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Hostess Won't Return Calls or E-Mail--Host Coaching Impossible!!!

In summary, the hostess has not been able to get ahold of the host and has not been able to set a goal or talk about the time change with the hostess.
I have a party on Aug. 18th and haven't been able to make contact with the hostess since the time I dropped off her hostess packet. I have left phone messages, e-mails and nothing. I have not been able to go over her packet, help her set a goal, talk about a time change I may have to make because of a Fall Kickoff that morning--NOthing!! She was receptive --What is up? I am beginning to get very uncomfortable --hers is one of only 2 parties I have for this month!!! Any suggestions?
Leave her a phone message that unless you hear from her by (pick a date), you'll assume her show is cancelled.
Or put the positive spin on it, if you don't hear from her by a certain date you'll assume the show is still on.

--Jenny L
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  • #4
I think I will check my website again to see if she has sent her e-vites. I gave her all the directions by e-mail so in case she was reading them, she would have the info she needed. This is really nerve racking. Makes me rethink this business.

Don't let this hostess make you rethink your business. You will find that you have really good hosts and really bad ones. That is unfortunately part of the business.

I have had host that I haven't been able to get ahold of and they call me the day before asking what is the menu so they can pick up the ingredients and they have 10-15 people confirmed.

I would leave a message that if you don't hear from her by such day that you are going to assume the show is still on. Another option is to leave a message that someone else wants that date and if you don't hear back you will need to reschedule her show with her. I have done that before and they have called back right away saying that the show is still on.

Hang in there!:)
chefjwr said:
I think I will check my website again to see if she has sent her e-vites. I gave her all the directions by e-mail so in case she was reading them, she would have the info she needed. This is really nerve racking. Makes me rethink this business.


Is it this one host that is making you rethink? I have noticed on several posts that it seems like you are struggling or have second thoughts. Is there anything that any of us here can do to help you? Do you have an upline director who can help you?
We all get discouraged from time to time - we all have non-responsive hosts, etc.

Let us know how to help you out!:D
I had the same thing going on for a hostess whos party is on August 22nd. I'm sending out the invites for her. I was calling and calling to try to get her invite list faxed over to me but she wasn't responding. The list and an e-mail showed up Sunday night with an apology that she went away and forgot to do it before she left. Funny though, the list showed up after I made a call that said I would assume she was cancelling if I didn't get her list by Monday. Weird how I put a little pressure on her and the list showed up!!
Don't give up Julie! I have figured out that sometimes our hosts do get very busy and it seems like our show with them is not a priority until the last minute. I would leave her a message and say that if you have not heard from her then you will assume the show is still on.
pamperedpals said:

I would leave a message that if you don't hear from her by such day that you are going to assume the show is still on. Another option is to leave a message that someone else wants that date and if you don't hear back you will need to reschedule her show with her. I have done that before and they have called back right away saying that the show is still on.

Hang in there!:)

I had a host like this in June ... and this is exactly what I did. Called and left a message that someone else was wanting her date and that if I didn't hear back from her I'd assume she no longer wanted it. I also asked her to let me know one way or the other. She called me back in 10 minutes. Then I couldn't get ahold of her again until I saw the whites of her eyes at her front door! :)

Had a decent enough show and 2 bookings. She's just that way. Drives me nuts, too :D
  • #10
On the getting discouraged part of it, I let my mind drift there for a couple of days - doubting whether or not I could make this work. Then I realized that the seasoned pros are having off summers. Us new girls just have to stick it out and remember that summer is slower and that it takes awhile to get it up and running. Sort of like our babies when they started to walk. They had to fall down lots, and before we knew it, they were everywhere!

Hang in the Julie. Most people quit when things start to get a little tough. It's the ones who are willing to stick with it and push on through the different phases that become successful. After all, if it were easy everybody would be doing it and it wouldn't really be an opportunity.
  • #11
In my area at least, most hosts don't really start prepping for their party until a 7-10 days prior. I don't do the "if I don't hear from you its cancelled" spiel until about a 5-7 days prior to the show. My message when I leave one with a non-communicative host is "this is to check in to make sure you have reviewed your pack AND that we are still on for blah,blah,blah date. Please call me back to confirm...and then we'll go over some other reminders to help make your show a success...."

