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Help!!Really Want to Sell Pampered Chef ....

In summary, I live in a very small town and don't know anyone. For this reason I feel that I won't be able to get bookings. I went with to a PC party had alot of fun and the consulatnt there recruited me, went with her to a cluster meeting and had even more fun. I really want to sell PC so I can meet new people and get the stuff! Any Ideas would be Great! :)
I live in a very small town and don't know anyone. For this reason I feel that I won't be able to get bookings. I went with to a PC party had alot of fun and the consulatnt there recruited me, went with her to a cluster meeting and had even more fun. I really want to sell PC so I can meet new people and get the stuff! Any Ideas would be Great! :)
Start by doing an open house and invite everyone you know, especially neighbors! Even though you live in a small town, you'd be surprised at the business you can get! Determine how far you are willing to travel...what are the nearby towns/cities...if you know people there, get them to book shows for you so that you can expand your business to where you are comfortable traveling to. If you have out of town family and friends that would like to help you out, utilize your personal website and have them do catalog shows placing orders through your website.

Those are thoughts right off the top of my head...I hope they help! Good luck, I'm sure you will do great!!!
heyyou said:
I live in a very small town and don't know anyone. For this reason I feel that I won't be able to get bookings. I went with to a PC party had alot of fun and the consulatnt there recruited me, went with her to a cluster meeting and had even more fun. I really want to sell PC so I can meet new people and get the stuff! Any Ideas would be Great! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Talked to family none seem interested in hosting a party. :eek:
you said "seemed" interested. What do you mean by that? Usually family members are happy to help out. How and what did you say to them. This can make a big difference. By telling my family how important they were in helping me start my business, really influenced them.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I mentioned that I was interested in selling PC at a family gathering, and my sister was not into it (she's too busy with work, dosen't know who she can invite,etc..). I was really surprised because I thought for sure she would do it. I haven't signed up with PC yet. I'm trying to line up shows first. My recruiter really wants me to sign up,but it won't do her any good if I'm inactive.
I have to say that family members are not always the most supportive people when getting started. Don't get discouraged...that is not unusual.

Talk to casual aquantaces, kids friends, church members, and anyone who breathes! You can host an open house at your house - 2 days back to back. Those friends and family who can't come the first daytime can come to the next evening time open house. Get someone to do a catalog show for you. Then get at least 2 friends to do a kitchen show. At your shows talk about bookings throughout and ask everyone at the end if they would be interested in having a show of their own. DON'T PREJUDGE and not ask....ask EVERYONE!

It is also really important to get your list of 100 (ask your recruiter for this) so you can see how many people there are to ask.
wanting to become a consultantI also have the same problem as heyyou. I can't have a open house because of the rent house is very small and no stove. Also don't have the intial investment, as soon as I can get a job where I have money coming in I will try to get some booking to get started.
So I would appreciate prayers for a job so that I can get started as a consultant.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Have yoe thought about having a consultant do a show for you? Then you can use the money for your start up.
Raising $$
annverrett said:
I also have the same problem as heyyou. I can't have a open house because of the rent house is very small and no stove. Also don't have the intial investment, as soon as I can get a job where I have money coming in I will try to get some booking to get started.
So I would appreciate prayers for a job so that I can get started as a consultant.

There is a really great signing bonus coming out April 1st. So see if you can have a garage sale to raise the money for the kit. I've had 2 people do that to start their business. Both cleared out their kitchen so they were able to put their new stuff away. :D
  • #10
heyyou said:
I live in a very small town and don't know anyone. For this reason I feel that I won't be able to get bookings. I went with to a PC party had alot of fun and the consulatnt there recruited me, went with her to a cluster meeting and had even more fun. I really want to sell PC so I can meet new people and get the stuff! Any Ideas would be Great! :)

Have you found someone to get you started with Pampered Chef? I'd like to help you get started. Contact me

