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Ethical Bookings: How to Navigate Party Host Dilemmas?

In summary, the speaker shares their experience with a dominant consultant in their small town and how they decided to host parties in the same market. They then discuss a recent party where some guests had previously booked with the other consultant, but after hearing negative feedback, decided to book with the speaker. The speaker questions if they did the right thing and others share similar experiences and believe it is ultimately up to the host to choose which consultant they want to work with.
When I started doing PC here, there was a lady who pretty much dominated the area. We're in a little small town in WV and this lady is from NY or NJ, but a lot of people didn't like her. I personally have no problems with her, she is nice and I hosted a party for her and have been to some of her other parties since I moved here, but kept hearing over and over that people wouldn't go to her parties, therefore I thought it would be a great market for me to jump in so people who wouldn't go to her parties would come to mine.

So, to my dilemma, last night I hosted a party closer to her home turf. She had just done a party a few months ago for the girl who hosted my party. Some of the hiccups were that it took about a month for the guests and the host to recieve the products (I have heard this about 2 of her parties this spring already) and there had been some unkind words spoken regarding the host after the party to a guest from the consultant.

At the end of the party I questioned some of the girls if they wanted to book parties. The first one said, "Well, I am not sure because I agreed to host a party for the other lady, but I'd much rather have one with you. But is that going to be a problem?" So, I told her that technically it could be an ethical dilemma and that I would love to do a party with her, but it was her choice and I couldn't make that decision. THe host's mom also previously booked with the other host, but after the words the consultant said about the host, she said she wouldn't have a party with her. So she agreed to do a party with me. I told the girls that I was booking them off the idea that I had no idea they had booked elsewhere previously. My friend had quite a few people who would not place orders because the last order took so long.

Am I in the wrong? Was there a better way to handle it? I told them that pending that PC doesn't have hiccups at the warehouse, I've never had products take longer than a week from the day I close and send the show. Which is totally true- everything except backorders have arrived in 5 days so far. Apparently the length of time for the other consultant was because she was trying to get the host to get more outside orders and she was waiting for a few small orders she knew of to come in, but none that were bumping the host over into a new "free-item" category.
I have had similar bookings several times - just had one in fact at a show last week.........To me, I think that choosing a consultant for a show is totally up to the host. If you didn't say "Oh - cancel with her so you can book with me", and if plans for the show were not already underway (Date set, Invitations sent, etc.....) then I think it is fine for them to choose you to do their shows. If you had a choice between working w/ a consultant you didn't care for, and one that you really liked - which one would you choose?

Who knows - I often wonder if there are people out there telling another consultant that they didn't care for ME as the consultant and would rather book with them! I hope not - but I'm not naive enough to think that it can't happen!
It's not like you were pushing them to book a show with you. If you were trying to steal someone's host then that would be different. But you were upfront and told them it was completely up to them.

I kinda had the same situation with a woman who is married to one of my hubbys closest friends. I hadn't spoke to her in awhile and she came to my booth and told me she would rather have a show through me instead of another consultant. as far as I know she didn't tell the other that she wanted to have a show and i told her that was up to her. I wasn't going to try to take her away from someone else.

I think you are ok with what you did!
I think you handled it well. I also think it is up to the hosts to contact the other consultant and let her know why they don't want to host a show with her. People who open their homes up to us need to be comfortable with the consultant and if they aren't then they need to tell her. If they don't let her know what the problem is then she won't be able to address it and correct it.

