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Greedy People Taking Advantage of the Company

In summary, this girl is asking for more incentives for attending conference, and thinks that PC should give them to her because she is a "gracious presence." She has been with PC for a while and her business is "positive." She thinks that the person who posted the greed comment is being childish and snotty.
Gold Member
Am I being pissy or is this girl greedy?

She wrote:
"I'm spoiled, I know, but I want some incentives for attending conference. It's about time they start enticing us. I'm holding off on registering in the hopes that my one little registration will keep the numbers down and HO will feel the need to bribe us to go. I would LOVE the extra incentive trip points that Leadership attendees got. I know, they always give us goodies while we're there and have at times had a July show or submission incentive tied to attendance. I just want MORE, darn it!

Any guesses or hopes on what they might do?"
I find a lot of consultants can be greedy.. but I don't think it's just PC consultants... I think people can be greedy anywhere and in any job.

I've worked for some of the worst people out there... when I did a good job I was rewarded with MORE WORK. I could get 10 projects done in an hour and a co-worker of mine would get 3-4... so they would have me take on some of her work. She worked so slow so she wouldn't have to take on more. I was ALWAYS the first to be asked to work every weekend because I didn't have kids activities to attend. It sucked.

And that was just one company I worked for. There are dozens and dozens of other horror stories! When one company did a 50% layoff, they called me in and told me that I was *lucky* to be keeping my job but I would be getting a paycut! GRRRRRR!

I thank GOD every day for my job with PC! They are so generous and don't have to give us anything!!!! I think that consultant who posted that is being childish and snotty. I'm so glad I'm not on CS anymore. That thread would have (and is) infuriated me! She's acting like a child saying *Give me more* when they don't have to give her anything in the first place.

Just out of curiosity (See.. I'm getting hot now!:devil:) Is she planning on EARNING anything or is she just expecting HO to GIVE her stuff?!?!?! How long has she been with PC and what's her business like? Does she deserve the incentives? Or should PC GIVE them to her just because she graces everyone with her presence at NC?

Okay... stepping off the soap box now to go to my nephew's t-ball game! :cool:
finley1991 said:

Just out of curiosity (See.. I'm getting hot now!:devil:) Is she planning on EARNING anything or is she just expecting HO to GIVE her stuff?!?!?! How long has she been with PC and what's her business like? Does she deserve the incentives? Or should PC GIVE them to her just because she graces everyone with her presence at NC?

Okay... stepping off the soap box now to go to my nephew's t-ball game! :cool:

I'd wonder the same thing. Sure, enticements are nice and stuff, but that is just kind of crazy! What about the chance practically EVERY month to earn a little something for FREE that we get? Not to mention she DID have a chance to earn National Conference for 1/2 price or free!! Some people just make me just shake my head. Is there a little emoticon of a shaking head??? I'd love that.
WOW - that is greedy! I'll have to go check that one out - any message you want me to deliver for ya? LOL
pamperedlinda said:
wow - that is greedy! I'll have to go check that one out - any message you want me to deliver for ya? Lol

ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
finley1991 said:
ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

Well, I touched a nerve.....Heeeeeyyyyyyy Carolyn - isn't that 'your friend'? LOL

pamperedlinda said:
wow! Are you really serious?

If you are serious and that is your attitude - why are you a consultant?

pampchefsarah said:
Now, be nice. My recruit signed with the intention of being a 'kitnapper.' It was the incentives (PC$$, etc), that made her even try to book shows. She hasn't less than a $1250 month, and April was over $1600. So, there's nothing wrong with reaching for the dangling carrot.

pamperedlinda said:
it wasn't rude - it was an honest question
don't you miss the drama over there Colleen? LOL!
I have to admit... at times I like the entertainment of it all... but in the end it's better to be here where the focus is so positive! :)
Yeah, I do have to say I miss that type of "entertainment" over there now that I'm not on CS. It's kinda fun to see the conversations summarized over here. Every so often I'm tempted to go back there, but I figure I waste enough time with FB and Scrabble on there.:eek:
Keep us posted!
  • #10
finley1991 said:
I have to admit... at times I like the entertainment of it all... but in the end it's better to be here where the focus is so positive! :)

Absolutely - it's Carolyn's fault that I even read it! I've mostly been reading threads over there that were business related. I was feeling a litle fiesty - and she kinda pissed me off with her "spoiled" comment and wanting extra perks - who does she think she is?
  • #11
pamperedbecky said:
Yeah, I do have to say I miss that type of "entertainment" over there now that I'm not on CS. It's kinda fun to see the conversations summarized over here. Every so often I'm tempted to go back there, but I figure I waste enough time with FB and Scrabble on there.:eek:
Keep us posted!

