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Anyone Else Catching the Flu at Leadership?

In summary, according to the summary of the conversation, the directors who went to Leadership conference with the flu all came home sick. Two other directors also got sick during the conference. One director recommends taking hand sanitizer and airborne, and another says to avoid sugar and dairy products if feeling run down.
Silver Member
along with 2 other Directors in our cluster that also went to Leadership! They have the flu - fever, nausea and in the bed! Have any of you heard of anyone else coming home sick from Leadership?
That sucks! What a poor way to remember leadership!!
My director came home sick to, and she's pregnant to top it off. I felt so bad for her.
My director and my Exec both came home sick (though my exec just sounds like she has a throat thing).
Yes, my director too has the flu.

That happen to me when I went to my, first conference in '05. I missed almost all, but I think 2 classes. One morning I got up went to the breakfast of caring and couldn't eat. I had to go back to the hotel and sleep all day and night missing all the new products.:( Then at the airport on the way home I felt that I was going to pass out and had to seat down. It sure was no fun!! What a waste of money because of being so sick.
Well, the food (namely the breakfasts) sucked, so hopefully it wasn't food poisoning!

The dinner on day 2 wasn't bad...
Cindycooks said:
along with 2 other Directors in our cluster that also went to Leadership! They have the flu - fever, nausea and in the bed! Have any of you heard of anyone else coming home sick from Leadership?

My Director came home with symptoms of food poisoning!!! :eek: Apparently she wasn't the only one! There were some huge complaints from a lot of the atendees about the place they held Leadership, and about the quality, or lack there of on the food. Also, my upline director who's been to at least 6 conferences in the past 3 years, said this was the worst one yet! :eek: I'm glad I didn't go for those reasons....I guess a lot of people will be complaining to HO.
I think it is just a bug going around. I do know some people that were sick at conf. tons that were not and several that are not associated with the company that have had the same thing. As far as the food and the conference, I really enjoyed it and thought the food was fine.
I thought half of the meals were GREAT! The lunch on day 2 and the second breakfast were below Pampered Chef standards. They weren't completely aweful, they just weren't up to par.
  • #10
My director said that she had to go lay down on day 2 because she came down sick with something and she missed a workshop because of it (now if she missed a workshop - then she was sick)
  • #11
My NED has been going to conferences for about 15 years. Because of the fast pace and all the hugging, shaking hands and close quarters, she advocates drinking Emergen-C or Airborne the WHOLE TIME she is there! She actually starts it about 3 days before she leaves. Just a tip for National!
  • #12
WOW! Maybe I am glad I didn't go!:eek:
  • #13
Don't be afraid to go, just make sure to listen to your body. When you want to go out dancing with your friends, but are feeling a bit tired - GO TO BED! Why are you there? To learn and network. I don't know about you, but I don't network much on the dance floor - and learning new dance moves is NOT why I am there! On the same note, if you are sick, DON'T GO!
  • #14
cmdtrgd said:
My NED has been going to conferences for about 15 years. Because of the fast pace and all the hugging, shaking hands and close quarters, she advocates drinking Emergen-C or Airborne the WHOLE TIME she is there! She actually starts it about 3 days before she leaves. Just a tip for National!

I would recommend that you take hand sanitizer and airborne FOR SURE! Yuck!
  • #15
I catch everything under the sun! Does Airborne work well??
  • #16
It really works wonders! Also, if you feel like you are getting run down, cut our all sugar and dairy products. Sugar depleats (sp?) your immune system and dairy causes more mucus.
  • #17
Everybody complains about the meals but there are a couple of things to remember:
  • It's difficult to prepare food for 2500 people, especially when it's to be served in a short period of time.
  • HO actually has nothing to do with the actual food preparation. They just tell the hotel and conference center how many people will be there and what time.
  • The caterers work for "lowest common denominator" food - things that will be acceptable to most of the people attending. Sure, many people would love to have shrimp or prime rib, but I would go hungry if they served those things.

I thought that the box lunches on Day 2 were the same quality as those we've been served at Conference. And while I skipped Day 3 breakfast, Day 2's was actually a little better than at Conference.

The other thing to remember is that many people flew to Dallas. Airplanes in the winter are breeding grounds for illness.
  • #18
Yes, I know that breakfast for 2500 is difficult, but powdered eggs???? BLECH!!!!
  • #19
Ewww! Maybe I'll bring my own food to Leadership!!
  • #20
I liked the eggs - they were the same ones they served in the buffet in the hotel's cafe.
  • #21
Hey there....just an FYI, it's FLU season and the handrails in the airport, the handles on the bathroom doors, the air in the planes....everything is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Hand washing is the best way to avoid getting sick, hand to mouth, eyes or nose is the fastest route for the little critters to get into you. But, even that is not enough this time of year. I always plan on being sick in the week following a trip on a plane! :rolleyes:

Just glad we didn't come back with bed bugs...heard those are a pain!
  • #22
Well let me add my two cents ~

> I ate everything at Leadership

> I drank everything I could at Leadership

(someone prepared ALL of it for me - I didn't have to do the dishes)

> I hugged as many people as I could

> I even kissed a few on the cheek

(I was up having a great time every evening) - none of our cluster became sick while there or upon return.

