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Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!

In summary, the speaker had their eighth party where they were trying to conduct a murder mystery, highlight stoneware, get bookings, and make two recipes. The host forgot to get pie crusts, but the speaker quickly improvised and made an apple crumble using a skillet cake recipe they had read about on this board. The dessert was a hit and everyone was impressed with how easy it was. Although no cookware was sold, the speaker had a fun and successful party thanks to the helpful tips shared on this board.
I had my eighth party tonight, during which I was trying to conduct a murder mystery, highlight the stoneware, get bookings for OCT (right now I have none...) and make TWO recipes (I guess I just don't believe in doing things simply...lol). My host, who I love DEARLY and was totally wonderful for hosting for me, was doing all she could to help. So was everyone else there...these were mostly ladies from the school I work at (currently off for a year on maternity leave). In any case, the main course was in the oven. I was getting ready to make the French Apple Pastry and went to the fridge to get the pie crusts....oh, oh. Turns out the host forgot to get these. (These things happen, I understand...the host is still WONDERFUL for having a show for me!) Quickly, I think to myself...okay, make an apple crumble, a recipe that I've done at home. I ask the host if she has a cake mix, she says "yes"...SAVED! Except, I remember I don't have a baker to cook the crumble in. :eek: Then I remembered reading about the skillet cakes on this board. I had the family skillet (used it for the sausage for the calzone.) Asked a guest to clean it....asked another guest to make the cake mix while I used the APCS to do the apples (if you ever have to do this, use at least 3 apples...I used two and it was too few). Sauteed the apples with some butter and spice blend. Threw it all together...popped it in the oven. Didn't have any powdered sugar shaker (I'm trying to downsize and don't bring extras unless I think I'll really need them.) Decided to use the DCG to grate the walnuts I would have put in the orginal dessert. 25 minutes later...voila!

Long story even longer....would NEVER have really thought to do the cake if I hadn't read about it over and over on this board. Knowing to go to that backup right away made my host feel much better for forgetting (I would have been FINE even if we hadn't done another dessert...it's a cooking demo,not brain surgery). It made the guests happy to have dessert and laugh along as I tapdanced. And it turned out WONDERFULLY! The host even offered to sprinkle some of her powdered sugar on top and the guests said the nuts were perfect by themselves. Everyone was extremely impressed with how easy the dessert was, the skillet, etc.

Having said that, I didnt' sell any cookware, or the APCS, or almost anything else I demo'ed tonight...lol. Go figure. I did get one booking, but not until November. Even still, it was probably the most fun I've had at a show so far. :D

Just goes to show how helpful this board really is. THANK YOU ALL FOR SHARING SO FREELY. IF I BECOME SUCCESFUL AT THIS, I WILL OWE IT TO THIS BOARD!!!

Have a great night,
Wow, Sandy--Quick thinking!!! I'm not sure I could have pulled that off like you did! Way to go! I'm glad your Murder mystery party was fun! I'm doing one tonight, and I think they are great!

Gotta love this site!
Wow, it sounds like you had quite the eventful party! I'm glad everything worked out in the end and that you were able to improvise with the skillet cake. It's always great to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong, and it sounds like your guests were impressed with your quick thinking. And kudos to your host for being understanding and still wonderful despite forgetting the pie crusts. It's great to hear that this forum has been a helpful resource for you. I think it's important for consultants to have a community where they can share ideas and support each other. And who knows, maybe your November booking will turn into many more in the future. Keep up the great work and good luck with your future parties!

Related to Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!

What is "Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!"?

"Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!" is a marketing campaign created by Pampered Chef to showcase the success stories of customers who use our products. It features real-life stories of how our products have helped individuals and families save time, money, and effort in the kitchen.

How can I participate in "Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!"?

If you have a success story to share about how Pampered Chef products have made a positive impact in your life, you can submit it through our website or social media channels using the hashtag #ChefsuccessSaves. Our team will review the submissions and select stories to feature in our campaign.

What are the benefits of participating in "Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!"?

By sharing your success story, you not only have the chance to be featured in our campaign, but you also have the opportunity to inspire others and potentially receive rewards and recognition from Pampered Chef. Your story may also be helpful to other customers who are considering purchasing our products.

Can I submit multiple success stories for "Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!"?

Yes, you can submit multiple success stories as long as each one is unique and showcases a different Pampered Chef product. However, please note that our team may only select one of your submissions to be featured in the campaign.

How can I view the success stories in "Chefsuccess Saves Someone Again!"?

You can view the success stories on our website or social media channels by searching for the hashtag #ChefsuccessSaves. They are also featured in our product catalogs and during our live cooking shows. We encourage you to follow our campaign to see the latest success stories and be inspired by the impact our products have made in people's lives.

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