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Fun with Catchphrases: Share Your Favorite (or Most Annoying) Ones Now!

In summary, some Catchphrases that the author hates are "I told him, I said....", "I have no clue...", "Simmer down" and "I'm fixin' to...". Other catchphrases that the author finds annoying are "Happy, Happy, Happy", "I don't do IV drugs" and "irregardless". The author also hates when patients lie to health care workers and say that they had nothing to eat or drink or that they drank all their oral contrast.
  • #51
my kids and their friends all use the word "like". I'm like totally sick of like hearing this word like that doesn't even belong like in the sentence... I actually had a "like" box where they had to donate 5 cents every time they said it (that's how bad the habit was). we gave the $$ to charity. Think we may have to "like" start it again!!
  • #52
I hate it when people say "my bad" when they mess up. Drives me crazy. My family ate at a restaurant and the waitress said "my bad" about 20 times during the night.

We say "fixin to" in Oklahoma too. I am fixin to go to sleep...lol. We also say "its "over yonder" ".

I spend a lot of time with children and I catch myself saying "like" a lot...drives me crazy.

But, with my busy stressed out life my biggest phrase these days is "she/he/you are getting on my nerves".
  • #53
krzymomof4 said:
PChefPEI said:
My MIL says "warsh", as in WASH, and "umberella", as in UMBRELLA....seems stupid, but it drives me up the wall!!

Oh that is soooo funny. My gramma used to sing Jesus Shaves all the time. I still giggle when I think of it.
My MIL always says brat for brachwurst.

The ones that drive me nuts are
Oh no you didn't(or whatever pronoun you want to add)
talk to the hand
and everything being So Awesome (like fer sure dude)

I also hate it when my boys call me dude. Not a dude. I have the T-I-T-T-I-E-S to prove it. (just wanted to make some of you nuts:D)

Is it wrong to say brat? Everyone in Wisconsin says it! Heck, we have "Bratfest" here In Madison!
  • #54
my boys just correct her all the time "it's brach gramma, not brat" Of course she says spicket too and that makes the boys crazy.

I catch myself saying are you mental???? all the time.
Insane in the membrane...insane in the membrane
  • #55
krzymomof4 said:
my boys just correct her all the time "it's brach gramma, not brat" Of course she says spicket too and that makes the boys crazy.

I catch myself saying are you mental???? all the time.
Insane in the membrane...insane in the membrane

I have NEVER heard Brach before - I just went and looked in the freezer - what I have is labeled bratwurst.

So, then I had to google it - the only way I could fine brach, or brachwurst, was on sites that I couldn't read, because they were in German.

Brat, or Bratwurst - was much more prevalent.

Bratwurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bratwurst, Wisconsin's Soul Food

bratwurst: Definition from Answers.com

So - to me, it sounds like Grandma is right, and should be correcting her grandsons!:D
  • #56
OK...being southern & having 3 teenage sons I have quite a few catchphrases. Some I even say & I don't notice but my DH does. He gets on me with some of the things I say.

I am not even kidding or I'm for real = I'm not exaggerating...that is exactly how it happened

The boys started say freakin' all the time (which I hate & had to get on them) and then my 4 yr. old daughter started saying it. She is how we know when something is being said. She called one of her brothers a "freakin' loser" the other day. While said totally (another word I must use frequently) appropriately, not very appropriate to say.

We also hear around here:
My Bad
That's not fair (like life always is)

I also hate hearing someone end a sentence with AT. Our oldest does that & it drives me crazy. We are constantly correcting him but then we go somewhere & over 1/2 the people there do it. Very annoying.

I used to say p*ssed off until my daughter told one of her brothers he was p*ssing her off. Had to catch myself from then on. I also say what the h*ll? My son was 4 when he starting saying it so I had to stop but I guess it came back because my daughter will say it too.

We have really been working on what we say around here because little mouths WILL repeat.

