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Help! My Cat Has FIP - Seeking Advice

In summary, the cat's owner took him to the vet and they said that he is not in pain and very alert, but is losing weight fast. They also said that he is not eating and that he needs a different diet. The cat's owner tried a different diet with no results. They tried chicken broth and fancy feast with no results. Finally, the cat's owner tried a can of tuna with water and the cat drank it.
My cat has FIP and is wasting away. He is only 3 years old. Has anyone dealt with this before? Any suggestions? He is barely eating, yet is alert and interested in playing, but doesn't have the energy to do so. Took him back to vet today and they said he is not in pain and very alert, but losing weight fast. Any suggestions would be helpful.
From a cat lover. Didn't the vet suggest or prescribe anything to help your kitty with any of his symptoms?

I have not experienced this myself and by the sounds of it, hope I don't.

Big ole kitty hugs to you.:(
  • Thread starter
  • #4
My vet said to feed him canned food, and whatever he will eat. He hasn't been to interested in food the last few days. I took him to the vet today and they gave him some fluids to see if that will help. He did eat a couple of bites of chicken a little while ago,so I am going to try some more of that when he wakes up.
Would a bit of chicken broth with small pieces of chicken help? It would make him thirsty, perhaps?
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  • #6
Chicken broth. I hadn't thought of that. I think I have some no sodium broth, I will try that.
Maybe something really stinky like sardines? Or fancy feast? My cats really like fancy feast. Good luck to him and you.
What about a can of tuna w/water? My cats flip out when they hear the can open!
letscook04 said:
What about a can of tuna w/water? My cats flip out when they hear the can open!

YES!! The chicken broth needs some sodium though to make him thirsty
  • #10
I had a cat that had FIP once. He's gone now! We treated him for it once a month for several years until we couldnt do it anymore. Eventually the treatment stopped working and we had to put him to sleep. :(
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  • #11
How did you treat him?
  • #12
kristenlee said:
How did you treat him?

I'm sorry I didn't reply last night. I went to bed.

If I remember correctly (he's been gone a few years) we had to take him to the vet once monthly and they gave him a shot that would boost his immune system. I don't remember what it was.

He also started having siezures (?) but I don't know if it was because of the FIP or not. We treated him for that too. The vet prescribed siezure medication (phenobarbitol, I think). Eventually that didn't work either and they added valium (yes, I had a cat that took valium!). When that didn't work either we made the decision to put him to sleep.
  • #13
is he eating ANYTHING?
Cats don't just burn fat like us if they don't eat it goes right for their organs. I actually force fed my cat with watered down kitten food from a syringe when she was sick, because so many other problems can come up if they don't eat!
Renal failure, liver failure.

I also injected fluids under the cats skin twice a day. You should ask your vet if they will supply the things you need to do that and show you how.
Dehydration is also something that just immedieately start shutting down their organs.

sorry.... hope I m not freaking you out with all this, but I have had to do this twice with my cat in the last 9 years and the first time, she recovered and had a good 5 more years after that. She did pass away finally this last January, from Chronic Renal Failure.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
I have been forcing water and some food on him. Unfortunately he is wasting away. The vet said he is not suffering, and just to love him. I did go in and have fluids injected under his skin and this last time it did not make a bit of difference :(. I did have a cat previously that had diabetes, I spent several thousands on him getting him healthy, an then gave him insulin injections daily. He lived and extra 7 years after that. He was 19 when I held him while he died. This is just very difficult, my current cat is only 3. You can probably see how sweet he is from my profile pic. Thank you so much for your suggestions.
  • #15
kristenlee said:
I have been forcing water and some food on him. Unfortunately he is wasting away. The vet said he is not suffering, and just to love him. I did go in and have fluids injected under his skin and this last time it did not make a bit of difference :(. I did have a cat previously that had diabetes, I spent several thousands on him getting him healthy, an then gave him insulin injections daily. He lived and extra 7 years after that. He was 19 when I held him while he died. This is just very difficult, my current cat is only 3. You can probably see how sweet he is from my profile pic. Thank you so much for your suggestions.

Yes, your kitty is beoooteeful!

here is a picture if it worked... not sure how to do this) of Princess (my cat) not long before she passed away.

She was such a sweet cat.


  • kitty.jpg
    3 KB · Views: 318
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  • #16
So sweet, the pic of your kitty. Going to take my cat in on Monday if he makes it thru the weekend. He does not seem to be in any pain at this time and is resting, but his breathing is slowing way down. So it is just wait and see right now. I am keeping an eye on him to make sure he is comfortable. For right now he just seems to want to be with me, so I will hold him all night.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
My cat Benny died today.
  • #18
I am so sorry to hear about your cat.
  • #19
Oh, Kristen, I'm so sorry about your poor kitty! My heart goes out to you!! (HUGS) :(
  • #20
I'm so sorry to hear about your poor kitty!
  • #21
I am so sorry about your cat! {{{hugs}}}

Related to Help! My Cat Has FIP - Seeking Advice

What is FIP?

FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is a viral disease that affects cats. It is caused by a coronavirus and can be fatal in some cases.

How is FIP diagnosed?

FIP can be difficult to diagnose as it shares symptoms with other diseases. Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam and run blood tests to check for the presence of coronavirus antibodies. A definitive diagnosis can only be made through a biopsy or post-mortem examination.

Is there a cure for FIP?

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for FIP. Treatment options focus on managing symptoms and providing supportive care to improve the cat's quality of life.

Can FIP be prevented?

While there is no sure way to prevent FIP, there are some steps you can take to lower your cat's risk. These include keeping your cat indoors, limiting their exposure to other cats, and maintaining a clean and stress-free environment.

What can I do to support my cat with FIP?

If your cat is diagnosed with FIP, it is important to work closely with your veterinarian to develop a treatment plan. This may include medications to manage symptoms, changes to their diet, and providing a comfortable and stress-free environment. Regular check-ups and monitoring of your cat's condition are also crucial.

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