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Why Now? Sorry...so Long...need Mothers Advice!

In summary, DS is going through a "stage" where he is crying a lot when put to bed. He is also doing better at communicating, but is still not talking. His father is leaving for a few days and he is worried about him. He thinks letting his son sleep with him will help compensate for his leaving.
Gold Member
I have never been away from my 27 month DS, other than for an evening when I am out and hubby puts him down for the night.

I am soooo excited about leaving for NC on Wed. morning, but now my DS is going through a "stage" (at least that's what I'm hoping this is!)

The last week or two, he has been crying A LOT when I put him down for bed at night. I am doing what I have done since he was about a year old- I set my kitchen timer for 5 minutes and let him cry. If he's still crying when it goes off, I go in, pat his back and say "It's ni-night time. I love you" and then leave. This time I will set the timer for 10 minutes. Most of the time he stops crying and goes to sleep well before the 5 minute timer is up. In the past week or so, he is taking all the way up till I am setting the timer for 15 minutes before he falls asleep.

Tonight, he FREAKED when I put him into bed. Screaming like I was hurting him, or like he's scared. I calmed him down a bit and put him into bed (he's still in his crib), but I stayed by the door to really pay attention- I was afraid he was going to try and climb out...but he has NEVER tried to do that.

A little background- he just started speech therapy about 10 days ago, because he is not talking yet. We are working on signing some words and that seems to be helping his frustration about not being able to communicate. Do you think he just has too much "on his mind?"

This is really out of the blue for him...and I am going to feel crushed to leave him home without me, since I am the one who 98% of the time puts him into bed, and 100% of the time goes in if he wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't go back to sleep on his own. (He has woke up around 2AM the past three nights, as well...really crying and I need to calm him down and do the 5, 10, 15 minute timer thing then to get him back to sleep. This is out of the norm for him too.)

Does he know I am leaving in a few days? Is it just a phase? Is it related to him doing speech therapy and having so many new things to think about?

TIA for any and all advice!
I don't have any answers for you Kelly (because I don't know your little guy) but I do understand feeling torn about leaving. Eli is finally to an age where I don't feel so bad. But, I still will leave him notes, have arranged to have a present delivered while I'm gone, have way over compensated with "stuff", I'm afraid. And he'll most likely sleep in my bed with dh while I'm gone. Then he can snuggle with my pillow.

Have you considered letting him sleep with Daddy while you're gone?
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  • #3
MomToEli said:
I don't have any answers for you Kelly (because I don't know your little guy) but I do understand feeling torn about leaving. Eli is finally to an age where I don't feel so bad. But, I still will leave him notes, have arranged to have a present delivered while I'm gone, have way over compensated with "stuff", I'm afraid. And he'll most likely sleep in my bed with dh while I'm gone. Then he can snuggle with my pillow.

Have you considered letting him sleep with Daddy while you're gone?
I am sure that Daddy will be chucking ALL RULES out the window the minute I am out of the door! We have older kids (12 and 15) and he is already telling me that they will be surviving on fast food and he will be taking them to the grocery store to buy junk food.

Yea. Then Mom (I am their step mom) gets to come home and be the meanie and make everyone abide by the rules again. I get tired of being the "responsible" one all of the time...He thinks he needs to compensate for my anal-ness (not really a word, I know!!:p ) by going to the opposite extreme!

Wow! How many things can I complain about in one post!?!?!?!?!?:eek: :eek: :eek:
I don't have any kids (that I know of, anyway) but I can tell you that my two Scottish Terrierists know when I'm going somewhere. There's something about the way we act when we're getting ready to travel. They pick up on those subtle differences, and I bet your boy has picked up on those same signals, the difference in your routine. YOU may think you're the same, but you're not, and he probably knows it.
Is it possible he is getting his two year molars? Or how about an ear infection?
You're a mom... there are endless things to complain about... just depends on how long you want to type!