I guess I have rambled enough now. Next poster.
  • #57
stacywhitlow said:
We also hear around here:
My Bad
That's not fair (like life always is)
"My bad" is another one that bugs me. If you made a mistake, admit it, apologize and move on. Don't try to minimize it and avoid admitting it by saying "my bad." The appropriate phrasing is, "I made a mistake. I'm sorry."
  • #58
chefann said:
"My bad" is another one that bugs me. If you made a mistake, admit it, apologize and move on. Don't try to minimize it and avoid admitting it by saying "my bad." The appropriate phrasing is, "I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

I totally (there I go again) agree! I hate when our sons say that.
  • #59
I get tired of "Whacha" should be "what do". My DD's say it all the time

I also hate "ain't". Even growing up I would correct the other kids in my class.
  • #60
I cannot stand it when people down here in the south call WalMart "walmarts" and Kmart "Kmarts". There's a lady I work with and she says these things and I just have to laugh. She also calls Illinois "Ill-annoys"' and Massachusetts as "Mass a two shits" It kills me!!! She's a true southerner!! She has so many sayings that I've never heard of and I've lived here for the majority of my life from NJ.
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  • #61
ChefBeckyD said:
I have NEVER heard Brach before - I just went and looked in the freezer - what I have is labeled bratwurst.

So, then I had to google it - the only way I could fine brach, or brachwurst, was on sites that I couldn't read, because they were in German.

Brat, or Bratwurst - was much more prevalent.

Bratwurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bratwurst, Wisconsin's Soul Food

bratwurst: Definition from Answers.com

So - to me, it sounds like Grandma is right, and should be correcting her grandsons!:D

It's not spelt that way, just pronounced that way. I put brach because if you say brat it sounds the way it is spelt. Does that make sense?
  • #62
ragschef said:
I cannot stand it when people down here in the south call WalMart "walmarts" and Kmart "Kmarts".

That's not just a Southern thing. Lots of people around here pluralize or possesive-ize stores and companies. It really bugs me to hear people say, "I work at Fords." or "There's a sale at Jo-Ann's."
  • #63
krzymomof4 said:
It's not spelt that way, just pronounced that way. I put brach because if you say brat it sounds the way it is spelt. Does that make sense?
I'm not trying to be difficult - but why do you think it's pronounced "brach"?The dictionary pronunciation is "brat" also....bratwurst - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online DictionaryIt lists a variation on the pronunciation for wurst as vurst, but not for the first syllable.Okay - now I am just proving what a NERD I am!:eek:
  • #64
you know (no i don't know)
basically (bad habit i had to break)
that being said (useful, but when its said too much, annoying)

too much use of parenthesis and verbal asides - my latest bad habit to break!
  • #65
ChefBeckyD said:
I have NEVER heard Brach before - I just went and looked in the freezer - what I have is labeled bratwurst.

So, then I had to google it - the only way I could fine brach, or brachwurst, was on sites that I couldn't read, because they were in German.

Brat, or Bratwurst - was much more prevalent.

Bratwurst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bratwurst, Wisconsin's Soul Food

bratwurst: Definition from Answers.com

So - to me, it sounds like Grandma is right, and should be correcting her grandsons!:D

I agree. I bet that there are few in WI that don't say "brat" - well, those who are of direct German ancestry might but I am 4th generation German and never heard the other pronounciation.
  • #66
Speaking of Southernese, how about "Alls y'all". That's plural for y'all.
  • #67
Must be a southern Indiana thing
  • #68
krzymomof4 said:
Must be a southern Indiana thing

Are you talking about "alls y'all"? That's North Carolina.
  • #69
The brat--brach thing. I must be misspelling it, because when I say it like I have it written it sounds like the candy company. My MIL says it like you would tell someone their kid is a brat. We put a aw sound to it like octapus.
  • #70
krzymomof4 said:
The brat--brach thing. I must be misspelling it, because when I say it like I have it written it sounds like the candy company. My MIL says it like you would tell someone their kid is a brat. We put a aw sound to it like octapus.

Oh. Well on that I have to agree with your MIL. But not brat like the kid but brat like "brawt".
  • #71
"cool beans"

ugh... my first boyfriend used this phrase and everytime i hear it, I think of him and his nerdy smile. I hate that phrase!!
  • #72
I always say "brawt" too...not brat. I have never heard it said brach. Not saying I'm correct, just that its the way I have always heard it pronounced.
  • #73
Whew! I'm glad we cleared up "brawt"! I was afraid "all y'all" were gonna come to blows! :)

I hate it when people say "them" in reference to one license, as in, "I left 'em at home, so I got a ticket." There's another word like it that I can't think of right now...
  • #74
BethCooks4U said:
I too don't understand why we can't say "breast" when referring to the female anatomy. We have no trouble saying "breast exam" or "I'd like a breast" (when talking about chicken).