I've only been stiffed by one host with this type of message and I do get calls back from even reluctant hosts with this firm but gentle approach.
  • #12

Don't let one host cause you to rethink this business. It should, though, maybe cause you to rethink how you do your business. We can't control our hosts and everyone has great points here.

I always found getting ahold of hosts so frustrating!!!! Since I started sending the invites for shows, it's been amazing! In the 4 years that I've been doing it, only twice have I not gotten a guest list... even if the show is scheduled 10 days out. I LOVE knowing at least a week prior if there is no show happening.

Once I had a show scheduled (before I sent the invites for the hosts) and realized I had never talked to the host... left her messages and everything. The day of the show I didn't do anything... didn't put together catalogs and order forms or even prep my kit with products I'd need. I was on the phone at 5:30pm asking my mom if she wanted to go have dinner since it didn't look like I had a show and the other line beeped in. It was the host calling to tell me she was expecting 25 and what recipe she wanted!!!! And the show start time was 6:30pm!!! Thankfully she only lived 10 minutes from me but I was still a wreck!

Learn from this... most hosts are amazing so don't base a business decision on one experience.

Keep us posted on what happens! --- COLLEEN :)
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  • #13
I am sitting here in tears litterally from what Colleen just posted. I have actually been struggling with this same situation trying to figure out what "I" did wrong. Here is my story to show you, Julie, that it is not just you.

On May 5th I did a Spring Fling (Vendor Blender) type event even cordinating the 20+ booths. I drew about 5 or so names as winning my door prize which was a free cooking show. I will buy the ingredients if they decide to do a show and as long as it is hosted on the original date planned. Well, it turned out the one of the people I called was actually another vendor there that was there with Party Lite. She was excited and booked her show on June 4th. I sent her a host packet followed by several unanswered calls. She lives 40 minutes from me so I couldn't just drop by her house. I finally got ahold of her 2 days before the scheduled party to hear her say "Oh, I never received you host packet!" So, with me being a gracious ol' sole...I said "Oh, I am so sorry! I will send you another one and just reschedule and continue with the free ingredients as promised. She rescheduled for July 15th. Another month went by with no contact in between. I could not tell you how many times I called and left messages. So I decided to call and leave a message that Sunday after I got out of church that I was getting excited about the party, wished I knew how many were coming, but that's ok, and would see her at 5:30-ish for her 6:09 show. She called me about 10 minutes later saying she was just called by her husband stating that I called and to call me back. She said she had 10-12 people coming and the show was still on. I ran by the store and spent about $12 on food not to mention gathering some of it up at home what I could. I got there to her apartment, and she said she was exhausted because she had just worked the day at Hardee's. Come to find out all of her invitations were still in the packet, becuase she said word of mouth is better. As I was sitting up the display she was calling people begging them to come to her party. I was literally working in the dark, because she kept going around turning the lights out on me.???? Her husband whom acted aggitated that I was even there had his computer sprawled out all over the kitchen table and refused to her to move it. So I started the party with just her and four ladies straggled in by the force of her call eventually. One used to sell PC, the other was the past consultants best customer and friend, one never heard of it was all excited that I let her help with the "Mom's Apple Crisp" recipe, and the other one came in a little drunk and could have cared less. When it all was over that night the one that was all excited wanted to host a show and sell it, the friend of the old consultant wanted to book a show and booked it for Aug. 12, the other one...well she said maybe but that was it. Everybody said that wanted to take a book home and call me or Fallon with their order. As I was walking out to leave I ask her if making her goal at $300 a fair goal. She said in a snotty remark, "Sure! You can set it for what ever you want to set it at!" Well, after I got home I was sorta pevved about how everything had been going with this show, but then realized I had shows from it and a possible recruit. I had told them at the show and to Fallon as I was leaving. I will be going out of town for vacation Friday and will be back Monday night late. I will call you on Tuesday the 24th to close your show out. Everybody agreed that would be a good day after payday. I started calling on Tuesday and did not quit until 9:50 on the 31st leaving about ummm 20 messages. I did talk to the one lady that is going to have her show on Aug. 12, but as far as the others....nothing. I left various messages even appologizing about feeling like I was a stalker, but wanted to give her customer service to the highest as well as her guests. Melanie said she only had just her $30 order and that is why she was not returning my call. I called on the 31st stating that it was the end of the month and I wanted to close her show out, did not know what was going on in her life, hoped eveything was ok, knew that she had at least one order and wanted to get that taken care of, knew she was a direct sales consultant, I made the aggrement of buying the food with at least a $150 show, and I knew she would not want this from her customers or hosts. I ask that she please call me back that this was my last call and I would not plead anymore. She had my home number, cell number, home email, and my website to get ahold of me. She calls the very first thing the very next morning to Melanie (Mary Kay consultant!!!), the Aug. 12 booking, fuming mad saying I was way out of line and her she couldn't help that her husband kept erasing the messages, and her friend (which ever one that might be?!) was getting ready to place a $212 order, but not any more! Melanie was calling me then asking me what I said because she was highly ticked off. Melanie stated that she tried to get Fallon to see it from my prespective of me being out the money to send 2 pkts. through the mail, buy the recipe ingredients, and the gas to and fro. Fallon was apparently not caring. I sorta explained to Melanie, but she knew already most of what was going on. I feel like the biggest jerk for leaving that message, but I guess the devil and I are dancing. Melanie ask Fallon why she was not calling me instead of calling Melanie to grip. I actually had someone to tell me to send her a bill since she never got back with me to close to show, tell me to kiss her grits, or anything. I have also been told not to let this pull me down since that was only one bad apple out of the bunch. Does anybody have any suggestions to my crazy and lengthy delema? So to make it so long. Think I will go to bed now and pray about it again for the umpth-teenth time!!

