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Advice for Going From Pt/Hobbyist to Ft (Warning - Lengthy Post)

In summary, Ann is having trouble with her boss and is considering quitting. Her boss has filed a verbal warning with the HR department about Ann's behavior, which has led to Ann being on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, and sleeping pills. Ann is looking for advice on how to move from part-time to full-time work, and is considering creating a sense of urgency and stepping up her PC business.
I'll try not to make this too lengthy...

I've worked in our local hospital for nearly three years as a Marketing & Development Specialist (public relations, advertising, event planning)/Volunteer Services Coordinator. To be blunt, my boss is probably, no is, the meanest person I have ever met. No matter how hard I try or how much I do, it's never enough. Each year at this time I have my annual evaluation and just prior to that she becomes especially nasty and lodges excessive complaints about my work, level of professionalism, enthusiasm, attire and even complains that I don't eat lunch in our cafeteria! It's become so bad over the course of the last year that my doctor has placed me on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills.

So yesterday when I asked for a few minutes of her time, to discuss one of her most recent complaints, and disagreed with her she began yelling that I was being insubordinate and in "far deeper than I ever wanted to be." Following this "meeting" she proceeded to file a verbal warning with the HR department about my insubordination and rude behavior.

After giving the situation some serious thought I have begun weighin my options so that I can quit - SOON! I am scouring the newspapers and calling in all my favors with friends and associates to find another job, but in our small town a position paying what I make (and mind you it's not that great!) is hard to come by. So obviously one of the things I'm considering is stepping up my PC business which has always been on a part-time/hobbyist basis.

I haven't made any decisions as yet (except that I will be quitting my job within the next couple of weeks), but I am looking for advice from any of you have gone from p/t to f/t.

Kearstin :)
I'm in that process right now, as I lost my FT job in January. I've been working on getting more disciplined with calls of all types (host coaching, customer care, morning-after, etc.), as well as focusing on booking in close. My theory is that if I can front-load my calendar, then it will continue to be full as I get bookings from those shows.I'm also focusing on my business expenses and getting those down. That can be a HUGE help in making your business more viable financially.Some of the other tips I've heard have mentioned creating a sense of urgency. Don't say, "I do 8 shows a month." Tell guests that, "I only do 2 shows a week, so if you have your heart set on a specific week, then we need to pencil you in on my calendar." (And if you use an open date sheet instead of an actual calendar, they can't see that the week they're picking you already have 2 shows scheduled. ;) )Good luck with your decision.
Ann, great suggestion about the calendar! I am going to use that this weekend.

Kearstin, If you are definite about quitting, you may want to consider talking with your HR. You may have some rights you aren't aware of. I don't know the laws or policy that apply here, but I watched a fellow supervisor get hit with a 'hostile work environment' lawsuit (deservedly).
Wow! Is there someone above your boss that you can talk to? Sounds like she is the one with issues. If you want to quit, it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone above her. Maybe it will help and you can tolerate your job a little longer or she doesn't do it to the next person.

I know that if I want to quit my job I need to build a team and do 6-8 shows a month. Talk to your director, have you taken step up training?
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  • #5
Ann, I'm sorry to hear that you're in this kind of situation too. This uneasiness is a terrible feeling. I hope that everything works out for you soon. I'm having trouble with it now, but my family keeps telling me that for every door that closes, a window opens... :)

That is great advice about the calendar. I am definitely guilty of whipping out a calendar for all to see - and they see that I only have a show or two booked for the whole month which definitely doesn't create that sense of urgency!!!
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  • #6
I actually did go to our director of HR yesterday after this all transpired. This didn't go so well considering that I was heading to her office right as my boss was leaving. And it definitely doesn't help matters that they're good friends.

I haven't talked to my recruiter or director yet, nor have I taken any of the step up trainings. To this point I hadn't really considered doing any more with PC than what I've been doing. I kind of liked the ability to just do as many shows as I wanted with no pressure to recruit. I still don't know that I will, but I want to start gathering as much information as I can so that when the time is right I can make an informed decision.
OMG I cannot believe some people. I would quit too, and NOW.

I did quit my FT job in August and have been doing PC full time. THe one thing you should keep in mind is that you must keep it up. I didn't keep it up and now I am back to 3 shows a month. Which is obviously not full time. Luckily I have DHs income to fall back on, but believe me, he just quit being a catholic school teacher to being full time in the army, and it isnt easy as pie either.

GOOD LUCK and do a job you are passionate about and others can be passionate around you!

