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Advanced Director (Who Is My Immediate Upline) Has an Issue

In summary, my wanting to start a group for discussion solely among our cluster for when we need recipes, ideas, tools, etc. on a local level. was met with resistance from the company, but several of her downline Directors have them and belong to them.
with my wanting to start a group for discussion solely among our cluster for when we need recipes, ideas, tools, etc. on a local level.

She said the company frowns upon us participating in "Loops" but that several of her downline Directors have them and belong to them.

The dumb question(s) part of this is: Is what we have here considered a "Loop?" Does the company truly frown upon all of us hashing out ideas, gripes, needs, etc.? I'm reading Doris' book and she keeps stressing there is no in-fighting, backstabbing, etc. found at some other sales companies (which I truly believe), so I find this hard to believe. As an aside, the AD is, by her own admission, a bit of a technophobe. I'm not the most computer literate, but I realize that the internet is definitely a help, not a hindrance.

Any comments?

Sorry for the length of this thread. I just hope I'm getting my question out there correctly.:confused:
there you go, she is technophobic and doesn't like what she doesn't understand. My director participates in a director's loop. I guess this board is considered a "loop." However I adore this place because I get questions answered and tons of ideas, especially when my director is not available to answer my questions. (Which is basically all the time. I wait days at a time for her to return my emails and phone calls.)I mean we all run our businesses as we see fit. If your director doesn't like loops, or even discourages them, who cares? If you like em, go for it. The more information the better, I say.
There is a limit to websites that you can have. For instance, you cannot have a website like www.pamperkate.com that redirects you to my personal website. I believe Directors and above can have a training website for their cluster's personal use...again, no redirecting. The only difference between what we do here and someone emailing people about it is that it is searchable and anyone who pays can get the information. HTH
the word I got from the directors that went to conference was that they frowned upon even sites like this--that people spent too much time here instead of working their business...and yes, they consider this a loop...just like all the yahoo groups.

I say-oh well, I get a lot of good ideas here.
My director had actually told me too that once I got on these loops I would spend more time reading then working my business. She wasn't real thrilled either. I continue to be on the loops and work my business as much as I want to. It's also funny that she will e-mail me sometimes and ask if I can find some information for her on one of my loops. I always do - but - it's just funny.:D
I'm new to CS and 9 months into consultant. I just join CS. I have found in the past two day a lot information!

I am getting ready to do my first Bridal Shower in a few weeks. The wedding is next week (a co-work is hosting the shower). She has registrated on PC. From what I have read there may be a problem with bridal may get more than one of the products. I do not have my own web site yet because I haven't been doing to good with bookings (?).

Does anyone have any ideals to help me out here? I don't even know where to start at!

Is getting your own website good?
My director is a national senior exc. she has a "loop" of her own. So I'm sure we aren't "breaking" any rules, or she wouldn't have one also.
I need help?
strganac said:
I'm new to CS and 9 months into consultant. I just join CS. I have found in the past two day a lot information!

I am getting ready to do my first Bridal Shower in a few weeks. The wedding is next week (a co-work is hosting the shower). She has registrated on PC. From what I have read there may be a problem with bridal may get more than one of the products. I do not have my own web site yet because I haven't been doing to good with bookings (?).

Does anyone have any ideals to help me out here? I don't even know where to start at!

Is getting your own website good?
My Director uses oneMy Director has a Yahoo Group that she set-up just for her down-line and other directors within our cluster. It's great! She posts flyers, newsleters, OOF, Monthly Specials for us and all sorts of business materials that we can use/copy/change if we want to. She said she initially did it because she got tired of emailing to everyone all the time. Now it's all right where we can get to when we want it.

I also attended several workshops where the speakers gave us access to an on-line message board or a group that we could go to to get sample forms that they talked about in their workshop.

I think your director either doesn't know what she's talking about or as you said, a technophobe and is possible afraid of it.

Best of luck to you in this endeavour, I think it's worth it. If you can't sway her, just wait until you are a director and start one for your own down-line then invite others in your cluster to join if they want to.
  • #10
I admit that I spend way too much time here and not enough on my business, but what I learn here enhances my shows and my knowledge about PC in general. It makes me a better recruiter and consultant!
  • #11
gilliandanielle said:
I admit that I spend way too much time here and not enough on my business, but what I learn here enhances my shows and my knowledge about PC in general. It makes me a better recruiter and consultant!

