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Anyone Participating in Step up Your Business?

In summary, Kelly is doing Step Up Your Business with a group of 6 people and she is enjoying it. She has to have 1 booked and confirmed Cooking Show for each week of the class, but she is hoping to get more booked before the class starts. There can only be 6 participants at a time.
Gold Member
Had a group call with my director about this tonight, it sounds exciting! Of course I'm a little hesitant as I know there will be challenges but it will hopefully stretch me even further out of my comfort zone, which I am actively trying to increase the size of, lol!

Just curious if anyone else has started this and what your thoughts are so far? :D
6 of us from my cluster are supposed to start this soon. i might drop out this go-round, as my show schedule is still very light and i have all of 1 person on my lead list.

have fun and good luck to you kara!
I'm doing it. So far I really like it. The info has been incredibly helpful and the homework is reasonable.
susanr613 said:
6 of us from my cluster are supposed to start this soon. i might drop out this go-round, as my show schedule is still very light and i have all of 1 person on my lead list.

have fun and good luck to you kara!

DON'T drop out. Do it BECAUSE you have a light show schedule/ recruit leads!! It will help! I am training as well as participating, I think it will be great.
I would like to, but we have some commitments we have to have on our calendar before we can sign up.
Does anyone else have to have so many bookings on your calendar before you can do it?
I was looking forward to it to help step up my business, but I have to get more I guess to begin to step up!

Kelly V.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Kelly- No, our director definitely did not put any stipulations on participating in Step Up Your Business- she approached all of us about it! That stinks!
KellyRedHead said:
I would like to, but we have some commitments we have to have on our calendar before we can sign up.
Does anyone else have to have so many bookings on your calendar before you can do it?
I was looking forward to it to help step up my business, but I have to get more I guess to begin to step up!Kelly V.
That seems to me to be defeating the purpose of the training/calls!I haven't heard anything more about it from my director.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
esavvymom said:
That seems to me to be defeating the purpose of the training/calls!

I haven't heard anything more about it from my director.

Ditto! :confused:
I'm doing it with a group of us and I am LOVING every single minute of it! It has helped me get my butt in gear and focused!

I recommend it for everyone! If your director hasn't mentioned it to you then you HAVE to mention to them! The format is laid out for them and all they need to do is coach you through it!
  • #10
Below is what we have to have before we can start. I understand maybe wanting serious consultants. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't serious.
I am ready to take my business in a new direction. But I cannot always get a cooking show everyweek.
Can't I just go and download the information myself and I guess walk myself through it? I know the coaching for our directors helps, but I know I won't have the requirements in place.
Oh, and there can only be six consultants at a time.

- Before beginning the program on September X, participants need to have 1 booked and confirmed Cooking Show (guest list in hand) for each week of the class. So 1 Cooking Show booked and confirmed in each of the following weeks:
Once the Cooking Shows have been booked and you're ready to Step Up Your Business, go to Consultants Corner and click on the Step Up Your Business link and follow the instructions for participants

Good luck to me in getting the guest list in hand before the class starts for my Sept shows I have to have! I try and get them to have the list back as soon as they get it, but if I can get it back to me a week in half before the show I feel lucky!
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  • Thread starter
  • #11
Kelly that's kind of crazy that she's doing that, that's definitely not a requirement from HO so that's something that she's added for you... that's just not fair b/c that would immediately eliminate almost everyone from our group that's participating!
  • #11
yeah..that's nuts. We're already IN September...and a Holiday in the middle to boot! I'm lucky to have one show for the MONTH. I really get annoyed with training calls by my ED and upper levels - recently, my SED did a series of calls for "Fast Track to Disney". She said "You'll have to have 10 cooking shows, 6 catalog shows, and 2 recruits per month" (I think it was 2 recruits?)..."to get enough points for Disney". And then proceeds to talk about "all you have to do is...." to get those shows on your calendar. UH...HELLLOOO??! No kidding?! If I COULD get that many shows on my calendar, do you THINK i'd be on this call??It's not always that simple. Sorry- vent over. :D It's a good thing I listen to my Ipod alone- because some of those calls, I just yell out crazy things *lol*
  • #12
kdangel518 said:
Kelly that's kind of crazy that she's doing that, that's definitely not a requirement from HO so that's something that she's added for you... that's just not fair b/c that would immediately eliminate almost everyone from our group that's participating!
That would probably eliminate EVERYONE participating, period! :D I know I don't have 1 show per week....I'm lucky to have one show a month right now!
If I had one show per week, I wouldn't have much of a problem with my business! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Bobbi- Exactly! The whole point of this is to STEP UP your biz! Lol!
  • #14
How does it work? Is this something my director has to do?
  • Thread starter
  • #15
AJ- Yes, it would be led by your director. You can check it out under consultant's corner, but ask your director about it!
  • #16
My director told me that the next group will have the "consistent show schedule" requirement. My friend who works in the training dept at Pampered Chef told me its a great program and more like "training" than any other program they have had. So, i'm conflicted...will the program itself help me put more shows on the calendar, or do I already need a decent number of shows to work the program? The whole booking/recruiting thing is such a numbers game anyway - law of averages etc. You can be compelling as all get out but if you're not in front of people it's for naught.

