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Host Scheduling Frustrations: A Tale of Cancelled Shows and Unresponsive Hosts

The host booked a September show from a June show, Postponed September show till October, sent October host packet, had to cancel cooking and turned into catalog show. Ok at least got shows and sales. Wanted to book a cooking show from catalog show. Ok no problem there, wanted January, that was too crazy. Emailed me two dates in February I had tomorrow available. Called left messages. Called on a Friday night got machine as usual started to leave message, child picked up talked to host. Said yes we are good for 19th, that she was just going online now to email me back. Told her I'd mail her an extra book, Feb specials and recipe selections since still had original packet. Ok and I'll
Gold Member
So I technically have a show scheduled for tomorrow night and would have to leave right from work to get to it with enough time to set up before show starts.

This host booked a September show from a June show, Postponed September show till October, sent October host packet, had to cancel cooking and turned into catalog show. Ok at least got shows and sales. Wanted to book a cooking show from catalog show. Ok no problem there, wanted January, that was too crazy. Emailed me two dates in February I had tomorrow available. Called left messages. Called on a Friday night got machine as usual started to leave message, child picked up talked to host. Said yes we are good for 19th, that she was just going online now to email me back. Told her I'd mail her an extra book, Feb specials and recipe selections since still had original packet. Ok and I'll call you on the 10th. No answer on 10th no call back. Sent email from website and reminded her I needed to know what recipe so I can send ingredient list to her. Called again and again. Called this Monday w/friendly reminder that I still don't know what recipe and need to get ingredient list to her. Called last night and said if I didn't hear back from her I'd assume something came up and she can't hold the show. Also she had said, when I last actually spoke to her that she was working on her guest list and would get it to me soon. Never got that either. I have not gotten one email or return phone call.

It was suggested that I leave a message that we'll do such and such recipe and I'll bring ingredients and you can reimburse me when I get there. But I just can't do that. I feel like if I've not talked to the host themselves that I can't just say I'll show up and what if she never calls back and I drive out there and they are not there (intentionally) It's not super far away but far enough especially when having to deal with Friday rush hour traffic into that area, it's of course towards where all the traffic goes!:(

I'm disapointed because I really wanted the double points and I've got a show Sunday that I know will be decent and the host is very excited and has a good crowd coming. But that's my only show besides my catalog show I've yet to close out because I don't have enough orders to qualify no matter how many emails or phone calls I make no one want to order!:(
How did her catalog show go back in the fall? Do you think she has just invited people by word-of-mouth? I would just be concerned that she is going to have people there waiting and no PC Consultant. Then again, you have tried and tried with no response, so I don't blame you for being torn about what to do.
I definitely would not offer to take the ingredients because then if you show up and no one is home, you're out the money for the ingredients AND you've lost your show.
I would call her and tell her you will be there at so and so time, you will be bringing such and such, she can reimburse you when you get there, unless you hear from her by... I would give her an out and tell her you won't be home at a certain time and please just leave me a message(even if you are home..thank goodness for caller id) From experience, you just calling and saying that, will be enough. You won't have to buy anything because she will call you back. I honestly have never heard of anyone ever really showing up with the ingredients with out the host calling and freaking out because you were going to show up. To me it is a last resort, but she has put you in this position. Don't feel bad calling and telling her this.
I'm with ttchic. I too have said this to more than one host in the past and they have always called me back. I would try it with her and definitely with future MIA hosts.
It's not easy- but it WORKS (telling her you'll be there, and you're making XX - or say you are going to do a "Potato Show") :D .
Also, If you buy ingredients for a recipe you like and the show is a no-go, you can always make the recipe for yourself. :)
kcmckay said:
. Called last night and said if I didn't hear back from her I'd assume something came up and she can't hold the show. Also she had said, when I last actually spoke to her that she was working on her guest list and would get it to me soon. Never got that either. I have not gotten one email or return phone call.

It was suggested that I leave a message that we'll do such and such recipe and I'll bring ingredients and you can reimburse me when I get there. But I just can't do that. I feel like if I've not talked to the host themselves that I can't just say I'll show up and what if she never calls back and I drive out there and they are not there (intentionally) It's not super far away but far enough especially when having to deal with Friday rush hour traffic into that area, it's of course towards where all the traffic goes!:(


Ordinarily, I would recommend just calling and telling her you're going to be there at the agreed upon time and everything. However, since you already called her and told her that you would assume the show was off I feel like you need to stay your course. Bless and Release. She may call you next week with a bunch of excuses, but it sounds like her life may be too busy for a cooking show right now.
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  • #8
Just got an email from host so at least I know now. I don't know if I want to reschedule again. It's not like I had to give up a show that wanted that date but on principle since I'm trying to get a more consistent schedule.

