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Did I Achieve My Mid-Season Product Goal?!

In summary, Becky and I are both having a slow month, so we are doing a booking blitz to try to get more bookings.
I earned the mid-season products already! Which is a good thing since we are taking an extended family vacation later this month and I won't be doing much business!!!

I am so excited - I set that as my goal and I actually did it!!! :D
That is awesome!!! Congradulations!! I'm hoping to earn them this month too. But most of all I just want to have another big show too.
That's great! I am going to have to be down to the wire! My last show is Aug.28th! But I am VERY thankful for that show~
Way to go! That's so awesome!! Congratulations!
That's awesome!! Congratulations. This is a slow month for me, so I really hope I earn them. My first show yesterday is only at $163. Yikes. She was supposed to have 10 guests and only three showed! I did get one booking for November-ish and another person who couldn't come wants to have a catalog show. So, at least that's not so bad!:eek:
Becky, I am in the same boat. I have 2 catalog shows going, and then my sneak preview show on the 24th. I may not make it. I am having a booking blitz tomorrow night to try to get more August bookings.
I am with you ladies! I have three catalogs shows that I am trying to tie up, but the hosts aren't returning calls or e-mails. I would like to have some sales on the board! I have my open house on the 19th, and maybe I'll have a booking blitz too while making the follow up calls for the invites I sent out!
mrssyvo said:
Becky, I am in the same boat. I have 2 catalog shows going, and then my sneak preview show on the 24th. I may not make it. I am having a booking blitz tomorrow night to try to get more August bookings.
Maybe it's on the board here somewhere else, but I haven't been able to spend much time on here lately....but tell me about your booking blitz. Is this just getting on the phone calling all of your booking leads? Or is there something more specific you're doing? I'm very excited that between now and the 24th of August, I have a babysitter coming to spend some time with the kids for three different times of three hours each. I plan to still be home and use this time to MAKE CALLS! This is what is so hard to do with an almost 2 year old and a four year old running around making noise, as many of you know!!!

I did look at my commission checks from last July and August because I was curious how slow it was. Although this July and August have been slower than the previous 6 months of 2006, my sales from July were more than double what they were from last July (and last August as well.) I think if we all just ride the wave until the fall selling season, it'll get much better!

But, I agree, getting on the phone to do a booking blitz is essential!!!:)
Becky- You are welcome to join my booking blitz tomorrow night. I have set up a conference call for 7:30 for my team, and it will last 1/2 hour, we will be talking about what to say during the call, specials for August & September, ect (I have new recruits) then will make calls from 8 to 9 PM- we will have points earned for different things, then come back together at 9pm for the results- who won. The goal is booking and appointments for recruiting interviews. Let me know if you are interested.
  • #10
mrssyvo said:
Becky- You are welcome to join my booking blitz tomorrow night. I have set up a conference call for 7:30 for my team, and it will last 1/2 hour, we will be talking about what to say during the call, specials for August & September, ect (I have new recruits) then will make calls from 8 to 9 PM- we will have points earned for different things, then come back together at 9pm for the results- who won. The goal is booking and appointments for recruiting interviews. Let me know if you are interested.
Thanks so much for the offer! That's really sweet of you. It sounds like such a cool idea. The bummer is I won't be home, but I can't wait to hear how this goes for you! I wish I would be around. Maybe I can do it next time around. Good luck!!!
  • #11
pamperedbecky said:
.... I'm very excited that between now and the 24th of August, I have a babysitter coming to spend some time with the kids for three different times of three hours each. I plan to still be home and use this time to MAKE CALLS! This is what is so hard to do with an almost 2 year old and a four year old running around making noise, as many of you know!!! ....
But, I agree, getting on the phone to do a booking blitz is essential!!!:)

