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Director Cheer Me On for Excellence in Sales: Only $1500 Away with 2 Shows Left!

I'm pregnant" and I'm like... WTF! and she's like... "I know! We are going to be so blessed" and I'm like... WTF AGAIN! and she's like... "I'm not freaking out yet, but I know it's going to change our lives" and I'm like... WTF AGAIN! and then I'm like... OMG! Thanks for letting me know!Jenni, I know you can make it!! How exciting! Good luck!Diane!!! I'm so proud of you. I love watching the way the Lord continues to bless you and your business!!Awwww Thanks! God just keeps amazing me every moment
I was $4600 away from Excellence in sales as of last week. I had 3 shows left on my calendar so had kind of come to the place in my mind where it was not going to happen. One show cancelled, leaving 2. Well, the cancellation turned into a catty show for $612 so far.. more coming and my show over the weekend is at 1800 and climbing...I booked another 2 April shows from Saturday... so I have 2 this week and 2 next week and am about 1500 away from earning it!!

I have already earned Excellence in recruiting so that would be 2 categories for me. I am so excited! Please send good thoughts out for me!
oooh you're so going to do it!! Go Jenni! Go Jenni!!
Very exciting! Sounds like you're in good shape to earn it!! Wahooo!!!
You can do it Jenni! I have no doubts!!!!!
Go for it, you are an inspiration!!!! I am not going to hit it this year but I came really close. I know you can do it though!!
That's fabulous! You can do it!
Piece of cake -- how about offering a 'gift' if they have $300 in outside orders before the show??? Maybe give them a small item from the Director's Box or something? I do it all the time and they at least come up with something!Congrats!
  • #10
WAHOO!!!! My virtual pom-poms are waving high for you! You can do it!
  • #11
Hey Jenni -
Keep us updated, when I was going for disney in the final days, I wrote on my calendar every morning how many more points I needed even if it only changed by a $10 online order... :)!!! GO FOR IT!!
  • #12
Good luck!! You can do it!!
  • #13
Good Luck Jenni!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
1361 away now...2 shows this week and my big show from Saturday is climbing, now $1986. My biggest show was 2300. I challenged the hostess to beat it. So getting close. Thanks for the encouragement
  • #15
GO JENNI!!!!!! I am 989 away myself... just lost a show for the 23rd so I'm going to be working hard to make sure I'm not down to the last minute... better get on the phone!!! YOU are doing fantastic!
  • #16

  • #17
Cute Ann!Go Jenni!!! You can do this!!!Go Quiverfull7!!! You can do this too!!! (Why do I not know your name? :()
  • #18
Sheila said:
Cute Ann!

Go Jenni!!! You can do this!!!

Go Quiverfull7!!! You can do this too!!! (Why do I not know your name? :()

I am Diane :) Thanks so much!!! As of tonight I've got $468.50.
  • #19
WooHoo! Go Diane. You can definitely do this!!! :D
  • #21
Good luck you both can do it!!
  • #22
Y'all are SO great! It's so wonderful to have a cheering section!!!! I'm cheering for anyone of you that is working on this too! I'm down to $297.67! How about you Jenni??? GO JENNI GO!!!!!
  • #23
WooHoo Diane (because I know your name now! :D) You are too close and enough days left that I'm sure you'll earn this!!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I had a $600 show last night! $682 away, show tonight and a catty closing by the 28th so I SHOULD make it!
  • #25
WooHoo!!! :D
  • #26
pcjenni said:
i had a $600 show last night! $682 away, show tonight and a catty closing by the 28th so i should make it!

  • #27

  • #28
Good luck to both of you!!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #29
300 show last night because the hostess is taking the kit credit and signing.. 382 to go!
  • #30
Jenni, I know you can make it!! How exciting! Good luck!

Diane!!! I'm so proud of you. I love watching the way the Lord continues to bless you and your business!!
  • #31
Hey Jenni! Yes??? No???? Make sure you post it here before we all leave for Toronto! I earned it in March, whew! (sales, not recruiting, I need to shadow YOU for a week to bump that up, LOL).
  • Thread starter
  • #32
Nanisu said:
Hey Jenni! Yes??? No???? Make sure you post it here before we all leave for Toronto! I earned it in March, whew! (sales, not recruiting, I need to shadow YOU for a week to bump that up, LOL).

Sure Nancy anytime! I have 2 catty shows coming through before the 28th. It is a done deal, just have to send it all in :party:
  • #33
Go Jenni!!! :D
  • #34
Chef Kearns said:
Jenni, I know you can make it!! How exciting! Good luck!

Diane!!! I'm so proud of you. I love watching the way the Lord continues to bless you and your business!!