About DS - yes, he has a lot on his mind (btw... my 3yo will be doing speech therapy soon - have the initial eval in one week) AND he can feel your excitement about going to conference and anxiety about leaving him. Between the change with the speech therapy and picking up on your feelings, he's not sure what to do right now. And since he is non-verbal, he has found another outlet (waking up at night) for his feelings.

Hopefully DH will have an easy time while you are gone. But, probably not. HOWEVER, THEY ALL WILL SURVIVE. You are not going to permanently scar DS by going to conference. It is only a few days and you will be home. HE WILL BE FINE... he might not sleep well for DH, but just the fact that DH is doing the bedtime routine is different and would throw off his schedule. Add the fact that you are actually gone (not just in another room) and the therapy... yeah, it will be a change for everyone. BUT, THEY WILL BE FINE... THEY WILL ALL SURVIVE!!!!

Enjoy your time away, enjoy conference and go back as the relaxed, refreshed, energized wife, mom, PC consultant that you really are!!!!

Hope this gives you a little comfort! I so wish we were going to meet this year... We'll have to make a "date" at Leadership!!!!
KellyTheChef said:
I am sure that Daddy will be chucking ALL RULES out the window the minute I am out of the door! We have older kids (12 and 15) and he is already telling me that they will be surviving on fast food and he will be taking them to the grocery store to buy junk food.

Yea. Then Mom (I am their step mom) gets to come home and be the meanie and make everyone abide by the rules again. I get tired of being the "responsible" one all of the time...He thinks he needs to compensate for my anal-ness (not really a word, I know!!:p ) by going to the opposite extreme!

Wow! How many things can I complain about in one post!?!?!?!?!?:eek: :eek: :eek:

Anytime I'm gone, even if I'm just going to be coming home really late at night, Daddy and Eli do things their own way. I like it, really. I think they build a special sort of bond that way. I've raised one (who is now 30) and have my 8 yo. I see things so much differently with the second one. I really want my little guy to have these "special" times with Dad. I can always catch up on undone dishes or housework. I can always get eating schedules and choices straigtened out, and during the school year (we homeschool) I can always get learning caught up. What I can't do is give them these moments over again. I want them doing the silly, fun stuff. Dad time is too precious to pass up.

I get plenty of special times, too, because I TAKE the time. I have days that are dedicated to playing ... I'll do laundry tomorrow. I don't feel cheated that way.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I don't have any kids (that I know of, anyway) but I can tell you that my two Scottish Terrierists know when I'm going somewhere. There's something about the way we act when we're getting ready to travel. They pick up on those subtle differences, and I bet your boy has picked up on those same signals, the difference in your routine. YOU may think you're the same, but you're not, and he probably knows it.

The first read through, I read that as Scottish Terrorists :eek:
warning LONG!!!!!!kelly
we just put my 2yr old in a toddler bed and i know what your going through!!!

it use to take me at least an hr to get him to sleep sometimes longer, he would sleep for maybe 2-3 hrs and be awake and would not settle again unless he was in our bed
and most of the time before he fell asleep it would be me rocking him or rubbing his back
i finally got him to finish his bottle then lie in bed until he fell asleep but i still could not leave his room :( , this continued when we pot him in his big boy bed :), until one night he just kept playing and i was in a rotten mood i told him to settle down or i was leaving he didnt i left
every time he got out of bed i put him back in and said nothing except good nite your fine i love you
he finally got the hint and now he has his bottle gives me hugs and kisses and off to bed he goes. and its between 8-9 instead of 11 or 12. he also stays there until around 330-4 and then comes and crawls in with us :)

sorry for being long but i wanted to let you know just how much i can appreciate what your going through

try taking the mattress out of his crib and putting it on the floor and have hubby put him to bed do their own special thing like story and goodnights :)
if you are anything like me, i could not stand listening to him cry, go for a coffee before his bedtime so he knows your not home and tell hubby to call you when hes snoring :)

your little guy may surprise you and have no issues with you gone, dont forget to gate his door or the stairs if you take him out of the crib, we live in a bungalow

