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Healthy Eating & Breastfeeding Tips for WOWING the Crowd!

I got my first BRU! THANKS FOR THE TIP!

The theme is healthy eating & breastfeeding. Any tips -- I've searched the threads and the files and found some -- to really wow the crowd?

I'm planning to do a couple of package deals (snack packs, healthy head start, etc) I have an Ultimate Slice and Grate to raffle and will hand out small bags filled with show info and recruitting info.

I was also planning to do a few "tip" cards featuring kids recipes and snacks.

Do you serve food or have any hands-on activities?
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  • #2
What is BRU?
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  • #3
BruBabies R Us
Did one...My experience is that we were not able to hand out food ~ health dept. rule
No cash/carry ~ took orders & called later to get CC #
Had some "gadgets" to give away; citrus peeler, lotion, soap samples, sink fizzy; something to get them to the table.
Had a door prize (kitchen sheers) to get lead slips.
Most people don't even realize that BRU is doing this vendor thing when they come in to shop. My BRU wants it to be low key; low pressure; just get your name out w/ a smile on your face.
Bring lots of business cards, mini catalogs, g-cert, bridal & fundraiser info to pass out bundled pretty!:eek:

Good luck! IM me and let me know how it went!
Is anyone else doing this month's event? What kinds of things are you planning? I saw the idea on here from another thread that you could have products out with tags on them saying what they can be used for that is baby/family related.
How do you get to do a BRU table etc?
Call your local BRU & ask to speak to the person in charge of their Baby Fest monthly events. Tell that person you are a PC cons. & would love to set up a table at the next event that has availability, if you can. I'd be ready with what PC has to do with BRU in case the person doesn't see a connection--there are flyers on here that give you ideas.
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  • #8
Specials FlyerHere's my flyer for BRU "exclusive packages."


  • BRU packages Final.pdf
    194.4 KB · Views: 390
Many, this flyer is GREAT !!! We are teaching a seminar at babies R Us this month, and it will be great addition to our handouts. Thanks
  • #10
I got lots of leads but none panned out. :( People really aren't expecting to see vendors. Most of them just want to get in and out of the store. I don't know if I'll do it again.
  • #11

That flyer is great! Thanks!
  • #12
I got my first one for this Saturday as well. I am planning to give out healthy easy to make recipes listing the PC items needed to make them. I have chosen: Lemon Greek Chicken (Inspirations #57), Grilled Lemon Chicken (It's Good for You #79), Cheesy Chicken Tortellini Bake (Inspirations #65) and Mediterranean Steak Salad (Casual Cooking). I am planning to hand out little recipes cards along with some nutritional facts that I downloaded about breastfeeding. I will have the door prize slips for people to register to win something, but I have not decided what I am going to raffle. I was thinking maybe a basket of little things.

I know when I had my first child I was completely overwhelmed. It was nice to have easy one dish meals that could be made without too much preparation and that tasted great.

I would be curious to hear how it goes for you.

Best of Luck!
  • #13
Good luck this Saturday, Wendy! I'll be going to my first one as well. What site did you find the nutritional facts about breastfeeding on? Were you planning on giving all of those recipes out (on one sheet) or did you put them on recipe card size sheets? I'm actually working on deciding what I want to bring myself right now! I don't want to have too many sheets to pass out, but I keep finding such great flyers on this site! I also have NO idea how many to bring?????

About the raffle, I was thinking of having an actual product and free cooking shows. I was going to make a display to sign up to win a free ...(whatever I decide)... or a free cooking show. Then I can call everyone who didn't win the main prize & offer a free cooking show.
  • #14
Is anyone else doing this Saturday's event?
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  • #15
I've had the store near meSince the Spring. And it's been fabulous. I've got orders, I've booked parties, I've talked about recruiting to numerous individuals.