I don't like the use of "weiner" for the male part either. That's something you put on a hot dog bun.

My son said weiner to me last night in reference to his boy parts, I about freaked. I told him we can call it his boy parts or private area.

I also can not stand the word T-t or B--b or the p----y word in reference to a woman's parts.
  • #75
My SIL did not like it when her kids said butt, so being in the medical field I had my children call it by its medical terminology buttocks.
  • #76
How about this one...
"Get r done"
This is like finger nails on a chalk board.
I think this one needs to go away now!!!
  • #77
TammyStar said:
I HATE when I'm starting an IV and the patient says "I hate needles" hhmm really because normal people love them?? I stick myself with them unnecessarily ALL the time. Is that opposed to "I love needles". Please don't get it right the first time so you can stick me again??? Oh and let me see if I can see a vein below that huge TATOO you have. Did they do that without a needle? And for FREE? And let me guess it was medically necessary and your doctor wrote you an order for that tatoo.
Well, I'm one of those patients!! LOL I say that all the time, because I hate them with all I have. I have met many people that tell me they don't mind them at all or they're used to them. NOT ME!! Also, it doesn't help that I've had many nurses that couldn't start an IV or draw blood to save their life. Right now I'm still very sore from an IV that infiltrated when I had my thyroid removed.
My sister could start her own IV if she wanted, however she used to be a Phlebotomist (sp?)
  • #78
As far as catch phrases go, there are a lot of them that I hate, my bad being number one!!
I do hate it when people ask crazy questions though, like recently I've had a couple people ask me what I happened to my neck and I tell them I had my thyroid removed, then they say, "Can someone live without that?" No, but I said what the heck, take it out anyway and we'll see how long I make it!!
Then they have asked me from the time my DD was a year old if her curls were natural, "No, we put hot rollers in it everyday!!" I guess we all ask silly questions sometimes!
And, I'm sure I use catchphrases that drive people crazy.
  • #79
Comedian Bil Engvall says we need signs to hand out to people who ask stupid questions. One of of my favorites:A man is using a hanger to try to get his car door open. A guy walks up and says, "Lock your keys in your car?" The man replies, "Nope. I just washed it, and I'm hanging it up to dry. Here's your sign."
  • #80
"That's funny" is one of my pet peeves. If it was so funny, wouldn't you be busy laughing instead of saying it was funny??
  • Thread starter
  • #81
pampermejolene said:
"That's funny" is one of my pet peeves. If it was so funny, wouldn't you be busy laughing instead of saying it was funny??

That reminds me of an episode of Scrubs with Mandy Moore as a guest star as JD's girlfriend and he breaks up wiht her because she never laughs at anything, and instead says "That's funny".

I love Scrubs!!
  • #82
pampermejolene said:
"That's funny" is one of my pet peeves. If it was so funny, wouldn't you be busy laughing instead of saying it was funny??

That would be me. Sometimes, I find the humor in something, or think it's funny, but not laugh out loud funny. I still want to acknowledge to the person that I appreciate their humor...so, I'll smile or chuckle and say "that's funny!"
  • #83
I always say "Any day now..." to my kids to rush them or "TODAY!!" Bet it gets on their nerves. "What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?" It was cute when my kids were smaller and said it. Pet Peeve is "um", "like", "peeps" I'm getting old I guess can't stand to overhear some teens talking at the mall (worst at movie theaters), I don't remember having such lame conversations with my friends. It's like kids want to develop this language that we won't understand or something that will force us to tune out on purpose. :)
  • #84
Addie4TLC said:
I always say "Any day now..." to my kids to rush them or "TODAY!!" Bet it gets on their nerves. "What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?" It was cute when my kids were smaller and said it. Pet Peeve is "um", "like", "peeps" I'm getting old I guess can't stand to overhear some teens talking at the mall (worst at movie theaters), I don't remember having such lame conversations with my friends. It's like kids want to develop this language that we won't understand or something that will force us to tune out on purpose. :)

I'm sure that's totally true!:p

I used to say "we'll see" but then my sons started jumping up and down when I said that, saying "Yeah! That means yes! Hey, mom said yes!" :eek: Yeesh. I guess I got too predictable. They still talk about that.
  • #85
When my kids were little they used to ask "where you going?" I would always respond "Crazy, you wanna come?" It took years before they didn't realize the grocery store wasn't called Crazy!
  • #86
PamperedDor said:
When my kids were little they used to ask "where you going?" I would always respond "Crazy, you wanna come?" It took years before they didn't realize the grocery store wasn't called Crazy!