I second that!!
  • #12
In the Internet/Web additional guidelines, it says:
You may set up a chat room or e-mail newsgroup ONLY to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef® Consultants about the business. Please do not mention, advertise or promote your Pampered Chef® business on any chat rooms, other than those created for communicating with other Consultants.
So while she may frown apon it, you are within the Pampered Chef guidelines.
  • #13
gilliandanielle said:
I admit that I spend way too much time here and not enough on my business, but what I learn here enhances my shows and my knowledge about PC in general. It makes me a better recruiter and consultant!

Me three!:)
  • #14
I would call headquarters and talk to them and then talk to your director again. We are certainly allowed to talk with each other and I believe we are allowed to do groups made up of our customers. I suspect she is either afraid of technology/what she does not understand or misunderstood something from the recipe for success.
  • #15
Not to be mean, but honestly, the first thing I tought of was: I guess if you're not working your business as much she's not getting as much of an override. Hmmm... I am ALWAYS wary of people who tell you NOT to do something. Like, they mean "do it my way." It would have been different if she had said, "Its not for me, but if you get good ideas, go for it."

My director is thrilled that I have this site and I have brought A LOT of great information to it. Would I like more shows? SURE. Should I be on the phone more? SURE. But you know what, I'll do it when I'm ready. While its no secret that I am on here frequently (gives me something to do at work), I have also recruited 3, have two more on the way and had consistent sales since I became a member.

Gillian, where's my soapbox?!
  • #16
I love it Anne! I think I wouldn't still be at this if it weren't for this site, or even started for that matter. I found it while researching PC.

Yes, I spend a lot of time on here, but I try now to limit it to times where I can't call people anyway. Like when I first get home from work and ppl are eating dinner, then after 9. Or at 7 a.m. when I get up!

I have found more help and support here than I imagined. My director is nice but not a strong businessperson. Sometimes I think I learn more here!
  • #17
And P.S. It is sad that ppl discourage it. Everyone has their own style, and frankly, we all own our own businesses!
  • #18
I get a chuckle every time I get a bunch of emails from my director about a week after we have talked about something on here, like the coldstone shows, and the 24 in 24, etc. These are emails forwarded from her director's loop.
  • #19
I found you a soapbox Anne
  • #20
Well, thank you!
  • #21
You know that I had that website you posted the other day for the smilies saved into my favorites, but didn't look it up on how to use it on this site, but I found another one too, lol.
  • #22
Cool! What's that site?
  • #23
  • #24
That site is even better!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Thanksfor the feedback on this issue. I just had a discussion with the AD who said she contacted HO and was told those are not allowed -- they would prefer we grow our business by doing more shows. I have a FT job which keeps me pretty busy and find it really easy to check here for ideas, recipes, etc.

Since I'm not a director now, I won't do anything about the loop. Once I get there though, look out!!!!!!!!
  • #26
pcheftina said:
for the feedback on this issue. I just had a discussion with the AD who said she contacted HO and was told those are not allowed -- they would prefer we grow our business by doing more shows. I have a FT job which keeps me pretty busy and find it really easy to check here for ideas, recipes, etc.

thank you!
  • #27
They said they are not allowed, or that they would rather you not use them?The guidelines say:You may set up a chat room or e-mail newsgroup ONLY to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef® Consultants about the business. Please do not mention, advertise or promote your Pampered Chef® business on any chat rooms, other than those created for communicating with other Consultants.
  • #28
This site and loops are just fine.

Of course directors, HO, and whoever want you to "work your business"... of course doing more shows and making more calls benefits you, but keep in mind it also benefits them as well.

And, for the record, I do consider this site working my business. Instead of spending an hour on a flyer, I can download one here, or if I get frustrated at 1am, I can vent, or spending time doing a newsletter, I found Tasty Tidbits.
  • #29
Gillian: me four!!
Anne: you never fail to make me smile:)
When I first told my director about this site; the first thing she asked was if it was a negative site. That was her only concern because the ones she had seen were very negative.
I guess it's everyone's own decision on if they want to be on her or not. Making phone calls or not. Getting bookings or not. Getting recruit leads or not. Organizing or whatever with their business or not....we are all accountable for our own businesses, right? That's what I love so much; we are not competing with each other here--we are encouraging each other!! I have found so many new ideas & ways to freshen up my shows; I am grateful to you gals!(& guys!) So if someone is not doing well with their business, and the blame is put on the fact that they were online too much-well the blame is just on the person to me (not this site). Yes, you do have to balance your biz if you want to be successful. You have to make those calls; but you can also get ideas to make those calls more successful.
Anyway, I guess I'll join Anne on that soapbox...but I'm sticking up for this site!
BTW, at conference when Doris was asking us all to keep the new stuff a secret until wave 3 was over...she said not to tell about it on our "loops". So she knows about them, & if it wasn't okay then she wouldn't have said it!
  • #30
I'm glad that I am not the only one that feels supported by this site. Anne is right, we can share flyers, ideas, policies and feelings that we normally wouldn't even know about unless our director called! My sales per show have almost tripled since I joined here because my shows are more creative and fun, and I feel more confindent as a consultant. I get good ideas and tips to share with guests that make them want to spend more to get a product. All extra money spent helps my family, my director's family and on up to the head honcho. They can "not approve" of this site all they want, but it works for me and my business.

