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Have You Hear of the Book "The Secret"??

It's always a short lived party though...so that's good.In summary, the conversation is about a book on the law of attraction and positive thinking, which the person has been introduced to by their director. They mention that the book is interesting and they are about 1/3 of the way through reading it. Others in the conversation share their thoughts and experiences with similar books and programs, and offer advice on finding success with them. There is also some discussion about the author of the book and a quote from another author. The conversation ends with someone expressing interest in reading the book.
My director introduced me to this book....have you all read or heard of it? It's all about the law of attraction, and positive thinking getting you whatever you want. I'm about 1/3 of the way through reading it, and it's very interesting:)
lacychef said:
My director introduced me to this book....have you all read or heard of it? It's all about the law of attraction, and positive thinking getting you whatever you want. I'm about 1/3 of the way through reading it, and it's very interesting:)

Who is the Author?
I saw it on Oprah and it made me want to barf.
I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago. To be perfectly honest, I didn't see anything in it I haven't already read, heard, or digested from Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Dennis Waitley, Stuart Wilde, James Allen or any one of many positive thinkers I've experienced over the years, most especially Napolean Hill.That said, for anyone who is not familiar with that list will find The Secret as a good an introduction to this field of consciousness as any one of the names I listed.
Wasn't it written by Jack Handey? "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and GOSH darn it, people like me!!"
I'm reading it right now...it's interesting, but it's going to be difficult to put into action with me personally. I have tried the positive outlook, and thinking or saying that this will happen and that will happen, because if it doesn't, then you just feel like a failure. I had my positive energy last week 3 days before my show...said I was going to get 2 bookings and 1 recruit lead from that show, and guess what?!?!?!? NOTHING! So, I'm in the bummed out mode now. I'll get over it...I always do. sometimes I just need to have my own pity party. It's always a short lived party though...so that's good.
lacychef said:
My director introduced me to this book....have you all read or heard of it? It's all about the law of attraction, and positive thinking getting you whatever you want. I'm about 1/3 of the way through reading it, and it's very interesting:)
The seminal work on all of this was done by Napolean Hill and published in Think And Grow Rich. If you can get a copy of that book, you can learn most of what is in The Secret, even though the interviews are all with people who are long dead. (So is Mr. Hill, I might add.) I've got tapes of Mr. Hill reading his book, but his voice is so cartoonish that it is difficult to listen to. However, his program has been redone by http://www.nightingale.com/p~Product~Think_Grow_Rich_Napoleon_Hill.asp with a different reader and while it isn't as slick and have the multi-media wizz-bang of The Secret, it is much more thorough.

In my first posting on this, I neglected to mention Earl Nightingale, who created the entire self-improvement marketplace by recording The Strangest Secret on vinyl in 1957. It sold over a million copies - the first spoken word recording to break that one million mark. I also don't think there is anything in The Secret that isn't in Nightingale's program.

You might check eBay - http://www.nightingale.com/twww_main.asp?source=INTGOOGAD05&gclid=CPrG06qWi4sCFTIeGAodWBWWKA tape programs show up there periodically for much less than N-C retail.

One last note - you will only get out of any of these programs what you want to get out of them. There are many nay-sayers out there about self-improvement programs of any kind, don't let them deter you if you want to pursue this type of education.

(I have a huge library of programs from N-C and from the now-defunct Career Track. I value all of them.)
speedychef said:
Wasn't it written by Jack Handey? "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and GOSH darn it, people like me!!"

That quote is from Stuart Smalley. Jack Handey ddi "Deep Thoughts..." :)
lacychef said:
My director introduced me to this book....have you all read or heard of it? It's all about the law of attraction, and positive thinking getting you whatever you want. I'm about 1/3 of the way through reading it, and it's very interesting:)

Well I won't barf, but I will look into the book. Thanks lacychef:)
  • #10
pcchris said:
I'm reading it right now...it's interesting, but it's going to be difficult to put into action with me personally. I have tried the positive outlook, and thinking or saying that this will happen and that will happen, because if it doesn't, then you just feel like a failure. I had my positive energy last week 3 days before my show...said I was going to get 2 bookings and 1 recruit lead from that show, and guess what?!?!?!? NOTHING! So, I'm in the bummed out mode now. I'll get over it...I always do. sometimes I just need to have my own pity party. It's always a short lived party though...so that's good.
I used to think that way, too. If you're driving to San Francisco, and run out of gas outside Cheyenne, is it the end of the trip to San Francisco or just a temporary set-back on the long drive?

Not too long ago, I was cleaning out a file and found a list of goals I had written down about 20 years ago and forgotten about. Everything on that list had happened within 10 years of writing down those goals, most within five years.