This is email

Katie, I am so sorry for not getting back to you things were good up until Tuesday of this week. My youngest was sick, then my older daughter was sick Tues night into Wed and then I was sick Wed night into Thurs..... I am sorry to have to do this again bur I have some outside orders and I will not be having the party on Friday...I will giver you a call and let you know when to close it out. I think that my best time to do a home show/party would be when the kids are done with school, then I don't have to worry about homework. Again I am very sorry. I will be calling you soon...

If she calls with orders at least I've got that and will get the double points.
I wouldn't push for a reschedule. At this point, I'd leave the ball in her court. If she really wants to do a show, she'll call you, and at that point you'll know she is actually interested in seeing it through.

Another suggestion is to state that your policy at this point is to request a $20 refundable deposit to reschedule a date for her. That way she has a vested interest in holding her date.
  • #10
NooraK said:
I wouldn't push for a reschedule. At this point, I'd leave the ball in her court. If she really wants to do a show, she'll call you, and at that point you'll know she is actually interested in seeing it through.

Another suggestion is to state that your policy at this point is to request a $20 refundable deposit to reschedule a date for her. That way she has a vested interest in holding her date.

Yep, wait for her to come to you, or wait 6 months and try to reschedule her. At that point REQUIRE a guest list of at least 25 people to confirm/hold her show, and have it due NO LATER than 3 weeks before the show. You are pretty much guaranteed zilch cancellations when you have a guest list in your hands.

I would not ever have a "deposit" policy. That speaks negativity from the get go and honestly, I would NEVER book a show w/ someone who demanded $$ to hold a show. Never burn bridges. No matter how frustrating some hosts (or potential hosts) can be, still maintain professionalism b/c you never know what it may lead to in the future: $1,000 show, recruit, $400 show w/ 6 fresh bookings..etc.

I have had my fair share of hosts who reschedule a billion times. Frustrating...YES...but many of them have turned a corner and ended up being WONDERFUL hosts. Actually, I am about to recruit one of my past flakey hosts, who has turned "stay true to her word".

Keep your bridges in tact. Good things always comes out of it. It might not happen right now, but it will!
  • #11
Liquid Sky said:
I would not ever have a "deposit" policy. That speaks negativity from the get go and honestly, I would NEVER book a show w/ someone who demanded $$ to hold a show. Never burn bridges. No matter how frustrating some hosts (or potential hosts) can be, still maintain professionalism b/c you never know what it may lead to in the future: $1,000 show, recruit, $400 show w/ 6 fresh bookings..etc.

It's something I got from Chris Manion. She said that after she decided to implement it, she only had to bring it up, I think, once. It caused a whole shift in the attitude she had toward her business, which came through to her hosts. That this was her business, not a hobby. And again, the deposit is refundable. She can even write a check, and youwould hand her back the check at her show.

It's a suggestion, just like anything else. I haven't actually done it myself either, but I think knowing that I have that option if I need it comes across in the confidence I have toward my business.
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  • #12
I have no intentions of pushing for a show. I'm going to let her call me with her orders. I will respond to her email that I understand that life gets in the way sometimes and ask if she's going to submit some orders that she gets them to me by the 28th so I can get double points. If I never hear from her again then I just bless and release. If she wants to book I will ask for her guest list to confirm/book show so I won't miss out on booking another show if oppurtunity presents itself. Who knows as has been said, she could have my highest show ever. It would be great if it happened in June for SAT!:) We'll see what happens.
  • #13
I've never had a host cancel so many times on me, but hubby was scheduled to leave today for a military thing, so I'm currently doing the little blurb in ALL of my host coaching e-mails letting each (military) host know that they should let me know ASAP if they have to cancel. Since they are all military, they understand the whole "deployment" thing. Here's what my paragraph reads:

Although being a Pampered Chef Consultant is lots of fun, this is still how I pay for all the little extras for my family. My Husband leaves Okinawa in mid-February for a school & then I'll meet him at the new duty station, so I'll be paying sitters to watch the little ones while I do my shows from mid Feb until I leave. So if you need to cancel your show for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. The more notice that I receive the better chance I have at re-booking the date. It also affords me the opportunity of canceling the sitter with adequate notice for her to make other plans as well. ;)

