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Countdown to National Conference 2020

In summary, Ken Davis recommends making resolutions to relax, disarm, and connect. He also recommends getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things.
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Today is May 25. There are 46 days until the start of National Conference.I’m going to be doing a countdown to National Conference. In the past my NC countdown has included a lot of travel tips. With this year’s conference being virtual, those won’t be necessary. I’ll be sharing my suggestions for getting the most out of the training. Please feel free to add your own suggestions and ideas.
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  • #2
Today is May 26. There are 45 days until the official start of National Conference.Begin now making a list of the things you hope to learn at NC. If you’ve never been before, think about what you most want to know. Write down your questions. Read them over frequently. This will plant them in your brain, and you’ll be more likely to recognize an answer when you hear it. That’s one of the best things you can do to prepare your mind for NC. It will also help you to decide which trainings to choose.
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  • #3
Today is May 27. There are only 44 days until the official start of National Conference.Always double-check. It's easy to get used to relying on your director, your recruiter, your teammates, or your friends here at CS for information. We're good, but we're not perfect. The best source of information is the HO. Make sure you're reading what they send and what's posted on CC.
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  • #4
Today is May 28. There are 43 days until the official start of National Conference.Part of the fun for me at National Conference has always been gathering with thousands of other consultants who love Pampered Chef almost as much as I do. With this year’s conference being virtual, we’ll miss out on the thousands, but we don’t have to do this alone. Check with your upline. Is someone hosting a watch party?If, like me, you live far from your upline, see if there will be a gathering near you. I live near Kokomo, Indiana. I have access to a space where a number of us could gather. It has good wi-fi available. There’s space for us to spread out a bit if we’re attending different trainings but close enough to share the excitement during general sessions. If you’re in the Kokomo area, you’ll be welcome to join us.
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  • #5
Today is May 29. There are 42 days until the official start of National Conference.Ken Davis shared these ideas on a blog. He was talking about how to get the most out of the conferences he does, but I think they translate well to NC, even this year’s virtual NC.Make these resolutions to help you maximize your experiences:1. Resolve to RelaxSo many times we go into new situations tense and defensive, fearful of change and concerned about what people will think. We assume a negative posture that stifles creativity and inhibits learning. Anticipate a great experience.
Believe that you will learn something helpful.
Don’t set yourself up to compete. You have nothing to prove. Learning is not competition it is
absorption. Become a happy Sponge Bob Square Pants. Soak it up!2. Resolve to Disarm We put it this way, “Leave your guns at the door.” All those little tricks and stories and shortcuts that you usually use when the pressure is on; the candy stick, shoot from the hip easy way out solutions that keep you from trying new things, leave them at the door. Open yourself up to learn new techniques. Risk by exploring new ideas. When you leave the conference you can pick up your guns and take them with you. You may not need them anymore. OR, you may find them more affective with the new material you have learned. By leaving them at the door you will resist the temptation to depend on them and miss out on learning something new. [Rae’s note: I’d like to add something here. The basics are always going to be the basics, so also leave your “I’ve heard that before/I’ve tried that before” attitude at the door. Be open to trying out the tried and true. It got that way for a reason.]3. Resolve to connect [Rae’s note: this isn’t as much a factor this year, but it’s a good reminder in general]Dive in. Introduce yourself to instructors and other attendees. Ask questions, offer insight. Eat and talk and laugh with other people. TURN YOUR PHONE OFF! In twenty years of doing workshops I can count on one hand and half of one foot the number of people who said they got nothing out of it. ALL OF THEM remained isolated and refused to get involved with the people around them. Some felt they knew it all. Usually those were sent by someone who knew they didn’t. Others never disconnected from phone - computer - business, so even though they were physically at the conference, mentally they never left the office.4. Resolve to commit I ask our students to commit to what we are teaching just for the length of the conference. Long enough to try the principles, get past the discomfort of doing something NEW, and experience the difference it will make in their performance. Once they leave, I give them permission to dump the whole thing and shoot me with the guns they left at the door, BUT BY THEN THEY ARE HOOKED.The new grip suggested by a golf pro seems intolerable until you commit to practice it until it becomes natural. Only then will you hit the 250 yard drive or sink the 15 foot putt.Try these resolutions the next time you are at a conference. 