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2 Nights Until 1St Kitchen Show ---- Nervous!!!!!!

In summary, Mel was nervous for her first kitchen show, but it went well. She had low sales but guests were more interested in the food than the products. She is excited for her next show.
UPDATE******1st kitchen showI was nervous as heck but all in all, not too bad - Sales weren't high but not too bad, but no bookings... I think that its because we got a late start because 2/3 of the people got stuck on the frwy with bad construction... so I think that when they saw how late it ended, then no one wanted to book.. that and by the end of the night they were all tanked! The host told me she was serving soda and iced tea.. I get there and they are had soda alrgith - with jack daniels! And they were also making very strong strawberry daquiris and some were drinking vodka straight up! 2 girls had forgotten what they wanted to order so they'll need to order tomorrow... It was so hard to keep their attention!!! We're at $499 and there are still 5 outside orders to collect. So glad to have the 1st show over!! it can only get better from here!!!
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It may sound corney, but when I started I thanked everyone for coming to my very first kitchen show and immediately they became more sympathetic. One good thing about being new is that it is a great opportunity to engage the audience. Explain to them that you would appreciate anything they might want to share about the products they own. I always ask my guests if they have a favorite PC product and what they like about it. Don't be afraid to say "i don't know", just remember to add "I would be happy to find out though" and always followup with an answer to their questions. At my first show someone asked me if the stoneware was convection oven safe and I didn't know. I was able to find the answer very quickly on this forum.
Good Luck, I'm sure you will do fine, remember that it is supposed to be fun for YOU as well as the guests.
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Thanks! I signed up 6 months ago but only done catalog shows because everyone either cancelled the KS shows or had no-show parties! So luckily, I've had more than enough time to practice all this stuff.. but it's facing the REAL thing that is a bit intimidating... I'm going to my director's in the morning that day to get a few last minute pointers and to borrow the striped SA pieces from her....
Let me know how your show goes!!!!Mel,

At my first couple of shows I joked with the guests that they didn't know when they agreed to come but they were my "guinea pigs". Don't forget to talk about host rewards atleast 3 times through out your show. This was one of my biggest faults in the beginning, I talked about "booking seeds" only once or twice, now I show at least one product during my demo and say this is what my last host got for free. (you could still use that since you have done catalog shows.) Good luck on your show Mel!!!!!! Let me know how it goes!!!!
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Just remember no one is perfect and if you do mess up oh well half of them will not know. I have left out ingredients before in a recipe and no one noticed! If you do mess up just do like they say in conference step out in front of your table and say "This apron says Pampered Chef not Perfect Chef and I didn't even have to interview for this job" Good luck believe me it is easier with alot of people there for me anyways because the whole time I think I am going to make at least $100 for this and I should get at least 1-2bookings and I want have to cold call to get the bookings! Good luck and don't worry you do not want to look too perfect because the people need to see they can sell Pampered Chef too! And that they can make the recipe at home. If you do everything just perfect they will think I could never do as well as that consultant! And with the new products it is really hard to know everything even when you have sold for awhile. Just have fun!

Good Luck,
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Whew - I Survived My First Ks!!!!Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Ended up not being nervous at all! That's mostly because 7 of the 11 attendees got stuck in a big mess on the frwy so I had a chance to talk alot to the 4 girls and the host while waiting for them.. by the time we actually got started, I was so comfortable talking to these 5 , that everything else just flowed... unfortunately since we got such a late start, I guess that backfired on me as far as booking go because I didn't get any bookings... well, I sorta got 2... There was a lot of alcohol served at this party and before they got too tipsy, 2 of the girls at the start of the show said they would book ... but then when it came time to getting them on the calendar they were too far gone to remember which days the kids had sports, etc... and didn't know which date would be best.... in fact these two kept starting side conversations and then everyone was getting distracted nad I had to keep reelign the crown back in... These 2 were also forgetting to mark things on the order forms and so they couldn't remember what they wanted to order and the host is going to have to followup with them tomorrow when they sober up, to get the orders.. and I told the host that I would call them this weekend to solidify the bookings with them... (hope that still holds up!) WHEW am I tired and my feet are killing me! Good night all!

Related to 2 Nights Until 1St Kitchen Show ---- Nervous!!!!!!

What should I wear to my first kitchen show?

It's important to wear something comfortable and professional. Many consultants choose to wear the Pampered Chef logo apron or a solid-colored shirt with the logo. It's also a good idea to wear closed-toe shoes for safety in the kitchen.

How many guests should I invite to my first kitchen show?

We recommend inviting at least 10-15 guests. This will help ensure a good turnout and increase the chances of making sales. You can also ask your friends and family to invite people they know to expand your guest list.

What are some easy recipes to make for my first kitchen show?

We suggest starting with simple and crowd-pleasing recipes like our white chocolate raspberry cheesecake or chicken fajita nachos. These are easy to prepare and will impress your guests. You can also use our recipe cards for inspiration.

How can I calm my nerves before my first kitchen show?

Remember that your guests are there to have a good time and learn about our products. Take deep breaths, practice your presentation, and visualize a successful show. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help from your upline or fellow consultants.

What should I do if I don't make any sales at my first kitchen show?

Don't get discouraged! It's common for new consultants to have a slow start. Use this as a learning experience and ask for feedback from your guests. Also, follow up with them after the show to see if they have any questions or are interested in placing an order.

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