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Anyone Want to Come to My Pity Party?

In summary, Lisa's business has been doing worse than usual, and she's feeling down about it. She has a show scheduled for September 6th, but she also has to deal with an upcoming MRI and surgery. She's hopeful for the future, but acknowledges that things haven't been going the way she wanted them to so far this month.
I am feeling a little down about my business lately. My show average is definitely below normal and it has really got me a little down. Also, my bookings are down. So less bookings and a low show average equals a yucky time.

I know what I need to do, I just need to do it!

Thank you for attending my pity party. Do I need to attend anyone else's pity party?

I almost let myself go there yesterday. I got a "brush off" email. It was from a lady who I thought I was on good speaking terms with. We had set a date for me to follow-up with her to (re)book her party. Two days later "when I decide to have a party I will contact you. Do not contact me" I was like WHAT?!

I had to decide to not let that dictate how I was going to feel and handle the rest of my business. I sat down and ate a bowl of 2 point WW ice cream then made some calls! I booked 3 more shows for September. Granted, 2 are catalog shows, but they are 2 more than I had or would've had if I had let her email defeat me.

You can do it Lisa! My whole spring was in the toilet! It stank to high heaven! If I hadn't had 3 shows from July roll over into August August would've looked bleak. Thankfully I will have $3200 in sales this month. The first time since February!!! However, I have 5 shows on my calendar for September (the most in several months) and 3 catalog shows! I want to add 3 more cooking shows, but I can't get angry because what I do have is MARVELOUS!!

Give yourself tonight to wallow in the funk, but tomorrow...turn a new leaf! Keep your head up!
Hang in there Lisa. Give yourself a hug and then focus on what's ahead and not what's behind. We're right here to back you up. :)
I know how you feel. I've got a show Sept 6th and the host is MIA...grrr! Why do people do this?

August has been one of my WORST month's ever! I could not give a show away. I'm worried about my $4k this month too :( this is my 3rd month and I really want the NDA travel incentive (and my overrides!).

On the bright side - Sept is looking awesome!
ChefLisa said:
I am feeling a little down about my business lately. My show average is definitely below normal and it has really got me a little down. Also, my bookings are down. So less bookings and a low show average equals a yucky time.

I know what I need to do, I just need to do it!

Thank you for attending my pity party. Do I need to attend anyone else's pity party?


Have a pint and make some phone calls :)
I'll join in since you asked. My August was good - I can't complain at all. I have 3 catalog and 1 cooking show to close still. The catalog shows will put me over $2500 and I'm satisfied with that. The cooking show is over $500 but won't close until September - I was upset with that but then...

In less than 48 hours I lost 3 September mid-month shows and yesterday I found out I need an Arthroscope on my knee. I just had the MRI on Saturday and the doctor is going on vacation for 2 weeks. He didn't want me to wait a month to do this (multiple issues with patella and torn meniscus (sp)) so they are rearranging patients and doing in on September 2. I have been trying to figure out when to schedule foot surgery (other foot) and now that has to be on the back burner - maybe December?

God works in mysterious ways. He cleared my calendar so that I could do this now without stressing about rearranging my business. I do have a Fall Regional meeting on the 6th and a show on the 8th but I am resolved to the fact that I may not go to the kickoff with my team and my host is very understanding (multi-time host) so they'll help me on the 8th. That August show will definitely help my numbers in September too! Oh, and I cancelled my September 4th meeting. Not good but even if I feel good enough I know my house won't be right that night and I'm not sure I'll be focused to plan it...
Sorry, Lisa. :( It sucks when things just aren't going the way we want them too. Good for you for realizing you just need to do it! Get out of that funk and get on the phone.

Go for it!! You can do it. I need to join you on that because my August was incredibly lame and the ONE cooking show I had saved me. Right now it's at $800 and we're closing tomorrow, so I'm hoping for more. Thank God for a couple catalog show and those online orders.

You know what to do, so I'm sure you can turn it around. Good luck!!:)
That is how I feel right now! I am ashamed that I am going to complain yet again, but this is so freakin' frustrating!

This is month 3 of the BIG R, so.....

August had only 2 cooking shows for me~I had to hold over 3 shows from July to even try to make a dent in the $4000. I had to add 3 new people to my team.

