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Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!

I guess I would be offended if someone said Merry Christmas to me but not Happy Hannukah. I don't think it's right to water down a holiday just to make everyone happy.
  • #201
EpTxGuy said:
I celebrate Christmas, and I like the Christmas trees on the plates, they're very festive. If calling them holiday plates helps someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas order them because they're fun and frestive, I have no problem with that.

The trees on those plates remind me very much of some I've seen in stores like Target for years. Kind of retro. Sort of decorated but not. Cutsey (sp) and whimsical.

I think people of most faiths could like them. It's like everything else, some will love them and have to have them and others will pass because it's not their style.

I plan on using them throughout the holidays and will take at least one to my shows all fall but if they aren't your thing then let the catalog sell them for you. When I don't care for something I don't talk about it but still have customers who see them in the book and want it.

The fact that they call them Holiday rather than Christmas is a marketing thing. PC is very aware that many of us think Christmas when we see them and that's normal but why limit our customer base - and the length of time they can be used?
  • #202
cwinter474 said:
I just don't understand why we as Christians are always expected to give up parts of our beliefs and culture so that we don't offend everyone else. Yes those people have rights, but what about us? Don't we as Christians and Americans have right?

I try not to look at it like this~no one has asked me to give up my beliefs and I have the right to shop, or not shop, where I choose. If a company chooses to call something "holiday" versus "Christmas" and I feel like they are doing it for self-serving purposes, I can chose not to support that company. As a Christian, I believe it is my responsibility to share what I believe but not to force my opinion on anyone else. As an American, I believe that it is my duty to respect ALL people for their beliefs, no to persecute them because their beliefs are not mine.
  • #203
I think the uproar over Christmas is a bit amusing. I am follower of Christ. (more descriptive than the blanket term "Christian".) Yes - the birth of Christ is of GREAT importance to me, as is His life and death, and most importantly, His resurrection. Christmas is a time to reflect and celebrate one part of Who Christ is. The time of year that Christmas is celebrated was chosen to coincide with a Pagan holiday (as Lisa explained) so that Christians - Christ-followers - could celebrate the birth of their Savior w/o attracting too much undue attention. It was almost a "secret" Holy Day (i.e. holiday). As Christianity grew in favor with rulers over time, Christmas was celebrated more openly, and was adopted by those who weren't even followers of Christ.

As Christians, we have come to this belief (Which is actually more of an American belief than a Christian belief) that EVERYONE has to adhere to our faith, or has to move out of the way because we are right and they are wrong. (And yes, I believe that there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus). But that isn't the way Jesus lived or worked on earth. He loved EVERYONE, and He respected all. He was comfortable with people of other faiths, and the only time he got angry was with religious leaders who abused their position. He knew that by telling the truth - many times in parables(stories) - that the people who were searching for the truth would find it in Him. He was NEVER defensive about His Truth, or felt He had to argue or throw a fit if people didn't believe what He was saying. He simply loved people, and continued to tell the truth.

This is going to make some of my fellow followers of Christ angry - but here goes.....

Being militant doesn't do any good. It may make you feel better, but it pushes others away. It doesn't draw people to Christ. There are so many ways to tell the truth, and live the truth of Christ's love and sacrifice, and the salvation that He brings, without being divisive. You can keep saying "let me be RIGHT", but that isn't going to bring anyone closer to Christ.

I would challenge you to do a study of Christ, and the people He hung out with and befriended, and the way that He spoke to not just those who loved Him, but also those who mocked & cursed Him. Along with that, do a study of how God, through the ages, always reconciled His people back to Himself. It was never through times of prosperity or when they were in power or things were going their way. Those times just made them fall away from God - it was only when they were in captivity, or being persecuted, or other times of adversity, that His people turned back to God...and it was during some of the greatest persecution that The Church saw it's greatest growth both in numbers and spiritual depth.
  • #204
Amen Becky!...and let me add, that doesn't mean giving up any of your faith or believing any less. It just means that you approach others in love.I always remember two verses to try and keep my perspective and help me to love those who disagree:1. I Corinthians 1:18 - For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.I cannot hold anyone of another faith to what I believe for my beliefs do not make sense to them.2. Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.If that person is seeking God wholeheartedly, they will find Him!
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  • #205
ChefBeckyD said:
I think the uproar over Christmas is a bit amusing. I am follower of Christ. (more descriptive than the blanket term "Christian".) Yes - the birth of Christ is of GREAT importance to me, as is His life and death, and most importantly, His resurrection. Christmas is a time to reflect and celebrate one part of Who Christ is. The time of year that Christmas is celebrated was chosen to coincide with a Pagan holiday (as Lisa explained) so that Christians - Christ-followers - could celebrate the birth of their Savior w/o attracting too much undue attention. It was almost a "secret" Holy Day (i.e. holiday). As Christianity grew in favor with rulers over time, Christmas was celebrated more openly, and was adopted by those who weren't even followers of Christ.

