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Help for an Introverted Consultant: Overcoming Shyness to Get Bookings

In summary, the author is a very shy person and has few friends who are willing to help them with their business. They have spent a lot of money on their business and are at a loss as to what to do next. They have listened to training CDs and MP3s from PC, but the advice does not address their problem.
Staff member
I have tried nearly every conceivable way to reach out and get bookings- that did NOT involve the telephone or stopping people on the street! :) I wear logo clothes, I carry my tote (got one cat-show with that so far), I have decals on my car, I send out emails and flyers, I've talked to some people in person (and improving on moving the conversation towards the "E" in the CHEF model). But I have 0 bookings on the horizon and I'll go inactive this month! With the new rules in April, I'll be so scr*wed. I've squeaked by so far.

I have always been very shy and introverted. Over the years, I've improved in some circumstances and can do pretty well in a face-to-face situation. I've only done one live show, which was OK- but it was my first, so not sure how well I will end up doing. Most of my shows have come from online or a couple of catalog shows (that are out of state so far).

I did one SMALL show *4 guests* back in September, and then two booths. So I have some names/contacts. I just physically FREEZE and break down as I get pushed closer to an activity such as picking up the phone. At a recent cluster meeting, I was in tears when looking at a list of activities we had to pick from to do this month. All but one involved personal/phone contacts. Today, on a call with my recruiter and director, I struggled to keep from losing it. First- I was feeling trapped because I thought it was a big cluster call, but turned out to just be my recruiter, director and one of my recruiter's recruit leads (her sister). At one point, they focused on my need for getting bookings. She wanted me to role play a phone call...I couldn't do it. If she had pushed it, I would have broken down right then..I was biting my lip so hard. But she must have sensed it, because she got my recruiter to do it. (Besides, i was typing her words so I could review them later....) later, When the recruit lead had to drop off, then they just had ME to focus on. I almost cried like 3 times. They asked me if I thought I could do some of the things they talked about...I said 'I guess'...and they wanted a date I'll do them by....if I'd do them by Friday. AACKK!! :cry::cry: I got off the phone and locked myself in the bathroom and cried for 30 minutes!!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? I don't THINK I'm afraid of the 'no'...I just know that I have no idea what to say! I will flub my way through and end up sounding like a fool! (It's kind of what I did at the booth's in the first place.) Everyone says I need to get outside of my comfort zone- but I physically get ill and just emotions boil over before I can do it! I've been struggling with this for almost 5 months. I think the longer it goes, the harder it gets. I really really want to make this work, but I can't get past my inner-issue. I've seen great phone scripts that others and PC have put out- but they always center around calling someone who has been to a show or purchased something, or when you are just starting your business. My contacts are from booths and they DIDN'T make a purchase, or they are from my original "list of 100" and they know I've been in business since August. So what do I say to them? I don't have much connection with them.
I've listened to about every Training CD/MP3 from PC that is available- but they don't address my problem. They always talk about getting bookings at your show....well, yeah. That would be nice- if I HAD any.

A couple of friends ask me "how's your business going" but they won't do a show for me. I don't have alot of close friends...most are just acquaintances here and there. I don't want to give this up before I really find out if I can do it. I've spent too much money to walk away, and I don't want to let my recruiter down- because she'd lose her Future Director status, and I don't want to be the reason for that.

Does anyone have words that I can steal or something that you've done that helped?? :cry:
First - Breath.

Now I want you to get 100 No's before the end of the month.

Sound easy. Good.

Just explain to everyone - even the people you have already called, that you need 100 No's. I think this will help you get around the Fear of the No.:) It should also help take the pressure off of you and the people you ask.