I have personally recruited 2 (yippee!) and my sales are at about $2000. My one consultant that I can always count on had sales of just over $800 (she was on a lengthy vacation this month and held her July shows over, too).

All that being said, I am going to be about $1000 short and I cannot get in touch with the 3rd person I was talking to about signing this month!:cry::cry:
I spoke with my Director this morning and she tried to help with my attitude~I have SOOOOOOOOOO much going on in my personal life, that I just cannot let PC be forefront in my mind....and that is not what I want. My Dad is back in the hospital, my crazy Jack Russell is in doggy boot-camp as a last resort before euthanasia and because my Dad is in the hospital, my weekend alone with DH went out the window. I am stressing so bad that I cannot sleep and was up until 2 am last night and up with the old dog at 6:40...........

I have cleaned out the basement of all of the PC items that have accumulated there and have sent a 50% off sale flyer to my customers! I am hoping that if I need to spend money to get to the $4000 it will not come directly out of my pocket, but from the sales of the inventory. I cannot afford to spend $1000 to bail myself out of this if I can get the 3rd recruit signed..............

Pity party? Nope, I have skipped that and gone straight to a formal ball slam full of pity and self-loathing!

Now, aren't you sorry you asked?!;)
  • Thread starter
  • #9
chefmeg said:
That is how I feel right now! I am ashamed that I am going to complain yet again, but this is so freakin' frustrating!

This is month 3 of the BIG R, so.....

August had only 2 cooking shows for me~I had to hold over 3 shows from July to even try to make a dent in the $4000. I had to add 3 new people to my team.

I have personally recruited 2 (yippee!) and my sales are at about $2000. My one consultant that I can always count on had sales of just over $800 (she was on a lengthy vacation this month and held her July shows over, too).

All that being said, I am going to be about $1000 short and I cannot get in touch with the 3rd person I was talking to about signing this month!:cry::cry:
I spoke with my Director this morning and she tried to help with my attitude~I have SOOOOOOOOOO much going on in my personal life, that I just cannot let PC be forefront in my mind....and that is not what I want. My Dad is back in the hospital, my crazy Jack Russell is in doggy boot-camp as a last resort before euthanasia and because my Dad is in the hospital, my weekend alone with DH went out the window. I am stressing so bad that I cannot sleep and was up until 2 am last night and up with the old dog at 6:40...........

I have cleaned out the basement of all of the PC items that have accumulated there and have sent a 50% off sale flyer to my customers! I am hoping that if I need to spend money to get to the $4000 it will not come directly out of my pocket, but from the sales of the inventory. I cannot afford to spend $1000 to bail myself out of this if I can get the 3rd recruit signed..............

Pity party? Nope, I have skipped that and gone straight to a formal ball slam full of pity and self-loathing!

Now, aren't you sorry you asked?!;)

Not sorry at all! I am so sorry your month is so amazingly tough. Last year at this time my dad was in the hospital for triple by pass surgery. He was only in for one week, but I had to continue helping my parents for about one month, until he could drive again. They live 40 miles away through nasty traffic, so I felt a lot of stress myself.

I always take on the opinion that things happen for a reason. However, ugh, why oh why?

I love the advice posted earlier regarding ice cream and just getting on the phones. Your post is actually getting me off my pity party. Well that and a few Dove Chocolates with caramel centers!

I really hope you pull it out. I know you can do it!
  • #10
ooooo....Dove chocolate with CARAMEL!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

I may have to have DH stop on his way home to find some of those!
I am getting on the phone after a quick nap~4 hours of sleep just doesn't make me a nice Mommy! I am planning to call and tell folks
1) discontinued products are still available
2) Sept is a great month to host (I have 4 shows on the books, I want 6 more)
3) the rebate offer ends Sunday!
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  • #11
chefmeg said:
ooooo....Dove chocolate with CARAMEL!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

I may have to have DH stop on his way home to find some of those!
I am getting on the phone after a quick nap~4 hours of sleep just doesn't make me a nice Mommy! I am planning to call and tell folks
1) discontinued products are still available
2) Sept is a great month to host (I have 4 shows on the books, I want 6 more)
3) the rebate offer ends Sunday!

Except for the nap, I will do the same as you tonight!
  • #12
Worst case scenario, offer a fire sale. I did that last January when I was moving.