Awwww Thanks! God just keeps amazing me every moment! Had a few random orders called in today to add to a show so right now I'm at $257.37 to go!!!! I had a precious friend call today and we were just chatting away and then she says... "oh yea.. btw.. my son moved out and tried to take my DCB and some other tools. I need to get him set up with his own so what's your website again?" HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!! Just love the way God blesses and surprises all the time! SO... I think she'll come through before the end of the month and I have a catalog show out yet plus one gal who is to let me know if she can pull off a cooking show yet Monday night AND... my mom says NO WAY will she let me miss this... so if she has to, she'll order some wedding gifts she needs. Otherwise, she wants to wait until May so it will count for next year... she's just such a peach!
THANK YOU ALL! I cannot put into words what your encouragement means to me!!! YOU are part of God's blessings in my life every day!
  • #35
Diane, so once you submit this, you are only $40 away???? Definitely make a phone call or two girl & get yourself over that hump! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #36
so getting close to sqweeking through.. 209 away.. 2 shows from this week still open, 2 catalog shows supposed to close next week but no idea how much in sales there yet, 2 shows next week... just want to see the numbers updated!!!
  • #37
pcjenni said:
so getting close to sqweeking through.. 209 away.. 2 shows from this week still open, 2 catalog shows supposed to close next week but no idea how much in sales there yet, 2 shows next week... Just want to see the numbers updated!!!

wahoo!!!! So exciting!!!
  • #38
I went to my Grandmother's for Easter & just got home. She's still living in the dark ages with no internet! LOL So glad to see you so close to your goal girl!!! You can do it!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
144 away... 2 catty shows to close...
  • #40
GO JENNI!!!!!! You've got it!I AM DONE!!!!!!!!! Just got the orders from a hospital pod that I take treats to and
they put me over the top!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm once again just bawling my eyes out with Holy Tears of Thanksgiving for
this happening and with thankfulness for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #41
quiverfull7 said:
go jenni!!!!!! You've got it!

I am done!!!!!!!!! Just got the orders from a hospital pod that i take treats to and
they put me over the top!!!!!!!!! Praise god praise god praise god!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm once again just bawling my eyes out with holy tears of thanksgiving for
this happening and with thankfulness for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!

fabulous!!! :d
  • #42
Oh wow! CONGRATULATIONS Diane! I'm so happy for you!!! I didn't cry when I realized I had earned it, I spent the last 11 min's of the month on the phone with the 1 girl who needed to submit to her upline could promote. It took her SEVEN loooooooong minutes to resolve the issue & get the freaking show to take! I was sure we would miss the deadline!!! I was on pins & needles & pacing the floor on the phone those last 10 minutes. I was so relieved, but so hyped after all that I was up that night until 2 freaking AM! LOL

Way to go Jenni! You can definitely do this!!!
  • #43
quiverfull7 said:
GO JENNI!!!!!! You've got it!

I AM DONE!!!!!!!!! Just got the orders from a hospital pod that I take treats to and
they put me over the top!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm once again just bawling my eyes out with Holy Tears of Thanksgiving for
this happening and with thankfulness for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #44
quiverfull7 said:
GO JENNI!!!!!! You've got it!

I AM DONE!!!!!!!!! Just got the orders from a hospital pod that I take treats to and
they put me over the top!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm once again just bawling my eyes out with Holy Tears of Thanksgiving for
this happening and with thankfulness for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you! I will scream my head off for you, if this is something they do stage recognition for at conference!! Way to go!
  • #45
quiverfull7 said:
GO JENNI!!!!!! You've got it!

I AM DONE!!!!!!!!! Just got the orders from a hospital pod that I take treats to and
they put me over the top!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm once again just bawling my eyes out with Holy Tears of Thanksgiving for
this happening and with thankfulness for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!


and Jenni...let us know when it is official!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #46
D O N E DONE!!!! Wahoooo... Sales and Recruiting Excellence Awards! Look for my name in lights at conference! I am a Suppppppppppppperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrstarrrrrrrrrrrrr :party:
  • #47
pcjenni said:
D O N E DONE!!!! Wahoooo... Sales and Recruiting Excellence Awards! Look for my name in lights at conference! I am a Suppppppppppppperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrstarrrrrrrrrrrrr :party:


WAHOO!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  • #48
AWESOME!! Congratulations Jenni!!
  • #49
That's awesome girl!!! :D

Related to Cheer Me On for Excellence in Sales: Only $1500 Away with 2 Shows Left!

1. What is "Cheer Me On for Excellence in Sales" and what does it entail?

"Cheer Me On for Excellence in Sales" is a program at Pampered Chef that recognizes and rewards consultants who achieve a high level of sales during a specific time period. To earn Excellence in Sales, a consultant must reach a sales goal set by the company. This can include a combination of individual and party sales.

2. How close is the consultant to reaching Excellence in Sales?

As of last week, the consultant was $4600 away from reaching Excellence in Sales. However, with two shows left on her calendar and one show already bringing in $612, she is now only $1500 away from achieving this goal.

3. What happens if a show gets cancelled?

If a show gets cancelled, the consultant may feel discouraged and think that reaching Excellence in Sales is no longer possible. However, as seen in this case, a cancelled show can sometimes turn into a successful show, bringing in unexpected sales and helping the consultant get closer to their goal.

4. Can consultants earn Excellence in Sales in addition to other categories, such as Excellence in recruiting?

Yes, consultants can earn multiple categories of Excellence at the same time. In this case, the consultant has already earned Excellence in recruiting and is now close to achieving Excellence in Sales as well.

5. How can others support and encourage the consultant in reaching Excellence in Sales?

The consultant asks for good thoughts and support from others as she works towards reaching Excellence in Sales. This can include spreading the word about her upcoming shows, attending and making purchases at her shows, and sharing her success with others in the Pampered Chef community.

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