If you get 100 No's, without a single Yes, before Jan 31 I will, personally, send you a $25.00 pre-paid gas card.:cool:

Good Luck getting those No's!
I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself! BE KIND TO YOU! I know if I think to much about doing something in this business, I get freaked out and then I don't do well at all. Don't think - just dive in. I think the BIGGEST single thing that I have done that has helped my business is the "Fake it until you make it" motto. Be super excited about everything!!!! Act busy, even when you have nothing on your calendar. Talk about how much you love the flexibility of having your own business and being your own boss but still having people around to train you and support you when you need it. Really play up the positive. You do not need to lie - just focus on the positive. No one needs to know that it is tough for you right now. Remember your energy is contagious...if you are excited...others will want to be excited so they will join you Have you observed a show put on by another consultant? That may help you. Practice doing your own show in front of a fake audience. Talk out loud and act so excited that you feel silly. That is the level of excitedness that people will respond to because that is how we all like to feel. Stop thinking, dive in and fake it until you make it! It will happen!:D
You are not alone! The phone/talking to people scares the crap out of me, and therefore I avoid it. Right now I'm sitting with 4 people willing to have shows and I'm too scared to call them. I can't explain why I feel that way, I just do. My goal this weekend is to have 4 shows booked. For me personally, once the shows are there, I have no problem with speaking to groups, but getting there is the hard part for me.

Lets make a goal together, like a buddy system! WE CAN DO IT!
i feel your pain. i may go inactive if i don't pull something out of thin air myself. however i do have 2 shows lined up for next month and both hosts seem to happy/excited to host. but my first 4 shows didn't generate too many bookings either. i have adopted the fake it 'til you make motto. it does help. i also found if i write down what i want to cover with the people i'm calling i can check it off as i go so i know i have done all i can to serve my customers. i'm thinking that it will be good with the upcoming season to contact my past hosts and customers to check in with them and make sure they are happy. i tend to fly through things unscripted though. sorry i can't help you there. but i hope you feel encouraged to pick up the phone.

in fact, one of my upcoming shows, i was stalling for 2 weeks to call and confirm her show. practically ready to let that show slip away from me. well, thanks to a PC buddy from this site, she kicked my butt into gear to finally call said host. to my surprise, i didn't get someone wanting to back out or who had forgotten she had a show coming up. i had a host who was anxious to hear from me and wanted to move her show UP. i was ready for my host to CANCEL and she moved her show UP!

my point is i understand your fear and have it myself. i think most of us do. but for the numbers you do have, just pick up the phone and check on your customers. newsletters are nice, but personal contact is irreplaceable. if nothing else you will build a stronger relationship with your customer. relationships = buisness. i have contacts from 2 booths that i did in the fall i still need to contact. my plan is to pick 5 slips a day to try and contact those 5 to see if i may be of service. all you can do is try. so paste a big smile on and pick up the phone. sorry i can't be more help
I'm so sorry this is so frightening for you. I think that the more you think about it, the scarier it gets.

Go to the Online Training Center on CC, and listen to Phone Courage w/ Virginia Stein. It's excellent in dealing with this. Also, go to the download center, and print out the workshop notes that go along with Phone Courage..

In those notes, there are sample phone scripts to use for all different scenarios. It is completely OKAY to use them word for word when making your phone calls.
Practice them in front of the mirror until they become a bit more comfortable for you to say and then make some calls. READ them over the phone to people....really - it's okay to do that!

May be you could do what Becky is saying, but then also ask a friend (or DH) if you can then practice with them on the phone, so you would actually have to dial the number, say "Hi, I'm so and so the PC consulatnat, we met at/I got your info from... " or whatever is in the script... So you'd get to practice with a real person! And hey, if you practice with a lot of your friends (even if they're not so close, I bet they'd feel good that you were asking them to help you) maybe one of them will book a show!