You can offer 20% off all retiring items....or any other set of products (maybe summer products?). The goal isn't the commission, it's the sales. (Just let folks know they have to pay tax and shipping on the actual value since those are paid to separate enitities.)

You can call it your End-of-Summer Blow-Out!
  • #13
I have already sent an email out stating I would give 10% off or FREE shipping on any order for the retiring items....got one order.

I have had some good response from the email about the 50% off basement items.........we will just have to see.

Emotionally, I can't get too upset about PC right now~I have to be here for my folks. IF I go into repromotion, I will write HO to keep my 2 newest consultants that signed this month and just concentrate on regrowing. There just isn't any more I can do, physically and emotionally. I am pretty wiped out right now and just don't know how to recover................
  • Thread starter
  • #14
chefmeg said:
I have already sent an email out stating I would give 10% off or FREE shipping on any order for the retiring items....got one order.

I have had some good response from the email about the 50% off basement items.........we will just have to see.

Emotionally, I can't get too upset about PC right now~I have to be here for my folks. IF I go into repromotion, I will write HO to keep my 2 newest consultants that signed this month and just concentrate on regrowing. There just isn't any more I can do, physically and emotionally. I am pretty wiped out right now and just don't know how to recover................

Here is a huge hug for you...

  • #16

You are in my prayers. Your journey is difficult right now but you are not alone. Hang in there!
  • #17
Margaret I'm sending you a BIG HUG!! I'm so close...let me know if I can do anything to help you! Call me if you need to talk.
  • #18
ChefLisa said:
Here is a huge hug for you...


me too.......try to hang in there.
  • #19
Adding to the group {{{HUG}}}.

I was reading fast when I posted before...gotcha on the priorities thing. Family first. Always.

We're with you!!!
  • #20
Hugs all around!!! I thought this thread was going to be a downer but it was just the opposite. A big pat on the back to all of you who are not letting one or two bad months get you down. I'm in the same boat but you have all encouraged me to pick myself up and get on the phone!! I had a great call today with a new recruit and she was so grateful I was taking the time to answer all of her questions. I helped her sign her first recruit and she is confident that both of them will do the $1000 in their first 30 days plus she has three more potential recruits!! My sales are in the gutter and I have no shows YET but this really lifted my spirits. Hang in there girls!! I will grab my ice cream and join you, no stress. Tomorrow is another day and I will be ready to take action. :)
  • #21
I agree Addie. All the hugging and support is inspiring.

Even though I technically will achieve 8+1 this month, it's been a rough ride. Only four of my eight were cooking shows; four limped over the line between $150-$200 (catalog shows except for one) and the other four shows were all between $600-$700 (no $1K shows:() . The bright spots were the mini-janice who signed...so much potential there....and NDA, but the train hasn't stopped long enough to catch my breath. I crawled into bed last night and realized I was one big huge ball of tension. Yuck.

We are flying home today to Florida for a week and I am so ready. We 'packed' this morning: the clothes on our backs, sneakers, and both our laptops. Everything else we need is already in our house there. Feel like the load is lighteing alreafy. Looking forward to stopping the clock for a few days and regaining a healthy perspective. :)
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  • #22
EmailHi all!

Please be on the lookout for an email from me. I sent it to the list Beth sent out in July. Hopefully it will help some of us!

  • #23
ChefLisa said:
Hi all!

Please be on the lookout for an email from me. I sent it to the list Beth sent out in July. Hopefully it will help some of us!


Thanks for that, Lisa. I sent that same one out through my main newsletter, but I may send it again today incase people didn't open it up to read the whole newsletter. I have enough from some other orders to make a small catalog show, but I'd love for it to be bigger. I set up a show on my website and just told people to order through there. I just don't want to feel like I'm inundating my customer list with too many emails. I'd also like to send out my September one next week, so I don't know what I should do.:confused:

I just sent my August one out last week, then I'd send this email and maybe I could wait a couple weeks to send out the Sept one. What do you all think? Is that too many?
  • Thread starter
  • #24
pamperedbecky said:
Thanks for that, Lisa. I sent that same one out through my main newsletter, but I may send it again today incase people didn't open it up to read the whole newsletter. I have enough from some other orders to make a small catalog show, but I'd love for it to be bigger. I set up a show on my website and just told people to order through there. I just don't want to feel like I'm inundating my customer list with too many emails. I'd also like to send out my September one next week, so I don't know what I should do.:confused:

I just sent my August one out last week, then I'd send this email and maybe I could wait a couple weeks to send out the Sept one. What do you all think? Is that too many?

