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What Should I Expect From a Consultant That Is Recruting Me.....

In summary, a new PC consultant should expect to learn about the business, what is included in the starter kit, how to get started, what the cost is, what bonuses are available to those who sign up in July, and what to expect from the consultant training.
I am meeting this week with a consultant about becomming a new PC consultant; what should I expect to learn? What is the cost of a starter kit? Is there a discount if I host a party first? What all is in a kit? I have seen postings on this site from what I believe are mostly women; are there any type of stats on how men do in this? Oh yea, what are these incentives for becomming a consultant in JULY?

New consultant wanabe
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HarleyFund said:
I am meeting this week with a consultant about becomming a new PC consultant; what should I expect to learn? What is the cost of a starter kit? Is there a discount if I host a party first? What all is in a kit? I have seen postings on this site from what I believe are mostly women; are there any type of stats on how men do in this? Oh yea, what are these incentives for becomming a consultant in JULY?

New consultant wanabe


Congratulations on taking the first step to becoming a consultant! This is such an exciting time at the Pampered Chef, with all of the great new products coming out this Fall, as well as the launch of Doris' book!

To answer your questions:
1. You should be provided with training to help get you off to a great start in your business. There will be audio and video in your starter kit that will be supplemented by your director and/or your recruiter. Of course, there's always the great info you'll find here on the boards!!
2. The Starter Kit is $90 + tax and includes approx. $350 in kitchen tools and supplies to get you through your first few shows. If you host a show, you can apply some of your host benefits towards the kit in the form of a $20 or $40 kit credit. If you go to the PC website and click on come join us, you'll see a picture of what is included in the starter kit, as well as information on the bonuses you can earn during your first three months of business.
3. If you sign in July or August, you are eligible to earn the special bonus just announced at conference, which is our new Roasting Pan and Rack! You would need to complete your agreement (submit $1250 in sales or 4 shows) by the end of your Super Starter Month 1 or September 30, whichever is first.
4. I don't have any specific statistics on how men do, but each year that I attend conference, there are definitely more men in our ranks! I believe that if you work your business, you'll do well (women love men who cook for them!!)

I hope this helps! Let us know when you are official!!
In chapter 8 of Doris Christopher's (the founder of Pampered Chef) new book she profiles some kitchen consultants. One of them is Gil Charlebois. He lives in Ontario, about 45 minutes north of me. He is awesome!! He's been with Pampered Chef for a number of years and last year he was the top seller in our cluster - with
more than $90,000 is personal sales. He was also in the top 10 for recruiting. So yes, anyone, men included can really succeed in this business. :)
HarleyFund said:
I am meeting this week with a consultant about becomming a new PC consultant; what should I expect to learn? What is the cost of a starter kit? Is there a discount if I host a party first? What all is in a kit? I have seen postings on this site from what I believe are mostly women; are there any type of stats on how men do in this? Oh yea, what are these incentives for becomming a consultant in JULY?

New consultant wanabe

Hi Dennis,

My name is Daniel, and I am a male kitchen consultant living in New York City. This business is great. People love men who cook! Good luck!
Daniel Meredith
Kitchen Consultant
[email protected]
I will tell you that you are starting off in a field FULL of women! But what a rewarding and exciting field it is! Should you have any questions at all during this time email me at [email protected]. I now have 3 men under me and all are doing well with their business. We do spend a lot of time as a team talking about our business and the specific strategies that we can use to make this a successful business.

Good Luck
#1 MenThis should be encouraging to you. The past 2 years David Meenan was the #1 Seller for the Company. This year, it was Tom Marston - ANOTHER MAN!
MEN ROCK at this biz !Hey, one of the stickers from Nancy's Artwork says "Men Love Our Products Too !" And that is SO true -- after all, they are TOOLS !
And as Chef Becca pointed out - David Meenan is amazing, I got to see him at a workshop in CT two years ago - and he is my hero ! And Tom Marston and Don Funt are also at the very top in this company in sales - and they all have amazing stories. I have to say, I think it is as refreshing to see men in predominantly female careers as vice versa.
Give it a whirl, your commitment is $90 and 4 shows -- but I'll promise you that by the time you do that, you'll be HOOKED (and that Harley will be yours ! ;) )
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks to all of your replies..it's official I joined the ranks last week; found a great cluster. Here is to happy trials. Goal is to place a nice sized down payment on my bike in the spring. PC=H-D[ :)
HarleyFund said:
Thanks to all of your replies..it's official I joined the ranks last week; found a great cluster. Here is to happy trials. Goal is to place a nice sized down payment on my bike in the spring. PC=H-D[ :)
That's great!! Welcome. I was JUST reading Doris Christopher's book and the section highlighting various consultants in the company. One of my favorite profiles is about a man in Canada who's a director and thought he'd just do this for 10 shows and be done. He replaced his full time career with PC, so that's so cool to see! Now I see where your screen name comes from. :) My dad had a Harley but sold it a few months ago. Good luck to you!!
  • #10
Congratulations Dennis! We'll be looking for a picture of the new bike next spring!! :D

  • #11
Woo HooWAY TO GO DENNIS !! :D I'll bet you can feel the wind in your face already ! That is an AWESOME goal ! Put little reminders of that EVERYWHERE - especially next to your phone so you're always reading to make your booking and customer care calls; in your calendar - so you fill all of your dates with shows; and next to your tracking chart, so you can visibly see it getting closer and closer !
GOOD LUCK ! We'll be here waiting to hear how you're doing ! ;)

Related to What Should I Expect From a Consultant That Is Recruting Me.....

1. What experience does the consultant have in the industry?

The consultant should have experience in both the direct sales industry and specifically with Pampered Chef products. They should be able to share their personal success and knowledge with you.

2. How will the consultant support and train me?

The consultant should provide ongoing training and support to help you build your business. This may include one-on-one coaching, team calls, and access to training materials and resources.

3. Can the consultant help me set achievable goals?

Yes, a good consultant will help you set realistic and achievable goals for your business. They should also provide guidance and support to help you reach these goals.

4. Will the consultant provide marketing and sales tools?

Yes, the consultant should provide marketing and sales tools to help you promote and sell Pampered Chef products. This may include catalogs, samples, and digital marketing materials.

5. Can I expect ongoing support and communication from the consultant?

Absolutely. A good consultant should provide ongoing support and communication to help you succeed in your Pampered Chef business. This may include regular check-ins, team meetings, and access to a community of other consultants.

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