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Att: Chefann! Would You Consider Doing a Show in Kansas?

In summary, the woman was physically stuck to the seat of her boyfriend's toilet for two years. Her skin had grown around it, and she refused to leave. Her family was nowhere to be found, and the boyfriend called the police.
Silver Member
With your potty party experience, this would be a show that's right up your alley.

Woman sits on boyfriend's toilet for 2 years
Girlfriend was physically stuck to the seat — her skin had grown around it


NESS CITY, Kan. - Deputies said a woman in western Kansas sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years, and they're investigating whether she was mistreated.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said a man called his office last month to report that something was wrong with his girlfriend.

Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman’s skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused emergency medical services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.

“We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital,” Whipple said. “The hospital removed it.”

Whipple said investigators planned to present their report Wednesday to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old boyfriend.

“She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body,” Whipple said. “It is hard to imagine. ... I still have a hard time imagining it myself.”

He told investigators he brought his girlfriend food and water, and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom.

“And her reply would be, ‘Maybe tomorrow,”’ Whipple said. “According to him, she did not want to leave the bathroom.”

The boyfriend called police on Feb. 27 to report that “there was something wrong with his girlfriend,” Whipple said, adding that he never explained why it took him two years to call.

Police found the clothed woman sitting on the toilet, her sweat pants down to her mid-thigh. She was “somewhat disoriented,” and her legs looked like they had atrophied, Whipple said.

“She said that she didn’t need any help, that she was OK and did not want to leave,” he said.

She was taken to a hospital in Wichita, about 150 miles southeast of Ness City. Whipple said she has refused to cooperate with medical providers or law enforcement investigators.

Authorities said they did not know if she was mentally or physically disabled.

Police have declined to release the couple’s names, but the house where authorities say the incident happened is listed in public records as the residence of Kory McFarren. No one answered his home phone number.

The case has been the buzz in Ness City, said James Ellis, a neighbor.
This can't be true.....
  • Thread starter
  • #3
It's true. Follow the link. I saw a video interview tonight with the neighbors.Now, whether or not she really stayed in the bathroom for two years might be a little suspect but it sure makes a great story!
Wow! I can't imagine her not having some kind of mental illness or disability. That is sad.
OMG - how scary is that story! Although I've seen weird things like this in movies - never in real life - I can't believe it took the guy 2 years to call someone - hello!! pick up the phone and get some help after maybe 2 days?!
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
It's true. Follow the link.

I saw a video interview tonight with the neighbors.

Now, whether or not she really stayed in the bathroom for two years might be a little suspect but it sure makes a great story!

What could the neighbors possibly say?
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  • #7
They didn't really say much of anything - they were completely clueless...er...about the story, I mean. Well, they were completely clueless, too.
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  • #9
Well, maybe they all live there. After all, maybe they're there because they aren't flush with cash.
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  • #10
Well, before this thread completely tanks, here's some more:

Editor and Publisher said:
In an account of the case by Associated Press reporter Roxana Hegeman -- the one rocketing around office e-mails nationwide -- Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said the 35-year-old at first insisted nothing was wrong, and she didn't want to leave.

Link: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003724524
  • #11
Anyone else think it's funny that the Sheriff's name is Whipple - like Mr. Whipple on the Charmin commercials? :DAnd I am NOT doing another Potty party!
  • #12
I guess sometimes you just give up on life.
  • #13
wadesgirl said:
I guess sometimes you just give up on life.

If I decided to give up on life, I think I'd find a more comfortable place to sit than the toilet!

And, where did the boyfriend go when nature called?
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
If I decided to give up on life, I think I'd find a more comfortable place to sit than the toilet!

And, where did the boyfriend go when nature called?
Maybe she got stuck there to begin with and gave up when she couldn't get off?