I love the opportunity - a few hours once a month for FREE!
  • #16
For those of you who have done these events, how many copies did you make of flyers/recipes you were handing out?
  • #17
I brought 200 flyers and two packs of catalogs and handed out maybe 20 flyers and a dozen catalogs.
  • #18
DemoIs anyone do a demo for this Saturday? I need to call back my contact, becuase she said something about doing a demo. If you are, what are your plans?
  • #19
Hi Everyone,

I am really proud of this flyer I made for this Saturday's BRU :D . I use the flyer from Mandy and added more stuff on breastfeeding. Please feel free to use it. I printed it double-sided and stapled in the middle to make a pamphlet. I had the color image printed in b/w and it turned out fine. I made 25 of them. Anybody wanting them will have to fill out a door prize slip so I can get their contact information.

My BRU doesn't mind food, so I am planning to have some homemade muffins from Stoneware Inspirations.

Good luck everyone! :)
  • #20
Wendy, it looks great!
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  • #21
CopiesA fellow PC friend and I do our table together. We hand out 3X5 size recipes (recipes on 1 side - PC info on the other - ie. The opporutnity, fundraisers, wedding registry). We normally give out over 100 recipes. If someone asks for a catalog the first thing we give is the mini. If they insist on the entire catalog, we will give it out, but the mini usually does the job.

We only have a drawing for a free kitchen show (more qualified leads that way), and we have a "booking board" that helps with bookings too. We never give out food simply because people will only come to the table for the free food, not for the products (found that out the 1st time we did a table - the table next too us was a bakery giving out free slices of cake - people acted like HOUNDS!).

We do bring food for the employees in the store.
  • #22
mini catalogIs everyone that is participating handing out Spring/Summer mini catalogs or Fall/Winter ones?
  • #23
Liz: Can you post the form you had out?
  • #24
What kind of food do you bring?

Does anyone else bring anything in for the employees or the person who signed you up for it? My first one is Saturday & I wanted to bring a thank-you.
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  • #25
The food we bring is always simple to make - cream puffs, fruit pizza, coffee cake, carmel monkey bread. Nothing too hard. It's just a nice thank you for them and has gotten us to have 2 tables vs just 1!!

The recipe card is 3x5 in side, has a recipe on one side (antyhing from mom's apple crisp to a BBQ recipe to Calico Coleslaw) and on the other side it has:

Would you like more Pampered Chef products? Would you like them for FREE? Considering Hosting a Cooking or Catalog Show and discover just how easy it is to get them! Better yet, become a consultant and earn them for FREE for as long as you are a consultant!

Ever wonder what having an extra $400-$500 per month (or more) would do for you? The average consultant earns this just by working 4 times per month!! Plus earn free products! Want to find out more? Ask me for additional information. If you know someone who might be interested, please pass m y name along. If they sign on with me – you’ll earn a free gift!

Do you belong to an organization, club, school or team that could use some funds? Ask me about our Fundraising programs. You could earn BIG MONEY quick and easy!
Did you know you could earn free products just for registering with The Pampered Chef for your wedding? Ask me for details!

Of course it has both of our names and contact information on it.
  • #26
Hi Liz,

Thanks for the tips. I never thought about the food issue before. You made a good point. Also, what is a booking board?

Thanks again!
  • #27

Can you tell us more about the "booking board"? I've never heard of that and it sounds intriguing!


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  • #28
Booking BoardThis was the idea of my fellow consultant who uses it at all of her shows.

She made a cartoon-like tree and had it put on a stand-up board/foam board at Staples/kinkos. On the top it says "Stacie's booking tree". For the BRU event, we just put a sticky note that says "and Liz" next to Stacie's name.

Then, we pick dates on our calander for this month and next that we want to have shows, and write them on a little piece of paper - maybe 2x2 in size. So, for example will write - August 24th, September 11, August Catalog Show, September Catalog Show - etc. Then we tape these dates to a door prize like a citrus peeler, bamboo tongs, quick cut paring knife, etc. We then tape the door prize with the date onto the board. If people book right then and there one of those dates, they get to take the "prize". It's worked really well.
  • #29
I'm going with a new and simple plan.

I will have a Booking Tree like Liz with my August and September open dates (which is all dates lol!)