I think the guests also appreciated your approach, too.
I am so glad you posted this. Lately I've been noticing the term "poaching" alot. What exactly does that mean? Are we termed poachers if someone purchases products from us or hosts with us when they previously worked with another consultant? Am I not to follow up with a customer if I hear that in the past they worked with another consultant?
Prior to becoming a consultant I had attended to 2 PC shows, and placed outside orders for I don't even know how many. Of the 2 I attended I could only tell you the consultants name for one (only because she's my friend and I signed under her). As for the other shows (including ones I placed an outside order) I NEVER heard from the consultant at all. No receipts, calls, thank you's, nada.
I'm thinking that many people have had this experience too. Does that make me a poacher because I follow up with customers? And by no means, am I even that great at doing it myself, but I try.
I'm not saying that I try to get people to change their show from another consultant to me. But if they want to book future shows with me, then am I "poaching"? BTW, I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you did!
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  • #6
Guys- thanks for all the responses. I really just hate to 'poach' customers, but I also think that they shouldn't be "stuck" with a consultant the don't like just because they are trying to be loyal when there are others they prefer. I just wasn't sure if I should be taking a host once they had booked a show, although they hadn't done anything about it yet, and might not have.
I've been working a lot of fairs trying to get bookings, orders and recruits. When I am speaking with the customer, I always ask "Do you already have a consultant that you work with?" If their answer is No, even though they've attended or had a previous show, then I feel it is OK because they don't have a relationship with that person. That's what this business is about--having relationships and making sure that when you own customer is asked that question, they answer Yes, I do. I actually had a friend's daughter who attended one of my shows become a consultant with another person because she forgot I was a consultant and she feels guilty she didn't sign with me. Well, that isn't her fault--it's mine for not keeping my name in her mind.
I think you did the right thing. I would advise you to proceed with caution because you only know 1 side of the story and the outcome of taking 1 month for orders to arrive. I had a similar situation. I had a host who did a catalog show in November who had family drama and never turned in an order and everytime was overwhelmed when I called. She was rude so many times but asked me to call in X month. Finally in march she decided to do a show-only 4 people there including her. No orders over $40. It was her daughter, grand daughter, best friend. She said she wasn't able to get anymore orders--I let her know it had to be $150 or it was not a show & no free stuff. She was fine with that, but upset that she got no half price items. I had to wait and collect enough orders to make it a show and submit it and she got her orders about 3 wks after her show. She told me her daughter and friend were upset, but you know I put in a SB in e. order with a note. I KNOW she didn't tell them the whole truth so I look like the bad consultant to them.
amy07 said:
I am so glad you posted this. Lately I've been noticing the term "poaching" alot. What exactly does that mean? Are we termed poachers if someone purchases products from us or hosts with us when they previously worked with another consultant?

IMHO, poaching is when you deliberately take another host, customer, or recruit from another consultant. When you know the individual is working with someone else, disregard it and continue to persue him or her. I think you should ask people if they are working with someone else and if they are, encourage them to keep the lines of communication open with their recruiter. Afterall, you would want the same courtesy, right? BUT: If someone is not comfortable with their recruiter (or consultant) and they push the issue of signing or doing business with you, and it is their decision (as they are not our possessions) then its OK. Let me tell you that being on the receiving end of a poaching is not fun. But then again, I need to take some responsibility as to why the person moved on. Hope this helped.

Specifically about this issue, I think the OP (clshirk) did the right thing, the ethical thing.
  • #10
Well, Pampered Chef has no territories. People have "people" preferences.
I have had the very same circumstance. I let them know that yes, I can do their show and their friend will still get the host special.
As far as having to wait too long for an order, I make sure to tell the guests that it could take up to two weeks from the day we close. That gives you breathing room.
There is a similar situation going on in my town (we have several consultants) People don't want to do shows with a certain person and are glad they found me. I call those blessings from _________( the cons. name). It also is a lesson for me in customer service standards and I NEVER talk about that consultant.
  • #11
Evelynt said:
It also is a lesson for me in customer service standards and I NEVER talk about that consultant.

Yes! You have to be sooo careful. No matter what I think about the person, I'll always sayd ,"Oh, they're great! Tell them I said hello." I know not everyone is like that, but I won't make someone feel uncomfortable by badmouthing someone.
  • #12
Oh, absolutely! Badmouthing someone almost always comes back to bite you in the behind, sometimes after years...
  • #13
I recently even had someone go even further than just cancelling a show with another consultant...