They said this on the radio this morning and it still seems a little crazy.
  • #15
OMG, you've got to be kidding me! Of course it had to be in KS:eek: I have a cluster-mate that lives there; I'm going to email her about this!
  • #16
chefann said:
Anyone else think it's funny that the Sheriff's name is Whipple - like Mr. Whipple on the Charmin commercials? :D

This almost made me spit out my coffee. LOL LOL
I forgot all about Mr. Whipple!! LOL
I needed a good laugh!!:D
  • #17
chefann said:
Anyone else think it's funny that the Sheriff's name is Whipple - like Mr. Whipple on the Charmin commercials? :D

And I am NOT doing another Potty party!
I don't know Ann... sounds perfect!
  • #18
I just read on CNN that she had some kind of phobia about being outside since she was little (or at least when she was little she was never allowed outside) and went into the bathroom and decided it was her safe place. The guy couldn't even say how long she had even been in there!

Also on CNN, an Australian woman killed her boyfriend two years ago because he wouldn't let her listen to Bruce Springstein. Said she just snapped and grabbed a knife and killed him. Yikes!
  • #19
Wow, this is a little strange! :rolleyes:
  • #20
Holy moly - that is unbelievable!!!
  • #21
Maybe she was constipated or incontient. Sometimes I think if I sit there long enough I will eventually go. Maybe it just took her that long to let it all out.

  • #22
LOL! OMG! This is great! It's weird, but I don't know. I read fark.com all the time, and it has funny stories like that quite often.
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  • #23
Sometimes, life just goes to pot.
  • #24
Her life must have been pretty crappy if the "reading room" was the best room in the house. But this too shall pass.
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  • #25
On the video, you could see the place was a real dump.
  • #26
AH yes, it's been in our papers for a few days. I'm SO PROUD that this is a national story now!
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  • #27
So the story from your paper is on a roll?
  • #28
Some points...

1. Good thing the septic didn't back up during this time, that would have been interesting...

2. I wonder if she'll ever have use of her legs fully after the atrophy...I'm sure she definitely has some nerve damage...the NERVE of her boyfriend to let her stay there for 2 years!

3. This story just stinks overall...

Yuk! :yuck:
  • #29
janetupnorth said:
Some points...

1. Good thing the septic didn't back up during this time, that would have been interesting...

2. I wonder if she'll ever have use of her legs fully after the atrophy...I'm sure she definitely has some nerve damage...the NERVE of her boyfriend to let her stay there for 2 years!

3. This story just stinks overall...

Yuk! :yuck:
CNN said that she had alot of nerve damage and will probably live in a wheel chair for the rest of her life.
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  • #30
I wonder if they'll put a special seat on it so she'll feel more at home?
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  • #32
Cheffann is our resident expert in that area.
  • #33
I'm a reluctant observer - hardly an expert. :rolleyes:
  • #34
chefann said:
I'm a reluctant observer - hardly an expert. :rolleyes:

It would probably have been less obvious if she was on a chair like that with a blanket over her vs. using one right on the steps...

Either way... :yuck: :yuck:

I am VERY sympathetic to health issues, but that one was bad and tasteless.

There is at least something called Depends that could have helped the situation!
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  • #35
Q: How do old people smell?A: Depends.
  • #36
They mentioned a little more on CNN (I'm a CNN junkie) that when she first started "living" in the bathroom she would walk around, change, take a shower, etc. Just refused to leave. How did that adept into getting stuck on the toilet???
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Maybe the trailer was an RV and she just took a shower while she was on the pot?
  • #38
wadesgirl said:
Also on CNN, an Australian woman killed her boyfriend two years ago because he wouldn't let her listen to Bruce Springstein. Said she just snapped and grabbed a knife and killed him. Yikes!

I must say that I would side with the boyfriend on this one!! (ok Depends on the song, I guess)

I will have to make sure that my Mom reads this story. When I was growing up, my Grandmother (Mom's Mom!!) was a nurse and I saw her "potty train" some of my cousins. They were put on the "pot" about the ETA of the "elimination" and had to stay there until something was produced. Now this was before the era of the M&M bribes, etc. that children in later years enjoyed. I remember seeing these little ringed bottoms!!! Grandma was a good nurse, but she didn't gloss over too much. Lunch converstations could become interesting!!!