I'm hooked on word twist myself :)
  • #12
WOW, I tend to stay away from those posts on CS. I had to go look after reading this one. I see so far this gal hasn't responded. Who does she think she is? Some people just blow my mind.
  • #13
Well, PC wants us to use our God given talent...must be her talent is wanting domething for nothing. And I am sure, PC is really going to scramble because her sorry a$$ is not there!!! If she has been, does she remember all of the free things we are given there...even if we will nothing in the Serve it Up or the other booth with the flying money??

Apparently she does not listen to what Warren Buffett says. First, his companies all concentrate on growth, no matter what the economic times. (And today I heard him as saying as far as newspapers companies, you will never see him buying one. This is my opinion...sad, but the reality of the times. Also, I haven't subscribed to a newspaper in decades. Nor do I buy them.)

So let's dial up Warren and see what he has for this special person!!!:devil:
  • #14
Funny, I have a friend on Long range and was told if I had any ideas to throw them an email. Well, one of the first things I thought of was LESS incentives!! No, wait, don't throw a brick at me!!!!
It just seems like there have been ALOT of incentives and they are not always relevant or necessary. Did we really need the electrics incentive when we also had double points and the PC cash for recruiting? (Not that I don't LOVE and appreciate my coffee maker)
  • #15
What really gets me are the posts asking if anyone wants to get rid of their HWC apron, Dots Binder, etc. IF YOU WANTED IT SO BADLY, YOU SHOULD HAVE EARNED IT!!!!! We were all given an equal chance to do so.
  • #16
DebbieJ said:
IF YOU WANTED IT SO BADLY, YOU SHOULD HAVE EARNED IT!!!!! We were all given an equal chance to do so.
Amen!What gets me too is when someone doesn't earn it and we do, they brush it off because it's SO much easier for us to earn it... :yuck:
  • #17
Koolotus said:
Funny, I have a friend on Long range and was told if I had any ideas to throw them an email. Well, one of the first things I thought of was LESS incentives!! No, wait, don't throw a brick at me!!!!
It just seems like there have been ALOT of incentives and they are not always relevant or necessary. Did we really need the electrics incentive when we also had double points and the PC cash for recruiting? (Not that I don't LOVE and appreciate my coffee maker)

Please note that this is NOT a brick being thrown at you!!! I like you too much and love to only get along with everyone...that is why I LOVE DS and all of my DS'ers:love0010::chef::love0010:

Sorry, Cheryl, but I disagree. I have earned the electronics and am LOVING what I have earned and so are my downline Team Leaders that have earned it. And those that are earning their rewards love them. Because my life has become more hectic with other things I can not turn away from, my business has suffered. I WANT to do more PC, but I just feel fortunate to maintain a good and growing team. My sales have had to suffer and sometimes my customer service suffers when I get yanked away with those other responsibilities in life.

My point is, I have earned TPC and I have earned countless trips, but the "worm has turned" and for either short or long term, I am not able to do the business that I want or love to. So trust me...ANY incentive I can earn makes me feel better since I am not able to earn the larger incentives. For those of my team members that are running hot and cold, they are very encouraged on the hot months to earn that extra and these incentives make them reach a little further. Some of us are better at sales and bookings than recruiting. It give me more incentive to try a little harder for the carrot being offered that I may not earn.

Kind of off topic of this post but...
Just did a party with a Partylite consultant and the brag was "we are the ONLY company that offers their kit for free". I asked if they had to do anything to recieve this...a party of at least $300...so I decided that since it is her party, her house, her business that I would just say that's great. Then I talked about our awesome computer program that is provided for free and she asked longingly...they do that for you? For free? Boy I sure could use something like that.

