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Director Discover the New Pampered Chef Website - Beta Version Now Available!

in summary, the new website is a beta, new consultants can only submit shows through P3 or the original PWS, and the monthly customer eNewsletter will still be sent through Customer Connection in the original PWS.
Gold Member
This is just came in my email. There are more details so take a look at yours when it comes.... WAHOOOO!

Dear Director,

I’m writing to you today to give an update on the new website. As you are well aware, we’ve been working diligently to make as many fixes as possible to the new web tools. The good news is that we have corrected a number of issues, and we are continuing to make enhancements to improve the overall experience for you, your hosts and your customers.

I want you to know that you will continue to see improvements and changes to the new website over the coming weeks. But as I have assessed where we are versus what we want the tools to be, as well as the amount of time it will take to make the fixes we want, I’ve concluded that at this point we need to officially treat the new web as a beta site. What we would like is a small group of Directors and Consultants to continue to use the site, but we would encourage the majority of you to return to using your original Personal Web Site (PWS) and PamperedPartner® Plus (P3).

Therefore, effective immediately, we are giving all new Consultants who have joined since May 3 the same ability that you as Directors already have – to set up and submit Shows through either P3 or the new website. They will also have the ability to set up a PWS in the original system so that they can set up Shows and collect orders to add to P3.

IMPORTANT: New Consultants will receive a special email from the Home Office with information about a 90-day free trial subscription they will be given to the original PWS. Please do not guide new Consultants to the original PWS until they’ve received this email, because if they set up the PWS before then, they will be charged for their site. (They have 30 days from when they receive this email to activate their free trial.)

New Consultant Agreements will still be entered through the new website. The email that contains the new Consultant’s number will include some basic information about our beta website as well as our original tools, so that you can guide your new Consultants as you choose. At the end of this email you’ll find more details about the information new Consultants will receive about accessing our original tools (P3 and the original PWS).

I know that you want to focus your energies on booking, selling and recruiting, and I hope that these changes will empower everyone to do just that! Because you’re fully familiar with the original P3 and PWS, I know I can count on you to help your new Consultants learn how to use them, just as you have always done for them. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain that in P3, credit cards are not authorized until after the Show is submitted, and that declined cards cause a Show to go on hold until they are resolved.)

Please be assured that all Consultants will have P3 and the original PWS available until you hear something different from me. In addition, the monthly customer eNewsletter will continue to be sent through Customer Connection in your original PWS. When we believe that the new web tools are meeting your needs, you will be given ample notice before we change anything.

The new website will remain available and will continue to get regular enhancements. If you have Shows set up in the new site, you can continue to submit them. You’ll see that the home page for .com and PWS will still have a link to visit the new site, but it is less prominent and is labeled beta to indicate that it isn’t a perfect site, but one still being enhanced and improved. (The beta link on your "original" PWS homepage will appear by the end of today.) This means that you will need to be clear when communicating with hosts and guests, so that they know which site you want them to use. I know this may create some confusion, but hopefully, the combination of moving the link and labeling it beta will help direct your customers to the correct site.

I am sure you share my disappointment that the tools we promised you haven’t worked as we expected. You have my utmost gratitude for using the site and providing us rich and much needed feedback. If you elect to continue to use the new site, we want to keep hearing from you on the enhancements you’d like to see.

Thank you for your patience and for your commitment to The Pampered Chef®.


Marla Gottschalk
Chief Executive Officer
Waahoo!!!! Finally. Now to get the lead system back to the way it used to be!!!
Ruth Fifield said:
Waahoo!!!! Finally. Now to get the lead system back to the way it used to be!!!

You mean to get a lead system period. Let's be honest, we do not currently have a lead system. What we have right now is a way for a customer to find a consultant from a select number of those in her general area but then she has to contact the consultant and we all know how well that works. A lead system is a way to get customer info to a consultant so that she can follow up (when the info is not bogus of course).
wow! major steps sideways on this thing!!
cookingwithlove said:
This is just came in my email. There are more details so take a look at yours when it comes.... WAHOOOO!

Wendy - can you share the other details? I lost my director title this past month but have been using the new web. I saw your email addressed "Director" so I wonder if they'll be sending it to anyone using the new web or just Directors?
jennyl said:
Wendy - can you share the other details? I lost my director title this past month but have been using the new web. I saw your email addressed "Director" so I wonder if they'll be sending it to anyone using the new web or just Directors?

