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Cluster Newsletters: Short and Sweet, But Effective?

In summary, Jenny loves traveling to different places, but her favorite place is her home in Pittsburgh. She also likes going to Disneyworld and Disneyland. Her favorite memory as a child is going to Disneyworld and staying on site for about 5 nights. She has also been to Canada, Mexico, and numerous states in the US. She doesn't have a favorite place, but she loves San Antonio, Texas and Kauai. Her favorite place so far is Hawaii.
Staff member
I keep mine short.I send my cluster newsletters by email. Everyone in my downline has email. I try and keep them shorter mostly recognition and don't repeat stuff thats in the KCN or Weekly Bites. As I email them frequently with tips/ideas/goals etc. during the month. I also attach flyers to use that I find on Chef Success or that I have made. That way they can just add their personal info and they're done.
I send them by email now too. I send a short note in the body of the email and attach a doc with all the recoginition - it's "prettier" for those who want to print it off and post it (some love that when they are recognized!).
I went back to snail mailI emailed my newsletter for several years but found that mailing it had more impact. With email there is the tendancy to skim over it, keep it to go back to someday (probably not) or just delete it. (especially if they knew they were not going to be in the recognition section) I keep mine pretty short. A brief intro, a recipe (don't we all just love recipes) birthdays, anniversary and then the flip side is recognition. Recognition is divided into to Gold, Sliver and Bronze levels.
Gold is for those selling over $3,000, Silver is for those selling over $1,000 and Bronze is for those selling over $500. The bronze level gives even the hobby consultant recognition. I also recognize for Most Kitchen Shows held, Most Bookings, Recruiting, Top Show Average over $400 and 4+ Kitchen Shows held.

The majority of my consultant are long distance so I try to give as much recognition as possible. I also include my own stats along with the amount of my paycheck. This keeps me accountable to keep a full schedule but also let's them see that even a director can have a bad month plus by seeing the pay as a director this gives them something to go for.


I like how your newsletter sounds. How large is your team? Mine is only about 16 and some months I need to recognize over $200 or I'd only have 2 or 3 recognized. MANY of mine only want to do 1 show a month.

My recent consultants (6 of them have signed in 2007) are wanting income so that is changing but I still want to recognize those that keep holding on and have been there for me if only by staying active or submitting that one show that made the $4000. I don't just want to say "and also subitting shows" or something like that...
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I like your Bronze Level. Right now I do #1 down thru anyone who sold 1K or more(I don't have a big group) and then group the rest together labeling it Other Consultants Who Contributed to Our Teams Cluster Sales This Month.
So anyone who did anything at least gets their name in my newsletter. I may change it now.
Chef Karen said:
I emailed my newsletter for several years but found that mailing it had more impact. With email there is the tendancy to skim over it, keep it to go back to someday (probably not) or just delete it. (especially if they knew they were not going to be in the recognition section) I keep mine pretty short. A brief intro, a recipe (don't we all just love recipes) birthdays, anniversary and then the flip side is recognition. Recognition is divided into to Gold, Sliver and Bronze levels.
Gold is for those selling over $3,000, Silver is for those selling over $1,000 and Bronze is for those selling over $500. The bronze level gives even the hobby consultant recognition. I also recognize for Most Kitchen Shows held, Most Bookings, Recruiting, Top Show Average over $400 and 4+ Kitchen Shows held.

The majority of my consultant are long distance so I try to give as much recognition as possible. I also include my own stats along with the amount of my paycheck. This keeps me accountable to keep a full schedule but also let's them see that even a director can have a bad month plus by seeing the pay as a director this gives them something to go for.


Karen, this looks great! Any chance you could please share it with us?

Ladies, you all have such wonderful ideas! Would any of you share a sampling of your cluster newsletters? Thanks.
newsletterTo answer both Beth & Lisa.

I have 25-30 in my cluster depending on who's active in a given month. When I was a new director I had what I called an "awesome" award. This award could go to anyone in the cluster who I thought needed some encouragement. Sometimes, I had a person in mind and then would look for a way to recognize them. Such as, attending 3 meetings in a row, great quick tip shared, brought a recipe or helped out at the meeting, first $400+ show....

If someone can let me know how to attach my file I will be happy to share it. I can be computer challenged. I tried to upload it but it said that my file was larger than what I could send.

  • Thread starter
  • #9
I'll get Greg on it.
  • #10
I like the idea of braking it down that far too. I do what Deb said and recognize everyone that sells over $1000, has a great show or went out of their box.

Would you include hospitality people in your newsletter? I have a few that have no contact with their director at all. So it's me or nothing as far as reconition. One even has 4 recruits.
  • #11
ShanaSmith said:
I like the idea of braking it down that far too. I do what Deb said and recognize everyone that sells over $1000, has a great show or went out of their box.