Selling for nearly 3 yrs. now!
:confused: :confused:
Confused in Arkansas
  • Thread starter
  • #14
I feel your pain and frustration. I have been having problems just feeling like the amount of hours doesn't amount to much money. I don't remember posting about that other than this thread starter and my questions about all our expenses going up in the same year. Truthfully, I have been soo tired , it clouds my judgment. I don't know what I want because of this constant feeling of fatigue. My husband and I are vegetarians and he was told a month or so ago when tryng to give blood that he was anemic. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to see what my problem is. I think I will have more energy to keep up with my housework and 321 if I can get back in health. Being tired makes it discouraging to chase hostesses. I have trouble with bookings and when I get them and feel that I am doing just what I need to be doing to help my hostess--it is frustrating to either lose the party or worry that I have lost the party. I need more bookings for Aug. I don't need to lose one from someone who seemed to really be on-board and have a plan.
  • #15
I know how you feel Julie. If I track how much I make per hour in this business, it is not what they claim you can make. Then I start to doubt myself thinking, "If I could only get more organized." Other people are doing this in much less time. I think that is one of the problems I have had w/recruiting. Many people try to say how "easy" this business is. How you only have to work 4 hours in a night and make $100. I can't do that. Maybe some can, but not me.

I just went through a rough time in May-June wondering if I should quit this business. It just seemed to be consuming all of my time. Then I decided to go to conf. to try and get motivated again and it has really helped me. I am more excited then I have been in a long time.

My first show after conf. only 4 people came - the host was calling me 5 minutes before it began wanting to cancel!! I already did prep and had everything packed and it was a 30 minute drive. Believe me this almost took away all that lift I got from conf. I told her we needed to just go on w/the show. I ended up w/only $98 in sales when I left, but one host is getting married next year and is interested in the bridal registry and another is getting married in Nov. and wants the cookware so they may have a bridal shower for her. So not all was lost. I had another show the next week w/only 4 in attendance again!! I wasn't realy happy, but went on w/the show with a lot of enthusiasm. I ended up getting 4 bookings and 1 recruit and the show closed at $400. This is better then many shows where 10 or more showed up. The recruit said she wanted to sell because I looked like I was having fun, which is true I do love this business. I just hope I can start to make more money at it!

