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Do You Take Your Laptop to Shows?

In summary, taking a laptop to a show is not necessary, but it is helpful for the math challenged, and it is so much easier.
Is it easier to take the laptop and enter the info into P3 at the show? Does anyone do that?
That was why I bought mine, but I find it is just one more thing to carry and I have never taken it.
I take my laptop to my show. I explain that it is not a requirement to jon the biz, but it helps me, because I am mathmatecally challenged, and it helps me to make sure the order is correct. Also, it is so much easier, because I do not need to enter the orders in later at home, I just enter address, etc, and it is ready to upload. I LOVE it !!!!!
I take mine...it is SOOO much easier! It does all the math for you, you know immediately what the Host is getting and what her next level is, all the guest specials, and less work when I get home. It's the absolute best way to go, in my opinion! (Of course, I tell recruit leads it's not a requirement, but it is helpful.....and if you do buy a laptop, it is a tax write-off!)
I used to take mine, but it's another heavy thing to take - and to keep an eye on. A friend of mine caught teenage children of the host using her laptop when she took hers to shows - that's another hassle I don't need. I find that I'm actually faster with a calculator, assuming that the guest has written prices on the order form, than I am typing in orders anyway.
It was the first major re-investment back into my business. I found it much easier...

For me, also, it was easier to ask for an area away from the show to set up my laptop. I entered each order in with the guest there...I had them read the item number to me, and I said the item that came back. I started doing this awhile into having the laptop. For me, it left little to no room for error, we were able to talk about each item, and it opened up the door for cross-selling..."Oh, you're ordering the mini-muffin pan? Did you know that our small scoop fills it just right? Plus, it's great for small cookies, mellon balls, etc. It's definitely a must have!"

Loved, loved, loved, using my laptop at shows.

On another note, my AD always used a laptop at shows, but has recently stopped using it. Found it too cumbersome, one more thing to carry in, etc. She likes it, but is having a harder time doing one-on-one with customers...

i usually always take mine. I love the fact that everything is entered right away. And I find that it gives me more time for my check out and cross selling. I remember to ask everyone if I take it. I have even talked to a few people that didn't order...."Do you have to have that?" other questions like that which leads to recruiting!!
I took mine for about 4 years - but it just got to be too much.

I don't see any difference in my recruiting conversations, or my one-on-one time w/ guests by not taking it. I like not having to carry it or worry about it (I had a 3 yr old change a bunch of my settings somehow one time at a show!).

The only thing that I have to do now is enter everything in when I get home - but that hasn't been too much of a hassle.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Those of you who take it - do you enter any guest info in advance?
  • #10
I have taken mine to every show. I love it because not only do I not have to do the math, but when I book shows I can add it all in right then and can make any notes I need to. I do EVERYTHING in P3, so I am very comfortable with it!
  • #11
I don't have one, but I want to get one to take with me. I do see that maybe there will be certain shows that it might not be suitable to bring inside (no counter or table area or kids running all over, etc) Maybe leave it in the car as the last thing to carry inside if it seems like I'll be able to have a good set-up with it.What I really look forward to having it for is helping me avoid problems with the wrong item # or wrong price. I have had times where people wrote the wrong price the wrong item #, both. I hate having to flip through the catalog to double check everyone because it just takes too much time. So I pretty much just accept what they put down and cross my fingers, then deal with problems as they arise.
  • #12
I used to bring it. Then one day I forgot my power cord and my battery wasn't charged, so I had to use a calculator. I found my 1:1 conversations with customers were much better because we were looking AT each other, not both looking at a computer screen. I stopped taking it after that.And it's one less thing to carry. :)I don't mind having to do the data entry later--I actually find it helpful in jogging my memory about conversations I had and I tend to make my MAC calls as I'm entering, so it works for me.
  • #13
I'm afraid to not take mine. I am calculator illiterate. I'll add the same numbers 5 times on a calculator and get 5 different answers. lol

It also gives me a chance to show potentials that PC provides everything for us. I DO point out that I had to buy the laptop but PC gives us the program AND that I bought the laptop with PC paychecks and it's a deduction.
  • #14
I LOVE LOVE LOVE having mine!!! I cut down on the stuff I have to do when I get home! I can walk in and veg on the couch with my family instead of enter in orders! It helps with people interested in the biz because they see there is a simple software application that comes FREE! I don't make stupid mathematical mistakes (I am a Socializer NOT a Thinker or Relater). I would get to talking and totally forget to add the spices or tax or shipping and end up eating it or calling them the next day looking like an idiot!