Just a thought!
Any of us here would be glad to do mock calls with you also! Just ask us for our numbers!
Great advice, Becky. I also believe that you are working yourself into a mess, just thinking about it all. This may sound nuts, but this is what I did. There was a time last Summer, when for some reason, I would get sick at the thought of making my calls. ( I had gotten over that problem a long time ago, but it crept back when I was not looking) So I committed myself to getting on the phone one evening, and making calls for 1 hour. I was sick, knowing I had to do this- So, I opened a bottle of wine, and had a glass before I started- I am sipping wine in my office, listening to jazz, making a list of who to call, and then when the time came to make the calls, I was relaxed enough to make them, and when I called them, I may be been a little looped, but they did not know it, to them, I sounded relaxed, and truly calling them to see what I could do for them, what I could offer them- I did not sound desperate, and I did not sound like there was something I wanted from them. When you sound desperate, it makes them want to run the other way. Also, do not tell them you have no shows on your calendar, because why would they want to do a show for someone who is not successful? They want to do a show with someone who is so busy, you have to fit them in, because that means that THEIR consultant has it all together, and knows what is going on !!! Once I realized that I was doing them a favor, not the other way around, things changed. There was a change in my attitude and in my results. We have something great to offer, now more than ever, they need us!!!!!! Once I had the turn around in my attitude, everything else fell into place. Do not look at your empty calendar, thinking I NEED a booking, look at your calendar and say, oh look, I have Tuesday open, I can fit you in, so your friends can learn this great recipe, and you can earn these fantastic products for FREE. Isn't that great!!!! I know it is hard when you are paralized by fear, thinking you can not do this, but you will need to fight through that, or you will always have this problem, not just in your PC career, but alway in life. I have heard time and time again testimonies of people who were just like you, paralized by fear, that just pushed through, and each time they picked up the phone, it got easier. This may sound crazy, but call time amd temp, or some number that you know is a recorded call, and talk away.
  • #10
Wow, I am so sorry that PC has become a source of stress for you; that's not what it's about. In addition to the excellent advice everyone has given, I offer the following.

First, why did you start the business? Sit down and list those reasons, as they may be able to help you get back in touch with what motivates you, instead of what challenges you. If you are a visual person, find some pictures that represent your "why" and look at them while you make your calls. For example, let's say your motivating factor is a new car. Instead of posting the $$, post a picture of the car.

Second, have you discussed these issues with your recruiter and director? Maybe you should share with them what you shared in this posting about the call where you felt ambushed and then broke down afterward.

Third, let go of the past few months. Consider that you are restarting your business, and use the new to the biz scripts. Practice them, then say them word for word during your calls until you feel comfortable. That may help with feeling awkward once you get on the phone.

Fourth, try to understand that people book shows for themselves, not you. They want to have fun, hang out with friends, eat, and learn new tips. You can enable them to do that.

Following on that - try not to take anything personally! When someone says no, they are not saying no to you. They are saying no to entertaining or passing around a catalog or direct sales or Pampered Chef.

Hope this helps
  • Thread starter
  • #11
candiejayne said:
You are not alone! The phone/talking to people scares the crap out of me, and therefore I avoid it. Right now I'm sitting with 4 people willing to have shows and I'm too scared to call them. I can't explain why I feel that way, I just do. My goal this weekend is to have 4 shows booked. For me personally, once the shows are there, I have no problem with speaking to groups, but getting there is the hard part for me.

Lets make a goal together, like a buddy system! WE CAN DO IT!

yes- I've got a few similar contacts like that too. They are 'maybe's or former consultants who still love PC. :) I think they would be good booking leads- if I can work up the nerve. You know what is crazy, I could probably get on the phone and call you up out of the blue and not be bothered at all. It's just that I don't want anything from you- I'm wouldn't be making myself vulnerable to you. The phone isn't what scares me, it's being vulnerable I think. Not even getting the "no", but the asking in the first place and having the potential to sound dumb. Now, if you asked me to Role Play- that would scare me. :)

Crystal Patton said:
If you get 100 No's, without a single Yes, before Jan 31 I will, personally, send you a $25.00 pre-paid gas card.:cool:

Good Luck getting those No's!