The one thing I have learned in this business is you just CAN'T pre-judge in anything. The host, the number in attendance, etc. This is just an up and down business and many times it doesn't have anything to do w/you.

I've had host not call me for a couple of weeks. I've also been thinking this show isn't going to go on and then they call w/7-10 people coming. You just never know. Take the good with the bad. Just learn from all the experiences.
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  • #16
Thanks Rhonda. I hope I can get my energy back. It is hard to muster it up and I really have and yet still. . .. . I am glad that you seem to be on track again. I will see how it goes after I find out if I have a real anemia problem.
  • #17
Just a couple thoughts in the hope they help:

PC is wonderful about making us feel good about our successes...so in turn, we tend to feel our downs a little stronger too. I can't stand that emotional roller coaster...so I don't get overly excited about the success or too upset about the frustrations...it's all part of the DS cycle of peaks and valleys. If you are in a valley, there is a peak in front of you. :) (I can't take credit for this one; I heard it on a Conference CD, but love it.)

Shows with low attendance can be frustrating...but try thinking of them as blind dates: don't turn them down...you don't know what the brother looks like. My DH was bugging me about doing shows with as little as two guests expected to attend. I reminded him I've had four shows in that category: one died due to only a $14.95 order, one hit $300 because her husband bought cookware, but the other two both ended up over $400 each and both led to several $1000 shows. You just never know.

Time mgmt is such a challenge in this business because the limits we have are sometimes the ones we don't put on ourselves: it seems there is always more that we could be doing to get organized or 'improve' our business. I finally said enough and radically changed/simplified my paperwork organization. The paper monster will gladly consume us...but so much of it really isn't relevant to maintaining our business.

Like Sandy said, it isn't always easy. If you enjoy the products, then stick around so you can keep the option to purchase new products at discount :) . If you enjoy the sharing aspect, then focus on that and the wonderful hosts and guests you get to meet. There are always going to be some people who are, uh, still learning the social graces.:rolleyes:

This was more than I intended (sorry)....hope some of it is helpful. Also, I love your signature comment about adventure!
  • #18
Time management is definitely an issue. One thing to consider, if you are feeling that you're putting in a lot of time with no monetary return to show for it is to really take a good look at what you are doing. Is your time being spent on income-producing activities? By that, really, really look at what you do during your PC work time. Organizing files, cleaning your desk, testing recipes, posting here, etc. are all things that need to be done for your business... but they DON'T earn you any $$$. Phone calls, shows, host coaching, recruiting interviews, coaching new consultants... that is what will earn you $$$. And, it's the pareto principal... 20% of our activities produce 80% of our results. So be aware of where you are spending your time and energy. I have a consultant who thinks about PC 24 hours a day 7 days a week and is always exhausted! And ironically, she does 2 shows a month, BUT SHE'S WORKING REALLY HARD! (Won't do the 3 contacts a day though... too much for her.) Those who are super successful at this really "work" their businesses. You'll get there! Have heart!
  • #19
Colleen, very wise words!!! Since conference, I am becoming more $$-minded, in that I am trying to spend my time on what makes the $$- limiting my time on this board, and also on organizing (the looks of my office bear that out) BUT, I am making 5 contacts a day, and scheduling like crazy. Now, I need to figure out staying organized without spending the time on it.
  • #20
mrssyvo said:
Colleen, very wise words!!! Since conference, I am becoming more $$-minded, in that I am trying to spend my time on what makes the $$- limiting my time on this board, and also on organizing (the looks of my office bear that out) BUT, I am making 5 contacts a day, and scheduling like crazy. Now, I need to figure out staying organized without spending the time on it.

Ha! I keep waiting for the Organization FAiry to come and do it for me!:D
  • #21
mrssyvo said:
Colleen, very wise words!!! Since conference, I am becoming more $$-minded, in that I am trying to spend my time on what makes the $$- limiting my time on this board, and also on organizing (the looks of my office bear that out) BUT, I am making 5 contacts a day, and scheduling like crazy. Now, I need to figure out staying organized without spending the time on it.