That's cute, my kids ask me that all the time I will have to use it one day and run out while they're trying to figure it out. LOL
  • #87
PamperedDor said:
When my kids were little they used to ask "where you going?" I would always respond "Crazy, you wanna come?" It took years before they didn't realize the grocery store wasn't called Crazy!

My Mom said that when I was growing up! Now I say it to my kids sometimes!
  • #88
I'm tired of hearing my 23 and 20 year old boys say "You know it". It drives me nuts to hear them say it all the time.
  • #89
Can't say I'm a huge fan of "True dat!"
  • #90
I'm not a big fan of "my Bad" - just say "oops I am wrong!" Or "my mistake!"
  • #91
I hear "Sweet" all the time from the local teenagers, and I don't care for it.
  • Thread starter
  • #92
PamperedDor said:
When my kids were little they used to ask "where you going?" I would always respond "Crazy, you wanna come?" It took years before they didn't realize the grocery store wasn't called Crazy!

this is hilarious, because my DH says the exact same thing to our two sons (ages 2.5 and 4.5). Older DS always gets upset and says "no crazy daddy, where are we going?". Just thinking about that cracks me up!!
  • #93
pampcheflisa said:
That reminds me of an episode of Scrubs with Mandy Moore as a guest star as JD's girlfriend and he breaks up wiht her because she never laughs at anything, and instead says "That's funny".

I love Scrubs!!

What? That was a joke on Seinfeld in 1994!!
  • #94
Addie4TLC said:
"What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?"

I have always said what does that have to do with the price of beans in China. Confused my sister to death.
I also say when my son doesnt want to do something I will say well when you become the President of the United States then you will not have to do it. (usually chores)

I also use o my goodness. I hate the other way it is said to me it is taking the Lords name in vain and when i would say o my gosh my kids picked up on it but they didnt put the sh in. So I have taught them to say goodness.
  • Thread starter
  • #95
Hathery said:
What? That was a joke on Seinfeld in 1994!!

Ah yes......now that you mention it, I do remember that.
It did not even register to me when I saw the episode on Scrubs that it was bit from Seinfeld.
  • #96
pampcheflisa said:
Ah yes......now that you mention it, I do remember that.
It did not even register to me when I saw the episode on Scrubs that it was bit from Seinfeld.

I'm assuming they probably knew that and did it as an homage :)
<H2>What catchphrases do you use?</H2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, some of the catchphrases I use include "Let's get cooking!" and "Food tastes better when it's made with love."</p><H2>What catchphrases crack you up?</H2><p>I find "That's what she said" and "You had one job" to be pretty hilarious in the right context.</p><H2>What catchphrases make your skin crawl?</H2><p>I personally can't stand the phrase "It is what it is." It just feels so nonchalant and dismissive to me.</p><H2>What are the most frequently asked questions about "Fun with Catchphrases"?</H2><p>1. What is the purpose of this thread?<br>2. Can I share multiple catchphrases?<br>3. Are there any rules for which catchphrases can be shared?<br>4. How often will this thread be updated?<br>5. Can I suggest a catchphrase for others to use or avoid?</p>

Related to Fun with Catchphrases: Share Your Favorite (or Most Annoying) Ones Now!

What catchphrases do you use?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, some of the catchphrases I use include "Let's get cooking!" and "Food tastes better when it's made with love."

What catchphrases crack you up?

I find "That's what she said" and "You had one job" to be pretty hilarious in the right context.

What catchphrases make your skin crawl?

I personally can't stand the phrase "It is what it is." It just feels so nonchalant and dismissive to me.

What are the most frequently asked questions about "Fun with Catchphrases"?

1. What is the purpose of this thread?
2. Can I share multiple catchphrases?
3. Are there any rules for which catchphrases can be shared?
4. How often will this thread be updated?
5. Can I suggest a catchphrase for others to use or avoid?

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