My director had what she said was the first 4 phone calls of the program (before she got the material) and the chosen few of us over for a brunch last weekend and we haven't heard anything since. My director tries these programs every year and gives up after a short while.

I'm glad that those of you already in the program are enjoying it, and I wish you much success :)
  • #17
I am definitely going to participate in the classes. I'm looking forward to it. This is exactly what I need to grow my business and to step out of my comfort zone!!!

Our cluster receive an e-mail from our director and she said that it is available for all consultants who want to participate. We will learn more about it at out meeting on the 14th.

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  • #18
I just called my Dir. to look into this. I am VERY interested in Stepping Up My Business!!!!!! God's will to all participating now and planning to participate.
  • #19
My group already started and I can say its helpful if you need HO to tell you one more time about 3-2-1, making phone calls, telling everyone, asking everyone etc. and if you need someone to hold you accountable. Some people do better when the teacher is checking and grading your homework. I have read all of the weeks notes for the program and I do not see anything new that hasn't already been on videos, cds, NC etc and thats just in my 90days of PC. I think that the only difference is it is structured for those who struggle in that area. So far it's not giving me the wow factor but perhaps by the end it will make a believer out of me. Also if you perform better in groups, then it's for you. Not to be the downer - just giving my opinion.
  • #20
We've barely done that. We've worked on time management - making a personal schedule so that we run our business, not let our business run us. Last week we went over specifics to make our business more efficient. There has been 3-2-1 but it hasn't been the focus.
  • #21
Are you following the HO outline? Week 1 does go over making a schedule but however it focuses on making your calls, setting the time aside to do so, how to make the calls, following thru with your guests/hosts etc. Neither here nor there, I am sure every group is going to approach this training differently and think of it in a different way.
  • #22
I looked at the material on CC, how long does each session take? I think I would like to do this on my own.
  • #23
I will probably have to do this on my own also. Since I don't have the requirements I need to participate with my cluster.

I wonder if we some how could help each other with this and hold each other accountable??

Kelly V.
  • #24
If doing it on your own, it only takes as long as you need to read the material. In the group setting, ours was about 2hrs. There is more time involved after that with the 'homework'.
  • #25
Ours has been 1 hr/week plus homework.
  • #26
Our group started this week, and I think it will be great. While we don't have a requirement of shows, our director did say we should have them. She made a good point about it. The things we will work on, won't do us any good if we have no place to implement them. The shows are how we will step up.I think that by completing the "homework" we will see our business grow, especially since week one homework includes booking two shows!I think it will force me to focus on my goals, and work toward them in a rigid fashion. I wish you all success in whatever this program ends up for you!
  • #27
KellyRedHead said:
I will probably have to do this on my own also. Since I don't have the requirements I need to participate with my cluster.

I wonder if we some how could help each other with this and hold each other accountable??

Kelly V.

It's funny that your director requires 1 show per week of the program. I was listening to the "Promote Leaders Pronto" workshop from national conference. When she announced this new program, she said that the participants should have 2 shows on their calendar for the month the program starts. Obviously, some directors wanted to 'weed out' consultants in some way - only pick those they feel would work it harder (while I think that's not fair...don't we tell consultants not to 'pre-judge'?)
  • #28
I agree fully!

I want to step up my business, that's why I wanted to participate!!

I mean, here she has someone who wants to work on her business and go somewhere with it. The training and the support (that helps just as much if not more) are so important.

I don't know if I even want to go to my next cluster meeting and have to hear how the "step up your business" consultants are doing!!!

Okay, done venting.....for now :angel:

Kelly V.
  • #29
Create your own Step Up Your Biz Training on here and help each other for accountability. If you ask me (which I already voiced my thoughts on this) but there is NOTHING new in the training, nothing magical, and nothing solving all the worlds problems. Its about accountability and actually following thru with what PC preaches such as 3-2-1. They have you relisten to the audio trainings that you already have access too and fill in your little play sheet (that you can download) and voila! Step Up your Business! There are some helpful hints and tips in the leaders guide - perhaps a leader on here would be willing to share.