It is sometimes difficult to keep your eye on the distant destination with all the short-term speedbumps that pop up in everyday life. If you incorporate the principles outlined by Earl Nightingale, or Jack Canfield, or Wayne Dyer or even in The Secret, though, you will see a marked improvement in your life.
  • #11
watched the video yesterday at a FD/ Director meeting it was ok
  • #12
MandyK said:
That quote is from Stuart Smalley. Jack Handey ddi "Deep Thoughts..." :)
Whoops! I tried...I've been seeing this and thinking about looking into it...I'm really a pretty positive person, one of those pollyana types, but every now and then I get in a bit of a funk...
  • #13
OH PS I'm gonna check that Napoleon Hill out from the Library and see how I dig it! I'd rather the old faithful than the new trendy stuff!
  • #14
I thought the movie was a lot of hogwash. I thought it took people down a spiritual journey towards God, but then gave the credit to "the universe". Like WHAT?! Anyway...from my own Christian perspective I did not like some of the innuendo in the message.
  • #15
I am reading the book for the SECOND time as I have found it has really helped me out. I use positive thinking techniques everyday and not only do I find it really puts a better spin on my mood and outlook, it really does bring me better fortune.

I tested it on a show which when I left was just over $200.00. I sent my message out that I wanted this show too close at $600.00. I thought it was a bit of a stretch but not impossible. A few days went by and low and behold peoples moms called in orders, people who couldn't make the show called in orders as well as a few others who just "randomly" thought they needed something. My show....closed at $614.00. Coincidence? Personally I don't think so, I have always thought that you make your own luck, so I am happy I found the Secret. I also asked for a solution to my tight budget now that I am not returning too full time work and at the time I was looking for a child too babysit...who calls me? A friend I worked with years ago who has a three year old in need of a babysitter...

The Book has really helped me out and needless to say I will be using the Laws of Attraction for recruiting, high sales shows, health, wealth and whatever else I dream up!

I am your typical cynic who has never owned a self help book in her life! The Secret is not your run-of-the-mill self help book, but more like a guide to bringing more positivity into your life and those around you!

Anyway, thats just my two cents...any other Secret Fans out there ;)

  • #16
I just got the book and haven't had a chance to read it yet. Misty it's great to hear someone I "know" put it into action and it worked! I'm looking forward to getting a chance to breathe and sit down and read it.
  • #17
  • #18
They are featuring this on Dateline right now. (Fri. night)
  • #19
I saw a little bit about it on Oprah. It didn't keep my attention and I turned the channel 1/2 way through the show.
  • #20
I still prefer Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield and Wayne Dyer.Does that mean I think The Secret is bad? Hardly. As long as you get the message, the messenger doesn't matter. If you are not open to the message, than the messenger really doesn't matter at all.(Note: I think Wayne Dyer's The Power of Intention and Inspiration, as well as Earl Nightengale's The Strangest Secret, offer far more powerful messages than The Secret - but that's just my opinion.)
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thanks for all your words of wisdom KG:) I do think that positive thinking can get you what you want; I look at some people I know that are so negative at life, and only negative things happen to them.
There are some things in the book that are a little "out there", but for the most part I'm finding it really good.
  • #22
My realtor said that her broker had everyone come in and watch the movie. I'll have to look into it!
  • #23
lacychef said:
Thanks for all your words of wisdom KG:) I do think that positive thinking can get you what you want; I look at some people I know that are so negative at life, and only negative things happen to them.
There are some things in the book that are a little "out there", but for the most part I'm finding it really good.
No matter who's book you read, there are two important rules to remember:

1) The subconscious does not recognize a negatve. If you tell yourself, 'I will not smoke" your subconscious hears "smoke" and makes you want to light up. People tend to not belive this one, but what happens if I tell you that for the next 15 minutes, I want you to not think about a white hippopotamus.

2) The universe rewards action. I read a quote somewhere as a kid, and I don't know who said it, "Wishin' don't make it so." Well, wishin' is a good thing, but putting a plan into action is what makes it happen.

What does that white hippopotamus (that you're not thinking about) look like?
  • #24
The Strangest Secret - RevisitedOn the road yesterday, I listened to Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret again. There is nothing in The Secret that Nightingale didn't say in the original recording 40 years ago, nor in the "updated" version her recorded about 20 years ago.In fact, compared to The Secret, I prefer Earl Nightingale. There is at least one incredibly important point, at least two points in fact, that Nightingale makes that the makers of The Secret either forgot or purposely ignored. (I know you're going to ask, so I'll just say it has to do with environmental issues and a philosophy that might be considered, by some, as political. I'm not saying anything more about it. You'll just have to listen to it yourself.)
  • #25
mistym said:
I am reading the book for the SECOND time as I have found it has really helped me out. I use positive thinking techniques everyday and not only do I find it really puts a better spin on my mood and outlook, it really does bring me better fortune.