I have some not nice things to say about your boss, and while I do think you should quit, you should make it known to higher ups in the company WHY you are quiting and WHAT this has done to you emotionally as a person.

Prayers and hugs for a successful transtition! xoxox
kearstin said:
I actually did go to our director of HR yesterday after this all transpired. This didn't go so well considering that I was heading to her office right as my boss was leaving. And it definitely doesn't help matters that they're good friends.
That shouldn't matter. Your conversations with HR are covered by confidentiality rules. If you're concerned, document EVERYTHING during and after your conversations with HR. If you have documentation about your boss, too, that will help your case.
I feel so bad for you..I worked at a facility a few years ago that I HATED..I dreaded going in every day, like you, couldn't sleep, etc. It was horrible. I scoured the papers too and found something and right before I was going to quit (literally like the next day), the let me go due to "poor work performance"..it was crap, I filed unemployment and was approved because they didn't have a leg to stand on...I wasn't set to start my other job for about a month because I wanted to be 'fair" and give them plenty of notice, blah blah blah..I have since learned after being treated badly by other small companies (they are the worst!) that they don't really care about you, so don't feel so bad about not giving them fair treatment all the time. I definitely believe in the 2 week notice, but if you feel that strongly about what you are going through, I'd say get out NOW. Do you support yourself or are you a two income fam? If you have any means of another income (partner working), then I think you can probably make it until you find yourself another job. If you are supporting yourself, hang in there! You will find something else, no one deserves to be treated like that! I know what you are going through! I'd say even waitressing if you are finding something else would get you by. I know some servers who make a boatload of money and love it.
  • #10
Kearstin - I was in your shoes last July. I didn't feel satisfied after my annual review, (very long story), so I quit the next day. I'd been at this company for 26 years.. the longest of anyone within all of the offices (US, Japan & Singapore).. I was very nervous at first, but my husband has supported my P Chef addiction for the first 1/2 of last year -- and was very supportive of me taking this on full-time. I did it, and I have no regrets. Good luck to you in whatever you decide.
  • #11
Kearstin, I so feel for you. I was in a similar harrassing situation with my job just 2 years ago as a Respiratory Therapist (of 12 years. My boss called the day before my 10 hour spinal surgery and told me that she was posting my job position (after all was said and done I had received unemployment because they refused to let me come back into any other position once I was released "with restrictions"). Hey, do we have the same boss?? ;)

Let me preface the rest of this by saying that my boss was always harassing me, picking on me whenever she could. I made $25 an hour and the person she wanted to hire made half of that.

Once I was able to return full force, my job had been filled and I was only working when they need me as an extra (1-2 days a week). I decided at that time that NO ONE would ever put me in that position again -- and least of all ME!

I searched online for a Direct Sales company that I could join and stick with. With the help of God I found this company....no coincidences there. I found what I needed when I needed it.

I jumped in and within 3 months I was able to quit my Therapist job, replacing my income with this job. Was it easy? NO! and everytime I thought maybe it wasn't going to work out (you know, when you call 15 people in a row and each say "no" to a show), I prayed that if it was the right job for me, God would let me know not to quit....then the phone would ring and someone would ask me to do a show for them.

Wow, amazing what He will do when you ask and believe!

I am now 2 years into this career, have earned trips and made a good commission. My family is strong and stable, we are putting more $$ away in our savings than EVER before, we have $$ to spend on necessities and beyond, and I am SO HAPPY!

Don't let anyone define who you are, Kearstin. YOU are an amazing woman that God has gifted with many talents....USE THEM! You will do GREAT THINGS!
  • #12
I agree with what everyone has said here - you deserve better than that!

I have one comment on the booking thing. We had some training at out cluster meeting last week and she said when offering dates people usually pick the 2nd date you offer. So ask what day of the week would work best for "her and her crowd" then say, OK, I have the 20th, but ooh, I also have the 13th - which of those would work better for you? Make the 2nd choice sound like a great thing and she said most of the time that is what they pick.

I wish you luck - there is nothing worse than going to a job everyday that you hate! You can do whatever you set your mind to!
  • #13
Hey Kearstin,

I was just reading your post. I hate to hear about what is going on with your job. I am feeling the same way you are. I have been hating my job now for months. I keep thinking things will get better and they never do. What is funny is when I started getting on this sight and reading about what everyone else was doing to get bookings I decided hey I didn't think of that I can do it. I have been really starting to come around in this business. I was also a hobbyist, however I have found out I enjoy this job so much better than my full time job. But what is funny is you are the one who suggested this sight to me. I am in your group that meets at Lauries. I was going to thank you for that the next time we had our meeting.