Would you include hospitality people in your newsletter? I have a few that have no contact with their director at all. So it's me or nothing as far as reconition. One even has 4 recruits.

Absolutely! They invest the time to attend the meetings and they deserve recognition. Especially if their director doesn't give them recognition!
  • #12
The problem is that I don't get their number unless they bring them to the meeting themselves. I always include them in everything and recognize them when I can.
  • #13
ShanaSmith said:
The problem is that I don't get their number unless they bring them to the meeting themselves. I always include them in everything and recognize them when I can.

I have them give me their information off of their IPT. I call them just after the 1st to get the info so that I have it early on.
  • #14
that would work... actually I think I will ask them to email me their info. The one FD can send her team, and the others will have to send their own.

  • #15
Do you think that some of you could post a sample of your newletters? (the ones that you mail).
I haven't done one yet but would like to start and need some ideas!
  • #16
  • #17
Here's mine - I xxxx'd out all the personal info like last names or $$ amounts attached to individuals, phone #s and addresses...but you can get the jist of it.
  • #18
Hey - where'd my attachment go? Lemme try again

ooooooh - I can't attach anything in Publisher....well poop. Gimme your email and I'll emai lit t oyou
  • #19
Yeah, mine's in publisher too. The trouble with publisher is that you have to have the same version on both computers to send and open it.
  • #20
Here's mine
  • #21
Chef Karen said:
Here's mine

I love it!! I think I'll implement the 3 levels in January!!!

Here's mine:
  • #22
pampmomof3 said:
I love it!! I think I'll implement the 3 levels in January!!!

Here's mine:

Hi Thanks but I have copied and pasted some of it below:

PK ! 0#>€ Ù [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( ´TÉnÂ0 ½Wê?D¾V‰¡‡ªª º [¤Ò 0ö ¬z“m¶¿ï8@D) ©À%’3~Ë<Ý ,µÊæàƒ´¦$Ý¢C20Ü
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This is how it reads. Could you try that again? :confused:

I really appreciate it!
  • #23
ChefVee said:
Hi Thanks but I have copied and pasted some of it below:

PK ! 0#>€ Ù [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( ´TÉnÂ0 ½Wê?D¾V‰¡‡ªª º [¤Ò 0ö ¬z“m¶¿ï8@D) ©À%’3~Ë<Ý ,µÊæàƒ´¦$Ý¢C20Ü
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‘ Á”5P’ 2èßÞôF+!C´ %™Æèž(
š…Â:0X©¬×,âÒO¨cü›M€Þw: ”[ ÁÄ<&

This is how it reads. Could you try that again? :confused:

I really appreciate it!

WHAT??? That's crazy!!!
  • #24
Try this. I saved it as a Word 97-2003 document rather than 2007.
  • #26
Okay good! I was getting worried!!! :DI pray my sales and recognition get better this month!! Summer is so ROUGH!!!:yuck:
  • #27
my team and I have had a very tough summer. I am so looking forward to fall! And hopefully lots of great numbers for recognition
  • #28
My three favorites are the US Virgin Islands, Monaco/Nice and Rome.
  • #29
My favorite places (today...changes according to my mood :D) Outer Banks, NC; Destin, FL; and anywhere my family is!

Pretty much any beach :)
  • #30
Savannah, Georgia
Charleston, SC
  • Thread starter
  • #31
Italy and France!
  • #32
I've been to Canada, Mexico & numerous states. I don't know that I really have a favorite.

We don't travel much.
  • #33
Freeport, Bahamas...My husband and I went there about 9 years ago. It was very relaxing and beautiful.
  • #34
Our family LOVED spending time at Okuma Beach Resort when we lived in Okinawa, Japan. I would love to go back.............maybe on our next tour! LOL!!
  • #35
I havent really been many places but I loved going to Disneyland
  • #36
jennie4pc said:
I havent really been many places but I loved going to Disneyland

Me too Jennie!!! DH and I both grew up in So Cal and I totally miss just up and going to Disneyland. Sadly....none of my children have been yet. I need to fix that!!
  • #37
The first and only time I ever went to Disneyland was on my Honeymoon 7 yrs ago
  • #38
My favorite memory as a child is going to Disneyworld and staying on site for about 5 nights. I still love it there because it is very beautiful, but it is too expensive and crowded.
I haven't traveled much, but my favorite place might be SanAntonio, Texas. I lvoe the Riverwalk.
  • #39
So far Kauai but also the Big Island and Oahu was nice too. The carribean- St Thomas and St Marten were pretty and suprisingly the part of jamaica (ochos rios) we visited was kind of ugly (reminded me of tiajuana).
  • #40
Loved the Bahamas, Hawaii was a close second
  • #41
Cancun - but I haven't been TOO many places nice...
  • #42
Japan...from urban Tokyo to the rural north. Except in the humid summer :(
  • #43
Italy - I want to go back to Venice and I'd also like to spend an entire day touring Pompei!
  • #44
Pegion Forge, TN. We love the mountains! We normally go once a year.
  • #45
pamperedlinda said:
Italy - I want to go back to Venice and I'd also like to spend an entire day touring Pompei!

