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Grad School Acceptance: What's Next for Me?

In summary, Alison has accepted a position to focus on graduate school and personal career growth at The University of St. Thomas. She has been working hard to get all her ducks in a row and is looking forward to a busy August.
Silver Member
So, y'all have been so supportive of my decision to start grad school this fall, I thought I should let you know... I am officially a member of The University of St. Thomas' Master of Arts in Leadership in Student Affairs program!

I went to see Les Mis tonight with some friends at a dinner theatre and just got home to my acceptance package! I am so excited! This is even more motivation to pump up PC so I can get an assistantship and just do grad school, an assistantship and PC! I want to quit my job by Christmas!

Plus, I have been without health insurance since December and by going to grad school full time, I qualify for the university's insurance program! wahoo! I can be sick now!

I just wanted to share my excitement with all of you and thank you for the encouragement!
That is soooooo wonderful for you! ConGRADschoolations!!!
That is awsome Allison!!! I have two years left before I get my undergrad!!!! ConGRADS!!!
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  • #6
Thanks y'all... I better use this energy boost to get the rest of my stuff ready for my show tomorrow night... I leave strait from work, and only have the products packed (and that's because I did this recipe last night... I am really liking doing just 1 recipe!)
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  • #7
Naw... more like...

Waa Hoo!!!!!!

Why can't I make this any bigger?
Well done, Alison! Go chase your dream, girlfriend! You can get 'er done! :D
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  • #10
So I just shared my plan to quit my day job in the next few weeks to focus on grad school and PC with my entire upline and a few other consultants who I have been close with... between y'all and them if I don't have a full August schedule to hit the ground running with I am going to be hounded until I do! This weekend = phone time! tomorrow night's show = bookings galore!
  • #11
There you go... put that 3-2-1 to the test!!!
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  • #12
As I have been in a hell-ish week (sick, lost my voice, etc), I am catching up on my contacts this weekend... however after a really good cluster meeting last night where we had a guest speaker who talked about making contacts, I have been better about asking friends who I have not previously asked for various reasons. Today I asked a friend who I have worked with for over a year, who just got married last year. She is thinking about it. She would love the free stuff, as they just bought a place, but wants to check with her and her DH's fam to get an idea if people would come. I am going to book at least 5 August shows by Sunday night, even if it kills me (1 down, 4 to go!). With this new motivation, I am even thinking about offering all my hosts in August a special thank you for getting my new plan on track! I think it may be a free show Turtle Fudge Skillet Cake month for me :) (can we say cookware?!?!)
  • #13
OH you can so say cookware!!!!!!! I have two shows so far.. almost three!!
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  • #14
Yay Leah! I am bound and determined to work my heiney off (and if it actually falls off, that will just be a bonus :p)
  • #15
GourmetGirl said:
Yay Leah! I am bound and determined to work my heiney off (and if it actually falls off, that will just be a bonus :p)

Yeah.... I hear that one... between the laughin and the working I am sure my heiney will fall off eventually ...:p my one show that I booked today was becasue I walked into a local coffee shop to get a smoothie and one of the gals noticed my PC shirt that I was wearing!! :D
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  • #16
Nice! that just made me think of another perk to not working my day job... I can actually wear my pc logo gear!
  • #17
GourmetGirl said:
Nice! that just made me think of another perk to not working my day job... I can actually wear my pc logo gear!

Are you not allowed to wear logo wear to work?
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  • #18
I work at a college where our students have a dress code they have to follow, including no logo wear of any kind. Since they have to follow it, we, as employees, have to follow it as well. Which means I will be taking my new sparkly shirt with me to change into after work...
  • #19
Congratulations, Alison. I know this is very important to you. Be sure to enjoy every moment.
  • #20

I am so excited for you! You are achieving your dreams one step at a time!!
  • #21
I'm excited for you - live your dream!

...and here is a preview of what you'll get to do when done...enjoy the hood... ;)
I loved graduation! Of course, my dad had just died a few months earlier so hearing my daughter yell "Yeah Mommy!" was priceless!


Related to Grad School Acceptance: What's Next for Me?

1. Can Pampered Chef products help me prepare meals while I'm in graduate school?

Absolutely! Our products are designed to make meal preparation easier and more efficient, perfect for busy graduate students. From our quick and easy kitchen gadgets to our versatile cookware, Pampered Chef has everything you need to make delicious meals without spending hours in the kitchen.

2. How can Pampered Chef help me save time and money while I'm in graduate school?

Our products are not only time-saving, but they are also cost-effective. With our high-quality, durable materials, you won't have to constantly replace your kitchen tools. Plus, our recipes are budget-friendly and designed to make the most out of your ingredients.

3. I'm worried about healthy eating while I'm in graduate school. Can Pampered Chef products help with that?

Definitely! We have a variety of products that can help you make healthy meals quickly and easily. Our cookware is designed to cook food evenly and without added oils, and our kitchen tools make it easy to prepare fruits and vegetables in a snap.

4. As a graduate student, I don't have a lot of storage space. Are Pampered Chef products compact and easy to store?

Yes, our products are designed to be compact and efficient, perfect for small kitchens or limited storage space. Many of our products also have multi-functional capabilities, allowing you to save space and still have all the tools you need for cooking.

5. Are there any special discounts or promotions for graduate students with Pampered Chef?

Unfortunately, we do not currently have any special discounts or promotions specifically for graduate students. However, we do offer regular sales and promotions that all customers can take advantage of. We also have a rewards program that allows you to earn free products when you host a Pampered Chef party. Contact your local consultant for more information.

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