They will be sending emails to consultants starting since May 3 and then they will send out an email to everyone. So you will get the info. If you give me your email I will forward it to you though.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I PM'ed you the rest of the email
I think this is GREAT News!!!
Also, I have not had a HO Lead since May! I have worked for 6 1/2 years to get to Director & keep my Sales high enough to qualify every month & recruit every 3-4 months to keep my leads, just to have them taken away really Stinks!! Something is VERY wrong with the NEW system! Stepping off the soap box....
  • #10
The lead system won't be changing. My NED confirmed this today. Marla is adamant about customers *choosing* who they work with. (Please don't shoot the messenger).I suggested that at least if we are *chosen*, the contact AT LEAST fill out some info so WE (the consultant) can contact them and offer service. As of now, we are at their mercy of whether or not they call us. We have no way to follow up and that goes against what we do as consultants, right?With that, I also suggested a follow-up e-mail to the customer with a quick survey... did the consultant you chose contact you in a timely manner? Did she solve your issue? Etc so they can get a snapshot of whether or not this method does or does not work. As of now, there is now way to measure this.
  • #11
I emailed Marla congratulating her on what must have been a difficult call. That said, they had to stop the bleeding....
  • #12
finley1991 said:
The lead system won't be changing. My NED confirmed this today. Marla is adamant about customers *choosing* who they work with. (Please don't shoot the messenger).

I suggested that at least if we are *chosen*, the contact AT LEAST fill out some info so WE (the consultant) can contact them and offer service. As of now, we are at their mercy of whether or not they call us. We have no way to follow up and that goes against what we do as consultants, right?

With that, I also suggested a follow-up e-mail to the customer with a quick survey... did the consultant you chose contact you in a timely manner? Did she solve your issue? Etc so they can get a snapshot of whether or not this method does or does not work. As of now, there is now way to measure this.

So obviously HO doesn't care that If a customer has some important issues, rather than dealing with someone that is well seasoned, they'll just give it to someone thats in the company for a month that knows very little to nothing about the business. Now I call that WELL planned!! I think if they are going to give choices, then raise the requirements. JMHO....
  • #13
Ginger428 said:
So obviously HO doesn't care that If a customer has some important issues, rather than dealing with someone that is well seasoned, they'll just give it to someone thats in the company for a month that knows very little to nothing about the business. Now I call that WELL planned!! I think if they are going to give choices, then raise the requirements. JMHO....

BRAND NEW CONSULTANT TO RECRUITER: Help! I just got a lead for someone wanting to sign up! What should I do?

Hmmm . . . :bugeye:

  • #14
so now we do their grand opening, and we recruit and and train their new consultants and do their grand opening for them? How about jsut making it easier to promote to director and let them do it on their own?
  • #15
I have an idea, why don't we just do all their shows for them too? We do all the work, they take all the perks, it's the American way.
  • #16
Gosh Nancy...never thought of that.. of course my team asks me that all the time "so how many shows are you going to do for me?"... uhmmmm 1, I have a business to run after all and if I did your shows and mine well, I would never be with MY family!
  • #17
Jenni, when I recruit I tell them "If you work with my calendar, I'm willing to come with you to your first show for support & help you with any questions that you might have ... but you have to work with my calendar! I can't reschedule my hosts to come help you with you first show ..." I've never had anyone ask if I'd come back for a 2nd, 3rd or subsequent show. ;)

Related to Discover the New Pampered Chef Website - Beta Version Now Available!

What is the "Discover the New Pampered Chef Website - Beta Version Now Available!"?

The "Discover the New Pampered Chef Website - Beta Version Now Available!" is the latest version of the Pampered Chef website, currently in its beta stage. It has been redesigned and improved with new features and a more user-friendly interface.

How can I access the beta version of the Pampered Chef website?

You can access the beta version by going to the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Try Our Beta Site" button. This will take you to the new version of the website where you can explore and test out the new features.

What are some of the new features on the beta version of the Pampered Chef website?

Some of the new features on the beta version include a more streamlined checkout process, improved search functionality, and a personalized dashboard where you can view your order history and wish list.

Can I still use the old version of the Pampered Chef website?

Yes, the old version of the Pampered Chef website will still be available for use. However, we encourage you to try out the beta version and provide feedback to help us improve the website before it officially launches.

Where can I provide feedback on the beta version of the Pampered Chef website?

You can provide feedback by clicking on the "Feedback" button on the beta site. This will take you to a form where you can share your thoughts and suggestions. We value your feedback and will use it to make the final version of the website even better.

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