Ok....I'll let you know! Course, that's an easy win for YOU since I don't have that many people on my list :)

I'm typically known as a "ready, aim, ready, aim, ready, aim" kind of person- I never "FIRE"! I am going to print off a few things to aid me in this project. I will make phone calls this weekend. Can't say how many, but I'll try. :) It's nice knowing I'm not completely alone. I know most don't like the phone- but the physical meltdown seemed a bit excessive to me- but I haven't been able to control that part yet. I too have probably let alot slip away because of my Terror...it's not Fear, it's TERROR. But I'm inching closer to the edge. My oldest son is the exact same way, but we encourage him to keep getting closer to trying whatever it is, and let him do it on his own terms. Eventually he gets there and then excels. I just need to take my own advice and lead by example. :cry::(

Oh- and when I do start calling/talking, I was planning on saying "I have a few openings in February still...." to make it sound like I am busy. I am printing off a call log as we speak that has 5 spaces per day. I'm going to fill in names/numbers from my list and make it my To-Do list. It's designed for 21 days- so 100 names in 3 weeks. (If I get comfortable, hopefully I can get it done faster).

Thanks for the words of encouragement and knowing I'm not alone in my quirk.
  • #13
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? I don't THINK I'm afraid of the 'no'...I just know that I have no idea what to say! I will flub my way through and end up sounding like a fool! (It's kind of what I did at the booth's in the first place.) Everyone says I need to get outside of my comfort zone- but I physically get ill and just emotions boil over before I can do it! I've been struggling with this for almost 5 months. I think the longer it goes, the harder it gets. I really really want to make this work, but I can't get past my inner-issue. I've seen great phone scripts that others and PC have put out- but they always center around calling someone who has been to a show or purchased something, or when you are just starting your business. My contacts are from booths and they DIDN'T make a purchase, or they are from my original "list of 100" and they know I've been in business since August. So what do I say to them? I don't have much connection with them.
I've listened to about every Training CD/MP3 from PC that is available- but they don't address my problem. They always talk about getting bookings at your show....well, yeah. That would be nice- if I HAD any.
Hey, I know where you are coming from with all of this. I remember being in exactly your place during the first year of my business. As a matter of fact, I think I remember complaining about the tips on getting bookings at your shows, and saying the same as you, "That would be nice- if I HAD any!"It sounds like it is not so much the no that you are afraid of but the words to say. I was in the same boat. This is how I fixed it for me:1. I looked through the consultant guide and the step by step things of what to say.
2. I listened to the teleclasses, and mostly the CD's from conference, amidst all the tips a lot of them do role playing. I listened to those sections over and over until I pretty much had their words memorized.
3. I went back to my consultant guide and rewrote the conversations to better meet my style (newly influenced by the CD's).I know it seems like a long process, but this seriously helped me reach a break through in talking to people. I ended up doing this for booking calls, recruiting conversations, how to close out at a show... etc. I now feel much more confident about what to say when met with various objections and questions. In the Online Training Center, if you haven't already listened to it, there is a 1 hr MP3 from Virginia Stein on Phone Courage, the "role play" doesn't seem as natural as others but it also addresses some other fears that may be holding you back. When I can find them I will let you know about some of the CD's that helped me through.February is a great month to get bookings. You can call anybody that you know wants or needs anything and tell them that, "Pampered Chef is so awesome, the February special is 60% off any one item in the catalog! You said you needed some new ___________, I have a few dates left and I'd love to help you get that for only $____."Good luck! :D
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  • #14
You mentioned your fear is because you want something from them. You need to change your thinking. We are helping THEM!!!! We are helping them save money, spend less time in the kitchen, etc. Focus on that aspect of it.
  • #15
"NO" just means "NEXT OPPORTUNITY" Just think of how PC can help you overcome this fear you've had in your life.

Can a family member do a party for you? Or try to host one with just your closet friends, you'll feel more comfortable.