As Christians, we have come to this belief (Which is actually more of an American belief than a Christian belief) that EVERYONE has to adhere to our faith, or has to move out of the way because we are right and they are wrong. (And yes, I believe that there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus). But that isn't the way Jesus lived or worked on earth. He loved EVERYONE, and He respected all. He was comfortable with people of other faiths, and the only time he got angry was with religious leaders who abused their position. He knew that by telling the truth - many times in parables(stories) - that the people who were searching for the truth would find it in Him. He was NEVER defensive about His Truth, or felt He had to argue or throw a fit if people didn't believe what He was saying. He simply loved people, and continued to tell the truth.

This is going to make some of my fellow followers of Christ angry - but here goes.....

Being militant doesn't do any good. It may make you feel better, but it pushes others away. It doesn't draw people to Christ. There are so many ways to tell the truth, and live the truth of Christ's love and sacrifice, and the salvation that He brings, without being divisive. You can keep saying "let me be RIGHT", but that isn't going to bring anyone closer to Christ.

I would challenge you to do a study of Christ, and the people He hung out with and befriended, and the way that He spoke to not just those who loved Him, but also those who mocked & cursed Him. Along with that, do a study of how God, through the ages, always reconciled His people back to Himself. It was never through times of prosperity or when they were in power or things were going their way. Those times just made them fall away from God - it was only when they were in captivity, or being persecuted, or other times of adversity, that His people turned back to God...and it was during some of the greatest persecution that The Church saw it's greatest growth both in numbers and spiritual depth.

Very well said!

Like I've been known to say... telling someone they're wrong doesn't make anyone more right. ;)
  • #206
Obviously, I could not have said it better myself, Becky!
  • Thread starter
  • #207
cwinter474 said:
ok, I am removing myself from this post, before I upset anyone, and the nasty PM's start flying my way. Once was enough

cwinter474 said:
Totally Agree!!

cwinter474 said:

NO don't go away! I love it when people firmly agree with me!:D

And it upsets me that as good as we have been to each other in this thread although finding increasingly different beliefs that someone was nasty to you. We talk about being nice to each other in this thread and then somene goes and ruins the nice, respectful way we have been treating each other.
  • #208
You go ChefBecky!
  • #209
"As Christians, we have come to this belief (Which is actually more of an American belief than a Christian belief) that EVERYONE has to adhere to our faith, or has to move out of the way because we are right and they are wrong."

Becky, don't sell America short :) America is one of the few nations where people can worship as they please. Several colonies were founded as safe haven and one of our fundamental rights is freedom of worship.

Believing that "we're right, you're wrong" is not the exclusive property of some Christians either - I've heard it from Jews, Muslims, and atheists. It's a human thing - the need to be a member of an exclusive group.

Bottom line, believe what you believe, and let me do the same.

  • #210
ChefBeckyD said:
I think the uproar over Christmas is a bit amusing. I am follower of Christ. (more descriptive than the blanket term "Christian".) Yes - the birth of Christ is of GREAT importance to me, as is His life and death, and most importantly, His resurrection. Christmas is a time to reflect and celebrate one part of Who Christ is. The time of year that Christmas is celebrated was chosen to coincide with a Pagan holiday (as Lisa explained) so that Christians - Christ-followers - could celebrate the birth of their Savior w/o attracting too much undue attention. It was almost a "secret" Holy Day (i.e. holiday). As Christianity grew in favor with rulers over time, Christmas was celebrated more openly, and was adopted by those who weren't even followers of Christ.

As Christians, we have come to this belief (Which is actually more of an American belief than a Christian belief) that EVERYONE has to adhere to our faith, or has to move out of the way because we are right and they are wrong. (And yes, I believe that there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus). But that isn't the way Jesus lived or worked on earth. He loved EVERYONE, and He respected all. He was comfortable with people of other faiths, and the only time he got angry was with religious leaders who abused their position. He knew that by telling the truth - many times in parables(stories) - that the people who were searching for the truth would find it in Him. He was NEVER defensive about His Truth, or felt He had to argue or throw a fit if people didn't believe what He was saying. He simply loved people, and continued to tell the truth.

This is going to make some of my fellow followers of Christ angry - but here goes.....

