking. Personally, I think they do a wonderful job and I still LOVE TPC, what they stand for, how the operate and what they offer.
  • #29
I just got another call on a batter bowl lid. All three customers have been very nice about it. I have sent in product adjustments and it should all be fixed soon. I have only been a consultant for a few months but I have been a customer for years. I still have nothing but good things to say for Pampered Chef and their products. :)
  • #30
When I reported all the "bubbles" in my Trifle Bowls, HO said that was unacceptable. If they had told me it was "normal", I would not have any complaints! If I paid $39 for a Trifle Bowl and it had the bubbles in it like the ones I have trashed, I would return it to any store I purchased it at. Maybe I am too "picky" but people don't expect obvious air bubbles in items or gaskets sticking out of the Beaded Spreaders...
  • #31
I agree however, that should be a quality control issue with the manufacturer before it arrives at our warehouse
  • #32
I have to laugh a this post as I too have come up smellin not so hot sometimes with products damaged. However, having worked in a factory myself for years with multiple shipping lines where products are manufactured elsewhere, it does become a problem. And I have been at HO so, WOW! is all I can say. So, they invented customer service people and departments. You know what I do? I simply calm down, make the adjustment and breath a sigh of relief that at least it will be taken care of. And if the item is something the purchaser wanted to make something in, I look at it this way, there was never a gaurantee that any order would be 100%.
I tell all my guests AT ALL MY PARTIES that items do come in damaged or can be delayed due to back orders. Please just understand that if there is a problem with your products, PC will fix it as quickly as possible. If they know it up front, believe me they should not be upset because they were forwarned. I know it sounds like a negative spin but it really is not. It tells two things. PC has a great warranty and they do care enough about opur customers to fix any product very quickly. Good example, one Grinder received last Thursday wanted for Christmas. PC sent a new one out and I think it got there today in fact. As long as a customer knows the problem will be fixed, they don't care and it rarely is a reflection on you if something is wrong. They know that!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Update -- I appreciate all the perspectives you have given me. I let the frustration of the moment overwhelm me when I first posted. But, I'm calm and satisfied now,

On a lighter note, I must laugh! I got the overnight shipment as HO promised. It had my name on the outside but someone else's order in the inside! So, HO is trying it again today.

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
  • #34
glad you took our comments in a positive way and that all is good with you now.
  • #35
I submitted a show late friday night/early saturday morning and it is due to deliever to my host TODAY! talk about great! I told her she wouldn't have it before Christmas due to her show going in after the deadline, but as long as the Fed Ex man can beat all of this snow today, she'll have it!
  • #36
I had a show for a woman who attended the FIRST show ever in Massachusetts, back in the 80's. She knew more about PC than I ever will. Plus she had every item EVER!! She took over during the show and talked about the customer service and quality of the products.
Over all these years, she has had only a few problems. I sometimes forget how big PC really is and how many items it is shipping, packing, and producing each day. Glad you feel better Trish. Thanks Janet and Ann
  • #37
I have been at this for 6 1/2 years and The Pampered Chef has only gotten better with customer service for customers and caring for their consultants. Missing items in show orders has basically dropped to zero...at least in my case. Since they started the call back sysytem when we call in to Home office, that saves us a huge chunk of time. I think we also have to send back broken items and pieces of broken items less that we had to in years past. I think they have gone above and beyond to work with customer issues and complaints lately. We can download conference workshops to our PC's whereas we used to "check out" cassette tapes from a "library" from home office and then we had to return them within a reasonable amount of time. Our maximum commission was 22% and we could earn a small amount in bonuses in 3 month increments...can't really remember, but when they increased our commission 4 or 5 years ago, it was awesome. There have been so many improvements over the years, and so many of them have benefited us as consultants. We don't have to pay for free or discounted host items for our hosts, alot of other direct sales companies do require consultants to do that. Our hosts don't pay taxes or shipping on their free products, they are truly free. I had a show once for some other DS company and my $12 that I owed after all my host discounts turned into $30 once they added taxes and S&H on my "free" product. I truly believe we are privaleged (spelling??) to have such an incredible company to "work" for. Also, I submitted an order Sun. night Dec. 21st and she received it Christmas eve. She opted to not pay the expedited S&H and it worked out for her.
Just my 2 cents.

Related to How Can Pampered Chef Sell Damaged Products

1. How does Pampered Chef handle selling damaged products?

Pampered Chef takes great pride in the quality of our products and strives to ensure that all items are in perfect condition when they are shipped. However, in rare cases, products may become damaged during shipping or handling. When this happens, we have a dedicated customer service team that works to quickly resolve any issues and provide replacements or refunds as needed.

2. What should I do if I receive damaged products at my Pampered Chef party?

If you receive damaged products at your party, please contact Pampered Chef customer service immediately. They will be able to assist you with getting replacement products or a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

3. How can Pampered Chef continue to stay in business if they sell damaged products?

While it is unfortunate that some products may become damaged during shipping or handling, Pampered Chef remains committed to providing high-quality products to our customers. We take all necessary steps to ensure that our products are in perfect condition when they leave our warehouse, and our customer service team is always ready to assist with any issues that may arise.

4. Will receiving damaged products affect my reputation as a Pampered Chef consultant?

No, receiving damaged products will not affect your reputation as a Pampered Chef consultant. Our customers understand that accidents can happen during shipping, and they appreciate our commitment to resolving any issues that may arise. As long as you handle the situation professionally and work to resolve any issues, your reputation as a consultant will not be impacted.

5. Should I reconsider being a Pampered Chef consultant if the quality of products is no longer there?

We understand your concern about the quality of products, and we want to assure you that Pampered Chef remains committed to providing high-quality items. We take all necessary measures to ensure that our products are in excellent condition when they are shipped, and we have a dedicated customer service team to assist with any issues that may arise. We value our consultants and their dedication to our brand, and we are constantly working to improve and maintain the quality of our products.

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