Just my 2 cents and a thought.
  • #30
I am loving it. We just finished week 1. I had nothing on my calendar prior to starting the class, and will go inactive (losing career sales) if I don't submit $120 by Sep.30. I found the class very motivating. It forced me to make 3 contacts a day. I religiously did this last week 7 days of 3 contacts. I got 4 shows booked on my calendar, and feel my business is on its way again. It is a lot of what we have seen, heard in the past, but I'm seeing it in a new light. The HW is many of the online training. I already have taken everything. When I looked at the dates, many of my HW assignments were classes I took and received a certificate for 2 years ago, so it was a nice review. The interactions I am having with our consultants from across the country, is valuable. We are encouraged to book 2 shows a week. This week we are to contact our last 5 hosts about the business opportunity. I encourage those who are not allowed to take it, to go online and print the materials. It would be great to do with a friend for accountability.
  • #31
I can't play with my team because their conference calls are during the evening in the states which is smack dab in the middle of my morning when my 23 month old & my 7 month old are awake. My director is recording the calls, so I can go back & listen to them later. I can ask if she minds if anyone else goes back & listens as well. I just listened to the first one a last night and got some great "time management" tips and helpful hints about how to make time for business with little ones in the house.
  • #32
I was going to participate this round- but some things came up with my family that I won't have time to devote to my business "homework" right now. So I'm going to catch the next round hopefully early next year. (my directors are offering it again). But they are recording it, so I will listen to them- to at least get an idea, and maybe work it a LITTLE.
  • #33
I'm starting tomorrow! So glad my Hosp. Dir. is offering day time calls! I am so unmotivated by the time the kids get to bed!
  • #34
Hi there ladies! I have just grabbed my first cup of coffee and came on here to post on the "Countdown to Christmas" post but after reading through this I thought I would add a little input. I am leading a Step Up group with four of my gals (Melissa78 being one of them) and really REALLY like it!
As previously stated, it is not something brand spanking new -but that's the thing with this business, success is about implementing the simple basics and this program is all about getting you to implement these basics like: Customer Care Calls, Full Service Checkouts, etc.
I have committed to my gals that I will do the play sheets right along with them and (not to brag) I already have a darn good business but WOW! just by working consistently through the sheet I have seen fabulous results! (Countless people thanking me for taking the time to contact them, additional orders, and 2 recruit leads and one recruit who signed up the day I called her-When I called her she was at work and had literally just closed the window for Pampered Chef's website after looking at info on signing up! Imagine if I hadn't made my CCC that day....) And I have already heard great things from my gals! One example is one of my gals had 0 bookings (that's right, nothing at all in the books!) and now has 5 for October and already added some to November and (drum roll please) just called me yesterday with 4 recruit leads!!!
The major good thing about the program (for me at least and I know a couple of the other gals have said this as well) is accountability! No one can do the work for you on your play sheet- YOU have to do it! And quite frankly, everything on the playsheets-especially the 3 contacts a day/15 per week!!!!!!- is something we should be doing anyway if we are looking to grow our businesses. Please don't think I am trying to come off as "Miss Perfect PC Business"- I procrastinated on doing CCC for 2 years and I cringe at the thought of all the lost business (I actually get to face at any given meeting, 2-4 recruits I lost because I didn't follow up! How is that for a kick in the pants! You'd think I would have learned after the first!). It wasn't until looking into doing this program with my gals that I got off my duff and got back to business instead of "playing business".
We all do this business for different reasons and want different show schedules but if you are seriously wanting more from your business and are COMMITTED to doing the simple steps it takes to growing your business then this may be for you.
I will stress again, you are not going to get a whole new program on how to run your business! but you will get the structure of how to consistently grow your business but you have to 1)Be ready to throw away all excuses (I don't have time/I have kids/I'll run out of contacts/I work full time etc) 2) Get to work.
Okay, so that is just from a leaders standpoint. Please keep in mind ladies that every director is pretty much doing this for the first time around so there will be some kinks that they need to work out-it is a learning process- so try not to be too hard on them.
Also, if you agree to join in a Step Up group please go in with an open mind, willing to do the assignments. As a Director, I absolutely love my team!! and I want each of my gals to experience the same joy and excitement that I have from my business (realizing that they will each work their businesses at a different level). The most frustrating and yes, heartwrenching thing in leadership is when you have folks who have so much potential and won't commit to the simple steps that lead to it or make excuses every step of the way. So as a Director, I would ask that if you are involved in a Step Up or are looking at becoming involved in one, REALLY commit to it.
And one last thing (hope you don't mind me semi-quoting you Melissa78-if you do I'm sure you'll email me hee!hee! or put a laxative in my coffee at our step up this weekend lol!!!) but there is nothing about 3-2-1 that needs to pursuade you to be a "believer". The fact of the matter is, the company consistently utilizes it, teaches it, reminds us of it, is, because it works! End of story!
I hope this little "inside of a Director's brain" helped -didn't mean to step on too many toes but in the same regards I hope I did if that's what you needed to get your business rolling.
**I am going to go out on a limb here, if there is a dedicated group of people on here that really would like to participate in a Step Up and don't have a Director that is going to conduct one/willing to conduct one. I would be willing to do one every other week via conference call.
  • #35
Where do I find this?