So Hang in there. I hope it can work out for you. Believe in God and believe in yourself and nothing is impossible.

  • #14
Kearstin, You can do it. I had a great paying, but emotionally draining-stress inducing-full of office politics-type job. I finally quit and, like Janice, said 'never again'. That was 16 months ago...and last year my average was exactly 8 shows per month.

What made the biggest difference for me was leveraging this site and the guidance of my director (and hospitality director). If bookings are you greatest concern, then set your timer for an hour (or two or three) and tell yourself you can ONLY read postings about increasing your bookings. If something isn't relevant, stop reading and go on to another post. (There's 2997 threads and over 33,000 posts just in the Booking Forum alone!) If you like the non-business posts, go ahead and scan them....but only one day a week and for a short time (love that timer).

Find the ideas that resonate with you, write them down, and then act on them. (I've recently moved and am starting my own business over, so I understand the feeling of uncertainty). As the saying goes, being in a valley means a peak is ahead of you.

You know you'll have support here!
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  • #15
I'm sorry you are going through this. I have had problems w/a boss myself before. One time I received my yearly review and all he could talk about in it was "while she was here." I was out a whole 6 weeks for tailbone surgery out of the entire year!" I wrote a rebutlte on my review stating I was "dissapointed" he kept mentioning my medical leave and that my review should only be based on my time there. Looking back I probably could have suid! Anyway I wanted to keep my job so I was very nice, but to the point in my rebuttle (which the two levels above him had to read and sign)! I said how my goal was to improve my ranking by the next review and to accomplish this I wanted him to provide me goals on a weekly basis and I wanted to have a weekly meeting w/him to review what I had accomplished. He would tell me what he wanted me to accomplish, if he had any concerns, etc. in this meeting. I would send him a confirmation email afterward of what was expected of me. I would then document what I did and what I accomplished each day and meet w/him. He actually had much more respect for me after that and realized I really did do a good job - he just didn't even know what the he** I was doing! I did end up getting laid off about 6 months later, but he actually came to see me after I got the news and said how sorry he was. There was 30 of us the same day in my dept. I was glad to get it when I did. The entire dept. of about 70 people was gone w/in the next 18 months. He was gone only about 6 months later. I'm sure my rebuttle had something to do w/it, but he should have known more of what I was actually doing if he wanted to be a manager and recieve the kind of pay he did. He would spend most of the day goofing off, etc. I do believe he was told he had to put a certain number of employees in a "category" since the were actually adised by the company to put a certain percent in each category - including needs improvement. Even if nobody in the dept. was in this group. He just had to pick someone and picked me since I was off on medical leave. I had to have my tailbone removed due to falling on the ice going into work at THIS job besides! I still have pain to this day and didn't sue the company, boy do I wish I would have now!

Sorry to get into all of this, but I don't want you to quit and regret you didn't take all of the steps you could to cause trouble for this women. You do not deseve it and she needs to do her job more then tell you that you should eat int he cafeteria! Where is that in your job description? Document everything you can and again, have her tell you your goals and get in in writing. Have her sign them each week at your meeting. This is what I did w/my supervisor. It didn't help me because of my company merging w/another one, but I can guarantee you if I needed a job from my old boss in the future I think he would hire me. I really believe he had respect for me after it all.

Good luck!
  • #16
I think it is something in the air. My boss was harrasing me right before my review and then gave me a terrible review. Unfortunately the company was small and she happened to also be the (very unprofessional) HR manager. I gave my response in writing the following week after it was stated that my review would be revisited on February 29th. Sure enough, I was fired last Monday...I am substitute teaching and trying to get my PC stuff in order...good luck to us all!
  • #17
Kearstin, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Once you have made the FIRM decision that you are going to leave your job you need to prepare, set some goals-like picking the date you want to quit, then make a plan.

I would advise you NOT to leave your J.O.B. no matter how hard it is right now, until you have made the same income in PC as you are in you J.O.B. for at least three months in a row. What that means is you need to make a plan now as to how you are going to do that. It's going to be rough for a while but you can do it. So, you need to plan for how many shows you will be able to realistically hold. To make this business work full time, that means 2-3 shows a week until you build a team. Holding shows is your meat and potatoes, but building a team is where the money really is. In your plan, you need to be sure that you are willing and ready to take on recruiting to build your team. Holding shows consistantly is where you are going to find that team. Plan for everything- What nights are you going to hold shows, what nights are you going to make phone calls. If shows don't hold or are postponed are you disciplined to get on the phone and not watch tv instead.