I NEED to get organized so badly. I finally have a spot carved out in our basement for my office. Unfortunately, I did not spend enough time setting up organizational bins and shelving before I started "working" and now it is a disaster, piles here, boxes there, etc. So, now I have determined that I am taking one evening and doing nothing but getting it in order, and the computer is NOT allowed to be on until I have finished. I'm hoping that with all the school sales I can get everything I need to get my files in order, and things will move more smoothly without me being distracted by other things I "find".
  • #22
Yes, Colleen thank you for the reminders. I did take a Time Mgmt. course while at conf. (that probably doesn't surprise anyone)! I am improving and really do get a lot done considering I have 3 teenage kids in all kinds of activities and work another part-time job. I do almost EVERYTHING around the hosue besides (except in the summer when my kids are home). My husband works a lot more hours then I do and also has had some health issues lately so I don't push him. I also do the bills, taxes, etc. My sisters always say they can't believe how much I get done, but I'm never satisfied:)! I always have more on the list. Everyone else always thinks I'm organized (isn't that funny)!!

This is just a very hectic time w/the changeover. I'm planning for a very busy fall so I'm trying to get a lot done right now. I purchased all of my fodlers and will be putting together my host packets this weekend. So far I have 4 shows scheduled in Sept. and 3 in Oct. I am also working a fair booth next week and another fair booth the first weekend in Sept. I want to have 12 shows each month. I would prefer about 3-4 to be catalog, but I'm taking whatever I can get. This is also back to school time (my kids start a week from today). So I'm busy getting school supplies, clothes, shoes, physicals, shots, etc. for my kids.

I have decided I'm only doing one show recipe this fall unless the host has 10 or more coming and the second recipe is only going to me our cinnamon or caramal rolls - nothing hard. I've already decided her choices and will be including them in the packets. This way I can just keep my stuff packed and not have to re-do for each show. I had a hard time w/this when everyone would tell me to do this before, but now it makes so much sense!

I also started putting together a list of all my past hosts and I'll be calling them this week to try and book them for Sept. or Oct. before working my booth.

It does take time in this business to get it right I think. I knew that coming in and orignally told myself I would give this 5 years before quiting. That's why I didn't quit when I felt like it this spring. I began reading a book at that time while at my son's baseball games (because he didn't play much). It was on Speaking w/Confidence. It talked in there about getting really good at something takes 5 years!! Wow, that was my sign not to give up (God was speaking to me)!

Sorry to ramble on, but I like others to know they are not alone in their feelings in this business. As I said in my prior post, I really try not to let the ups and downs get to me anymore. I always have a show as long as the host has a few people coming. You may not have a huge show, but you never know what it will lead to like legacypc46 said.

Julie, another thing to try is to call at an odd time. I think Saturday mornings are a good time to reach people. Maybe even try calling from a different number if you or your husband have a cell phone. Many times the host has caller ID and won't pick up. Good luck w/your energy as well. I hope you aren't anemic.
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  • #23
Hi Julie - I understand your frustration. My host from last night I kept trying to e-mail and call. I finally received an e-mail about 2 days before the show that yes were on. Only about half my e-mails were even answered. The cell phone apparently had been broken so she didn't get my messages. Wel then I get an e-mail from her hubby 3 hours before the show that she is late at court and would call me when she gets in - Of course I stil have not received a call
Hopefully we will be able to reschedule
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  • #24
Thanks girls/guys. Yes, I am like some of you. I will come do a party no matter how small. I like people and often those parties turn out just fine. However, I have trouble getting a lot of bookings. 2 a month is about how it goes and in July I had to pull together a catalog show from a few orders--those are hard. I do not want to bribe because we have a fabulous hostess program. The ladies all seem to love the shows, but don't always want to do one themselves. I should be making calls to get bookings but I feel like I am calling them out of the blue and trying to talk them into something. Of course, I begin my call with asking about their products and offering any service they may need. I have trouble asking for things from people. I don't want to bother them. I don't feel that way at my shows. I was determined to get 3 bookings from my last show. I did a great show and had set up the full service checkout including the NEW MINI!!! Only 7 attended (1 was in and out for only 15 min. and never ordered anything). I was only able to book 1 show and 3 of the 7 ordered nothing--1 being the one that left for another engagement, 1 that booked her own show, and 1 who was out of work. Anyway, I have gotten so good at talking with my guests about having a show, but still they usually say NO. I need more bookings so that I won't be so worried when a hostess is not responding.
Thanks for all your advice!!
  • #25
Julie have you tried doing a craft fair or somethig to enhance your schedule - get more lea
  • #26

Could you post what you are saying to guests about booking a show? Sometimes its all in how we phrase things......maybe we could give you some help in that area?