and as for the hubby thing im with you on that one too i dont have one child i have 2 son and hubby and if you count my goldens i have 4 lol

again sorry for the long post
good luck
  • #10
The first time I left my two kids, I was so excited and devasted at the same time. But, I came back refreshed and energized and a better mom. My son starting having his first bad dreams when he was around two. Something that we didn't think was "scary" in a Disney movie kinda freaked him out. It took a little while, but he snapped out of it as quickly as he started. Best of luck...
Oh...this is my third conference, and my kids (now 6 and 4) handle my leaving better than I do!! :)
  • #11
I totally agree with Katie that everyone will be fine while you're gone. Your DH is a responsible adult and can handle this. You have figured things out, and he can too.
As far as your DS crying when you put him to bed, my advice is to start at 15minutes rather than 5 for letting him cry it out. I would also say to him before you even go to the crib, in two year old language, "Time for bed, no crying. You have to go to bed even if you cry". As you start putting him into the crib and he starts up, you say "No, no. No crying. Remember? Mommy said 'no crying.'" I had to do this while babysitting my nephew because he always cried when put to bed, and my kids had to get to sleep, too. Of course, you have to make sure there really isn't something physically wrong, though that is hard with a two year old.
Hope things get better soon.
  • #12
Whenever my son goes off his sleep routine I have to just put him in his crib and let him cry. It usually only lasts a few days and he's back on track! My suggestion would be to make sure that his room or crib (if he is still in one) is safe and let him cry. I found going in my son's room makes it worse and makes the crying last longer.
Also, if he knows that crying will make you go in his room he will continue to do it every night!

KG is probably right too-he senses you are leaving. You might just have to let your DH handle it (in his own way) until you get back from conference and then start "enforcing" the rules!
  • #13
MomToEli said:
The first read through, I read that as Scottish Terrorists :eek:
If you ever lived with Scotties, you'd know why I call them Terrierists.

But I wouldn't have them any other way.
  • #14
Kelly,Last year at conference time, my son was 25 months......first time I had been away from him, and NO ONE ever put him to bed except me!
I was so worried that he would be heartbroken and lost without me - It bothered me the whole time I was gone.
When I got home, he and daddy were in the backyard building a swingset - I came running into the backyard for what I thought would be a beautiful reunion w/ my baby who had missed me so desperately.....Yeah, right!He saw me, said "Oh hi mom, I hepin' daddy" and turned back to his piece of wood and his little hammer.:rolleyes: Now I don't know everything that went on while I was gone - he had both grandmas and his favorite sitter helping out also - but he seemed to be perfectly content w/ daddy while I was gone!The lesson I learned - Daddy isn't Mommy........but he is a parent - so let Daddy be Daddy!Edit: I forgot to say at the beginning - I'm sure if you are stressed at all about leaving him, he can sense it, and probably react to your stress......and one thing I've come to realize w/ my little guy - He HEARS EVERYTHING!!! (and understand alot more than I gave him credit for)
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  • #15
I hear your pain!

I am verry worried about how DS and Dh will get along. Ds does spend a fair amt of time with Daddy and puts him to bed on a regular basis. This will be the first time I have been gone more than a day. My Little gut can be verry moody and whiny at time and it makes dad nuts! Hopefully Big sis can help fill my shoes. DS is known to go hug on his big sis if I she is closer than I am. Dad is a good caregiver but he just does not have that tenderness at times especially with my little guy.

So..... long story short while I can not give you any advice except everyone will br fine in the long run. I do understand!

Oh and my DD will miss me I know but she is a daddy's girl so no worries there...
  • #16
is he sleeping soundly once he goes to bed? is it possible he may be having night terrors?
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  • #17
Thanks to all of you for your support, encouragement, and ideas!

I know that Daddy will do a great job...I am somewhat of a control freak (...sure none of you have noticed that!) so I know that is getting the better of me. DH does an amazing job with our kids- he really loves to play and wrestle with them. Even my 15 year old step daughter STILL wants to wrestle Dad!