Work with your family and let them know you are going to be working extra hard at your business for a time and will need to make some if not alot of sacrifices for a while, especially in the area of your time. Short term sacrifice for long term gain. It's worth it to have your freedom! Good luck!
  • #18
:angel: PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! :angel: Pour out your heart to God and ask for His guidance & His plans. The Bible says,"Ask & you shall receive". When you approach God with a sincerity to do His will, He will give you the desires of your heart. He won't dump it in your lap, but He will bless your efforts. I have started praying on the way to each of my shows that people will not spend more than they need to, that I will hear the red flag questions that allow me to bless someone else's life through this business. That might be the business opportunity, or hosting a show because they cannot afford to buy what they want. In the last month, I have gotten 2 recruits, 2 potentials, and shared the excitement of 2 very motivated hosts when they got $500 worth of products for a little over $100! When one's focus changes to blessing other people's lives instead of "I have to build my business" you will be amazed at with the accomplishments.

I will be praying for you!
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  • #19
Wow, is all I can say after reading this thread so far and am so sorry to hear of so many of you having such a horrible time at work and those who were let go. It is so maddening. I too had a big issue back in 1992 and lost my job due to illness problems that put me on disability and I only do PC part time.

I hope all of you that are struggling trying to make the right decision at the right time about leaving your ft jobs and being able to do PC ft are able to do it.

I can't get over how many employees love giving us such a hard time and making us miserable. Long term employment used to mean something many years ago showing loyalty, an asset as an employee, etc but today unfortunately it doesn't mean anything.

I'll never forget the day I was let go and the nerve my boss had after I was let go by HR and emptying my desk came to me with work she wanted me to do before I left. I don't know how I kept my cool and not making a big scene but I did tell her sorry--you're the one who wanted me gone and told HR to call me down to let me go. You should have waited to have me do these things before you released me. All she kept on saying is that you are the only one who knows what to do with these and I need them. Needless to say I told her that was now her problem and she should have thought about it before she let me go.
  • #20
pamperedharriet said:
Wow, is all I can say after reading this thread so far and am so sorry to hear of so many of you having such a horrible time at work and those who were let go. It is so maddening. I too had a big issue back in 1992 and lost my job due to illness problems that put me on disability and I only do PC part time.

I hope all of you that are struggling trying to make the right decision at the right time about leaving your ft jobs and being able to do PC ft are able to do it.

I can't get over how many employees love giving us such a hard time and making us miserable. Long term employment used to mean something many years ago showing loyalty, an asset as an employee, etc but today unfortunately it doesn't mean anything.

I'll never forget the day I was let go and the nerve my boss had after I was let go by HR and emptying my desk came to me with work she wanted me to do before I left. I don't know how I kept my cool and not making a big scene but I did tell her sorry--you're the one who wanted me gone and told HR to call me down to let me go. You should have waited to have me do these things before you released me. All she kept on saying is that you are the only one who knows what to do with these and I need them. Needless to say I told her that was now her problem and she should have thought about it before she let me go.

That goes beyond bold....was this woman insane?:eek:
  • #21
Harriet I know what you mean - I was let go 6 1/2 years ago after 15 years of service for the company. I was given 30 days at that time to actually look for another job w/in the co., but of course there wasn't anything. Plus so many of us were let go the same day! I was actually very nice. I had production jobs which ran under my ID. It was actually very funny when they read the "script" when I was let go of how my ID was being turned off immediately, etc. It was long a drawn out legal stuff. Aftey they finished they said, "Do you have any questions." I then said, "Yes, I have jobs which run under my ID which you will want to get moved before you turn it off." It made my dept. head look like an idiot in front of the Director. I worked for a very large co. and it's so funny how I realized from this experience how nobody really knew what I did! I now work for a co. w/only 6 people. I work directly for my supervisors. They know exactly what I do. Also in order to get paid I have to document everything I do and put the time in. Some of it gets billed to our customers.