Being militant doesn't do any good. It may make you feel better, but it pushes others away. It doesn't draw people to Christ. There are so many ways to tell the truth, and live the truth of Christ's love and sacrifice, and the salvation that He brings, without being divisive. You can keep saying "let me be RIGHT", but that isn't going to bring anyone closer to Christ.

I would challenge you to do a study of Christ, and the people He hung out with and befriended, and the way that He spoke to not just those who loved Him, but also those who mocked & cursed Him. Along with that, do a study of how God, through the ages, always reconciled His people back to Himself. It was never through times of prosperity or when they were in power or things were going their way. Those times just made them fall away from God - it was only when they were in captivity, or being persecuted, or other times of adversity, that His people turned back to God...and it was during some of the greatest persecution that The Church saw it's greatest growth both in numbers and spiritual depth.

Amen! Becky that sums it up perfectly for me. Thank you!
  • #211
susanr613 said:
"As Christians, we have come to this belief (Which is actually more of an American belief than a Christian belief) that EVERYONE has to adhere to our faith, or has to move out of the way because we are right and they are wrong."

Becky, don't sell America short :) America is one of the few nations where people can worship as they please. Several colonies were founded as safe haven and one of our fundamental rights is freedom of worship.

Believing that "we're right, you're wrong" is not the exclusive property of some Christians either - I've heard it from Jews, Muslims, and atheists. It's a human thing - the need to be a member of an exclusive group.

Bottom line, believe what you believe, and let me do the same.


First thing that came to mind when I read this was the Shiites v. Sunnis.

Female bombers kill scores of Iraqi pilgrims - Middle East, World - The Independent

The difference is, they do believe the same thing, basically - they're killing each other over how to practice that belief!!

  • #212
that's just plain sad......

I tell my kids all the time, "being right isn't always the right thing to be"
  • #213
Well,... actually...decorated trees are also used to celebrate the Winter Solstice (Pagan holiday).
I think the plates are cute, but do agree that snowflakes would have appealed to more people.
  • #214
Becky and Janet - thank you!

I am a Christian, but am not as in touch with my religious side as I have always been (I'm still spiritual though). What the 2 of you said rings true to me. While I am Christian, militant Christians push me away from religion, so "hearing" what you have to say reminds me of the good side of religion. So thanks from a twenty-something who is trying to find herself a bit more!
  • #215
you can't make someone believe what you believe. In America we are suppose to be able to talk about what we believe why we believe it and not be afraid of persecution...no matter what religion or non religion we practice. But, as a Christian I know that it is getting harder and harder to talk about Christ, and our beliefs because "the world" wants us to be silenced. I never tell anyone that their belief is wrong, nor do I try to get them silenced and I expect to be treated the same. Unfortunately in the world today, Christianity is the religion most persecuted. Yes, some Christians go overboard, but so do other religious people...does 911 ring a bell. Jesus loved everyone, but He did get angry at those who did not listen. He was angry that people were buying and selling in the "church" and he turned over their tables, let their animals loose and kicked them out. However, most of the time you didn't know that he was angry because he used wisdom in his teaching. He is the only perfect human to have ever been born. If we could all be more like him and use wisdom in everything, the world would be a better place. But, none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes.

Lots of things are done in the "name of religion" but that doesn't make them right. So called Christian people who kill abortion doctors and scream at women as they go into and leave an abortion clinic or not following Christ. They say its about religion but its not. I personally do not want to be called religious. I am not religious, I have a personal relationship with Christ...there is a HUGE difference.

As far as the plates go, I would have liked snow or snowmen or wreaths for holiday plates. The only way to make them Christmas...as far as celebrating Christ...would have been to put crosses or the wise men or the star on them. I can live with the trees, but I will probably call them Christmas plates, because I don't say Happy Holidays...I say MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  • Thread starter
  • #216
Bumping for someone who was looking for this thread.
  • #217
I have just read all 216 posts... took me about an hour, but well worth it. What a great thread.

As an outsider on both religion and the US election, I wonder why all the political threads couldn't have been written with the same level of repect for both sides. This discussion could well have gone the way some of those did, but it didn't!