Becky, I was just thinking that I need to hire a sitter to just come and play with my son (he's 2) It is SO HARD to make calls with him! He's fine until I get on the phone.....but you know what I'm talking about:D - I had a 12 yr old at church inform me that she just finished "babysitting certification" classes, and at the time I thought "Oh that's cute - but I wouldn't leave her with my son" ..Now I'm thinking it might be good practice for her, and I'd be right here if they needed me - but I'd still be able to get some stuff done! I have 1 show, 2 Catalog shows, and my Sneak Peek on Aug 22nd - so I need to get on the phone! Need to book and need to follow up on the 100 invites I just put in the mail for my show! Good luck with your phone calling! (Everyone!)
  • #12
Becky- Having taken that certification class myself in the last decade (I am only 21) I know that the ones who have taken the class are the ones to leave your kids with. I did a lot of hanging out with the kids while the parents are still home when I started with a new family. Have her over a couple of times while you get some things done around the house or PC wise. Soon enough you will be overjoyed to leave your son with her! Maybe I was just really responsible, but I think you can trust kids that age. I have a 13 year old that watches my 2 and 1 year olds! I think I have always been ten years older than my body! I never got along with kids because they are so immature, and my DH is 10 years older than I am. Sorry, off topic!
  • #13
ChefBeckyD said:
Becky, I was just thinking that I need to hire a sitter to just come and play with my son (he's 2) It is SO HARD to make calls with him! He's fine until I get on the phone.....but you know what I'm talking about:D - I had a 12 yr old at church inform me that she just finished "babysitting certification" classes, and at the time I thought "Oh that's cute - but I wouldn't leave her with my son" ..Now I'm thinking it might be good practice for her, and I'd be right here if they needed me - but I'd still be able to get some stuff done! I have 1 show, 2 Catalog shows, and my Sneak Peek on Aug 22nd - so I need to get on the phone! Need to book and need to follow up on the 100 invites I just put in the mail for my show! Good luck with your phone calling! (Everyone!)
Hi Becky (from one Becky to another~!:D ),
I'd say go for it. And if you're comfortable with her and she does well with your son, it's a future "real" babysitter for you!! I can't wait to do this next week when she comes over. YES, I definitely know how they tend to want your immediate attention as soon as you get on the phone. I say try it out a couple times and see if it's worth it for you.:D
  • #14
I don't have kids... so what's my excuse? LOL Does anyone notice that when you get on the phone the volume of the TV suddenly just goes up?! Amazing!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
I have two sons, but believe it or not, they are normally not the issue when I get on the phone. It's my dogs - they start barking like little kids seeking attention as soon as I dial. It is ridiculous! :D
  • #16
Anne- you can borrow my kids if you need to! I am sure they would love to see the NJ sites!! My thing about the TV is when you fall asleep with it on, then wake up and it sounds like someone snuck in and turned it all the way up!
  • #17
Thanks Becky & Gillian for the encouragement......I guess it's just strange because I've known this girl since she was a baby(her mom is one of my best friends), so it's hard to think of her as grown-up....but I'm going to try it! I know she would be conscientious (sp?) and I'm actually thinking of having her spend the day here before my open house. We have a great babysitter who is college-aged - but not always available - so it would be nice to have someone else in the wings - and my son already knows and loves her.
  • #18
Oh - and Anne, I think my son would love the NJ sights too!:D
  • #19
Becky- I am in Alaska so we can pick up your son on the way to Anne's!
  • #20
Won't Anne be thrilled? I can think of nothing that will make you sleep better at night than 3 toddlers all day :D What fun she'll have.....(I'll send the jar of Peanut Butter!)
  • #21
gilliandanielle said:
Anne- you can borrow my kids if you need to! I am sure they would love to see the NJ sites!! My thing about the TV is when you fall asleep with it on, then wake up and it sounds like someone snuck in and turned it all the way up!
LOL Thats true!
  • #22
Why don't we add one more 2 year old to the bunch, he is driving me crazy this week. I start working the fair today, my husband might loose his mind. LOL
  • #23
Sorry Amanda, California is out of our way! Looks like you're on your own, LOL!!
  • #24
Well thanks a lot, any ideas on how to get a 2 year old to listen. :)
  • #25
Bribe with Wiggles and M&M's! That works for me!!
  • #26
I use M&M's too - but instead of Wiggles, it's the Backyardigans for us!:D
Of course - there is still no guarantee that he/she will listen - isn't it fun when tempers change on a minute by minute basis? Life is certainly never boring!
  • #27
He's over the wiggles. It's Baby einstiens (SP), and we are potty training right now so it's reese pieces in the freezer at the moment.Becky your so right life is never boring, this morning he watered my carpet instead of the plant got to love those 2 year olds. :) (secretly pulling my hair out)
  • #28
We are potty training too - why is it he wants to sit on the potty right up until the day I want him to and then he wants nothing to do with it?
Oh - and he just put my good sandals down the laundry chute - better go see if they are stuck!
  • #29
We own every Baby Einstein already, so we are of course over it!! She is into the Wiggles and Cinderella! I am so excited for The little Mermaid to come out in October so I can watch something other than Cinderella! We are potty training too. That is why we have the M&M's. When she goes pee she gets 4 or 5 "M's" as she refers to them. She went poo once by accident and won't do that, but she is staying dry all day in her diaper besides the poo.

Related to Did I Achieve My Mid-Season Product Goal?!

1. What is "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag"?

"Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" is a versatile seasoning blend from Pampered Chef that adds a delicious and unique flavor to any dish.

2. What ingredients are in "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag"?

The ingredients in "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" include garlic, onion, salt, sugar, red bell pepper, spices, and natural flavors.

3. How can I use "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" in my cooking?

"Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" can be used in a variety of ways, such as seasoning meats, adding flavor to vegetables, or sprinkling on popcorn for a tasty snack.

4. Is "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" gluten-free?

Yes, "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" is gluten-free, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions.

5. Where can I purchase "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag"?

You can purchase "Forgive Me but I Have to Brag" from any Pampered Chef consultant or through the Pampered Chef website.

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