I was very lucky since we had a warning they were going to be letting people go (we didn't know how large of a cut it was going to be). I knew I was going to get it based on my previous review so I went in to the office the weekend before and packed up most of my stuff and took it home:)!
  • #22
If I was in your situation again (yes, I was there once before) and I felt like I had to leave before I was able to can replace my current income with PC alone, I'd make sure that I could meet my budget without including any more PC than I was doing right now.
  • #23
Wow...Harriet how you managed not to tell her to put it where the sun doesn't shine is beyond me!! I am now a boss but spent the first 15 of my 34 year career not being a boss. I do my very best to treat people fairly, not make promises and to have calm, frank, professional conversations if there is a problem in the work place. I over see a staff of 48 employees in 8 different sites. Does everyone like me? Of Course not! But in my 19 year career as a boss, I have not had one grievance filed against me. In my opinion, these so called bosses should be very ashamed of themselves for their unprofessional behavior.
And yes, Kristen, your family is so very right...when one door closes another one opens. It's just the wait in the hallway that is uncomfortable! Keep us posted on how you are doing. I know that you and others like Ann S. have struggles, but I admire you all and love hearing how you are doing. I too hope to retire into PC fulltime!
  • #24
baychef said:
And yes, Kristen, your family is so very right...when one door closes another one opens. It's just the wait in the hallway that is uncomfortable! Keep us posted on how you are doing. I know that you and others like Ann S. have struggles, but I admire you all and love hearing how you are doing. I too hope to retire into PC fulltime!

I have never heard this before, but I think this is going to be my new favorite phrase!!!
  • #25
legacypc46 said:
Ann, great suggestion about the calendar! I am going to use that this weekend.

Kearstin, If you are definite about quitting, you may want to consider talking with your HR. You may have some rights you aren't aware of. I don't know the laws or policy that apply here, but I watched a fellow supervisor get hit with a 'hostile work environment' lawsuit (deservedly).

Good advice, been there, done that--
Also, document *everything* that transpired and the employer's behavior on other occassions.

Can you transfer to another part of the same organization?
  • #26
baychef said:
Wow...Harriet how you managed not to tell her to put it where the sun doesn't shine is beyond me!!

It wasn't easy but I surely made it clear to everyone around me while I was packing that I wasn't going to do anymore work for the company after being let go. In fact I didn't answer my phone while I was packing and only took a call from my dh and didn't let him know until I got home what happened. I just told him I wasn't feeling well and was coming back home early.

I didn't want to make too big of a scene and to show them who had the most courage to be a lady. To this day some of my ex co-workers can't believe the gall our supervisor had to ask me to work. By the way this same supervisor had my DH let go while I was out having surgery 5 years prior! I wasn't under her at that point and I was so pissed when they transferred me to her unit years later. And to think when we first met we were friends--that surely didn't last long after seeing what a "b***** she really was. She even tried to get me fired when my father passed away as she didn't believe me when I called in. She said you were talking to him on the phone just the other day and I had to say Yes I was and it was the last time I spoke to him too (he passed away 2 1/2 hours later).

I had to bite my tongue and let HR know what she really was like though!
  • #27
When my father had his stroke, I came home for 4 days to be with him. (From CA to MI). I called in and let the dept head that I was under what had happened and when I would be back. I made the mistake saying I would be coming back Wednesday. My flight came in Wednesday night. When I got back, I had a flaming message on my voicemail from my boss' boss (who thought she was all that) that my job was on the line since I said that I was coming back Wednesday and hadn't shown up to work. She said that she didn't believe that my father had had a stroke and wanted to see his hospital admitting papers and wanted a notarized note from his doctor to "prove" that he really had had the stroke. I was appalled. I went in to work Thursday morning early and went directly to the HR person (who I was friends with) and explained that I didn't have the proper documentation with me. He asked me what I was talking about and I told him what the lady had said. He told me she was full of it. To make a long story longer, I worked my ass off that month to prove something to this horrible woman (not sure why) and was named Employee of the Month. At the presentation, she stood up and interrupted the owner to announce that in her opinion I didn't deserve it because I had lied about my father's stroke and didn't prove that he had had one and that she totally disagreed with the owner's decision. This was in front of 250 people. Of course, she made herself look like a fool and the owner basically told her that the EOM reward was HIS decision, not hers.Oh well... some people JUST don't get it!!!! I ended up giving notice the day after I earned the EOM reward anyway. And of course, when this woman found out which company I was going to, she called them and bashed me horribly. That's why I'm so thankful for PC and how amazingly good we are treated!!!!
  • #28
Sorry you're going through this. I can completely empathize as last year, right before my review, my boss gave me a verbal warning for stuff that she had misinterpreted, even after I explained it to her. We spent most of last year not getting along.