On a lighter note I didn't realise that I already knew so much about christianity and judaism!
  • #218
I think a fundamental difference between this particular thread and the political ones is that most posters agreed that calling them Holiday plates was a misnomer.
<h2>1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!"</h2><p>The 5 most frequently asked questions about "Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!" are:</p><ul><li>Why are the plates/platters being referred to as "holiday" instead of Christmas?</li><li>Do the plates/platters only have Christmas-themed designs?</li><li>Can these plates/platters be used for other holidays besides Christmas?</li><li>Does the Holiday Desserts book contain recipes for other holidays besides Christmas?</li><li>Why do other holidays not get named something else to pacify all religions, while Christmas does?</li></ul><h2>2. I see that PC is also calling Christmas items holiday items. I am not happy with this at all and I am going to email HO.</h2><p>It is understandable to feel unhappy with the decision to refer to Christmas items as holiday items. If you have concerns, it is always a good idea to reach out to Pampered Chef's head office to express your thoughts and feedback.</p><h2>3. The plates/platters have Christmas trees on them, so, they are clearly for Christmas and if anyone is buying them they are getting them for that Holiday.</h2><p>While the plates/platters may have Christmas trees on them, it is important to remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas. By using the term "holiday" instead of Christmas, it allows for a more inclusive approach and allows individuals to use these items for their respective holiday celebrations.</p><h2>4. I do not know if the Holiday Desserts book contains recipes for other holidays since I have not seen it, so, I cannot comment on it until I know it's contents.</h2><p>As you have not seen the Holiday Desserts book, it is difficult to comment on its contents. However, it is important to remember that Pampered Chef is a global company and may cater to a diverse customer base, therefore offering recipes for different holidays could be a way to cater to their customers' needs.</p><h2>5. This is something that bothers me to the core that Christ is taken out of Christmas when without Christ there would be no Christmas. Other holidays do not get named something else to pacify all other religions, so, why should Christmas be discriminated against.</h2><p>It is understandable to feel strongly about keeping Christ in Christmas. However, it is important to respect and acknowledge that not everyone celebrates Christmas and by using the term "holiday," it allows for inclusivity and diversity within the community. Christmas is still a widely recognized and celebrated holiday, and by using the term "holiday," it does not take away from the religious significance of Christmas for those who celebrate it. Other holidays may not get named differently because they may not have a dominant religious connotation attached to them.</p><h2>6. I am sure I will be opening up a can of worms, but if Christians do not stand up to keeping Christ in Christmas then who will?</h2><p>It is admirable to stand up for one's beliefs, but it is also important to respect and acknowledge that others may have different beliefs and traditions. It is not the responsibility of one group to dictate how holidays should be celebrated. Instead, it is important to promote inclusivity and respect for all individuals and their beliefs during these holiday seasons.</p>

Related to Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!

1. What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!"

The 5 most frequently asked questions about "Holiday Plates/Platter Instead of Christmas!" are:

  • Why are the plates/platters being referred to as "holiday" instead of Christmas?
  • Do the plates/platters only have Christmas-themed designs?
  • Can these plates/platters be used for other holidays besides Christmas?
  • Does the Holiday Desserts book contain recipes for other holidays besides Christmas?
  • Why do other holidays not get named something else to pacify all religions, while Christmas does?

2. I see that PC is also calling Christmas items holiday items. I am not happy with this at all and I am going to email HO.

It is understandable to feel unhappy with the decision to refer to Christmas items as holiday items. If you have concerns, it is always a good idea to reach out to Pampered Chef's head office to express your thoughts and feedback.

3. The plates/platters have Christmas trees on them, so, they are clearly for Christmas and if anyone is buying them they are getting them for that Holiday.

While the plates/platters may have Christmas trees on them, it is important to remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas. By using the term "holiday" instead of Christmas, it allows for a more inclusive approach and allows individuals to use these items for their respective holiday celebrations.

4. I do not know if the Holiday Desserts book contains recipes for other holidays since I have not seen it, so, I cannot comment on it until I know it's contents.

As you have not seen the Holiday Desserts book, it is difficult to comment on its contents. However, it is important to remember that Pampered Chef is a global company and may cater to a diverse customer base, therefore offering recipes for different holidays could be a way to cater to their customers' needs.

5. This is something that bothers me to the core that Christ is taken out of Christmas when without Christ there would be no Christmas. Other holidays do not get named something else to pacify all other religions, so, why should Christmas be discriminated against.

It is understandable to feel strongly about keeping Christ in Christmas. However, it is important to respect and acknowledge that not everyone celebrates Christmas and by using the term "holiday," it allows for inclusivity and diversity within the community. Christmas is still a widely recognized and celebrated holiday, and by using the term "holiday," it does not take away from the religious significance of Christmas for those who celebrate it. Other holidays may not get named differently because they may not have a dominant religious connotation attached to them.

6. I am sure I will be opening up a can of worms, but if Christians do not stand up to keeping Christ in Christmas then who will?

It is admirable to stand up for one's beliefs, but it is also important to respect and acknowledge that others may have different beliefs and traditions. It is not the responsibility of one group to dictate how holidays should be celebrated. Instead, it is important to promote inclusivity and respect for all individuals and their beliefs during these holiday seasons.

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