I just agree with everyone that by not registering for conference because they feel PC will offer them something more is SUPER silly.
  • #18
I think we need to remember too that the incentives are really there to entice us to perform in ways the COMPANY wants us too... is it a surprise that there is a great incentive to submit shows in slower months, or at the beginning of the month??? Also ther are people who do this business for those "perks" or may do more to get something specific that appeals to them. It is a 2 way street, we benefit but the company is not doing anything without a benefit for them. I have worked for very large insurance companies and managed independent insurance sales people. Everything the company "gave them" was ultimately for the benefit of the company and the growth/profitablity of the company.
  • #19
pcjenni said:
I think we need to remember too that the incentives are really there to entice us to perform in ways the COMPANY wants us too... is it a surprise that there is a great incentive to submit shows in slower months, or at the beginning of the month??? Also ther are people who do this business for those "perks" or may do more to get something specific that appeals to them. It is a 2 way street, we benefit but the company is not doing anything without a benefit for them. I have worked for very large insurance companies and managed independent insurance sales people. Everything the company "gave them" was ultimately for the benefit of the company and the growth/profitablity of the company.

Exactly. It kills me when people complain that the incentives are for submitting shows the 1-15th because they don't have any shows then and can't PC do something for the end of the month so "everybody has a chance"...why do you think they do that???? Because they want us to be less "bottom heavy". I don't think it takes a genius to figure it out bit it never fails - someone has to complain that it "isn't fair"
  • #20
Yes, they are trying to change the things that help them run more efficiently. I am sure that they cost out the pros and cons of everything.
  • #21
I agree, every business rewards the behavior they want/need to happen (or they generally don't stay in business!)
  • #22
baychef said:
Please note that this is NOT a brick being thrown at you!!! I like you too much and love to only get along with everyone...that is why I LOVE DS and all of my DS'ers:love0010::chef::love0010:

Sorry, Cheryl, but I disagree. I have earned the electronics and am LOVING what I have earned and so are my downline Team Leaders that have earned it. And those that are earning their rewards love them. Because my life has become more hectic with other things I can not turn away from, my business has suffered. I WANT to do more PC, but I just feel fortunate to maintain a good and growing team. My sales have had to suffer and sometimes my customer service suffers when I get yanked away with those other responsibilities in life.

My point is, I have earned TPC and I have earned countless trips, but the "worm has turned" and for either short or long term, I am not able to do the business that I want or love to. So trust me...ANY incentive I can earn makes me feel better since I am not able to earn the larger incentives. For those of my team members that are running hot and cold, they are very encouraged on the hot months to earn that extra and these incentives make them reach a little further. Some of us are better at sales and bookings than recruiting. It give me more incentive to try a little harder for the carrot being offered that I may not earn.

Kind of off topic of this post but...
Just did a party with a Partylite consultant and the brag was "we are the ONLY company that offers their kit for free". I asked if they had to do anything to receive this...a party of at least $300...so I decided that since it is her party, her house, her business that I would just say that's great. Then I talked about our awesome computer program that is provided for free and she asked longingly...they do that for you? For free? Boy I sure could use something like that.

I just agree with everyone that by not registering for conference because they feel PC will offer them something more is SUPER silly.

Love you too Ann!

I am SOOOO much better when I just talk and not type!
My perspective may be skewed because I am working with alot of new people. So I sign Nessa in January, she can earn:
Submit 1 1-8 dots binder
Kitchen electrics at Level a, b, c Held & submitted
Recruiting PC cash 1 for 1 2 for 2 4 for 3 etc. sign and qualify in 30
Double sales points in January Held and submitted
Double recruiting bonus in February sign & Qualify in 30
$1250 held submitted HWC items
2 shows Held & submitted HWC recipe holder
2 shows for HWC apron Held & Submitted
(I know I am missing something)
Oh yea!
New consultant rewards! sheesh
100 for 4 shows
100 for 1250
150 for recruit
then 50 for 4
50 for 1250
100 for recruits
Host specials
Guest specials
Recruiting specials

Personally I feel like I need a flippin Blue Light on my head. My point is it is OVERWHELMING!

I LOVE :love0010: to earn the incentives and I LOVE EVEN MORE when my team does. But it is alot to track and it sets up the Expectation
with consultants that there is always an incentive and a carrot to chase.
I get your position Ann, and for me....keep dangling carrots because I will keep chasing them. But not so many at once. JMHO :)
  • #23
#1. WOW at the first post. That is just a reminder of why I RARELY go to CS anymore.

#2. I LOVE incentives and am also one of those carrot chasers. I can see the pros and cons of doing so many incentives though. (But I still love them all!)