I always thought Venice would be a very romantic place to go for a honeymoon, in the spring!

--Jenny L
  • #46
I have been so few places...

I loved New Orleans, but haven't been there since Katrina. I loved Lake Lure, NC -- so calm and away from it all. San Antonio was gorgeous as well. I wonder why when my husband and I met he lived in SA and I lived here in Pittsburgh... and we chose Pittsburgh??

Actually.. I would be lying if I didn't profess my love of Pittsburgh. Great season changes, fabulous terrain, lots of neat things to see and do, a nice sized city with a good pulse, but drive for 20 minutes and you're in the mountains or country... :)

I like my home :)
  • #47
Outer Banks, NC....Disneyworld or Disneyland....the middle of the ocean on a cruise ship.


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  • #48
yummybytes said:
I have been so few places...

I loved New Orleans, but haven't been there since Katrina. I loved Lake Lure, NC -- so calm and away from it all. San Antonio was gorgeous as well. I wonder why when my husband and I met he lived in SA and I lived here in Pittsburgh... and we chose Pittsburgh??

Actually.. I would be lying if I didn't profess my love of Pittsburgh. Great season changes, fabulous terrain, lots of neat things to see and do, a nice sized city with a good pulse, but drive for 20 minutes and you're in the mountains or country... :)

I like my home :)

Not to hijack but who wouldn't want to live in Pittsburgh...and be close to the best FOOTBALL TEAM!!! GO STEELERS!!
  • #49
Denmark. My husband and I spent 3 weeks there with a friend in Copenhagen and it was wonderful. Roskilde and Helsignor were also beautiful. I could happily live out the rest of my days in Roskilde.
  • #50
Vina del Mar, Chile. Wow. Wanna LIVE there. Thinking about retiring there.
<h2>1. What is the purpose of a cluster newsletter?</h2><p>The purpose of a cluster newsletter is to provide updates, recognition, and important information to your team members in a concise and efficient manner. It is a way to keep everyone in your downline informed and motivated.</p><h2>2. How often should I send out a cluster newsletter?</h2><p>It is recommended to send out a cluster newsletter at least once a month. However, if there are important updates or promotions, it is appropriate to send out more frequently.</p><h2>3. What should I include in a cluster newsletter?</h2><p>A cluster newsletter should include updates on company news, recognition for team members, any upcoming events or promotions, helpful tips and ideas, and any important reminders or deadlines. It is important to keep the newsletter short and to the point.</p><h2>4. Can I include information that is already in the KCN or Weekly Bites?</h2><p>It is not necessary to repeat information that is already included in company newsletters such as the Kitchen Consultant News (KCN) or Weekly Bites. Instead, focus on providing personalized updates and information that is relevant to your team members.</p><h2>5. Is it necessary for everyone in my downline to have email for me to send cluster newsletters?</h2><p>Yes, it is necessary for everyone in your downline to have email in order to receive cluster newsletters. If someone does not have email, consider finding an alternative way to communicate with them or providing them with print copies of the newsletter.</p>

Related to Cluster Newsletters: Short and Sweet, But Effective?

1. What is the purpose of a cluster newsletter?

The purpose of a cluster newsletter is to provide updates, recognition, and important information to your team members in a concise and efficient manner. It is a way to keep everyone in your downline informed and motivated.

2. How often should I send out a cluster newsletter?

It is recommended to send out a cluster newsletter at least once a month. However, if there are important updates or promotions, it is appropriate to send out more frequently.

3. What should I include in a cluster newsletter?

A cluster newsletter should include updates on company news, recognition for team members, any upcoming events or promotions, helpful tips and ideas, and any important reminders or deadlines. It is important to keep the newsletter short and to the point.

4. Can I include information that is already in the KCN or Weekly Bites?

It is not necessary to repeat information that is already included in company newsletters such as the Kitchen Consultant News (KCN) or Weekly Bites. Instead, focus on providing personalized updates and information that is relevant to your team members.

5. Is it necessary for everyone in my downline to have email for me to send cluster newsletters?

Yes, it is necessary for everyone in your downline to have email in order to receive cluster newsletters. If someone does not have email, consider finding an alternative way to communicate with them or providing them with print copies of the newsletter.

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