43. We have less than a month and a half before NC. You'll probably have several shows in that time. You'll do host coaching. You'll make lots of calls. Start taking a critical look at what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it's working. Here are a few reasons I can think of for taking a close look at your business before NC.1. You'll know what areas to target when you're asking questions and taking workshop notes.2. You'll know what's working well. If you’re gathering with others, you may be asked for tips and advice. By really studying your business, you'll know what to tell those who ask. 3. You'll have a chance to make your business better before you even go. You may discover areas where you can change or streamline to make your business what you want it to be.
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  • #6
Today is June 1. There are 39 days until the official start of National Conference.Think about the shows you have scheduled for right after NC. When I’ve traveled for NC, I’ve purchased postcards and sent them to my upcoming hosts letting them know I was learning how to do an even better job for them. This year I plan to send a note letting them know I’m attending virtual training so I’ll be able to be a better consultant.
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  • #7
Today is June 2. There are 38 days until the official start of National Conference. We’ll learn a lot at NC. Schedule a day to look over your notes. Think over what you’ve learned. Make a plan for implementing the ideas.
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  • #8
Today is June 3. There are 37 days until the official start of National Conference. When the time comes, think about the workshops you sign up for. Take (or re-take) any online courses related to those topics. Most speakers pack a lot of information in their workshops. If you already know the basics, you won’t be too overwhelmed by what they have to say. You can dial down on the details easier this way.
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  • #9
Today is June 4. There are 36 days until the official start of National Conference. Here’s a great idea adapted from Julie Ann Jones that I’ve used for years. Make three index cards for each workshop. Label one “Wow! Do it now!” for things you can implement immediately. Label the second “Great idea! Do it soon,” for those ideas that will need a little planning and/or research before you start them. Label the third “Think about this.” That third card is for things that you think you’d like to do but will need a lot of planning or re-adjustment to your current way of doing things. When you’re attending a workshop and they give you a great idea, write it down on the appropriate card. Or, take some time that evening to go over your notes and transfer ideas to the cards. Either way will make it easier to implement the ideas. Remember, no matter how great the training, if you don’t implement the ideas you’ve wasted time and money.
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  • #10
Today is June 5. There are 35 days until the official start of National Conference.Think about what you want to learn. Here’s an exercise that some coaches use. They ask people to look around the room they're in. They have them close their eyes and think of everything they saw that was green. Then they have them look around and notice everything that’s green. They almost always notice more green things when they were looking for them. Knowing what you hope to learn helps you to notice it when it’s presented.I plan to write down a few questions for each workshop. I’ll look these over before the workshop starts so I’ll remember what I hope to learn. It will also help when they ask for questions at the end of the workshop, in case one of mine is still unanswered.
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  • #11
Today is June 6. There are 34 days until the official start of National Conference.Consider where you’ll connect to the livestream. I already mentioned that I’m hoping to gather with other consultants for the livestream. But even if no one else wanted to join me, it has been my intention to go someplace for the livestream. At home I’m distracted by things I need to do. My husband is likely to interrupt. We’re empty-nesters, so kids aren’t a problem, but if you have children, they certainly could make it difficult to pay attention. I also have somewhat spotty wi-fi. I’ll be going where I know the connection will be good.Think now about where you plan to watch. If it’s at home, set up a space where you’ll be able to take notes, where distractions will be at a minimum, and where you’ll be able to make a little noise when the news gets exciting. A library may give you a great connection, but it wouldn’t be a great place to “Woo hoo!” when they unveil the new products.