#3. I totally hear ya with the expectation thing. I have some leads that want to always be up to date on the latest "incentive" for joining. As if they are waiting for the right bribe to start their biz. Of course none of those on the list have signed...
  • #24
Koolotus said:
I feel like I need a flippin Blue Light on my head.

I love this visual! It is so true. PC is incredibly generous.
  • #25
I love the incentives too just because I never "won" anything before PC and at my first cluster meeting I won a prize. I took it as a little extra proof from God that He was in the middle of my beginning PC. I myself am not terribly incentive driven ... I need to make my mortgage payment so I have to work no matter what. :) However, I have a few on my team who are REALLY into it... even if it is just listening to a recording from conference on CC and answering a few questions from me and they get their name in my mug for a drawing! So I use small incentives myself and LOVE when PC pops in with theirs. We're all respond and are motivated by different things. I do feel that NC is a big enough carrot all by itself though! :)
  • #26
Cheryl, as far as keeping track of them...yes, agreed that it is a nightmare. My only suggestion to HO would be to give us a report to recognize their achievement with every incentive offered. They have done this with the HWC apron, I see.

Sometimes the information is overwhelming to add onto a new recruit's shoulder on top of their already swimming head. Once they do earn one, the light bulb (not the blue one...LOVE THAT, but the way!!) seems to go off and they say...WOW I love that, how did I do that and how do I earn more? WIth another recruit, she is $94 away from getting her rebate for her kit so I make a visual of what she stands to earn by turning around and gathering $94 in just 2 weeks...not to mention her $100 for hitting $1250 in her first 30 days. She has talked herself out of the business already. I doubt it there would have been an incentive large enough to convince her "self talk" otherwise.

I guess I understand the number of incentives more than I do this all consuming self doubt...not just the ordinary type of self doubt. We all have that! This is...I am going to sign up and 30 minutes later...I don't know why I did this, I can't do it!!! (and this was a decision that took 2 years to make!)

The point of my babble...it all boils down to how much someone wants something...and the incentive does not matter....sometimes.
  • #27
Just wanted to mention that I"m a carrot chaser. If it wasn't for all of the incentives that were going on in my first 6-12 months I wouldn't be in the business today. We didn't need the money (and thanks all to the Lord we still don't), I was in school full-time when I started, and signed up when our 3rd child was 10 days old. I was a quitter waiting to happen, but because of the incentives out there I kept chugging along.

I do admit and agree that lately there have been a bit too many!! Blue light special was a wonderful analogy.
  • #28
Chef Kearns said:
I do admit and agree that lately there have been a bit too many!! Blue light special was a wonderful analogy.

I was thinking about this last night. I am going to earn the HWC bag and I thought of either giving it my mom or sister depending on how I feel when I get it! (hee hee!) I love the cranberry bag but it's so big so this one might be just right for the pool, etc. (I sound like Goldilocks!) I actually have given away all but 3 of my PC tote bags. How many do I really need?

Anyway... a few years ago there was a teleclass about how to market the company incentives to our teams. It was great and really changed my thinking about how I feel about the incentives and how I encourage my team to feel about them. (Wonder if they still offer that... I should probably check!)

As mentioned, so many of us were SO EXCITED about the incentives offered when we first started and how that kept us inspired!!! Think about how great it felt the first time we received something we EARNED!!!! It's just the same with new consultants now! Look at all they can earn! And I'm sure any other job they've had hasn't done that for them.

So even though we feel like it can be too many, for someone new, they might not have a PC tote or have ever earned anything from an employer and now is their chance to earn something fun. Some of the incentives aren't really for veteran consultants per se... they are to keep the newbies inspired and for us to help inspire them and keep them motivated.

Just some thoughts on that...
  • #29
finley1991 said:
I was thinking about this last night. I am going to earn the HWC bag and I thought of either giving it my mom or sister depending on how I feel when I get it! (hee hee!) I love the cranberry bag but it's so big so this one might be just right for the pool, etc. (I sound like Goldilocks!) I actually have given away all but 3 of my PC tote bags. How many do I really need?

Anyway... a few years ago there was a teleclass about how to market the company incentives to our teams. It was great and really changed my thinking about how I feel about the incentives and how I encourage my team to feel about them. (Wonder if they still offer that... I should probably check!)

As mentioned, so many of us were SO EXCITED about the incentives offered when we first started and how that kept us inspired!!! Think about how great it felt the first time we received something we EARNED!!!! It's just the same with new consultants now! Look at all they can earn! And I'm sure any other job they've had hasn't done that for them.