I would never not take mine. In 3 years of taking one to every show I've never had anyone fool with it. I leave it in my briefcase until order taking time. If I am not using it I move it out of the way. It is an expensive tool and I am not careless with it. I LOVE having it.
  • #15
I just purchased a netbook for this exact purpose. It is much smaller than a full size laptop and MUCH cheaper!!! It only weighs 3.5 lbs and cost $385. I will be able to carry it around during the day too. That way I always have my contacts with me!!!

I am so excited.
  • #16
I like taking mine. I don't get it out until after the demo. It makes it a lot easier for me to know how much the host has, and it gives me the total for guests purchases.

I only take my laptop, tool turnabout, black tote and my paperwork tote to shows, so it isn't too much for me to take.
  • #17
laylaleigh said:
I just purchased a netbook for this exact purpose. It is much smaller than a full size laptop and MUCH cheaper!!! It only weighs 3.5 lbs and cost $385. I will be able to carry it around during the day too. That way I always have my contacts with me!!!

I am so excited.

I've looked at those - but haven't found one with enough memory to run P3 - what kind did you get?
  • #18
I just got one for Christmas. I have used it at 4 shows so far and I found it works great!! I am so glad that I have one.
  • #19
I take mine with me, I leave it off until I am ready to enter info- I put in the guest name and number, make SURE i have a number that way too- sometimes guest think they can "opt out" of putting down info so you don't call them. I love having it prompt me if we have a price or item # discrepency. I still enter in address info and other notes later when I get home or the next day. but I like the convenience of seeing the total and matching the items to the order before I leave the customer. I also like that I get to take my laptop with me when I travel and can still enter orders and such when I am not home- our whole town has wireless access. LOVE it. :) I got a pink and black shoulder bag from Best Buy to carry it in- and usually say something about the HWC when I pull out the computer from the pink bag.
  • #20
I took mine when I first got it and found that I did not talk to the guests very much because I concentrating on entering their order correctly - and it was one more heavy thing to carry. I am much much faster on the calculator and I like re-entering the order at home - it serves as my cross-check to catch any errors and, like Deb, it jogs my memory about the person.
  • #21
I take mine. It helps to make sure that the orders are entered correctly. If the program has been updated just before you go, then you know what is on back order as well. It is a must for me. :)
  • #22
I haven't had a chance to read all the other posts but I went the first two years of my business without my laptop and the last 6 months with it. I wouldn't go back! I work full time so sometimes getting home and having to input the orders later. I would find times that I went to go close the show with the host over the phone and I never entered in the orders yet. I kept messing up calculating by hand, etc. I won't leave home without it!
  • #23
ChefBeckyD said:
I've looked at those - but haven't found one with enough memory to run P3 - what kind did you get?

Becky - It is just shy on a couple of the recommended requirements, but not by much. It exceeds all of the minimum requirements. There is pleanty of memory to run P3.

It is the ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 10-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery)

Recommended CPU is 2.0 GHZ and this is 1.6 and the screen resolution is 1024X600 and the recommended is 1024X768.

I just got it on Friday. I am going to download P3 from the Consultant's Corner tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I do need to figure out how to get my current data transfered. I think I am going to add it to my home network and copy it. I need to ask my dad about the details. If I try it on my own who knows what will happen!

I hope that helps.
  • #24
laylaleigh said:
Becky - It is just shy on a couple of the recommended requirements, but not by much. It exceeds all of the minimum requirements. There is pleanty of memory to run P3.