If they pick an "apple" labeled with a date off my Booking Tree - they get either a Season's Best or Citrus Peeler to take home (that's all I've got on hand). They take a host packet with them (so no postage for me).

I've got an extra set of the Stainless Steel Mixing bowls. When they hold their August or September show - they'll be entered to win the mixing bowl set. I'll have the drawing September 30th.

I'm only getting their info on the regular Door Prize slips. I'll have some business cards to give them after I have their info. No catalogs, no minis, no recipe cards (I tried that the last 3 months and it didn't work for me.)

I just talked my hubby in going with me and wearing an apron!! He's been a salesman for 30 years!!!!!! He's the kind of person that everyone he runs into in Walmart ask him where to find something. He just looks helpful I guess! lol

My goal - book 10 shows - on Saturday. No sales there - no recruiting there - I am looking to BOOK.

I am NO good at following up by phone and getting anyone to book a show. I need to book it there if I'm going to get it.

Then I'm going to turn those 10 shows into $1200 shows each!

I want to pay for a Disney vacation with Pampered Chef $.

How's that for positive thinking and goal setting???

Suggestions always welcomed!

  • #30
Sounds good Tracie! Good luck! I like the tree idea. This will be my first event, so I think I'll wait until next month to try the tree. I've been thinking of doing it for my shows too. Hmm, maybe something to work on for September shows too. I'm really hoping for bookings too. Anyone who books will get a lemon cake mix at their show (I got a whole case at wave 3). I read on one of the threads (not sure if it was this one) that some people only give out guest labels first, & then give out host packets when they get the labels back. I'm going to try that for anyone who books for September or later (I'm waiting on stickers for the catalogs/folders so they're not ready anyway). But I will give host packets for August shows--I have a couple of catalog show packets too. I'm also hoping for recruiting leads-not a single recruit yet-so I will also have recruiting packets ready too. I hope I'm not expecting too much out of this, but I've been struggling with getting bookings this entire year & I'm not sure what else to try!
  • #31
So how'd everyones BRU go today???

This was my first time and it went well I think! I handed out 24 info-recipe baggies with candy. Then had 12 people enter a raffle, inwhich 7 of them indicated yesses or maybes for a show or the opportunity! So I'd say mine went well overall!!

How'd your's go?
  • #32
This was my first time too. It was ok. I was in a corner by photo albums & extra registers, so I didn't get as many people stopping as those in the front did. But I did get a bigger table. I only got three people to fill out my door prize slip for a free show, but they all three said yes to a show & one said yes to more info about joining. I also handed out about 20 recipes, business cards, catalogs, or combos of all three. Next month I may try just having a bag filled with a few things-recipe, business card, mini-catalogs if I still have extra. I would have liked more of a response, but I may have three shows I wouldn't have otherwise had, so that's good.
  • #33
I had a great day! I worked it by myself and was by the strollers and car seats which gets tons of traffic. I actually helped a few couples with a stroller, showing them how to fold the one I own. :) I ended up getting two smaller tables pushed together b/c another vendor did not show, which got me about 8 or 10 feet of space. It was awesome.

I got 13 quality leads for bookings and one of them is interested in signing--she mentioned it to me before I could even ask!

I had over 50 recipe cards and gave them all away.

Now the real verdict is when I get on the phone tomorrow night. :)
Last edited:
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  • #34
Good EventMy day went pretty good -- I was doing a drawing for an US&G. About 20 entires -- 5 do not bother mes, 10 show possibilities and 5 want more info on the business. I too will determine sucess based on my follow up calls tomorrow night. Since almost everyone was about to give birth, it might make the show scheduling and business opportunities a little slow coming. I will be telling everyone who didn't win the US&G that they won second prize -- a free show! And they get to pick from one of the following:

Stock the Refridgerator Show -- I bring food for guests and guests help make 3-4 itmes for the mom-to-be's freezer (these items provided by mom or her friends).

Making Mealtime Fun for Kids -- I bring typical fun kids food and shoe how to make it fun and healthy.

Classic Cooking Show -- theme optional.