I finally told her she made me want to drive my car in the path of an oncoming semi-truck.

She's been strangely nice to me ever since. Go figure. :) And after a year and a half of railing on my job performance, she compliments me all the time.

Manipulative, I know. But I'm happier :)
  • #29
I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time at work.

I have recently come to a cross road in my life. Last friday I gave my notice at work and starting May 23rd, I will be a full time mom and work my Pampered Chef business as I see fit.

I promoted to Director on Jan 1, 2008 and saw that my job was getting in the way of everything else that made me truly happy in life. It took a ton of sould searching and praying but I feel that I have made the right decision (with my husband's help of course).

Sometimes we have to take a leap to get ahead in life. I know that starting my business as a huge leap for me but after almost 2 years, I am extremely happy that I jumped in head first!

I will pray that you will make the right decision but most of all, listen to what your heart tells you is most important.
  • #30
I'm absolutely appalled by the horrible experiences some of us have had in the traditional work place (...especially at yours Colleen).

Every now and then we get a high-maintenance host or have a lousy show experience, but being sefl-employed as a PC consultant is just so much better than being paid to bear the brunt of someone else's unhappiness.
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  • #31
Gosh, I am just floored by all of the horrible work-related experiences!!! I knew I wasn't the only one to go through something like this, but who knew that it happened so frequently?!?!?!?! I will keep all of you in my thoughts and hopefully we'll soon be posting that things have fallen into place just as they were meant to.

Thank you ALL for your advice, kind words and offers of prayers. As of about an hour ago I dropped off my resume to the local court house where there is a job opening that I would really like to have. My husband has called in a few favors so this seems to be the most promising opportunity on the horizon as of right now. I plan on continuing to look at stepping up my PC business, but after looking at the bills, etc. with DH it just doesn't seem feasible just yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me on the job at the court house!!!

Thank you all so much for your care and concern :)

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  • #32
AmyJo said:
Hey Kearstin,

I was just reading your post. I hate to hear about what is going on with your job. I am feeling the same way you are. I have been hating my job now for months. I keep thinking things will get better and they never do. What is funny is when I started getting on this sight and reading about what everyone else was doing to get bookings I decided hey I didn't think of that I can do it. I have been really starting to come around in this business. I was also a hobbyist, however I have found out I enjoy this job so much better than my full time job. But what is funny is you are the one who suggested this sight to me. I am in your group that meets at Lauries. I was going to thank you for that the next time we had our meeting.

So Hang in there. I hope it can work out for you. Believe in God and believe in yourself and nothing is impossible.


Amy -

I'm so glad that you decided to check out the site - it is such a wealth of information AND as evidenced by this post, such an awesome group of people who truly care!!! It's amazing because many of us never have and never will meet face-to-face, yet we all treat each other like friends and family.

I hope that stepping up your PC business will allow you to get out of your crappy work situation.

See you soon! :)
  • #33
Good luck Kearstin with the job at the court house--I hope you get it!
  • Thread starter
  • #34
Thanks, Harriet! And thanks for sharing your horror story :)

Related to Advice for Going From Pt/Hobbyist to Ft (Warning - Lengthy Post)

1. What are some tips for successfully transitioning from a part-time/hobbyist to a full-time job?

Some tips for making a smooth transition include: setting clear goals and expectations for your new job, networking and building relationships in your desired industry, having a financial plan in place, and being open to learning new skills and taking on new challenges.

2. How can I balance my part-time job with my Pampered Chef business while transitioning to full-time?

It may be helpful to create a schedule and prioritize your time effectively. Consider delegating tasks or hiring help for your Pampered Chef business if needed. Also, make sure to communicate openly and honestly with your employer about your plans.

3. How can I make my Pampered Chef business more successful as a full-time job?

Some ways to increase the success of your Pampered Chef business as a full-time job include setting specific and achievable goals, reaching out to potential customers through various marketing techniques, and investing in your personal and professional development through training and conferences.

4. How do I handle the financial aspect of going from part-time to full-time with my Pampered Chef business?

It's important to have a solid financial plan in place before making the transition. This could include setting aside a certain amount of money for startup costs, creating a budget, and considering any potential income fluctuations. Consulting with a financial advisor may also be helpful.

5. What are some common challenges people face when transitioning to full-time with their Pampered Chef business?

Some common challenges include managing time and balancing multiple responsibilities, dealing with financial uncertainty, and finding a steady stream of customers. It's important to have a support system and to stay organized and focused on your goals.

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