Plus, I do realize that they need a break from rules some times, and usually it's Dad that does that. Me- I am more likely the one to sit down and play a game with them, or bake cookies with them. Each special in their own ways, I know!

I have tried very hard to keep things "normal" here...but I am sure that he can sense that something is up.

I know he will be fine- I am probably more worried about DH dealing with a screaming child than how my DS will make it through. I don't want to come home to a hubby telling me "You are NEVER going to conference again!" LOL

Again, thank you all soooooooooooo much for responding! You have all made me feel much better!

BTW, I had to go in after 5 minutes cuz he was still crying. Then, I set the timer for 10 minutes and he was asleep before it went off! Hopefully I won't have to get up with him at 2AM again tonight!
  • #18
I don't have much advice, his teeth popped in to my mind first...
I only have one son (3) who hasn't given me much trouble and has slept through the night since about 3 mos....I never left him, last year for conference was the first time he was 2 & 1/2. He was with my husband the whole time I was gone and did great.
Hopefully he will be better before you leave. I don't have any great advice to help ease your anxiety about leaving...sorry :(
I hope it all works out and your little guy feels back to normal...
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  • #19
mheat923 said:
is he sleeping soundly once he goes to bed? is it possible he may be having night terrors?

I am thinking he may be.

When he has gotten up this past week around 2AM, it has been that he awakes SCREAMING! You know the sound...and you know they aren't going back to sleep on their own at that point. Most nights he sleeps straight through, or he may wake up and whimper a bit and turn on his little aquarium music thing and then fall back asleep. These are different than that.
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  • #20
Anything different you are supposed to do if it's night terrors? Other than calm them down...
  • #21
KellyTheChef said:
Anything different you are supposed to do if it's night terrors? Other than calm them down...

The best thing about night terrors is that they have no memory of them - I think it's more traumatic for the parents than the kids!

You know - you come straight up out of bed, heart racing, get him all settled back down, and then realize that your heart is still going 100 miles an hour - and it's another 1-2 hours before you can get back to sleep!
  • #22
We went through night terros with our youngest...sad for him he didn't out grow them at the early age most other children do....but that is b/c we later learned he has anxiety disorder but back to yor son....The fear of going to bed could be because of the night terrors/nightmares and as you mentioned he has trouble communicating his feelings with words so he reacts instinctively! one thing that always works for us is when we hear our son start to whimper etc we try to catch him before he actually wakes and gently rub his back and talk soothingly to him.feel free to PM me anytime with questions
  • #24
KellyTheChef said:
I know he will be fine- I am probably more worried about DH dealing with a screaming child than how my DS will make it through. I don't want to come home to a hubby telling me "You are NEVER going to conference again!" LOL

This is my fear as well!!!

My little guy is just about the same age as yours and is still a terrible sleeper! Although he has bee better again the last week. He almost always has a bad spell durring the full moon.

Wierd I know......
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  • #25
Thanks for the link! After reading what they had to say, I don't think it's night terrors, he is fully awake and screaming when I go into his room. Maybe he is starting to have some bad dreams and he wakes up scared.

Hopefully this passes soon. Perhaps it won't, though. I had bad dreams quite frequently as a child (still do) and my Mom said I used to come into her room almost nightly. In the beginning, she would let me get into bed with them, but then she got to the point where she told me I could come in and tell her about my dream, but then I needed to go back to bed. She would fall back asleep while I would be talking to her, and then she would find me sleeping on the floor next to her bed when she got up the next morning! I would fall asleep sitting up next to her bed holding her hand. She was such an amazing Mom! (Lost her a year ago...)
  • #26
KellyTheChef said:
Thanks for the link! After reading what they had to say, I don't think it's night terrors, he is fully awake and screaming when I go into his room. Maybe he is starting to have some bad dreams and he wakes up scared.