I figure for new moms, I would push the first so it gets me in the door before the baby!

Any thoughts?
  • #35
MandyK said:
My day went pretty good -- I was doing a drawing for an US&G. About 20 entires -- 5 do not bother mes, 10 show possibilities and 5 want more info on the business. I too will determine sucess based on my follow up calls tomorrow night. Since almost everyone was about to give birth, it might make the show scheduling and business opportunities a little slow coming. I will be telling everyone who didn't win the US&G that they won second prize -- a free show! And they get to pick from one of the following:

Stock the Refridgerator Show -- I bring food for guests and guests help make 3-4 itmes for the mom-to-be's freezer (these items provided by mom or her friends).

Making Mealtime Fun for Kids -- I bring typical fun kids food and shoe how to make it fun and healthy.

Classic Cooking Show -- theme optional.

I figure for new moms, I would push the first so it gets me in the door before the baby!

Any thoughts?

I'm confused:confused: If you offer a FREE show (what items are provided by the host or her freinds exactly?)
Sounds like a good choice of show offers too! Good ideas I may use those as suggestions if you don't mind!?
What recipes do you think you will use for #1 and #2?
  • #36
I did a table at our local BRU yesterday. It was very low-key. A 4' table for a very small display. I purchased wooden, painted animal cutouts at Michael's craft store and decorated PC products with them. I handed out mini catalogs with a BRU flyer I got off this loop. We were not able to hand out food or take orders. I did book 3 shows on the spot, and I have 6 "maybes" to cooking/catalog shows that I am contacting today. It was a great atmosphere with all new and soon-to-be new Mom's stopping in. I was very, very impressed with the staff at BRU and with the location and everything. What a great opportunity. I was asked to do this by a home office lead. Our BRU story just opened and this was the first time they did this. I am hoping and praying that they do it monthly. I am hoping that some of these bookings turn into recruits.
Good luck to everyone that is invited to participate with the BRU events.
  • #37
I did good too. One catalog show booked there.

I've got 5 people wanting shows - but in later months due to babies being born, new houses being build, kitchen remodels, one too far away for me to drive. All were very interested in Pampered Chef.

I only got names of the interested folks - so I don't have to do the call thing Monday which I fail at every month at getting anything from anyone.

One lady came to me ready to sign a sign-up slip - asked what I was giving away - I said a chance to win the stainless mixing bowl set if you hold a show in August or September - she quickly left - and I was happy because I didn't want to try to follow up with that kind of person anyway.
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  • #38
heat123 said:
I'm confused:confused: If you offer a FREE show (what items are provided by the host or her freinds exactly?)
Sounds like a good choice of show offers too! Good ideas I may use those as suggestions if you don't mind!?
What recipes do you think you will use for #1 and #2?

I do free food for the party -- if mom picks to fill the freezer, her friends bring the food the fill her freezer.

I like the antipasto pizza and the ribbon salad from seasons best becasue they are super fast and would allow time to let everyone else prepare the freezer food (I will do in stations -- each station gets PC tools, recipe card and coaching from me) at end each will talk about what they prepared and eat!

Kids show -- mostly demos, so I would do a kid friendly recipe like taffy apple pizza and do other demos while everyone eats.

Sounds good on paper -- I'll let you know how it goes in reality! :)
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  • #39
My Saturday resultsWent well. I do the table with a fellow consultant. She got an order, I got 2 bookings and 2 people enter to win the fee show (which of course they both did). Of course we handed out a bunch of recipes and some mini-catalogs...wo we will see on those.

Just remember....it's a FREE opportunity for us to be there.....and any exposure helps our businesses.
  • #40
ltkacz said:
Just remember....it's a FREE opportunity for us to be there.....and any exposure helps our businesses.

That's what I love about doing this! And my gal at our BRU is very good about helping us fit into the theme. Next month is Child Safety or something and she's says "well, the Food Chopper has a guard on it. See you next month!" :) Gotta love her.

Keep plugging away and following up, ladies! I just signed a recruit yesterday that I met at BRU in May. :D

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