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  • #12
Today is June 8. There are 32 days until the official start of National Conference.Print off the agenda and put it with the things you’ll have at hand during the livestream. This will help you anticipate what’s happening next, plan meal breaks, etc.
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  • #13
Today is June 9. There are 31 days until the official start of National Conference.In years past, we could purchase surprise packs. They were boxes of discontinued products. If you got in on the general registration (not overflow), you should receive an email with a link to order one. These are a great way to get older products to give away, sell, or keep.
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  • #14
Today is June 11. There are 29 days until the official start of National Conference. Those of us who registered in time for general registration will receive a kickoff kit. Will you open yours before NC starts? What if it says not to open until __________? Will you sneak a peek? You don’t have to answer that.
  • #15
raebates said:
Today is June 11. There are 29 days until the official start of National Conference.Those of us who registered in time for general registration will receive a kickoff kit. Will you open yours before NC starts? What if it says not to open until __________? Will you sneak a peek? You don’t have to answer that.
I’m not sure. It’s my first conference and I’m super excited!
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  • #16
ChefDi said:
I’m not sure. It’s my first conference and I’m super excited!
ChefDi, I'm excited for you!
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  • #17
Today is June 12. There are 28 days until the official start of National Conference.They’ll unveil the new fall/winter products. Is there something you’re hoping they’ll add to our line?For the past several years I haven't been able to think of anything to add, yet when they unveil the new products I think, "Well, of course we need that!" There are a few things I'd like to see come back: the timer, cinnamon, and cinnamon plus. I have customers begging for these.
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  • #18
Today is June 13. There are 27 days until the official start of National Conference.They’ll also let us know what’s going away. Is there something you’re sure will be on that list?
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  • #19
Today is June 15. There are only 25 days until the official start of National Conference. Wonder why I keep posting these as “… [number] days until the official start of National Conference”? There are some things scheduled for Thursday, July 9. Are you planning to take part? I am!
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  • #20
Today is June 16. There are only 24 days until the official start of National Conference. I have a rule for new things. I make a commitment to love it for three months. That’s it. Three months.We’ve probably all done it. We begrudgingly agree to try something. “Fine, I’ll do it,” we say, with an attitude. Of course, it’s rare for something to work when we engage with that mindset. That’s why I determine to love it. At the end of three months I evaluate how it’s working. I set an appointment on my calendar to think about how it’s going. If it’s working, great. If not, I can tweak it and try again.I do give myself permission to stop doing something that clearly isn’t working for me. It can’t simply be uncomfortable. Everything new is uncomfortable for a while. It’s rare for me to give up before my evaluation, but I’ve done it. There were things that were so very clearly not me, that I let them drop after one or two tries.By adopting this rule, not just for my business but in all areas, I’ve been able to shape my life into something that works well for me.
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  • #21
Today is June 18. There are only 22 days until the official start of National Conference.I plan to have some snacks on hand to munch on during the livestream. Those who know me won’t be surprised that they’ll be healthy snacks. But I encourage you to make sure your snacks won’t make you sleepy. Snacks high in simple carbs tend to lead to brain fog and drowsiness. Pick snacks that have complex carbs, lots of protein, and healthy fats. Avoid sugary drinks, too. Again, they’re simple carbs.
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  • #22
Today is June 19. There are only 21 days until the official start of National Conference. Plan to move. One of the things I always enjoyed at NC were the dance breaks. They gave us a chance to break up hours of sitting. Make sure to take these breaks during the livestream. Get up. Pace a little. Dance a little. Do some jumping jacks. Do whatever will get your heart pumping a bit.
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  • #23
Today is June 20. There are only 20 days until the official start of National Conference. Take notes, but don’t feel like you have to capture every word. What’s great about a virtual NC is that we’ll have access to a replay. You will have a chance to go back and catch anything you miss.
  • #24
raebates said:
Today is June 18. There are only 22 days until the official start of National Conference.I plan to have some snacks on hand to munch on during the livestream. Those who know me won’t be surprised that they’ll be healthy snacks. But I encourage you to make sure your snacks won’t make you sleepy. Snacks high in simple carbs tend to lead to brain fog and drowsiness. Pick snacks that have complex carbs, lots of protein, and healthy fats. Avoid sugary drinks, too. Again, they’re simple carbs.
This is a great idea! My roomie and I have decided we'll probably eat breakfast but not vacate the livestream until suppertime, so we're planning on lots of healthy munchies and snacks - not counting the brownies, of course. Lol!
  • #25
raebates said:
Today is June 4. There are 36 days until the official start of National Conference.Here’s a great idea adapted from Julie Ann Jones that I’ve used for years. Make three index cards for each workshop. Label one “Wow! Do it now!” for things you can implement immediately. Label the second “Great idea! Do it soon,” for those ideas that will need a little planning and/or research before you start them. Label the third “Think about this.” That third card is for things that you think you’d like to do but will need a lot of planning or re-adjustment to your current way of doing things. When you’re attending a workshop and they give you a great idea, write it down on the appropriate card. Or, take some time that evening to go over your notes and transfer ideas to the cards. Either way will make it easier to implement the ideas. Remember, no matter how great the training, if you don’t implement the ideas you’ve wasted time and money.
This is one of my favorite tips!
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  • #26
Today is June 22. There are only 18 days until the official start of National Conference.Take some time to familiarize yourself with any guest speakers. Google them and read through what they offer. If they have a free newsletter, sign up for that. This way you will know a little about what to expect from them.
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  • #27
Today is June 23. There are only 17 days until the official start of National Conference. Don’t multi-task. Don’t text. Don’t play games. Focus on the livestream. Be in that moment.
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  • #28
Today is June 24. There are only 16 days until the official start of National Conference.f we could all meet together in Chicago, is there a restaurant you’d want to patronize? In the past I have made a point to get Giordano’s pizza. But now they have a couple of locations in Indianapolis, so it’s no longer a Chicago-only treat. I would probably ask the concierge at my hotel to suggest a place or join in with other attendees.I was once “kidnapped” by a friend and “forced” to join her and her team for dinner. It was wonderful. I'll miss the social part of National Conference.
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  • #29
Today is June 26. There are only 14 days until the official start of National Conference! We’re two weeks away. Make a list of things to have on hand. Paper. Pen. Note cards. Drink. Snacks. Is there anything you’ll need to buy or refresh? If you think about now, you’ll have plenty of time.
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  • #30
Today is June 29. There are only 11 days until the official start of National Conference.What are you most looking forward to?For me it's always about the new products. Well, that and seeing dear friends from far away. This year I'll have to be content with the new products.
  • #31
Definitely getting a sneak peek at the new products and actually handling them, and seeing my Cheffie sisters from all over the country. Trying new restaurants and shopping at vendor booths too.
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  • #32
Today is June 30. There are only 10 days until the official start of National Conference.If you’ve been to National Conference before, is there someone in particular you’d be looking to see again? If so, why not message them on here or on Facebook, through text, on Telegram, or whatever?
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  • #33
Today is July 1. There are only 9 days until the official start of National Conference. One year, in order to be able to find one another in the crowd, our team wore giant parrot hats. I’ve seen matching shirts, pennants, and more to aid in finding your team. If NC were being held in person this year, how would you most like to find your team?I’ve got to admit, the parrot hats were a lot of fun.
  • #34
Wahoo as Jean would say! Only 7 more days (we're checking into the hotel Wed. afternoon so we can be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for Tasty Tidbits). I usually catch up with members of Shan's team only by running across them in the mob - unless we're at a team meeting. LOL!
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  • #35
Today is July 2. There are only 8 days until the official start of National Conference.Are you thinking of purchasing new PC gear? I’m hoping they’ll offer some deals on fun accessories, though I don’t have anything particular in mind.