This is my HW before Sunday. I have had no problem finding the other courses.

Take the tele-class
Responding to
(Recorded version on
Consultant’s Corner)
  • #36
I figured it out. We've been doing online courses up to this point. I wasn't paying attention to tele meaning telephone recorded classes. I found it.
  • #37
Our team just finished up last Sunday. We met EOW and the only requirements is that would agree to participate fully and attend all Step Up Your Business meetings. I had 1 show on my calendar and had been inactive for 2 months prior to this program. I was going to quit after the one show I had scheduled but decided to give this a shot. Last month I submitted over $2200 and this month I am at $1700 with 2 catalog shows still out, 2 shows for December and 4 booked for January so far. Plus I have a list of at least 15 that said they wanted to book January shows...I am calling every night this week to get them scheduled. The team environment for the program was fantastic for me and I highly recommend it.
  • #38
What is this? This is the first I've even heard about this and wish I knew it was going on. This could definitely help me. Are they doing it again? Starting it in January would work well for me as we should be in our house by then and all the closing done and all that. This sounds like exactly what I need to kick me in the butt!
  • #39
Katie - it's something your Director can choose to offer, and she can start it at anytime. Ask her if she's doing so, and if not, reach out to her Director.
  • #40
Sounds like the program really worked for you! That is what I feel the program was set up to do, help you when your business is down. Not have requirements you have to meet before you can participate.
Wish my directors program was set up like that. I tried to do it on my own, but I really need that support to keep you up and going.

Kelly V.

Suzballard said:
Our team just finished up last Sunday. We met EOW and the only requirements is that would agree to participate fully and attend all Step Up Your Business meetings. I had 1 show on my calendar and had been inactive for 2 months prior to this program. I was going to quit after the one show I had scheduled but decided to give this a shot. Last month I submitted over $2200 and this month I am at $1700 with 2 catalog shows still out, 2 shows for December and 4 booked for January so far. Plus I have a list of at least 15 that said they wanted to book January shows...I am calling every night this week to get them scheduled. The team environment for the program was fantastic for me and I highly recommend it.
  • #41
I haven't started this like I wanted to yet, but it is nice to have others along and for the accountablility.
  • #42
I am starting my own program with my downline on the 29th and I am going to do it right along with them, as I did not receive anything from my Director about it. :(

I have been reading all of the material and I am really excited to see how it can help my group with their business and how I can do better with mine. :)
  • #43
Have had 3 classes and it has helped. I was in a slump doing nada and now have a couple shows on the books and a regular telephone regimen. Sometimes the classes get a bit one-sided but many of us mute through the call so we can participate with other stuff happening in life (small kids, dinner, etc.). I have gotten a lot out of it. I haven't listened to many of the exec calls yet, but am progressing.

Related to Anyone Participating in Step up Your Business?

1. What is "Step up Your Business" and how does it work?

"Step up Your Business" is a program offered by Pampered Chef that is designed to help consultants grow and strengthen their businesses. It involves setting specific goals and action plans, receiving support and guidance from your director, and participating in group calls and activities to help you reach your goals.

2. How often are the group calls and what do they typically cover?

The group calls for "Step up Your Business" are typically held once a week. They cover a variety of topics related to growing your business, such as goal setting, time management, marketing strategies, and overcoming challenges. They also provide a space for consultants to ask questions and share their experiences with each other.

3. Are there any costs involved in participating in "Step up Your Business"?

No, there are no additional costs for participating in "Step up Your Business." It is a free program offered by Pampered Chef to help consultants reach their business goals and grow their businesses.

4. Can anyone participate in "Step up Your Business" or do you need to meet certain requirements?

Anyone who is a consultant with Pampered Chef can participate in "Step up Your Business." There are no specific requirements, but it is recommended that you have a desire to grow your business and are willing to put in the effort to reach your goals.

5. What are the benefits of participating in "Step up Your Business"?

Participating in "Step up Your Business" can have a variety of benefits for consultants. It can help you set and achieve your business goals, provide support and guidance from your director and fellow consultants, and help you develop valuable skills and strategies for growing your business. It can also be a great way to connect with other consultants and build a sense of community within the Pampered Chef family.

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