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aHelping Hand for Those Who Struggle

In summary, a consultant shared an idea from their director to help struggling PC businesses by forming a group of 12 people to each spend at least $25 per month on products, rotating the host each month and having a mini demo to turn into a kitchen show. This idea has already gained interest and will potentially start in March. Others have also shared similar ideas, such as a budget club or cooking class, to stay active in the business.
Pam Barrett
Not sure if this is where to post this but - This is long:
For Consultant's struggling to keep their PC business - especially with the new structure ($150 per month instead of $200 every two months). My director gave me an idea after hearing me say I was out after I finish my booked show's. Find a group of 12 people to agree to spend at least $25 per month on PC. Rotate the members per month for the host and you have at least one catalog show every month. Which keeps you qualified and gives you the ability to keep going even when you don't think you can. To earn them a little more in rewards have it where they meet one night a month for you to do a mini demo for them to turn it into a kitchen show and collect the money and orders. I got this idea Tuesday and after doing some thinking (I'm a thinker) I had/have 2 groups saying "YES!, Sign me up!" as of Wednesday that's 24 people and 2 shows a month at the very least. They don't want to start until April which I am happy to work with them on. I have told them that when it is their turn to host they can go out among other friends, family, co-workers for orders and/or bookings to give them more for FREE! Many are chomping at the bit so I think they may start in March.
That's a great idea! My DD does that with her Close to my Heart business. She calls it "The Budget Club"! At the end of the year if the person orders the minimum $25 every month, she gives them a gift...usually a stamp set she got free/nearly free!
I did this last year with a group of eight and had a fun time. The link from my Host Club thread is here: http://www.chefsuccess.com/f2/host-club-37824/

I was involved in a group like this for a stamp/craft group several years ago and liked it...the only thing I can recommend in hindsight is to be VERY firm about the rule that says, "If you can't place an order one month, find someone you know who can so that the host for that month doesn't get the short end of the stick"...I had one person in the club who didn't seem to understand this and tried to short me twice.

The long and short is that it really is a GREAT way to stay active!
I wonder if you could do something similar by offering a Cooking Class once a month. I heard this idea from a director's call (Duska's I think???)- but she would charge $25-30 for the class....it included the products they'd take home, plus the food. But she'd have 6-8 people so she had a guaranteed show.You could either put it in your name to get the host benefits from it, or do a mystery-host giveaway at the end of the night. If additional products are purchased or they bring outside orders, they'd be able to get whatever benefits were from the class- even if it is just the extra discount, or free shipping, or the 60% bonus for the month.I'm kind of thinking out loud here. :D
esavvymom said:
I wonder if you could do something similar by offering a Cooking Class once a month. I heard this idea from a director's call (Duska's I think???)- but she would charge $25-30 for the class....it included the products they'd take home, plus the food. But she'd have 6-8 people so she had a guaranteed show.

You could either put it in your name to get the host benefits from it, or do a mystery-host giveaway at the end of the night. If additional products are purchased or they bring outside orders, they'd be able to get whatever benefits were from the class- even if it is just the extra discount, or free shipping, or the 60% bonus for the month.

I'm kind of thinking out loud here. :D

I like this idea.
I have heard of this before.. thanks for the reminder...it sounds like a great way to stay active. We have all thought that if we do not sell this month..we will next month.. we will need to rethink this. What a great idea..
When our ED came out to do training with us in February, she gave us the attached document. I have NOT tried to do it yet - but still considering doing it for a 6 month trial.

She said the same thing as others here have said - make sure the members know this is a "monthly" commitment..



  • Cooking_Club.doc
    35 KB · Views: 486
I am going to try this. Thanks!
That Cooking Club idea sounds great!!
  • #10
My cousin does this with Stampin' Up. She calls it "stamp club" and it's worked well for her for the past year and a half. I agree, all people involved must realize that it is a commitment. I may try it also once I think through it more:)
  • #11
I like the idea too and have heard of it before. Now as for the $150 per month requirement, you don't lose your career sales unless you do not have $150 for 2 months. If you don't submit $150 in April, you are not active. If you don't submit $150 in April OR May, you are considered inactive and lose your career sales, etc. So really you are required to do LESS, unless you tend to do a lot of individual sales and usually had $100 in each month.
  • #12
Pam Barrett said:
Not sure if this is where to post this but - This is long:
For Consultant's struggling to keep their PC business - especially with the new structure ($150 per month instead of $200 every two months). My director gave me an idea after hearing me say I was out after I finish my booked show's. Find a group of 12 people to agree to spend at least $25 per month on PC. Rotate the members per month for the host and you have at least one catalog show every month. Which keeps you qualified and gives you the ability to keep going even when you don't think you can. To earn them a little more in rewards have it where they meet one night a month for you to do a mini demo for them to turn it into a kitchen show and collect the money and orders. I got this idea Tuesday and after doing some thinking (I'm a thinker) I had/have 2 groups saying "YES!, Sign me up!" as of Wednesday that's 24 people and 2 shows a month at the very least. They don't want to start until April which I am happy to work with them on. I have told them that when it is their turn to host they can go out among other friends, family, co-workers for orders and/or bookings to give them more for FREE! Many are chomping at the bit so I think they may start in March.

Awesome idea! I hope it works for you!!
  • #13
I love love love the Cooking Club Ideas. Now how in the world do I get these 15 people to do this??? Guess I am sending out emails!!!

Related to aHelping Hand for Those Who Struggle

1. What is "A Helping Hand for Those Who Struggle" program?

"A Helping Hand for Those Who Struggle" is a program created by Pampered Chef to support individuals and families in need. We provide assistance in the form of food donations, volunteer work, and fundraising to help those who are struggling in our communities.

2. How can I get involved with the program?

There are several ways to get involved with "A Helping Hand for Those Who Struggle" program. You can volunteer your time and energy to help with food drives, fundraising events, or other activities. You can also make donations of non-perishable food items or monetary contributions. Another way to support the program is to spread the word and raise awareness in your community.

3. Who is eligible to receive assistance from the program?

The program is open to all individuals and families who are experiencing financial struggles and in need of assistance with food. We do not have any specific eligibility requirements and aim to help as many people as possible.

4. How does Pampered Chef select which families to help?

Pampered Chef works closely with local organizations and charities to identify families in need. We also welcome recommendations from our customers and community members. Our goal is to help as many families as possible and we carefully assess each situation to ensure the most appropriate assistance is provided.

5. Can I donate to the program without purchasing Pampered Chef products?

Yes, you can make donations to the program without purchasing any Pampered Chef products. We appreciate any contributions towards our cause and every donation helps us make a difference in someone's life.

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