I didn't get sick nor did I dislike the food ~ we had variety....could I have received better food...sure...was the eggs the only choice for breakfast...NO!...did I starve...NO! I'm sure Adam's Masrk could have given better, warmer, fresher, yellower, darker food - but - they didn't and by the time we go back there for another conference, we will have something else to complain about.

My suggestion would be to express these concerns on the Summit survey we were asked to complete online.

We can always hope for better in the future:D
  • #23
hmolah said:
My Director came home with symptoms of food poisoning!!! :eek: Apparently she wasn't the only one! There were some huge complaints from a lot of the atendees about the place they held Leadership, and about the quality, or lack there of on the food. Also, my upline director who's been to at least 6 conferences in the past 3 years, said this was the worst one yet! :eek: I'm glad I didn't go for those reasons....I guess a lot of people will be complaining to HO.

My AD got sick AT conference...missed one of the General Sessions 'cuz she was in the bathroom puking...a rep from HO found her and called in the paramedics...poor thing.
  • #24
cmdtrgd said:
My NED has been going to conferences for about 15 years. Because of the fast pace and all the hugging, shaking hands and close quarters, she advocates drinking Emergen-C or Airborne the WHOLE TIME she is there! She actually starts it about 3 days before she leaves. Just a tip for National!

GREAT suggestion!! I was sick for WEEKS after National...of course I don't thin kit helped that I was out at a piano bar every night til like 2am...bad bad bad
  • #25
cmdtrgd said:
Don't be afraid to go, just make sure to listen to your body. When you want to go out dancing with your friends, but are feeling a bit tired - GO TO BED! Why are you there? To learn and network. I don't know about you, but I don't network much on the dance floor - and learning new dance moves is NOT why I am there! On the same note, if you are sick, DON'T GO!

Now why weren't you reminding me of this theory last July in Chicago. Oh, that's right - because I would not have been able to hear you because I was belting out Barry Manilow songs while sitting at the piano bar. Bad bad bad. Next summer I am ONLY going to the piano bar the LAST night.
  • #26
dannyzmom said:
Now why weren't you reminding me of this theory last July in Chicago. Oh, that's right - because I would not have been able to hear you because I was belting out Barry Manilow songs while sitting at the piano bar. Bad bad bad. Next summer I am ONLY going to the piano bar the LAST night.

And now that the Director Special Event has been modified, you can! :rolleyes:
  • #27
dannyzmom said:
Now why weren't you reminding me of this theory last July in Chicago. Oh, that's right - because I would not have been able to hear you because I was belting out Barry Manilow songs while sitting at the piano bar. Bad bad bad. Next summer I am ONLY going to the piano bar the LAST night.
Too bad we are different Waves...I'd go with you.
  • #28
pamperedlinda said:
Too bad we are different Waves...I'd go with you.

A fellow Barry Manilow fan!?!?!?
  • #29
dannyzmom said:
A fellow Barry Manilow fan!?!?!?
Dare I say it....yes. Me and my gay friends can really belt out a tune or two! Especially after a bottle or two! Barry was here in Atlanta not too long ago and DH was commenting on how he couldn't belive that people would actually paid to see him....I said, I guess that means you won't take me? Yeah, no way! He was shocked that I liked the guy. You'd think that I commited some sort of socal crime.
  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
Dare I say it....yes. Me and my gay friends can really belt out a tune or two! Especially after a bottle or two! Barry was here in Atlanta not too long ago and DH was commenting on how he couldn't belive that people would actually paid to see him....I said, I guess that means you won't take me? Yeah, no way! He was shocked that I liked the guy. You'd think that I commited some sort of social crime.

I have been a Barry fan forEVER. I have seen him live 11x...front row seats twice!! My DH gives me SUCH grief about it and will never go with me to a concert. :(
  • #31
dannyzmom said:
I have been a Barry fan forEVER. I have seen him live 11x...front row seats twice!! My DH gives me SUCH grief about it and will never go with me to a concert. :(
Carolyn we would have so much fun together!!! I grew up on Barry Manilow and my mom LOVES him and I have to say I like him too! We need to find a piano bar in Chicago! Or a karaoke bar! But I would have to have a few before doing that--LOL!!!!:p
  • #32
chefkristin said:
Carolyn we would have so much fun together!!! I grew up on Barry Manilow and my mom LOVES him and I have to say I like him too! We need to find a piano bar in Chicago! Or a karaoke bar! But I would have to have a few before doing that--LOL!!!!:p