Hopefully this passes soon. Perhaps it won't, though. I had bad dreams quite frequently as a child (still do) and my Mom said I used to come into her room almost nightly. In the beginning, she would let me get into bed with them, but then she got to the point where she told me I could come in and tell her about my dream, but then I needed to go back to bed. She would fall back asleep while I would be talking to her, and then she would find me sleeping on the floor next to her bed when she got up the next morning! I would fall asleep sitting up next to her bed holding her hand. She was such an amazing Mom! (Lost her a year ago...)

Kelly, so sorry about your mom! I bet she would have the best advice for you right now!

I posted the link because there is a big difference between night terrors and nightmares, and the way you are supposed to respond to them is totally different. If he can talk to you and is awake, than it's more likely nightmares of some sort.....
  • #27
yes I agree if he is awake its a nightmare.... if he doesn't wake at all I would suspect night terror....I sometimes feel sorry for my kids as I am 1 semester away from being a child psychologist because i dont plan to go to work so they get to be my guines pigs lol
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  • #28
ChefBeckyD said:
Kelly, so sorry about your mom! I bet she would have the best advice for you right now!

I posted the link because there is a big difference between night terrors and nightmares, and the way you are supposed to respond to them is totally different. If he can talk to you and is awake, than it's more likely nightmares of some sort.....

Thanks Becky. She would have given me great advice. Times like that are when I miss her so much. You know, when you want to call and say "how did you make your swiss steak?" "What should I do about _____?" "Guess what happened today!?!?" But, all in all, God is getting me through very well.

See- he gave me all of you who have stepped in and given me great advice and support!!! :D :D

Thanks again- I would not have known to NOT wake him if it was terrors. But, he IS awake.
  • #29
Kelly, have you tried music before bed? We would put a worship song CD on before bed. That calmed my son down quite a bit and he'd fall asleep while it was on. Now he's graduated to a fan. He's like DH, just likes a little "white noise".
  • #30
KellyTheChef said:
I am thinking he may be.

When he has gotten up this past week around 2AM, it has been that he awakes SCREAMING! You know the sound...and you know they aren't going back to sleep on their own at that point. Most nights he sleeps straight through, or he may wake up and whimper a bit and turn on his little aquarium music thing and then fall back asleep. These are different than that.

Eli had night terrors for quite awhile. It is indeed a scream that you can't mistake. I was warned by the pedi NOT to wake him up (his eyes would be open, but you could tell he wasn't awake). I'd make soothing sounds and pat or rub his back - he'd be sitting up. Eventually he would quiet down and go back to sleep. But I do remember it being a frightening thing.

From that he graduated to talking in his sleep. He'd holler out some question and if I didn't answer in a logical, coherent answer he'd wake up and take forever to get back to sleep! We tried white noise, voice activated noisy things. Nothing but my voice worked, and it couldn't be nonsense :eek: I always wanted to know - HOW did he know?

Anyway, he still often wakes at night and wants me to cover him up (which I do). I think that's part of why dad lets him sleep with him when I'm gone ... dh is a heavy sleeper and doesn't hear him very well.
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  • #31
We normally read a book, then I rock him a little (like a minute, not so he goes to sleep) and into bed.

He has a white noise CD that he has listened to since he was 3 months old. He turns that on (the cd player sits under his bed) before we read our book.

He will probably always use some white noise. My hubby asked about "weaning" him off of it the other day. I said "Why?" we sleep with a fan on every night for noise, he's just doing the same thing. Plus, it drowns out any extra noise going on in the house that would probably wake him up otherwise.
  • #32
I don't have anything to add to the good advice you've gotten. I just wanted to remind you that we moms tend to feel really guilty when we leave our babies for a few days. (Sometimes, it's just a few hours!) He'll be fine. Everyone will survive Dad being in charge, and they'll probably develop some fun memories, too.
  • #33
KellyTheChef said:
I am sure that Daddy will be chucking ALL RULES out the window the minute I am out of the door! We have older kids (12 and 15) and he is already telling me that they will be surviving on fast food and he will be taking them to the grocery store to buy junk food.