So even though we feel like it can be too many, for someone new, they might not have a PC tote or have ever earned anything from an employer and now is their chance to earn something fun. Some of the incentives aren't really for veteran consultants per se... they are to keep the newbies inspired and for us to help inspire them and keep them motivated.

Just some thoughts on that...

Excellent points! Thank you!!
  • #30
This is very timely. I just moved and I am unpacking my office things and my extra PC products and the thought of earning anything in the Sell A Thon or anything right now is more than I can bear. Is it possible to get PC burnout?? Do I really need more kitchen tools? Where am I going to put it all????????
  • #31
DebbieJ said:
Is it possible to get PC burnout?? Do I really need more kitchen tools? Where am I going to put it all????????

HA! And YES!!!!

That's why I decided to start giving my free products away at my twice-yearly host appreciation event. I'm using it to honor my top hosts! I never thought I would say I had enough PC product! But it happened!!!!
  • #32
finley1991 said:
HA! And YES!!!!That's why I decided to start giving my free products away at my twice-yearly host appreciation event. I'm using it to honor my top hosts! I never thought I would say I had enough PC product! But it happened!!!!
I keep trying to give it away to my team (but they would have to actually show up to a meeting to take it home) and I've sold some to my team/cluster and on CS. I also gave some as gifts for Mother's Day. But along the way I've also acquired more than enough for personal use, too, as well. A friend who helped me pack commented on all my SA and challenged me to use it all at once. :rolleyes:
  • #33
I thought I would never see the day too that I had to much...many of the retired items are starting to pile up!! I did make a point to have only the current items in certain parts of my kitchen and office. I usually go through my doubles, keep what I will either want or need for any reason, then I give them to my team at the first meeting of the new product line. Some of the newest consultants love this.

I do like the Cluster bucks, however, and may use them for events at all meetings. Have too much to think about right now so hopefully in the future this will happen.
  • #34
Just one last though about the incentives offered... I read this today... thought the part about the necklace was a good reminder of the impact earning an incentive can have... no matter how big OR small!

  • #35
Hey, she shouldn't knock getting hit on at fast food jobs! I met my husband while working at Jack in the box. I worked the graveyard shift (10pm til 6am). He would come by every night and talk to me through the drive thru window. We will be married 12 years in July and together 15!!
  • #36
Chef Kearns said:
Hey, she shouldn't knock getting hit on at fast food jobs! I met my husband while working at Jack in the box. I worked the graveyard shift (10pm til 6am). He would come by every night and talk to me through the drive thru window. We will be married 12 years in July and together 15!!

That's sweet!
  • #37
Chef Kearns said:
Hey, she shouldn't knock getting hit on at fast food jobs! I met my husband while working at Jack in the box. I worked the graveyard shift (10pm til 6am). He would come by every night and talk to me through the drive thru window. We will be married 12 years in July and together 15!!

How romantic!!!!:love0010: My first job out of college was at McDonalds but I didn't meet any romatic connections!!! I did have and affair with the food, however!!!:D:D

I can't knock fast food jobs or any jobs in this day and age. Anyone who has enough integrity to gain employment has my respect no matter where (well as long as it isn't at a "bunny ranch" that is!!)

Related to Greedy People Taking Advantage of the Company

1. What are some common incentives for attending Pampered Chef conference?

Some common incentives for attending Pampered Chef conference include extra incentive trip points, goodies and gifts while at the conference, and potential show or submission incentives tied to attendance.

2. Is it common for Pampered Chef to offer additional incentives for attending conference?

Yes, Pampered Chef often offers additional incentives for attending conference, such as extra points towards incentive trips or special gifts or bonuses.

3. How can I maximize my incentives for attending Pampered Chef conference?

To maximize your incentives, it is recommended to register early and attend the entire conference. Additionally, participating in any show or submission incentives tied to attendance can also increase your rewards.

4. Is it wrong to expect incentives for attending conference?

It is not wrong to expect incentives for attending conference, as it is a common practice in many companies. However, it is important to also attend for the valuable training and networking opportunities, rather than solely for incentives.

5. How can I express my desire for more incentives without coming across as greedy?

You can express your desire for more incentives by providing feedback to Pampered Chef through their official channels, such as surveys or contacting their customer service team. It is important to do so in a respectful and professional manner, rather than demanding or entitled.

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