If you aren't comfortable posting it - you could pm or email me too.
  • #27
Hang in there Julie - I'm sorry you and your hubby haven't been feeling well lately and I hope you can find a solution for that - hopefully it's just a dietary issue and can be corrected easily. I can imagine that it is definitely making it harder to work on PC in that state.

I just wanted to tell you my experience - I found that I worked a lot harder in the first year or two of my business than I do now. I think the first year of ANY business (no matter what you do) is the hardest - you're trying to get the word out that you're a consultant, you're trying to get beyond your circle of family and friends, etc. It's a constant effort.

But, it does pay off eventually. Think of it as "planting seeds" - you have to put in a little more work in the beginning to get the results you want down the road. I'm now at a place in my business where I easily book 2-3 shows from each show and 90% of them hold, and people are now calling ME to book shows!! They got my name from so-and-so who was looking for a consultant b/c theirs quit, etc.

So, keep plugging away, and do the things that Colleen mentioned - the income-producing ones. I can tend to get bogged down in paperwork or other non-income producing things, but when I sit down and actually make calls and do those types of things, it gets results. It will happen for you, too - I know it!

I can tell you really want it to work, or you wouldn't take it so personally when a host doesn't call you back. I'll tell you, it really gets me going when they won't return my calls, too, and I've tried several different tactics to get them to call and sometimes, they just never will. You have to remember that you can't control other people, only your own actions, and if you've done everything you're 'supposed' to do, then you've done your job and you shouldn't feel like a failure. It still happens to me occasionally, but now I just let it roll off and move to the next person who DOES call me back.

(((HUGS))) and good luck - you can do it!!
  • #28
Julie, I have found that when I talk too much about booking or the business I turn people off. What works for me is to have a past host mention what all she got or if she's not there I sprinkle the host benefits here and there throughout the show. "Mary, you can get this for half price today." or "Mary, this could be one of your free items." I rarely get less than 2 bookings from a room of 4-8. I also ask my host if she wants to rebook for the next season.

My recruiting talk is my story and I do point out the kit and the host benefit pages in the catalog.

I make the show about getting great things to make life easier in everyone's kitchen. This helps the host and puts the guests at ease that I'm not going to attack them later about the business or hosting.

Then I ask everyone at checkout. If they say no to both hosting and the business I thank them and say "Let me know if things change or if you need anything more for your kitchen or for gifts."

I do not look at the door prize slips until later.

  • #29
I just did this with one of my consultants...

Evaluate your business.......

1. Would spending less time on the computer benefit your business? Not just this site but, do you spend alot of time doing other things. (She gripes constantly she can't get bookings or sales but EVERY day I get 5-7 Email jokes from her from her work with 50 -60 people in the "send to" field. Finally, I asked her if she had approached any of them to have a show or order if not do not complain to me anymore). There is business out there EVERYONE HAS A KITCHEN & we offer a new product launch 4 TIMES A YEAR. She booked a bridal shower from the 2nd person she asked.

2. Do you send a personal thank you to preferred customers and hosts thanking them? IF you brighten their day they will share with others your name when PC comes up.

3. Do you wear PC shirts?

4. Are you making your job look too hard?? (bringing too many products, struggling with the recipe)
Do you spend too much time at their home?
Do you clean up after yourself. I always wipe counters, table and sweep the floor.

5. USE the postcards to keep in touch with them. I use 5-8 per host, It really isn't their job to keep in touch with you, its your job!!