Get confident with the products, talk to yourself in the kitchen while you're cooking!
  • #16
I hear this one over and over again, but its so true. We are pampered chefs, not perfect chefs! I have some free time set for this weekend that is kid free, so I'm going to use just a half hour of that for making calls. I'm going to call my potential host (one I have never met before, that scares me the most) and then I'm going to start making a few out of the box calls. If my first half hour goes well then I may just continue on.
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  • #17
ALL great advice, and thank you. I have alot of those CDs or MP3 recordings you mentioned Tristen, and I was thinking of doing just what you talked about! You worded it better than it was in my head though ;)

Now I just need to put on my 'big girl panties' and DO IT! ::D
  • #18
esavvymom said:
Ok....I'll let you know! Course, that's an easy win for YOU since I don't have that many people on my list :)

That made me laugh. Don't just stick to your list - ask everybody! The checkout lady at the ____ store, your kids teachers, everybody!!!
Try this:
"Hi, I just became a Pampered Chef consultant and another consultant challenged me to get 100 No's. This crazy lady is going to send me a gas card for $25.00 if I can get them before the end of the month. So, would you like to host a Pampered Chef party?" Be HAPPY and UPBEAT, then Thank them when they say no.
I got several bookings from people I wouldn't have asked because it was WAY outside my comfort zone. And it really takes the pressure off of them and you. The funniest part was when I would ask them to host a show and they would look sheepish and say they couldn't give me my 'No'. They really did want to host a show.
Good luck Hon!! Keep me posted, I meant what I said. It's an easy 25 bucks!:thumbup:
  • #19
I haven't had a chance to read the other posts but I wanted to point something out. By waiting for people to come talk to you, you are trying a very unintentional way of getting bookings. Unintentional ways do not guarantee bookings since the other person has to start the conversation. Phone calls on the other hand are very intentional!! Maybe practice on some family and friends, you never know, they may book themselves!
  • #20
My Director told me today of a way she met new people. She talked to a local grocery store (hers was a Kroger in Unionville, TN) and asked them if she could give out recipes to their customers that would PROMOTE whatever their meat special was that week. She said she would not "SELL" anything but just wanted to get her name out and help the store sell more meat! She was allowed to do it one hour. She got 3 bookings and from one of those Shows got 5 bookings! I told her that is definitely something I was going to try! Now to just get some warm enough weather! LOL!

Related to Help for an Introverted Consultant: Overcoming Shyness to Get Bookings

1. How can I overcome my shyness to get bookings as an introverted consultant?

As an introverted consultant, it can be challenging to put yourself out there and approach potential clients. One way to overcome shyness is to practice and prepare. Write down a script or talking points for when you approach someone and practice them until they feel natural. This can help boost your confidence and make it easier to initiate conversations and book parties.

2. Can I be successful as a Pampered Chef consultant if I am introverted?

Absolutely! Being introverted does not mean you cannot be successful in direct sales. It may require some extra effort on your part, but there are many successful introverted consultants in Pampered Chef. Find what works best for you and don't be afraid to try different approaches until you find what feels most comfortable.

3. How can I make networking events less intimidating as an introverted consultant?

Networking events can be overwhelming for introverted individuals, but they are a great opportunity to meet potential clients. One way to make them less intimidating is to set a goal for yourself, such as talking to three new people or handing out five business cards. This can give you a focus and make the event feel more manageable.

4. What are some tips for managing my energy as an introverted consultant?

Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone, so it's important to find ways to manage your energy levels while running your Pampered Chef business. Plan breaks in between parties or events to give yourself time to recharge. Also, consider utilizing online tools and social media to connect with clients and potential hosts without draining your energy in face-to-face interactions.

5. How can I communicate my strengths and products effectively as an introverted consultant?

As an introvert, you may not feel comfortable with self-promotion. However, it's important to communicate your strengths and products effectively to potential clients. One way to do this is by focusing on the benefits of your products and how they can improve the lives of your customers. This can feel less like self-promotion and more like sharing valuable information.

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