Yea. Then Mom (I am their step mom) gets to come home and be the meanie and make everyone abide by the rules again. I get tired of being the "responsible" one all of the time...He thinks he needs to compensate for my anal-ness (not really a word, I know!!:p ) by going to the opposite extreme!

Wow! How many things can I complain about in one post!?!?!?!?!?:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh Kelly, that is the story of my life!!!! I get so tired of being the "bad guy."
  • #34
katie0128 said:
You're a mom... there are endless things to complain about... just depends on how long you want to type!

About DS - yes, he has a lot on his mind (btw... my 3yo will be doing speech therapy soon - have the initial eval in one week) AND he can feel your excitement about going to conference and anxiety about leaving him. Between the change with the speech therapy and picking up on your feelings, he's not sure what to do right now. And since he is non-verbal, he has found another outlet (waking up at night) for his feelings.

Hopefully DH will have an easy time while you are gone. But, probably not. HOWEVER, THEY ALL WILL SURVIVE. You are not going to permanently scar DS by going to conference. It is only a few days and you will be home. HE WILL BE FINE... he might not sleep well for DH, but just the fact that DH is doing the bedtime routine is different and would throw off his schedule. Add the fact that you are actually gone (not just in another room) and the therapy... yeah, it will be a change for everyone. BUT, THEY WILL BE FINE... THEY WILL ALL SURVIVE!!!!

Enjoy your time away, enjoy conference and go back as the relaxed, refreshed, energized wife, mom, PC consultant that you really are!!!!

Hope this gives you a little comfort! I so wish we were going to meet this year... We'll have to make a "date" at Leadership!!!!

In my opinion, that is the PERFECT advice!!
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  • #35
PamperedChefDebi said:
Oh Kelly, that is the story of my life!!!! I get so tired of being the "bad guy."

Our situations certainly aren't exactly the same, but I have a feeling that you and I are almost twins sometimes, especially when it comes to how we want to parent our children (and husbands!) and the self talk that goes on in our heads!

Have a great day!
  • #36
KellyTheChef said:

Our situations certainly aren't exactly the same, but I have a feeling that you and I are almost twins sometimes, especially when it comes to how we want to parent our children (and husbands!) and the self talk that goes on in our heads!

Have a great day!

Yep, I agree! One day, we have GOT to get together! At Leadership if nothing else. I plan to go to Mount Vernon while I'm in Ohio to see my family. I think that's closer to you than Cincinnati, isn't it?
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  • #37
PamperedChefDebi said:
Yep, I agree! One day, we have GOT to get together! At Leadership if nothing else. I plan to go to Mount Vernon while I'm in Ohio to see my family. I think that's closer to you than Cincinnati, isn't it?
I think so...I asked hubby and he thought that was about 30 minutes from here!
  • #38
KellyTheChef said:
I think so...I asked hubby and he thought that was about 30 minutes from here!

It's right between Mansfield and Columbus. I know I'm not far too from Akron/Canton.
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  • #39
Update!Well, here's my update:

Last night (Monday) Evan was having fits again when I put him down. I left the room to set my timer, and the little bugger jumped out of his crib! So, I was tearing down the crib to change it into a toddler bed at 8:15....

He's none too impressed with his "big boy" bed, let me tell you! This is the worst timing...hubby says "why did you have to go and do that right before you leave?" Uh, I didn't do it, Evan did! I said "so what alternative do I have here? Let him break his neck if I leave the crib rails up?" Honestly, I know my DH understands that this MUST be done, I think he's just a little worried that this is all coming down two nights before I am leaving.

BTW, it's 4:25AM right now...been up with him since about 3:30. He's not crying, but he's not going to sleep, either. UGH!
  • #40
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I don't have any kids (that I know of, anyway) but I can tell you that my two Scottish Terrierists know when I'm going somewhere. There's something about the way we act when we're getting ready to travel. They pick up on those subtle differences, and I bet your boy has picked up on those same signals, the difference in your routine. YOU may think you're the same, but you're not, and he probably knows it.