6. Attend meetings (If you had a bad month, you need the meeting. If you had a good month, the meeting needs you)

7. Listen to Belinda Ellsworth or HO cds

8. Set office hours & only do PC. It's very easy to be distracted. If I stopped working for a minute to do laundry, then I would notice dishwasher needs to be unloaded and a grocery list made, then I see I need to vacuum etc and before I know it I've lost an hour in my office

9. YOU should be in control of your calendar. Select dates you will work, add other family obligations and be firm!!

10. GET organized, If you are always searching for something you are wasting time and PC becomes a burden or too much work.
  • #30
This is probably right in front of my face, but I'm getting older, so please humor me ...

Do we have any calling scripts? You know ... for CC calls, or for calls to get bookings (these in particular)? Those of you who are successful at these calls, would you consider writing out a script for us? Usually there are only a couple of possible responses to a question ...

If a person has a script in their hands, they can either follow it, or simply use it as an outline to remind them where to go next with the conversation ...
  • #31
Sandy --- yes it is ALL there for you in your Consultant Business Guide... words for booking, recruiting, customer care... everything! It's a great resource! use it! :D
  • #32
Just a couple of thoughts....

A) your host could be on holidays and not around to get your e-mails and messages.... Don't give up.

B) Don't cancel the show in the event that someone orders on-line - they need to go through her show to do it..

Always give your hosts the benefit of the doubt. My very first show I had packed up my kit and headed on over... and waited.... and waited...... and waited........ outside her house (no one was home). What happened was she had an extremely sick child and had left me a message after I had left to go to her house. She ended up making it a catalogue show and we did very well in the end. She's probably going to book again in the Fall, and we've kept in touch quite a bit since her show.

I would tell her, you'll keep the show date open and try and close it a couple of days after the show date, that way she can still make it a catalogue show, if she wants. If you don't hear from her, use that night as a Phone Night and start booking your Fall. You had the time booked off anyway, right? Maybe do the 24 bookings in 24 hours!
  • #33
Calling ScriptsHere are the calling scripts I use. If you make enough calls, they become natural sounding. I hope they help.


  • Script for Bookings Stall.doc
    28 KB · Views: 551
  • customercarecalls[1].doc
    26.5 KB · Views: 299
  • #34
Flaky HostI understand your frustration. I would suggest leaving one last message on her answering machine that sounds something like this:

"Hi, Jane Doe! This is Julie. I was hoping to catch you to talk about your party on the 18th. I've been having a really difficult time reaching you. I hope everything is okay with you and your family. It is very essential that I talk with you before your party to go over all the details. If I don't hear back from you by Friday (give her two days) then I am going to assume that a conflict arose and the party is no longer going to work for you. I hope to hear from you very soon!"

If you don't hear from her in the two days that you allowed, then follow-up with a post card and tell her that you are sorry the party didn't work out and to let you know if she needs anything in the future. I wouldn't recommend rescheduling with her unless she has a REALLY good excuse for not returning your calls- like a death in the family. Otherwise, she could end up flaking out on you again and wasting your time.:eek:
  • #35
Well Julie you know everyone cares and wants to help.

The only thing I noticed that helped w/my bookings at the show I just got 100% of them to book was how I made it sound like I couldn't believe how great the specials were. I said, "I have never seen such a great special since I've been selling." Then I explained how they can keep getting specials each month from bookings at their show. For the recruiting I just said, "Does anyone have any questions for me." Nobody did. Then I said, "Does anyone have any questions about what I do." The questions began to flow. It was great and I wasn't being pushy.

I have the same fears you do about bothering people on the phone. I just listend to "Ring up Rewards" today. She mentioned when you call them say you were thinking about them. For example, "I was just using my food chopper today and was wondering how you are enjoying yours? (of course look-up what they purchased) Or, we have such a great host speical this month and I thought of you." People love it when you think about them. This sounds so much better then saying, "I'm calling all of my past hosts to let them know the upcoming specials." Then it sounds like they are just a number. They don't know you're saying the same thing to each person you call that night.

I don't mind calling people, I just hate getting the answering machine.

I agree this job does take time, that is why I said in my earlier post I decided to give this 5 years. This is the first year I feel I don't have to worry about running out of bookings. I just want more.