  • #11
There is a really great signing bonus coming out April 1st.What is the signing bonus coming out April 1st?
  • #12
Small town jack potsSome of the top sales people in Pampered Chef come from very small towns. I agree with doing the open house. Parties like Pampered Chef provide a great way to socialize in small towns. Just remember to have fun and keep it simple. You will never know if you do not try. Do two open houses one weeknight and another one later in the month on a weekend night. With the new qualifications it will not take you long to get there. I have been in Pampered Chef for four years and have not had one of my family memeber have a show for me. Dont take it personally. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. When they see you succeeding and having fun they will be changing their minds. You will be great. Hang in there!
  • #13
I am a PC consultant and here is my advice to you. The consultant that wants to recruit you is sitting on a goldmine-you are that goldmine! Here you are, you want to sell, but because your resources for shows may be limited you are hesitant. Shame on this consultant for not giving you some ideas. Your hesitancy shouldn't be whether to become a consultant but whether you actually want to her to be the one to recruit you. What you need to do is put on your creative thinking cap for a few minutes. Forget about family and friends helping you to get started. They will not, I guarantee it, be as excited about this as you are. Reach beyond them-here are some ideas.
To get you started, think "fundraisers". Think of all the groups, organizations, etc in your small community that could use extra money. Try to get them set up with a fundraiser (girl scout troups, church groups, youth groups, gymnastics/cheerleading groups, groups at school such as band, choir, language clubs,etc). Next, the big wedding season is right around the corner. Contact area bridal stores/consultants and try to get some bridal showers set up. Third, approach a hair salon and see if they will let you set up in their salon for a day. Bring food-feed the staff (munchie recipes) and maybe have enough for clients to try. Try to get bookings as well as sales. Then either have the salon owner be your hostess, or have a drawing amongst the stylists and select one of them to be the hostess. Give a small gift to the owner of the salon for letting you do this. Bowling alleys-do a fundraiser or just a show on the Saturday mornings when the kids bowl. It will give the moms something to do. Get some of the Pamp Chef flyers. Go around the neighborhood and put them in mailboxes (if permitted), or put inside people's doors. State in the flyer that if they book by a certain date, that you will have an extra gift for them.
Bottom line-it's all in the marketing. As much as I hate the saying, you have to "think outside the box"! And if this consultant that wants to recruit you hasn't given you these ideas, then I would think twice about being in her cluster. As far as the PC business itself, and I couldn't recommend a better business. I have consulted for 5 other companies over the years, and before I got into PC, I reviewed everything else out there. I will tell you honestly that no company has better products or a better hostess and consultant program than PC. Good luck. I hope you go with it-just remember to be CREATIVE!
  • #14
both the garage sale and the consultant ideas are great. when I got started I thought about having my director host a party for me because I had a small house. BUt I did 2 book parties instead. Blessings to you both.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Thanks for all the great advice! Could someone explain how the first 3 starter months work? And if I don't sell enough how does that work? Does that mean I'am done or am I still a consultant(can I still go to meetings)? :confused:
  • #16
How super starter months workEach month you have the opportunity to earn ADDITIONAL products on top of your paycheck!

If you sell $1250 (that is about 4 shows or less), you earn the Super Starter bonus for that month. If you sell OVER $1250, you bank the extra amount toward BONUS Super Starter products.

If you do not meet the $1250, you get a paycheck, but not the Super Starter bonus.

You are always a consultant as long as you submit $200 in sales every 2 months.
  • #17
April 1st signing bonusRECRUITING INCENTIVE

Sign between April 1st and April 30th
Submit either $1250 in commissionable sales
4 qualifying shows ($150 minimum each)

EARN the new mid-season products ($70 value) FREE
Plus the Patriotic Apron FREE!


Any consultant who submits $1250 in sales in April
Earns the mid-season products FREE
And the patriotic apron

And submits $1250 IN APRIL they
Technically earn TWO SETS of products and aprons
(already verified through field services)

AND of course with $1250 in sales they earn the
1st month's super starter products!

And then all the sales they submit in May count towards
BANKING more $'s for more super starter packages for FREE!


Sign someone between April 1st and April 30th
And they qualify with either $1250 in commissionable sales or 4
qualifying shows ($150 minimum each)
You earn 1,000 points for them qualifying,
500 bonus points for this happening in their first super starter month
*Who fills the requirements!

Think about it!
Help THREE PEOPLE IN APRIL and in May add 9,000 points for a trip!
That's 50% of the points needed for level 1 without doing a show!
Just helping change someone's life for the better!