Freedom is to not only have the right to wave your flag, but the right to burn that flag in protest. (Not that I go around burning flags, but it is the pricipal of it!)

Soapbox is free! Next....
  • #31
lACY: Anytime!

Gillian: Thanks!
  • #32
Right Gill. I feel that I am WAY more informed and more able to answer customers questions about things because of this site, and if I don't know the answer to the question this is usually the quickest way I can get it answered. And I LOVE you creative people who make up all these great fliers and oof's and everything.
  • #33
I agree with Anne. This is a great resource for those of us that work full-time and have to work our business in "off hours"...and frankly, I get more here than I get from my upline. I wish we did this kind of idea sharing in my day job!
  • #34
lisacb77 said:
I wish we did this kind of idea sharing in my day job!
People at my day job set the trap, waiting for you to fail, and then pounce. NOTHING like PC.
  • #35
Sounds like you need a different job, or better traps, lol.
  • #36
We have an Executive cluster in a pretty small town, so you can imagine how convienent it is to be able to access each other for favors. I usually email my director if I need more mini-catalogs right away or need a certain product tomorrow. Also, if I can't do a booth I've arranged or need someone to share it with me. She'll send an email to everyone and they can contact me to help. It's very nice to have each other nearby to help out!
  • #37
jdavis said:
Sounds like you need a different job, or better traps, lol.
Maybe a little of both. :D
  • #38
I was trying to find an emoticon with a bear trap or something of the sort, but I looked on the 2 sites I have on my faves list and the only things I found were very disturbing.
  • #39
I found this site by accident BUT it has helped me so much more than anything else ever has. Since I found this site, I've recruited 7 people and I've had a balanced business so It hasn't hurt me. My director frowns upon this site b/c someone supposebly was on his selling there tpc ruby ring. Well to me, if they wanted to get rid of something they had worked so hard to get than so be it. Who cares?

I find it so funny when she sends her e-mails with different consultants names on it and I will have seen it on here weeks before! Just like the 24 bookings in 24 hours she sent to us last week. I had seen this way before on here! It happens all the time and I just sit back and grin!!!

Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who posts flyers, etc. on here. It helps so much!!!
  • #40
Just Have To Share This!!!I would just like to say the my director at our CLUSTER MEETING told everyone about this site and had them write it down. While she doesn't post on this regularly (but she is a member) she loves the info I bring to her. She encouraged everyone to sign up and mentioned that the fee is reasonable and tax deductible. And, I mentioned to her that the OP mentioned that her AD had a problem with this site and she replies, "Well, I have a problem with someone telling ME how to run MY business. Sounds like that AD might have an insecurity issue. I am thrilled that you have such a great resource that keeps you motivated." Now you know why I love her so much!
  • #41
My Director does not have a problem with me being on this site - especially after Yolanda mentioned it at Conference and she appreciates the info I share with the group.

In a previous DS business, my upline did not like the fact that I found out about stuff before she did - oh well - she had a computer - she could have been in the know too!!

I mostly hang out here during working hours - one of the few sites that is not blocked here.

Helps keep me sane in an otherwise insane environment!!! :D
  • #42
loreedfkI mostly hang out here during working hours - one of the few sites that is not blocked here. Helps keep me sane in an otherwise insane environment!!! :D[/QUOTE said:
Me, too. Or nights where my husband is out and I'm a little freaked out being home alone.
  • #43
I have a weird question... when someone above asked who their upline was, the person had to PM them. Why would someone's upline director's name be a secret? LOL ;)
  • #44
I would say...

Because the consultant network is amazing and vast. And, someone probably knows that AD somewhere along the lines. I wouldn't put the name up here just to avoid problems/hard feelings.
  • #45
When I post here, I AM WORKING ON MY BUSINESS. :confused:

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