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Filling Up the Calendar: How Far Ahead Should We Book Shows?

In summary, Jeanie recommends booking one month in advance, keeping a running list of hosts with show booked, and not booking solid dates more than 90 days in advance.
How far into the future do you book shows? I realize that some hosts have certain date in mind, but how far in advance do you book shows for those hosts who are care-free?

Right now we have a pretty full September and October is close behind. Should we try and fill those months before digging into November and December??

I booked a dec show back in july, and a sept show back in March. Though i have heard that booking to far in advance can mean lots of rescheduling.
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I have found that the problem with booking too far in advance is hosts lose their enthusiasm for the show if there is too much space between booking and actually holding the show.

I take a clip board to my shows that lists my next 6 available dates. Usually when someone wants to book, they will stick to what I show them as available. If someone is really interested, but the dates on my clipboard are not good for them, I try to work with them, but I do my best to book closer in.
I try not to book further than 60 days away. However, sometimes I have a host who wants to book another show several months away and I don't pass up that opportunity, especially if she was a great host. Usually the only hosts that want to have another show are the ones that were most successful.

What I would advise you not to do is to offer shows more than 60 days away before you try to book closer in.

For me personally....... I book one month in advanced....... Becasue I dont' knwo what's going to happen in three months...... Less change of reshecheudling and cancling of shows
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Great advice. I like the idea of showing certain dates rather than just opening your calendar. good idea!
I don't completely open my calendar up. I usually have certain days of the week I work. EXAMPLE Tues, Thurs, and Sat are show days. With an occasional exception. If you aren't comfortable booking to far in advance take there name, number and the month they are interested in and call them when you are booking for that month. I have found for me that certain leads have a month in mind for a reason (family coming, holiday, etc)
Have them fill out the DPDS... I use those when I hand out catalogs and or my business cards... it's how I personaly keep track of my clients!!
I usually don't book anymore than 90 days. And when someone is a month or so away I just started using post cards and they really help!
  • #10
I actually downloaded a file from here that had a sheet of paper that had lines with dates, with a few stars next to some of them and each date was differnt and I took it to my show and said here are my dates I have open and if you book on a star then you get an extra special gift grom me. That really got them excited and that helps me book for about 1 month in advance. :)
  • #11
I book out really far, but I try to get a solid date right away instead of just "oh, call me in March" and I really try to rebook my hosts. Mosts of my hosts have hosted more than once, some rebook the same month every year, some every six months. It really helps to know that I have to keep my business up and running because I have Summer 2007 shows!
  • #12
srg252001 said:
I actually downloaded a file from here that had a sheet of paper that had lines with dates, with a few stars next to some of them and each date was differnt and I took it to my show and said here are my dates I have open and if you book on a star then you get an extra special gift grom me. That really got them excited and that helps me book for about 1 month in advance. :)
Where can I find that file? Do you know the file name so I can search it? Thanks
  • #13
I don't typically book SOLID dates too far in advance. But -- like Gillian, I do re-book my hosts 9 times out of 10, so I know they have to have a show before "____" month. I then keep a running list of the possible host's name, show booked from, month they're interested in (if I get that from them) or the month they have to book by (the 6 month mark). This has been working, and like Gillian said, it lets me know that I do have people who are interested in 2007, so I better stay busy at my job. :)

Related to Filling Up the Calendar: How Far Ahead Should We Book Shows?

1. How far in advance should we book shows?

We recommend booking shows at least 4-6 weeks in advance. This allows enough time for the host to invite guests and for you to prepare for the show.

2. Can we book shows more than 6 weeks in advance?

Absolutely! In fact, many successful consultants book shows months in advance to ensure a steady flow of income and a full calendar.

3. Is it better to book shows on weekdays or weekends?

It ultimately depends on your target audience and their availability. Some consultants have success with weekday shows as people are more likely to attend after work, while others find weekends to be more convenient for their guests.

4. How many shows should we aim to have in a month?

This can vary depending on your personal goals and schedule, but we recommend aiming for at least 4 shows per month to maintain a consistent income.

5. What should we do if we have trouble booking shows in advance?

If you find yourself struggling to book shows in advance, try reaching out to previous hosts or customers and offering incentives for booking a show. You can also utilize social media and online party options to expand your reach and book more shows.

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