Last month, I did have to e-mail one letting her know that if I didn't hear back from her by ______ date/time that I would assume that she had changed her mind & I would make other plans with my family for the day (she was a 2PM Sunday show). She immediately e-mailed back saying that no, she wanted to do the show, had invited people & had ____ number coming. My average show is $750 and her sales were only in the $500 range, but it obviously wasn't a complete waste of time. Oh, and I got a recruit lead out of it! One of her guests is scheduled to sign up this week & have her show next weekend be her first one! :D So I agree, don't burn your bridges!!! ;)
  • #14
Let this host know you'll need a guest list before you'll schedule a date for her show. Make it your new policy and tell her it's your new policy because you have a busy schedule. Let her talk all she wants about wanting a show and stay excited and positive with her, but know you really aren't having a show with her until you actually have the guest list in your posession. She needs to know if someone else wants her date and they give you a guest list on time then she'll have to pick a new date. Don't forget to always use pencil on the calendar. ;)
  • #15
Chris is right. But you know there is a way to make that deposit work for you without seeming to be a BIT*# or feeling like you are doing something immoral. Make that deposit $15. Then it is a totally legit dollar amount and compares with what is printed in the catalog and host bonus info. All you have to do then is shop for the food. See where I am going here? The $20 works too really if you think about the postage and catalogs and order forms you sent your host.
Do your normal routine, schedule all your host calls with them and then tell them the shopping date. Then you tell your hosts right up front that you will be doing the shopping for their party and need the money, $15, up front. Then you make very sure you tell them that they must call you THREE DAYS PRIOR to their party to confirm their party. You also then tell them to get a refund if they need to cancel, you must hear from them by what ever date you decide. Make it a firm date though because if you say a week before the party, you may think 7 days, they might think 5 days. If the the three days does not give you enough time to do the shopping, use 4 or 5 days. Whatever works for you.
  • #16
Once I actually told a host who had reschedule 2 times already that I needed her guest list before we confirmed a show date and that if the way I run my business didn't work for her that I could always find her another consultant. The third show finally stuck and it was over $700 with 3 bookings!
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  • #17
Well she emailed me the orders yesterday but I didn't have time to get online yesterday. I opened email today and the total was around $250. I called to get her order and let her know her benefits so we could close it out.

To my shock:eek: but delight:D I didn't get the machine, but her answering and have closed out the show! Yay. It closed at $273!:) My cooking show is closing at $556!:) These are commisionable sales and that's all I'm worrying about for points and commision sake! I thought my cooking show would be higher but the reason guest sales were over $700 was because past host show was booked from ordered knife block! But I did figure out that with double points, with those shows and my catalog show and an online order! Which I'm uber excited about from a past host my points for Feb are 2090! It's definitely a step in the right direction. Need to get on the phone tomorrow and get more March shows booked so I can earn conference and use conference club for my airfare!

I'm very excited and no that a trip is still going to take a lot of time and work but I will earn one even if it's Toronto! But my sight are set on Maui.
  • #18
I am happy for you she got back to you. I really like the idea of getting the guest list before you will do a show. Great idea! Don Funt does that!

Related to Host Scheduling Frustrations: A Tale of Cancelled Shows and Unresponsive Hosts

1. What is "What Would You Do?"

"What Would You Do?" is a game developed by Pampered Chef that encourages players to make quick decisions and get creative in the kitchen. It includes various scenarios and challenges that players must complete using their cooking skills and the products from Pampered Chef.

2. How many players can participate in "What Would You Do?"

This game is designed for 2-6 players, making it perfect for small gatherings or family game nights.

3. Are there any specific products I need to play "What Would You Do?"

No, you can use any Pampered Chef products you have on hand to play "What Would You Do?" However, we do recommend having a variety of kitchen tools and gadgets to make the game more fun and challenging.

4. Can I customize the game to fit my dietary restrictions?

Yes, "What Would You Do?" allows for customization to fit various dietary restrictions or preferences. You can modify the challenges and recipes to accommodate gluten-free, vegetarian, or other dietary needs.

5. Is "What Would You Do?" suitable for all ages?

While the game is designed for adults, children can also participate with adult supervision. It's a great way to get the whole family involved in cooking and having fun in the kitchen.

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