I tested it on a show which when I left was just over $200.00. I sent my message out that I wanted this show too close at $600.00. I thought it was a bit of a stretch but not impossible. A few days went by and low and behold peoples moms called in orders, people who couldn't make the show called in orders as well as a few others who just "randomly" thought they needed something. My show....closed at $614.00. Coincidence? Personally I don't think so, I have always thought that you make your own luck, so I am happy I found the Secret. I also asked for a solution to my tight budget now that I am not returning too full time work and at the time I was looking for a child too babysit...who calls me? A friend I worked with years ago who has a three year old in need of a babysitter...

The Book has really helped me out and needless to say I will be using the Laws of Attraction for recruiting, high sales shows, health, wealth and whatever else I dream up!

I am your typical cynic who has never owned a self help book in her life! The Secret is not your run-of-the-mill self help book, but more like a guide to bringing more positivity into your life and those around you!

Anyway, thats just my two cents...any other Secret Fans out there ;)


This is wonderful, Misty. I recently had a party where a host wanted to have a big party and sent me her list of guests. The list was about 52 people. (This usually guarentees a $1,000 party.) The host is a very busy Mom and career wife so she readily agreed to me making the reminder calls with Post Calls.
The party went great and we all had fun. She closed the party out this weekend at over $1,000 and she was shocked...I was not. I knew she had the energy and I fed that with helping her out with the invites and reminder calls.

I guess what I am trying to say is that for me, I think you have to "make" your own positive world and think positively to make good things happen in your life.

For me it is recognizing when I am having a day that I may not feel positive and perky...but put that face on anyway. It sure makes good things happen in life.

Tonight I have a team meeting to hold and I really feel like going home, watching tv and calling it a day. But I know that once I get in front of everyone, I will become who I want to be and give them the best I have.
I have not read "The Secret" and don't plan on it. I think KG's posts show that there are others that have said the same thing and it is putting it into action that makes the difference.

As a child I would "pray" for things. I prayed as a child would...wishing. I do believe in God, but I also believe that you have to meet him halfway and be a willing participant. My grandmother still died of cancer even though I had all of the postitive thoughts I could. Those are things that are out of our control. The "Secret" for me is trying to change the things I can (not always what I WANT to change!!) Then turning the rest of what I can't change over to God or a Higher Power.

Here is an example of how I was able to turn my team in a different direction...I wanted my team to recruit. The biggest help...I started talking about recruiting and not avoiding it!! I have built it into my meetings and it is an essential part of training someone new just as I would how to do a cooking show! Results a few years later? I have 2 Futures, 2 or more that want to be Futures and some wanting to be Directors. I thought it, therefore it happened!

Ok...enough rambling gotta prepare for that meeting or no amount of positive thinking will allow anyone to get a darn thing out of the meeting!!:eek: :rolleyes:
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  • #26
Awesome Ann!:)
  • #27
I'm into it. The information is not new-- in fact, the author was inspired by The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles, which was published in 1910.Regardless of how new the message is, I definitely needed to hear it when I did.
  • #28
I agree...no matter how you hear it, we all NEED this in life or we wander aimlessly. I find when people really haven't thought too far ahead about their lives, it leads them down the same paths they have always wandered down. Please don't think that I am putting down The Secret or any other method of inspiration. I just was pointing out that it is not a magic bullet to just read or see the material without taking action.

The meeting went very well last night, thanks to many of you! I had already came up with a challenge for the team. The challenge is to document contacting 3 people a day starting tomorrow through May 14th. They will be rewarded for not just the results of their efforts, but also for the effort they put forth. I did this earlier in the year and it has helped the team (even they say so!).

Then I handed them call scripts that I was able to get off this website and recruiting info too to help them out.

They are all excited! That motivates me more than anything!!

Related to Have You Hear of the Book "The Secret"??

1. What is "The Secret" about?

"The Secret" is a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne. It focuses on the concept of the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts and beliefs can create our reality.

2. Is "The Secret" a religious or spiritual book?

No, "The Secret" is not specifically tied to any religion or spiritual belief. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our lives.

3. Can anyone benefit from reading "The Secret"?

Yes, "The Secret" can benefit anyone who is open to the idea of the Law of Attraction and is willing to apply its principles to their life.

4. How is "The Secret" different from other self-help books?

"The Secret" focuses specifically on the Law of Attraction and offers practical tips and techniques for applying it to different aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and success.

5. Is "The Secret" only about material success?

No, while "The Secret" does touch on the idea of manifesting material things, it also emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset and attracting overall happiness and fulfillment in life.

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