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Expert Tips for Recruiting Male Candidates - First Time Recruiters

In summary, the woman has recruited two men for her business. She asks the same questions of any other potential consultant and their concerns were similar. The man who is interviewed is interested in the business for the money and the products, while the man's wife recruited him.
Gold Member
I have two men that are interested in the business. Wow! Has anyone else recruited men? These would be my first two recruits. Do you have any advice for me?
what makes us think they would be needing anything special as far as answering their questions? Don't let the fact that they are men get the better of you~treat them like anyone else, answer their questions and of they need to talk to a male Consultant, as one of the guys on this board if you can call him!
There was a great thread on here called "for the MALE consultants" where men addressed the issues that made the business appeal to them. Might be an interesting read for you!And I don't think a man would necessarily have any issues different than a woman who works another job .... while some SAHM's might be looking for flexibility to spend more time with their family, men or women who work another job want flexibility so they can add to their income without taking on a second job! I know I can't handle a 20-hour job on top of the 32 I work already!
I have recruited 2 men. When interviewing them I asked the same questions I ask any other potential consultant. Their concerns were similar as well.

I think we assume it's different because we project our own concerns on them. A man who is so far as thinking about it seriously enough to be at an interview is beyond worrying about being a man doing PC. He just wants to know what the commitment is and what he has to do to run a successful business.

I think we guys are more interested in the business and money than products and recipes. Other than that, treat them the same. Tell them they can go to Chicago and be around 4000 females. That usually gets thier attention too.
Chef Bobby said:
I think we guys are more interested in the business and money than products and recipes. Other than that, treat them the same. Tell them they can go to Chicago and be around 4000 females. That usually gets thier attention too.

Unless they're gay. ;)
Well, yeah - but we're awesome, and who wouldn't want to hang out with us in Chicago?
chefann said:
Well, yeah - but we're awesome, and who wouldn't want to hang out with us in Chicago?

It's true! I'd be quicker to join if you said I could go to Chicago and be around 4,000 men though. :thumbup:
chefann said:
Well, yeah - but we're awesome, and who wouldn't want to hang out with us in Chicago?

Yes you were all awsome and great company!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Chef Bobby said:
I think we guys are more interested in the business and money than products and recipes. Other than that, treat them the same. Tell them they can go to Chicago and be around 4000 females. That usually gets thier attention too.

Or if they're married! LOL
  • #11
My brother just joined my team- He is a retired Navy Guy, and looking forward to it very much.
  • #12
My first recruit is also a married guy. I think that he joined because of the tools. He is the cook of the family. His wife went to a party and suggested that he join.
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  • #13
Thank you for all the advice. I guess there really is no difference between recruiting females and males. Since I am still kind of new at all this I wanted to make sure.
  • #14
leftymac said:
Unless they're gay. ;)

LOL!:D I was also going to say that I've recruited a few guys on my team and I had 2 guys once and they were partners and they did this business together, 1 did the demo, he was the signed consultant and his partner did all the paperwork and made a lot of the calls! They were the funnest to be around! They were funny and warm and kind and they were a huge asset to my team! What I've come to find is that a lot of the gay men have such a blast with us girls and they never judge us like straight guys do! We don't feel uncomfortable around them like they think we're fat or ugly or stupid, like some of us girls trip on about straight guys! In fact most gay men are really great for us girls' self esteems because they are so supportive and encouraging of us! And from what I've observed they are more in touch with their feelings and not afraid to show emotion and relate to us girls real well!!;):)
Anyway, I was nervous when I first was going to meet with the 2 guys I mentioned and I kicked myself later for that because they were so great and they brought so much to my team and it broke my heart when they quit, they had other things going on that needed their attention, and I miss them still! :(;)

DessertDivaFL said:
Or if they're married! LOL

That probably wouldn't make a difference! LOL! They still might enjoy being around 4000 women! Just cause they're married doesn't mean that they don't enjoy other women's company. They just need to be true to their wives!:D

Related to Expert Tips for Recruiting Male Candidates - First Time Recruiters

What is the recruitment process like for male candidates?

The recruitment process for male candidates is similar to that of female candidates. It typically involves submitting an application, which may include a resume and cover letter, and then going through a series of interviews and assessments. The specific steps and requirements may vary depending on the organization and the position being applied for.

What are some common challenges faced by male recruits during the recruitment process?

Some common challenges faced by male recruits during the recruitment process include competition from other candidates, lack of relevant experience or qualifications, and bias or discrimination based on gender. It's important for male recruits to be prepared and confident in their abilities, and to address any potential concerns or biases during the recruitment process.

What should male recruits consider when choosing a career path?

When choosing a career path, male recruits should consider their interests, skills, and values, as well as the job market and potential for growth and advancement in their chosen field. It's also important to research different industries and companies to find a good fit and to seek advice from mentors or professionals in the field.

What resources are available to assist male recruits in their job search?

There are many resources available to assist male recruits in their job search, including career counseling services, job search websites and apps, networking events, and professional organizations. It's also helpful to reach out to friends, family, and professional connections for advice and potential job leads.

How can male recruits improve their chances of success during the recruitment process?

To improve their chances of success during the recruitment process, male recruits can focus on developing their skills and experience, networking and building professional relationships, and researching and preparing for interviews. It's also important to have a positive attitude, be confident, and showcase their unique strengths and qualities to potential employers.

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