I left my mark on a piano bar in Chicago last summer - LOL
We're in the same wave this year - we'll have to meet up the last night and sing some Barry Manilow at the paino bar together!! Anyone else coming with us??
  • #33
dannyzmom said:
I left my mark on a piano bar in Chicago last summer - LOL
We're in the same wave this year - we'll have to meet up the last night and sing some Barry Manilow at the paino bar together!! Anyone else coming with us??
That would be fun!! Who is coming????
  • #34
I could meet up with you. I know I'm in Wave 3, but I live in Chicago so I'd love to drive into the city for a night. Who knows--I might already be at the Hilton gearing up for my wave anyway!
  • #35
DebbieJ said:
I could meet up with you. I know I'm in Wave 3, but I live in Chicago so I'd love to drive into the city for a night. Who knows--I might already be at the Hilton gearing up for my wave anyway!

Alrighty - that's THREE of us...anyone else up for a night of singing at the piano bar??? Hey Jill - maybe we can get Evan to sing his song if he decides to come to Chicago!!!! Bahahahahahah!!!
  • #36
Jill what wave are you in???
  • #37
chefkristin said:
Jill what wave are you in???

She's with us and you can bet your bippy I am dragging her butt to the paino bar!!!
  • #38
dannyzmom said:
I have been a Barry fan forEVER. I have seen him live 11x...front row seats twice!! My DH gives me SUCH grief about it and will never go with me to a concert. :(

Oh - I WISH I was in wave 2 with you! I am Barry's #1 fan!!! Know the words to EVERY song! My 2nd date with my DH was a Barry Concert! My best friend (also a Barry groupie) took her DH and I took my "date" (not even a BF at that point) and we (friend and me) sat in the middle of the guys and belted out evry tune all thru the concert. I knew my (future) DH must really like me, because there was a 3rd date!:D :D AND he still will tell people that one of our first dates was a Barry concert!
Anyway - it sounds like so much fun to sit around a piano bar (with a cosmo) and sing Barry Tunes!
  • #39
I got the flu on day 2 last year at leadership, but I was really happy I didn't this year.....gotta feel sorry for everyone who got sick. My director got food poisoning at National Conference back in 05....guess we don't have a lot of luck :)
  • #40
dannyzmom said:
My AD got sick AT conference...missed one of the General Sessions 'cuz she was in the bathroom puking...a rep from HO found her and called in the paramedics...poor thing.
I too got sick, and after talking to my doctor based on my experiences he determined that I did indeed had food poisoning.
I have to say though, that I in no way blame HO, or Pampered Chef for that matter, and I learned so much and had such a great time that I definitely would do it all over again.
I do believe that maybe the caterers (not sure if was Adam's Mark in house or not) bit off more than they could "chew" so to speak, but I believe this was not a very good representation of PC standards.
For those who were the first to get to the dinner on night two @ the Adam's Mark, I believe you got incredibly lucky. For those of us who got there later they had to deal with not having a seat at a table because of not enough seating, cold food, under cooked chicken, as well as being incredibly understaffed it definitely sucked!
We were lucky enough to get a seat at a table together, but did experience the lack of replenishment on the buffet, FROZEN solid apple pie, as well as having to chase after servers to get refills on our beverages, in addition to raw chicken.
All experiences that should not have happened. I am certain the HO has gotten an earful. I know our NED told us that we should address our concerns mainly because they may need to look into some refund compensation for the quality of food/service the hotel provided.
Again, I in no way would suggest not going to Conference or Leadership based on these experiences...you could just as easily get sick going to the grocery store or out to eat with your own family.
I learned tons more than I would've if I stayed home and would've missed out on a whole lot of fun and awesome gifts!:D
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  • #41
KrazyApGirl said:
Again, I in no way would suggest not going to Conference or Leadership based on these experiences...you could just as easily get sick going to the grocery store or out to eat with your own family.
I learned tons more than I would've if I stayed home and would've missed out on a whole lot of fun and awesome gifts!:D

Hear, hear!!!
  • #42
dannyzmom said:
Alrighty - that's THREE of us...anyone else up for a night of singing at the piano bar??? Hey Jill - maybe we can get Evan to sing his song if he decides to come to Chicago!!!! Bahahahahahah!!!

I'd love to join you. I'm in Wave 2, I know most of Barry's songs, and I can belt out a tune with the best of them.

However, I'm the world's biggest weenie. I'm one of those early-to-bed early-to-rise gals. I'm up at 4:20 every morning, and out on my feet by 10 p.m. (actually, 9 if I'm not busy doing something). I'm fairly certain my snoring (which my DH assures me is not particularly fun to listen to) would clash with the tunes. I'll spare you that.

Sing Copa for me!

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