You know I always struggle with sending too many emails. However, I am going to send out my September newsletter on September 1. I receive weekly emails from Target, Bath and Bodyworks and other retailers. I do not mind getting them at all.

If a customer does not want to read the email, she/he will just delete it or ask to be removed from your distribution list. However, I think most people like to know what is going on. I personally would feel awful if a customer missed seeing a product left the catalog and she/he wanted to purchase it.

I have already received my first order from the email this morning. My sister-in-law wants the tile bowls.

Don't worry about it and just send away! You are doing your customers a huge favor!
  • #25
I'm signing off and heading to the airport. Staying at SIL's (and best friend) tonight and then drive home in the morning. I love our house; we put our heart and soul into designing it (well, I did anyway; DH put in mostly money ;)). It's all open and cozy at the same time...it's a happy house to be in. Need that right now. DH's whole family is coming over on Saturday and that will be crazy fun (think an Irish version of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' on steroids). :love0010:
  • #26
legacypc46 said:
I'm signing off and heading to the airport. Staying at SIL's (and best friend) tonight and then drive home in the morning. I love our house; we put our heart and soul into designing it (well, I did anyway; DH put in mostly money ;)). It's all open and cozy at the same time...it's a happy house to be in. Need that right now. DH's whole family is coming over on Saturday and that will be crazy fun (think an Irish version of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' on steroids). :love0010:

Have a safe trip!!!!! Enjoy your weekend! :)
  • #27
ChefLisa said:
You know I always struggle with sending too many emails. However, I am going to send out my September newsletter on September 1. I receive weekly emails from Target, Bath and Bodyworks and other retailers. I do not mind getting them at all.

If a customer does not want to read the email, she/he will just delete it or ask to be removed from your distribution list. However, I think most people like to know what is going on. I personally would feel awful if a customer missed seeing a product left the catalog and she/he wanted to purchase it.

I have already received my first order from the email this morning. My sister-in-law wants the tile bowls.

Don't worry about it and just send away! You are doing your customers a huge favor!

Thanks!! That's what I'm trying to tell myself...the reminder will be appreciated by those who really do want to order but maybe forgot. I probably will get a couple requests to remove people, but the way I look at it, it helps me weed out my list!

You're right - I won't worry! Thanks for the input.:)
  • #28
legacypc46 said:
I'm signing off and heading to the airport. Staying at SIL's (and best friend) tonight and then drive home in the morning. I love our house; we put our heart and soul into designing it (well, I did anyway; DH put in mostly money ;)). It's all open and cozy at the same time...it's a happy house to be in. Need that right now. DH's whole family is coming over on Saturday and that will be crazy fun (think an Irish version of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' on steroids). :love0010:

Have a good time!!!:)
  • #29
Have a great, relaxing trip, Kris!!

Come back all refreshed and ready to go!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
legacypc46 said:
I'm signing off and heading to the airport. Staying at SIL's (and best friend) tonight and then drive home in the morning. I love our house; we put our heart and soul into designing it (well, I did anyway; DH put in mostly money ;)). It's all open and cozy at the same time...it's a happy house to be in. Need that right now. DH's whole family is coming over on Saturday and that will be crazy fun (think an Irish version of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' on steroids). :love0010:

Have a safe and FUN trip!

Related to Anyone Want to Come to My Pity Party?

1. Why are you feeling down about your business lately?

My show average and bookings are below normal, which can be discouraging for any business owner.

2. What do you think is the reason for your low show average and bookings?

I believe it could be a combination of factors such as a decrease in demand, lack of marketing, or not delivering a quality product/service.

3. What do you plan to do to improve your business?

I know what I need to do, I just need to take action. This may include increasing marketing efforts, improving the quality of my product/service, or finding ways to increase demand.

4. Do you think attending a pity party will help improve your business?

While it may provide temporary comfort, attending a pity party will not directly improve my business. Taking action and making necessary changes will have a greater impact on my business.

5. Is there anything I can do to support you during this tough time?

Thank you for offering your support. While I appreciate it, I believe the best way to help is to continue supporting my business by attending shows and spreading the word to others. Your encouragement and positive reviews also mean a lot to me. Thank you for attending my pity party.

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