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How Can I Use My Website to Attract More Hosts, Guests, and Customers?

I took this class yesterday and I highly recommend it! We went over the basics, and then talked about ways to get the word out about your website. Here is some of the info I found most interesting - but take the class and you will get MUCH more!

1) Who do you want to come to your website? (Hosts, guests, people placing outside orders, out-of-state customers, existing customers, placing re-orders, potential recruits, wedding registry gift buyers, preferred customers...)

2) Keeping Question #1 in mind, pull up your website and pretend you are one of those people (for example, an outside order) - what do you see? What stands out? Now, ask yourself, what could you change (for example, your headlines, or your calendar, or your news items) to attract people to look deeper at your site.

3) Marketing your site: put your website address on EVERYTHING! Business cards, catalogs, invitations, any outgoing mail, fridge magnets, your e-mail signature, car window decals...etc.

4) Mention your site during your shows: mention it at least 3 times. Write a brief (30-second) "commercial" for your website and its benefits, and practice presenting it until you have it memorized.

5) Site content: EYE CANDY! Pampered Chef offers some great "boilerplate" articles you can put on your site, but remember you can CUSTOMIZE it by adding your own features. Some of the great suggestions I heard during the tele-class: Recipe-of-the-Month (when people at shows ask for the recipe, don't hand it out to them - send them to your website!), "Queen Hostess" of the month and her "court" (your top 5 hostesses), Quick Kitchen Tips, Olive Oil 101, Discontinued List (again, don't send people the list - send them an e-mail and invite them to check out the list on your website!), One-Dish Meals, Stoneware Use/Care/Ideas (..."when you buy your stoneware and you get it home and don't know what to do with it, don't panic...you can visit my website 24/7 and get ideas, tips, tricks, and recipes...and if all else fails you can call or e-mail me too!")

6) Host coaching: register EVERY show on your website, as soon as it's booked; put a sticker on your host's catalogs: "Can't make it to the show? You can order online! Visit www.pamperedchef.biz/__________ and enter [host's name] in the 'Our Products' section"; e-invitations are great but you must also send postcards and use the website invitations/reminders only as a follow-up; NOTHING replaces postcards and phone calls - the website is merely an enhancement to these services; hosts should DEFINITELY use the "Wish List" feature online as they can see a dollar amount to inspire them to invite more people and do follow-up.

7) More tips: Keep your site updated (set a date monthly to do so); post your upcoming available dates and host/guest specials; tour other consultants' websites.

That's about all I can remember - please feel free to post your own tips/tricks here to share! Thanks. :)
One thing I can remember from my classes is that someone said to update at least every 2 weeks, and to put in the headline the date you last updated it. That way you can change recipes out, and other stuff also.
How do you have all those different things (recipes, stoneware uses, etc.) on the homepage when you can only show 4 headlines? I would love to have more info on my website, but I hate how we are limited to only four headlines!!
Does anyone know if we can change the font on the website. I'm trying to BOLD and UNDERLINE some items in my news section and I can't find a place to do it, but I've seen it on others! Please help!
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  • #5
gilliandanielle said:
How do you have all those different things (recipes, stoneware uses, etc.) on the homepage when you can only show 4 headlines? I would love to have more info on my website, but I hate how we are limited to only four headlines!!

Since we are limited to the number of front page headlines, I have been putting the most 'enticing' ones on my front page and plan to swap them out every week or so to keep it all fresh. Hopefully once someone clicks on a headline they will then be interested in further exploring the 'News' section and other articles.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
To bold something place <b> before the bord or phrase that you want bolded and </b> right after. To underline use <u>to underline and </u> to stop the underline. Same with italics <i> and </i>.

Related to How Can I Use My Website to Attract More Hosts, Guests, and Customers?

1) Who do you want to come to your website?

You should have a clear understanding of your target audience and who you want to attract to your website. This could include hosts, guests, potential recruits, existing customers, or specific types of customers such as out-of-state customers, wedding registry gift buyers, or preferred customers.

2) Keeping Question #1 in mind, pull up your website and pretend you are one of those people - what do you see? What stands out?

When viewing your website from the perspective of your target audience, take note of what stands out to you. Is the information clear and easy to find? Are there any areas that could be improved or updated to better attract and engage your desired audience?

3) Marketing your site: put your website address on EVERYTHING!

Make sure to include your website address on all marketing materials, such as business cards, catalogs, invitations, outgoing mail, fridge magnets, email signatures, and car window decals. This will help increase visibility and drive traffic to your website.

4) Mention your site during your shows

During your shows, make sure to mention your website at least three times. Prepare a brief "commercial" highlighting the benefits of your website and practice presenting it until you have it memorized. This will help encourage guests to visit your website and explore its features.

5) Site content: EYE CANDY!

Make sure to include visually appealing content on your website to attract and engage visitors. This could include photos, videos, and graphics. Utilize Pampered Chef's "boilerplate" articles and customize them to make them unique to your website. Consider adding features such as a recipe-of-the-month, "Queen Hostess" of the month, quick kitchen tips, and more to keep visitors coming back for more.

6) Host coaching

Take advantage of the features on your website for host coaching. Register every show on your website as soon as it's booked, and include a sticker on your host's catalogs promoting online ordering. Encourage hosts to use the "Wish List" feature to inspire them to invite more guests and do follow-up. Remember to also utilize traditional methods such as postcards and phone calls for host coaching.

7) More tips

Stay on top of updating your website regularly, including upcoming available dates and host/guest specials. Take a look at other consultants' websites for inspiration and ideas. And most importantly, have fun and be creative with your website to attract more hosts, guests, and customers!

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