This customer had a show with a consultant, who during the show was nice, but after the guests left told the host that she (the host) needed to find more outside orders before she would close the show because she wasn't going to make enough in commissions to cover the gas with only the sales from the show!!! The host was SOOOO mad that she asked me if she could cancel all of the orders from that show (they hadn't been submitted yet) and have me submit them instead!:eek: I told her that I really didn't feel comfortable doing that, but if the other consultant really wouldn't submit the show without more outside orders, to call me back and we'd figure something out.

Can you imagine TELLING a host to get more orders or you are not going to submit her show???? I have had many times I would like to say that, but never, never, never, never would actually say it!!! OMG!!!:eek:

BTW... the host didn't get any more orders (not sure what the show total was, but think it was under $400) and told the consultant that she was going to cancel all the orders if the show wasn't submitted and the consultant said "Well, I guess if you're going to do that, I'll submit it... I wouldn't want people to think that I cancelled the show.":eek:
  • #14
Katie - I can see how you would be horrified, however, I have driven 2.5 hours each way for shows and need to be able to cover my expenses. In situations like that, I work with the host BEFORE the show and coach her to a higher sales goal without her knowing why. I do stress how far I am driving and that I am glad to do it, but this is how I make money, so there needs to be x amount of preorders, x amount of people there and to shoot for x amount of sales...of course, I word it differently.
  • #15
That makes sense to me, too... but the key is that you talk to the host BEFORE the show about it. The consultant did live about 45 minutes away, but never mentioned anything about a "minimum show total" during the ONE host coaching call she received.

But, I did pick up a new customer and most likely a new host out of this... this girl wants to do another show in September as soon as the new products are available (she likes to be the FIRST one to get things) and has a very long wish list - and a fair amount of disposable income... ALWAYS a good combination!!!
  • #16
I worried about "stealing" customers from a consultant. She's sold for 9 years (and has sold to EVERYONE at least once) and is the Director here. She's also my recruiter. But I figure that I'm not actively seeking out her customers, they just coincide with people she's sold to in the past (It's unavoidable). And she is benefiting from what I'm selling as well.
  • #17
Katie - RECRUIT HER NOW!!! She can be earning the Fall products BEFORE you can purchase them!
  • #18
northern_sunshine said:
I worried about "stealing" customers from a consultant. She's sold for 9 years (and has sold to EVERYONE at least once) and is the Director here. She's also my recruiter. But I figure that I'm not actively seeking out her customers, they just coincide with people she's sold to in the past (It's unavoidable). And she is benefiting from what I'm selling as well.

And, if she isn't following up with them and creating the "your PC lady" atmosphere, she isn't doing her job!
  • #19
cmdtrgd said:
Katie - RECRUIT HER NOW!!! She can be earning the Fall products BEFORE you can purchase them!

I tried - not interested... "at this time"... I'm gonna keep after her!!! I think after she sees all of the products that come out in the fall that I get FREE, she will change her mind!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thanks for the advice about badmouthing and reasons why other consultants have taken so long. Apparently my host said that her orders were over $600 and she lives in the same town as the consultant (small town too), but she was waiting for additional orders to come in from other sources before she would close the show. The consultant said she had all of her own orders from her friends and invites in within 4-5 days. Apparently this happened at another show of this consultants.
I"m not sure what the story was, I'm sure the consultant has another story, which I would totally believe. But I still don't see how it could take a month. The secretary my dh works with had a show the same day as mine with this other consultant and I know her products arrived 3-4 weeks after the ones for my show did. So that's at least 2 cases of shows taking a month to arrive.
  • #21
I don't know about covering my expenses when I drive distances. I guess I do enough shows and get enough tax deductions that that has never entered my mind.You host coach and hope for the best. The way I see it, is that good comes from all my shows usually in the way of more bookings with new groups or a recruit lead.
  • #22
I'm with you on this one, Evelyn. I figure it is part of the risk I take - I risk having a poor show, as well as a really good show. I have a show this week that I will be traveling about 3 hours away for. Maybe I'll change my mind after that :p