It is the ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 10-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery)

Recommended CPU is 2.0 GHZ and this is 1.6 and the screen resolution is 1024X600 and the recommended is 1024X768.

I just got it on Friday. I am going to download P3 from the Consultant's Corner tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I do need to figure out how to get my current data transfered. I think I am going to add it to my home network and copy it. I need to ask my dad about the details. If I try it on my own who knows what will happen!

I hope that helps.

Layla - you'll have to keep me posted on how it's working for you! Do you plan on doing email with it too?

I just think they are so cute - but more than that, so handy. It would be so easy to carry it with me if I want to go to a coffee house to get some work done or take it with me when I'm running errands/waiting in the car/etc....
  • #25
I bought a lapton for my business and it didn't get in till after my first 4 shows. The way a screwed up those show was not funny! Now I take it with me everytime.

I have been sending the invites for my Hosts and I enter all the info I have on the invited guests before I go to the show. This way it's easier to take orders and I can call the ladies that didn't make it to see if they wanted to order something or book their own show before we close.
  • #26
ChefBeckyD said:
Layla - you'll have to keep me posted on how it's working for you! Do you plan on doing email with it too?

I just think they are so cute - but more than that, so handy. It would be so easy to carry it with me if I want to go to a coffee house to get some work done or take it with me when I'm running errands/waiting in the car/etc....

My dad sells these too and I've thought about it. I ended up with a new 17" laptop for now, which is great for the number keypad, which I LOVE. I bring it and keep in in my laptop bag until I am ready. It also has a great battery so I don't need a cord since I only have it on during checkout.

I love that it calculates for me and I can tell the host exactly where she is at the end of the show. I tell people that PC paid for it and it was a tax write-off. It is heavy (the netbooks are SO light), but it's not a big deal to me.

I can also check other info I have on my computer, like a bridal registry when I'm doing a bridal shower. Unless they have wireless that I can access, I would just pull it up before I leave home. I even have a printer I COULD take that runs on a battery.
  • #27
I am in the kitchen right now looking up dinner recipes, checking email, chef success, facebook and loving it!

I got it for the exact reasons you listed. I have little kids and we are always on the run. I wanted something small so I can pull it out while I am waiting for ballet, gymnastics or preschool to be over. I can run into Panera or Barnes and Noble and have easy access to my email, contacts and the web.

I'll keep you updated.
  • #28
Layla, is it time for an update yet? Inquiring minds want know how it's going....​
  • #29
LeslieSGI said:
Layla, is it time for an update yet? Inquiring minds want know how it's going....​

I'd like to know too.

I need to be able to run P3, and also do email, and store Open Office on it. That's it. I'd love to know if it works well for those 3 things.
  • #29
Ive been looking at these myself, but wondered how much memory P3 would require. Are you running p3 on your notebook? what are the specs of your notebook?
  • #29
laylaleigh said:
I just purchased a netbook for this exact purpose. It is much smaller than a full size laptop and MUCH cheaper!!! It only weighs 3.5 lbs and cost $385. I will be able to carry it around during the day too. That way I always have my contacts with me!!!

I am so excited.

Ive been looking at these myself, but wondered how much memory P3 would require. Are you running p3 on your notebook? what are the specs of your notebook?
  • #30
laylaleigh said:
Becky - It is just shy on a couple of the recommended requirements, but not by much. It exceeds all of the minimum requirements. There is pleanty of memory to run P3.

It is the ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 10-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery)

Recommended CPU is 2.0 GHZ and this is 1.6 and the screen resolution is 1024X600 and the recommended is 1024X768.

I just got it on Friday. I am going to download P3 from the Consultant's Corner tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. I do need to figure out how to get my current data transfered. I think I am going to add it to my home network and copy it. I need to ask my dad about the details. If I try it on my own who knows what will happen!

I hope that helps.