Good luck!
  • #36
I switched to having hosts give me a guest list so that I can mail out the invites back in May (after two particularly heinous experiences that I won't drag out right now!), and it has made a big difference. Yes, people can still be flaky, but as already mentioned, you know it in advance and you aren't sitting around waiting to here back, setting up babysitters then canceling, buying food that doesn't get eaten, etc. I use a guest list and guest list cover letter I found on here, and it says in the cover the letter the latest date that the guest list can be returned, otherwise the show will be postponed. So, at worst, I am out two stamps (one to send it and I send an SASE with it) if someone flakes out on me. I can handle under $1. I don't do so well when I've spent money on catalogs, order forms, invites, postage, etc, and the mental energy of doing a show, only to have it cancel.

The other thing to remember when people are flakey or hard to reach... It's not about you. Say that about 150 times until you truly believe it, because it's the truth! ;) Can you imagine what their lives must be like if they either don't have the time or the consideration to take 3 minutes and return a phone call? Glad it's them and not me.
  • #37
No matter how long you've been in this biz, you will eventually encounter a slug-head host who seems interested but acts opposite. When it gets to where I think I'll have a situation like some of the posts above (before the show) I really do finally say "this just doesn't seem like a good fit right now...how about if we try again in a few months". I had one gal get made and went with another consultant. That consultant later told me that it was one of the worst parties she'd had in a long time.

I believe in the law of averages and try not to let the really snarly shows get me down. For every show that barely qualifies and "was going to be a great show"...I have those sleeper hosts who pull out an unexpected high sales show. You really just never know. So..keep in mind that things even out over time and we do have to take some bad with our mostly good!
  • #38
mrssyvo said:
Here are the calling scripts I use. If you make enough calls, they become natural sounding. I hope they help.


These are an answer to my prayer!! :angel:
  • #39
This is an easy fix for an unresponsive host....
Leave a message telling them that you are so excited about their show. Tell them that you'll be arriving at their house at _____o'clock promptly unless you hear otherwise from them.
This ensures a very quick response!!
  • #40
pckel said:
This is an easy fix for an unresponsive host....
Leave a message telling them that you are so excited about their show. Tell them that you'll be arriving at their house at _____o'clock promptly unless you hear otherwise from them.
This ensures a very quick response!!

And include that you'll pick up their groceries and they can reimburse you when you arrive...

Related to Hostess Won't Return Calls or E-Mail--Host Coaching Impossible!!!

1. Why won't my hostess return my calls or e-mails?

There could be a variety of reasons why your hostess is not responding to your attempts to contact her. She may be busy with other commitments, or she may simply be forgetful. Give her the benefit of the doubt and continue to reach out to her in a friendly and professional manner.

2. How can I host coach if my hostess won't respond?

If your hostess is not responding, it can be difficult to coach her for a successful party. However, you can still try to reach out to her through different methods such as text messaging or reaching out to mutual friends who may have better luck getting in touch with her. If all else fails, focus on the guests who have already RSVP'd and make sure they have a great experience at the party.

3. What should I do if I can't go over her hostess packet or set a goal with her?

If your hostess is not responding to your attempts to contact her, it may be difficult to go over her hostess packet or set a goal. In this case, it's important to focus on the guests who have already RSVP'd and make sure they have a great experience at the party. You can also try reaching out to mutual friends or family members who may have better luck getting in touch with your hostess.

4. How do I handle a time change for the party if my hostess won't respond?

If you need to make a time change for the party, it's important to communicate this with your hostess as soon as possible. If she is not responding, try reaching out through different methods or ask mutual friends or family members to pass along the information. If all else fails, consider sending a personalized e-mail or note explaining the situation and the reasons for the time change.

5. What should I do if my hostess is not responding and I only have two parties for the month?

If your hostess is not responding and you only have two parties for the month, it's important to focus on the party that is more successful and has a higher turnout. You can also try reaching out to other potential hosts or booking parties through different methods such as social media or in-person interactions. Don't let one unresponsive hostess discourage you, there are always other opportunities to book parties and grow your business.

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