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Help! No Way to Enter Show Order

In summary, Nancy's Artworks was not able to qualify for the host rewards program. To be eligible, a show needs to be open for more than 30 days and have at least $150 in orders. The director advised the hostess to enter the orders as one individual order and have it sent to the host's home.
Silver Member
I have a show that didnt qualify. I have never had a show not qualify and i dont know how to enter it as an individual order. I tried and it wouldnt let me enter the actual order. I cant get in touch with my director. this show has been open since since aug. 21st. i told her she could keep it open if she could get some more orders. she did get more just not enough. if someone could please tell me how to do this or call me and help me i would deeply appreciate it. i have never had to try this. my number is 662-456-4357
Well it sounds like you tried to have the host get to above $150. How far away is it??? ONe way the host can bump it above $150 is by ordering a gift certificate. That does count toward the show total even if she purchases it. You can suggest this to her if she has any upcoming gifts to give or for the holidays or something. See if she's interested in this. I'm sure she understands she gets NO host benefits if it's not above $150.

Also, each order on her show would have to be entered as an individual order (in PP when you enter a show and its information, that drop down menu appears. Choose "individual" instead of a kitchen or catalog show.) Unfortunately each guest is then charged the direct shipping fee instead of the flat $3.50.

How far do you have to go? Do you have any straggling individual orders you can add to her show? That's what I do if at all possible. Good luck!! :)
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She wasnt really happy with her show or with the pampered chef. she's angry that you have to reach $150 to get free stuff. she said it doesnt balance out....$15 isnt enough with much of an order. So she basically just wants to get this whole show done and over with. she is about 70 dollars way from 150. like i said earlier, her show has been open since aug. 21st. i think when i call her and tell her i need more money for shipping she is really going to be angry. how much is direct shipping? can i send everything to her house still? this is so confusing!!

What my director has advised me to do in cases like this (which luckily I haven't had yet!) is to enter it all as one individual order and have it sent to the host's home. That way, the shipping charges that you have already collected may equal enough to cover it.

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thanks for the help. about the time i got it all into the computer right, my hostess called with a couple more orders and made it into a qualifying show! i was really happy because she wanted the food chopper really bad. she only has to pay 12.72 for it now. she still doesnt like the way the free products works and wants me to put in a complaint into HO. i am not sure how to go about doing that. I think we have an amazing hostess program. she thinks its to much work since we live in small towns and the money doesnt flow very freely. my highest show has 287. maybe with her phd and chopper she will change her mind.
Hi, Monica!

Sounds like a couple of things were at play. The biggest reason a host doesn't know about the host rewards is - we don't tell them. My worst shows or most frustrated host (only 1 thankfully) happened when I didn't do host coaching. Bad for them, and bad for me.

The 3-step call or visiting beforehand works WONDERS. Also - tell your hosts to try for 5-15-5: 5 orders before the show, 15 guests at the show, and 5 orders afterward from folks who couldn't make it, others out of town, etc.

Nancy's Artworks postcards can help reinforce this as well - or you can make your own if you have a computer and pennies are tight.

Host coaching for them - answers all their questions, and puts them at ease. For you - it gets your head around the show, into your host's mind and heart, and understanding the guests even before they walk in the door.

Some more experience on your part will help coach your future hosts and save you some problems later. Look for some of the teleclasses - the resources are out there!

Also, be sure your Pampered Partner is the one that came with the new Fall startup packet - and then do both a PP upload and a New Products upload once you open PP. (I think it's the 3rd or 4th button over). The only times I have had problems with PP is when I have not had a current copy of the software.

Good luck - keep at it!
with regards to the $150 guest sales for kitchen shows in order to get $15 in free products....I always encourage my hosts to aim high and must admit that I have been guilty of not being explicit in outlining this baseline requirement.

Part of the reason that I have been reticent in speaking of this is b/c I don't like it. It states "Gift of Free Product Value includes $15 Hospitality Bonus as a thank you for hosting a Kitchen Show in your home and providing recipe ingredients." .....even if they don't make the $150, they have still opened up their home and provided recipe ingredients.