My dog does the same thing, she won't even eat when I'm gone. Drives DH crazy.Sometimes I am afraid to come in the house when I get home because shes so excited she almost knocks me down :eek: .

Kelly, sorry I don't have much advice as far as sleeping goes other than what has already been said. I agree with the white noise though! we started w/ a fan when my DS was about 1 and now he's just turned 5 and reminds us to turn it on.
All 3 of my kids have been great sleepers although this last one (the 5 YO)
did give me a run for my $$ ! He would get up in the middle of the night and come get a snack, sometimes "make" things w/ various items from the fridge!
ever have "raw egg,salad dressing and cheese stick soup?"
Hmmm I guess I should take that "great sleepers" comment back :eek:

Your DH will be fine dealing with DS maybe different than you, but they will muddle through (sleep or no sleep)
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  • #41
reba515 said:
ever have "raw egg,salad dressing and cheese stick soup?"
Hmmm I guess I should take that "great sleepers" comment back :eek:
UGH! Did he EAT that?!?!? I'll bet he is interested in helping you in the kitchen all of the time!

Kids are so funny!
  • #42
It's all been said, but I do think he knows that you are getting ready to leave. When I've been away from home my girls do fine, but they let me know they don't want me to go. Our little one is the worst to get to bed; I don't think I've ever seen a child more stubborn about closing her eyes than her. Just remeber to call everyday, even just for a second.
  • #43
KellyTheChef said:
UGH! Did he EAT that?!?!? I'll bet he is interested in helping you in the kitchen all of the time!

Kids are so funny!

no I heard him in the kitchen before he actually ate it. The child drives me crazy when I am trying to cook!:) always needs to help. That was just one of his night time projects! this child thought of EVERYTHING the other 2 didn't (& still does) he keeps us on our toes thats for sure!
  • #44

I am sorry you aren't getting any sleep. My DD is 4 and is still coming to our bed at night or early morning (4am). I usually read to my son 8, and then read and sing her to sleep. Lately I started reading longer books to my son so she ends up asleep before going to bed (we read in my son's room). Oddly, she has been sleeping better. In the last week she came to us twice.

My daughter (who was 2 at the time) used to jump out of her crip too. The first time I thought she climbed down. The second time I put her down, turned my back and BAM! I was shocked and thought she broke something. The next day we bought a toddler bed. I applaud you for changing the bed asap. Safety first. Your DH will be just fine. Your DS may suprise you and do well while you are gone.

Have fun at conference. You will be so busy it might help take your mind off things at home.

Related to Why Now? Sorry...so Long...need Mothers Advice!

1. Why would now be a good time to join Pampered Chef?

Now is a great time to join Pampered Chef because we are currently experiencing a surge in demand for our products. With more people staying at home and cooking, our high-quality kitchen tools and accessories are in high demand. This means that you have the opportunity to build a successful business and earn income quickly.

2. How much does it cost to join Pampered Chef?

There are two options for joining Pampered Chef: the standard starter kit for $109 or the deluxe starter kit for $159. Both kits provide you with all the tools and resources you need to get your business started and make a profit. Plus, you can earn back the cost of your kit in your first 30 days with our Fast Start Program.

3. What kind of support and training does Pampered Chef provide?

Pampered Chef is committed to helping our consultants succeed. We offer extensive training and support through online resources, webinars, conferences, and one-on-one coaching. You will also have a mentor who will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

4. Can I work my Pampered Chef business around my current job and family commitments?

Yes, absolutely! Many of our successful consultants balance their Pampered Chef business with their family and other jobs. You have the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want, and we provide you with the tools and resources to make the most out of your time.

5. Is Pampered Chef a reputable company?

Pampered Chef has been in business for over 40 years and is a well-respected company in the direct sales industry. We have a strong commitment to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. We also have a generous return policy and offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of our products.

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