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  • #36
Today is July 3. There are only 7 days until the official start of National Conference!One week to go. Are you excited? I am!
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  • #37
Today is July 4. Happy Independence Day! There are only 6 days until the official start of National Conference!The livestream will take place in central daylight time. If you aren’t in that time zone, will you need to adjust your schedule? I’m in the eastern time zone, so NC won’t be early for me. But if you live in the mountain or pacific time zone, you might think about adjusting your wake-up time so you won’t be getting up especially early to view the livestream. One advantage of the livestream is that if you are viewing from home you won’t even have to change out of your jammies.
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  • #38
Today is July 6. There are only 4 days until the official start of National Conference!This may sound odd, but think about how you’ll dress. While it’s true that you can attend in your jammies, that’s usually not the best idea. You’ll want to be comfortable, but even changing from jammies into sweats or shorts and a t-shirt can help your brain make the switch to work mode.
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  • #39
Today is July 7. There are only 3 days until the official start of National Conference!Be prepared to turn your cell phone to vibrate during the livestream. Don’t allow anything to distract you. Though, I understand they’re calling winners, so you’ll want to have it close by in case you’re one of the winners.
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  • #40
Today is July 8. there are only 2 days until the official start of National Conference!Gather everything today. Make sure you know exactly what you want at hand, so you won’t have to miss a minute of the fun.
  • #41
If you haven't printed out the agenda, do so. Pre-conference, with a variety of sessions/classes, starts tomorrow at 10:00 a.m Central Time. Because I was prepared to GO to conference, I've blocked off the time to participate in these classes. I know that if I don't treat it like conference time, the likelihood of going back later to view them plummets.
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  • #42
chefjeanine said:
If you haven't printed out the agenda, do so. Pre-conference, with a variety of sessions/classes, starts tomorrow at 10:00 a.m Central Time. Because I was prepared to GO to conference, I've blocked off the time to participate in these classes. I know that if I don't treat it like conference time, the likelihood of going back later to view them plummets.
Yes! I took Thursday and Friday off, and I'll be with a couple of other people at a shared workspace so I an focus on the training.
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  • #43
Today is July 9. There is only 1 day until the official start of National Conference!Tomorrow’s the big day. Today starts the pre-conference fun. Have a great National Conference!
  • #44
I'm surprised....no spoilers for Fall 2020?? :)
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  • #45
esavvymom said:
I'm surprised....no spoilers for Fall 2020?? :)
Nope. That's not what this thread was for. Once the conference starts, my work here is done.
  • #46
raebates said:
Nope. That's not what this thread was for. Once the conference starts, my work here is done.
I didn’t necessarily mean one THIS thread....I meant in general.

Related to Countdown to National Conference 2020

1. What is National Conference and when is it happening?

National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together, learn new skills, and celebrate our achievements. This year, it will be taking place virtually from July 10-11, with some pre-conference events starting on July 8.

2. How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through your consultant account on our website. Simply log in, go to the Events tab, and click on National Conference 2020. From there, you can follow the prompts to complete your registration.

3. What kind of training can I expect at National Conference?

National Conference offers a variety of training sessions, workshops, and keynote speeches from industry experts, top consultants, and our corporate team. You can expect to learn about new products, marketing strategies, and business tips to help you grow your Pampered Chef business.

4. How can I make the most out of the virtual experience?

Although National Conference will be held virtually this year, there are still many ways to make the most out of the experience. Make sure to have a quiet and comfortable space to watch the sessions, take notes, and participate in interactive activities. You can also connect with other consultants through our virtual chat rooms and social media groups.

5. Are there any special offers or promotions during National Conference?

Yes, we often have exclusive promotions and discounts during National Conference. Make sure to stay updated by checking your consultant account and following our social media pages. We also recommend attending the pre-conference events to take advantage of any early bird deals.

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