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Do you mail invitiations for your hosts?
Please remember that postage is going UP (again) on May 15 from 26c to 27c for postcard stamps, and from 41c to 42c for regular first class stamps.
I'm having a baby this Wednesday (yes, three days from now), so I am not doing any more parties for awhile... and have ended up with extra postcard stamps that will soon be useless.
So......I have postcard stamps that I would like to get rid of, to recoup some of my cost! I have 130 postcard stamps, which should be more than enough for 3 parties (40 postcards each, theoretically!), but could probably stretch you to 5 or 6 if your hosts hand out some of their invites.
If anyone would like them, I will mail you my 130 postcard stamps for $30. I can take PayPal. Free shipping! =)
Let me know. First one to reply gets them! Mailed out tomorrow.
=) Jen
Please remember that postage is going UP (again) on May 15 from 26c to 27c for postcard stamps, and from 41c to 42c for regular first class stamps.
I'm having a baby this Wednesday (yes, three days from now), so I am not doing any more parties for awhile... and have ended up with extra postcard stamps that will soon be useless.
So......I have postcard stamps that I would like to get rid of, to recoup some of my cost! I have 130 postcard stamps, which should be more than enough for 3 parties (40 postcards each, theoretically!), but could probably stretch you to 5 or 6 if your hosts hand out some of their invites.
If anyone would like them, I will mail you my 130 postcard stamps for $30. I can take PayPal. Free shipping! =)
Let me know. First one to reply gets them! Mailed out tomorrow.
=) Jen