  • #18
annverrett said:
I also have the same problem as heyyou. I can't have a open house because of the rent house is very small and no stove. Also don't have the intial investment, as soon as I can get a job where I have money coming in I will try to get some booking to get started.
So I would appreciate prayers for a job so that I can get started as a consultant.
:eek: Hi Ann-----I suggest you have an outdoor show and prepare items ahead of time so you can also enjoy your new neighbors. You can still go thru the items used to make each food. Have an Outdoor Get To Know You show for couples. Or, use your church parish building or local public building. Also, some schools will let you come in after 3:00 oclock and sell to the teachers and office. Set up in the hallway. Have several things prepared ahead of time. You can just talk to them in general about PC. Be sure to ask each if they are interested in hosting a show. Use your drawing slips and give away one of the little Seasons Best cookbooks. Goodluck, Linda in Hickory, NC
  • #19
Remember shows do not have to be in your home. Friends, Family, Church Halls are all possible. Email me at [email protected] and we can get you some more ideas. The yard sale idea is great. Combine that with a book party and you can purhase your kit for little effort and at a great discount. :)

  • #20
Booking IdeaI would recommend that you wear something with a Pampered Chef pin or logo and carry catalogs with you. If you are at a doctors office, sitting at a kids soccer game or whatever. People will see that you have something from Pampered Chef and will probably approach you to ask if you are having a party or if you sell PC. I got my first catalog show this way because I was bringing a catalog to someone in my daughters gymnastics class. The lady never showed up but I had the catalog sitting there and someone else saw it and wanted to look at it. She looked through it and then asked me if she could host a show for me. It was amazing because she had never hosted a PC show before!

I am starting to wear my Help Whip Cancer pin and am hoping that people will ask what it is for so I can promote shows for May! You can also use the pins from Nancy's Artwoks (website on PC's website). I hope that helps!

Good luck and do not get discouraged! :)
  • #21
TO ChefinGreen
I'm a returning consultant and have not been able to get any good ideas. You are awesome and I feel very inspired by your ideas. Thank you for sharing!
  • #22
Chefingreen, that was a great post and totally helped me to think outside the box. I've been a consultant for a couple of years but only started working this business in Nov 08. You've really inspired me! :cheerleader:
  • #23
Wow, I haven't seen a post THIS old bumped in awhile!ETA: Chefingreen hasn't been on in 3 years!
  • #24
janetupnorth said:
Wow, I haven't seen a post THIS old bumped in awhile!

ETA: Chefingreen hasn't been on in 3 years!

Reminder that everyone should be careful of dates on some of these old threads. One of the posts on this thread is describing an April incentive that is from 2005.
Last edited:
  • #24
heyyou said:
Talked to family none seem interested in hosting a party. :eek:

don't ask if they are interested in PC, ask them to help YOU start your business!! there is a BIG DIFFERence
  • #25
Wooah! That was throwing me off! I was trying to figure out what incentive started in April and if it really was better than a 50% rebate on a kit. :D Yes, pay attention to the dates. Old threads can really come back and confuse you.
  • #26
Re: Raising $$What is the April bonus for signing up
  • #27
Re: Raising $$
Kimberlymmj said:
What is the April bonus for signing up

there is not one. We do have one that ends march 31st.

this is a verry old thread!
  • #28
Don't worry about that. I too thought the same thing. Actually I have only done one show in my home town. All other shows have been in other towns 1/2 to 1 hour away. I also was worried about too many PC consultants in one area, and that was a needless worry too. Good Luck and hope you have as much fun doing this as I have!

Related to Help!!Really Want to Sell Pampered Chef ....

1. How do I get started selling Pampered Chef products?

To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you can sign up online or through a consultant. You will need to purchase a starter kit, which includes all the tools and resources you need to get started. You can also attend training sessions and workshops to learn more about the products and how to sell them effectively.

2. What are the benefits of being a Pampered Chef consultant?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you will have the opportunity to earn money through product sales and hosting cooking parties. You will also have the chance to earn free products and receive discounts on products for personal use. Additionally, you will have the flexibility to work your own hours and be your own boss.

3. How do I market and sell Pampered Chef products?

There are various ways to market and sell Pampered Chef products. You can host cooking parties, approach friends and family, utilize social media platforms, and attend community events or craft fairs. It is also important to build relationships with your customers and provide excellent customer service to keep them coming back.

4. Do I need to have cooking experience to sell Pampered Chef products?

No, you do not need to have cooking experience to sell Pampered Chef products. The products come with easy-to-follow recipe instructions and you can also attend training sessions to learn more about the products and how to use them. However, having a passion for cooking and an interest in the products can be beneficial in selling them.

5. Is there a minimum sales requirement as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, there is a minimum sales requirement of $150 in personal sales every three months to remain an active consultant. This can be easily achieved through hosting cooking parties and selling products to friends, family, and acquaintances. You can also sell online through your personalized Pampered Chef website.

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