After reading this experience, I will be sure to state the min. requirement for the free product value....I really want my hosts to have a good experience so if they absolutely can't meet it, will definitely keep the ideas posted here in mind! Thanks in advance!

I agree
MSmith said:
with regards to the $150 guest sales for kitchen shows in order to get $15 in free products....I always encourage my hosts to aim high and must admit that I have been guilty of not being explicit in outlining this baseline requirement.

I agree with Maria. In my host packet that I send to the host, I always highlight the $600.00 level in the show levels box in the show planner. I write a little note that says, "This is a National Kitchen show Average. I want you to aim for this level or higher!" That National average was shared about 5 years ago. I don't know if it's still that or not, but it gives your host something to work towards. I also agree w/Scott and offer the 5-15-5 rule. I've just started coaching this way, and for the past few months, it's really worked!

I also highlight all the benefits like FREE products, Half-price products,Discounted products, etc. (basically anything I want them to read). I also include a letter that I created telling the host that if she will read nothing more than what I've highlighted, she will answer her own questions. If she still has ?'s, call me & we'll go over the planner. I always try to set my packets up so that when my host opens them, she doesn't just pull out the catalogs and "goes to town." I paper-clip everything together, so that everything comes out of the packet at once. Hopefully this way my "cover letter" is the first thing she sees. I highlight it, too. I.E. Thank you for taking the time to host a show for me! This is my business and I love what I do...

One more thing, sorry...just want to help! I always send a sheet that helps to get the host thinking when inviting people to her show. It's called the 40 Friends in 4 minutes sheet. I also try to mention to the host (when in phone conversation to invite everyone she knows...her friends & family, their friends & family, her husbands' co-workers, her co-workers, her mom's friends, her sisters' friends, her church group, her kids coaches, teachers, etc. I really push for her to have as many people to invite as possible! More money, more FREE stuff for her!

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thanks so much for the advice. As for the host coaching I spent many hours sitting with her and going over things (i used to go to c hurch wiht her so I knew her). When i asked about outside orders she just laughed and said I rarely leave my home. I kept encouraging her to try and get some but she just shrugged it off. I feel like i went over everything pretty well but maybe just didnt get into enough detail about it. I dont know. I'm just glad she got the chopper she wanted so bad and the show is over. she doesnt want to do anymore shows but will still go to shows. i really appreciate everyones feedback on here and will definately apply it to future shows. i have one next tues. and already told her to try the 5-15-5 method. keep your fingers crossed
  • #10
Encourage, encourage, encourageI'm still new but in trying to get bookings I always make sure to point out how much they can earn in FREE products! I usually use a $500 show as an example because it doesn't seem like an overwhelming amount and that they can get almost $100 worth of stuff for free amazes them. The host program is fantastic - I love helping people get free stuff.

I make sure to remind the host that it up to them to gather outside orders and to invite as many people as possible - even the ones they know won't come! That's were you can get those outside orders! :)

Related to Help! No Way to Enter Show Order

What do I do if I am unable to enter a show order?

If you are having trouble entering a show order, please make sure you have a strong internet connection and that you are using a supported browser. If the issue persists, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

Can I enter a show order on my mobile device?

Yes, you can enter a show order on your mobile device as long as you have a strong internet connection and are using a supported browser. However, for the best experience, we recommend entering orders on a desktop or laptop computer.

What if I accidentally entered the wrong order?

If you realize you have entered the wrong order, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. They will be able to assist you in making any necessary changes or cancellations.

Is there a deadline for entering show orders?

Yes, there is a deadline for entering show orders. This deadline is set by the show host and can vary depending on their preferences. Please check with your show host for the specific deadline for your show.

Can I make changes to my show order after it has been submitted?

Once a show order has been submitted, it cannot be changed. However, if you realize you made a mistake or need to make any changes, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

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