Well, I don't give a poop...I would have called someone in to get her keester off the crapper. The boyfriend has to be slightly whacked too.

No offense to my Kansas friends but the BTK killer was from Kansas too? That's ok...I'm from NY...Son of Sam, Mark Chapman, there is another serial killer that I can't remember..and then we have Idiot Zipper...I mean Eliot Spitzer...he didn't kill anyone but he sure is flugging up our government. The new moto is...He got laid, we got scr*wed!!
  • #39
Everyone here (in my town) is talking about this today!
My friend that lives there said it happened 2 weeks ago; & she's still in the hospital & won't talk to anyone.
  • #40
I have to admit that the part that is making me chuckle is that they aren't sure whether she had any mental problems. Helloooooo! The woman stayed on the toilet until it physically became a part of her. Even I could diagnose that as some sort of mental problem.
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  • #41
This is the beginning of the invasion of the Borglets."You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
  • #42
Lucky enough...Not to have had a tornado, no spetic backup but it looks like it may be well equiped with just a hole underneath anyway, or locusts or.. Who said something about thinking she may have mental problems! Jeez I don't have a degree in psycology but, duh, ya think? I have to admit, I could not stop laughing at this one. From everything i have heard, he was a pain in the arse to her so she decided to hide. I can't imagine anyone not noticing! IQ - ZERO!!!!
And Anne I just read something from the Lemon Aid Lady about a toilet paper party in a book of hers about Presentations for Profit. You should do the Potty Party and make bucko bucks like she does. You were onto something!!!!

"Here's what Pampered Chef Director, Michele from California says about Presentations for Profit.

"I was in a bookings slump and needed to get things up quickly! After getting your book, and may I say, I couldn't put it down till I'd read the whole thing--there' s so much juicy info in there!--that your book alone is what pulled me out of my slump! I found that your ideas helped stimulate my own creativity, which had been dormant for a while, and I created a fun "toilet paper" theme show that got me so excited, I called past hosts and said, "You have just GOT to invite your friends to this show...it is SO MUCH FUN!" And I didn't even explain what I meant, except to say that each guest had to bring a roll of toilet paper along. What a great tool that book is!"

YIKES!!! And don't even think about getting us to wear toilet paper turbins at conference! Or Seat hats!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
That could get one's bookings on a roll.
  • #44
Well, the news said that charges were going to be filed against the boyfriend. So maybe he's not sharing the whole story. Something's gotta be wrong with him to for letting her sit there that long.
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  • #45
Sister Suzie sits in her Chevrolet.
When she shifts she sips her Schlitz,
and when she sips her Schlitz she shifts.
  • #46
Last night on the news it also stated she most likely had permanant nerve damage to her legs. And will never walk again. I find the whole thing horrific, and I hope they fry the boyfriend! She has mental problems, and severe agraphobia (sp), and he did nothing to help her! That is abuse!!! I'd be willing to bet she was on some type of disability and he was cashing the checks, don't know that to be true, but why else would he do nothing!!!

Related to Att: Chefann! Would You Consider Doing a Show in Kansas?

1. What happened to the woman in western Kansas who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years?

A woman in Ness City, Kansas sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years, leading to her skin growing around the seat.

2. Was the woman mistreated?

The Ness County Sheriff's office is currently investigating whether the woman was mistreated by her boyfriend.

3. How was the woman finally convinced to seek medical help?

Responders and her boyfriend convinced the woman to seek medical help after prying the toilet seat off with a pry bar.

4. What did the woman's boyfriend do during the two years she was on the toilet?

The boyfriend brought her food and water and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom.

5. Has the woman been cooperative with authorities?

The woman has refused to cooperate with medical providers or law enforcement investigators and it is unknown if she is mentally or physically disabled.

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