UPDATE????? I am very excited to here how it is handling P3....
  • #31
I used to take mine, but it got to the point where it was just too much time away from focusing on my customers. Now I just use OOF's and write any additional notes on there, and I use a calculator to give totals. I'm not too bad with the math as long as the calculator is there to back me up! So far I've only had one issue where the wrong item number was written down on an order form, but that was really easy to fix when I was doing the entry at home so it wasn't a big deal.
  • #32
I've been taking mine that I got for Christmas, and I like it, I like not having to enter orders when I get home and I like telling the host EXACTLY what their show total is when I leave, I also think it makes me look pretty professional. The first time I took it, I got a comment about how nice it was.
  • #33
I love taking my laptop to my shows.... One night I tired leaving it at home and omg I couldn't believe how much time it saved me having it there and me doing all the work. I was just totally amazed I then promised myself that I wouldn't ever leave it at home again.
  • #34
I've had my laptop since my first show. It broke down after first one and my next few I didn't have it with me. I don't really remember the difference right now as that was over a year ago. I've taken it to every show since. I would probably be lost without it, but some of you make good points that it does take away some face time. I might try something new next time that has been suggesting in my cluster. Full Service Checkout I have a bit of a struggle with because people tend to hover etc. My last live show I was ok with people listened about letting me do one on one. But what was suggested before was to collect the orders then call each guest up one at a time. I may try that next time that way while they are eating/sociallizing I can enter in all the information I need and then call them up and do my asking of selling/hosting/etc. I'm just not sure how to go about it because I don't like to take up a ton of the host/guests time?
  • #35
kcmckay said:
I've had my laptop since my first show. It broke down after first one and my next few I didn't have it with me. I don't really remember the difference right now as that was over a year ago. I've taken it to every show since. I would probably be lost without it, but some of you make good points that it does take away some face time. I might try something new next time that has been suggesting in my cluster. Full Service Checkout I have a bit of a struggle with because people tend to hover etc. My last live show I was ok with people listened about letting me do one on one. But what was suggested before was to collect the orders then call each guest up one at a time. I may try that next time that way while they are eating/sociallizing I can enter in all the information I need and then call them up and do my asking of selling/hosting/etc. I'm just not sure how to go about it because I don't like to take up a ton of the host/guests time?
Have the host collect the orders for you. Then you can get them from her and other guests won't hover. Then you can still call people one at a time and they aren't going to care if the host is the one in the background.I got my laptop before Christmas and am SOOOO glad I did. I found I was being dimed and quartered to death. People would write down the wrong price and I would add according to that price only to find out when I got home that they were 25-50 cents off (usually). I ate it because most of my shows are out of town and it isn't worth the gas or stamp to get that little bit. Then I looked at how much it added up! ARGH! My laptop makes it so the computer is correcting the price and not me (then I don't look like a bad guy or embarrass them).
  • #36
I can't imagine not taking my laptop to a show anymore. I tell my guests to bring their order up when they're ready, placing it at the bottom of the pile. I then call them back when I get to their order. Everyone seems to benefit this way: they get to socialize with each other more and I don't have a crowd around me (which gives me real one on one time with the customer I'm working with).

Related to Do You Take Your Laptop to Shows?

1. Do I need to take my laptop with me to Pampered Chef shows?

While it is not required, many consultants find it helpful to bring their laptop with them to shows. This allows for easy access to P3 and makes it easier to enter orders and information during the event.

2. Is it easier to use the laptop to enter orders into P3 at the show?

Yes, using a laptop to enter orders into P3 can be more efficient and accurate compared to using a paper order form. It also allows for real-time updates and tracking of orders.

3. Does anyone actually bring their laptop to Pampered Chef shows?

Yes, many consultants do bring their laptops to shows. It is a personal preference and some find it to be a valuable tool for managing orders and information during the event.

4. Can I use my phone or tablet instead of a laptop at shows?

While it is possible to use a phone or tablet to access P3 at shows, it may not be as convenient or efficient as using a laptop. It also depends on the size and functionality of the device.

5. Do I need to have internet access to use my laptop at shows?

It is recommended to have internet access to use your laptop at shows, as it allows for real-time updates and access to P3. However, you can also use offline mode if necessary and sync your data later on when you have internet access.

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