Oh, don't jinx myself! Knock wood, knock wood! :eek:
  • #23
Since I get to determine how far I'm willing to travel for a show, I take the responsibility for the cost of that travel. It's not the host's responsibility to make sure I've made enough money to cover my costs.
  • #24
raebates said:
Since I get to determine how far I'm willing to travel for a show, I take the responsibility for the cost of that travel. It's not the host's responsibility to make sure I've made enough money to cover my costs.
That is how I feel too. I actually have a friend - fellow consultant in my cluster - who was a HO lead for my director......she went online to find someone to do her show, because the consultant she had originally booked with said she wouldn't do the show unless she was guarenteed 15 people and 5 outside orders before the show. She missed out on an awesome recruit by DEMANDING instead of COACHING!
  • #25
I routinely travel about 3+ hours from home for shows (at least once a month on average.... twice this month) I always try to get the hosts to really over invite these shows, but "some will, some won't"...... I don't get upset about it. I get to see my little sis while I'm there (and I'm trying to get her to take over my customer base up there, since they're all her friends!!!! lol)

As far as "poaching" customers and hosts..... it's not OUR choice who they work with. I would never actively try to persuade a customer/host to work with me instead, but when they come to me because they were not happy with the service they were/are receiving, I will not turn them away!
  • #26
raebates said:
Since I get to determine how far I'm willing to travel for a show, I take the responsibility for the cost of that travel. It's not the host's responsibility to make sure I've made enough money to cover my costs.

Thats exactly how I feel too! I would never demand a certain amount of sales from a show far away! Look, the nature of this business is RISK! I did two shows last week - one is going to close wednesday at about $800 the other one is struggling to get her $150 - thats the way this business is and I knew that coming into selling PC. Now if I have to drive any distance and the show bombs - well thats the way it goes,its the risk I take and its not the responsiblity of the host to make sure its worth my time.
  • #27
As far as "poaching", I think the host can work with whatever consultant they want as long as you don't bad mouth the other consultant (thats just bad manners and bad business) and your not actively stealing someones shows - people can choose who they want to work with. There is a consultant in my cluster who she and I have some mutal friends (she's never done a party for them thoughj and I have). When they had a bridal show they choose me. I felt weird about it a first until I talked with my director and she said that it's a people thing, maybe they liked how I did shows. Maybe they felt more comfortable with me, who knows the reason why. I talked with this consultant and she felt fine about me doing the bridal show since she was helping with the wedding flowers. You just never know.
  • #28
My sister and I are in the same cluster (actually, she is one of my recruits) and have some mutual friends that order from both of us - including family. I don't hesitate to contact these people when I'm doing an open house, know that a particular product they want is on special, etc. But, I also know my sister can do the same thing. And it is the person's choice who they order from and book shows with.

Related to Ethical Bookings: How to Navigate Party Host Dilemmas?

1. What is an ethical booking?

An ethical booking is a booking that aligns with the values and principles of Pampered Chef. This includes ensuring fair treatment and wages for workers, promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, and supporting local communities.

2. How does Pampered Chef ensure ethical bookings?

We have a thorough vetting process for all of our vendors and suppliers to ensure they meet our ethical standards. We also regularly conduct audits and inspections to ensure compliance.

3. Can I trust that my Pampered Chef purchase is ethically sourced?

Yes, we are committed to transparency and only work with vendors and suppliers who share our values. We also have a traceability system in place to track the origin of our products.

4. What happens if an ethical issue arises with a booking?

If an ethical issue does arise, we take immediate action to address and resolve it. We also have a dedicated team that handles ethical concerns and ensures our standards are being met.

5. How can I support ethical bookings as a Pampered Chef customer?

By purchasing Pampered Chef products, you are already supporting ethical bookings. You can also spread the word about our commitment to ethical sourcing and encourage others to make conscious purchasing decisions.

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