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Director Venting After a Bad Day: A Personal Struggling Business Story

Well, they actually want to order something!!! I was like "YES! GO FOR NO!" and then we went ahead and ordered something. So that was a good call! :) in summary, Ok, I try not to complain too much, but today has been a bad day. Thought I'd just let it out to people who understand!!! My business is in the crapper and although I'm trying to rebuild it by using "GO FOR NO" which I love, it's going to take time. That dang 90 day rule!!!
Ok, I try not to complain too much, but today has been a bad day. Thought I'd just let it out to people who understand!!! My business is in the crapper and although I'm trying to rebuild it by using "GO FOR NO" which I love, it's going to take time. That dang 90 day rule!!!

So, I had a pretty good catalog show (~$300) that I was SO happy to get in July because my month SUCKED (as many others did too), with only one cooking show. Show got put on hold for a credit card. Host is on vacation. Guest with declined credit card finally got back to me in a message with a supposedly new cc#, but I didn't get the message until this am because I was out at a meeting last night. There was also a message from Home Office saying it needed to be resolved by 10 pm last night for it to go on my July sales. Well crap, that didn't happen. Turns out she still gave me the same cc# as before and it still didn't go through anyway, so even if I would have heard her message and the HO message by 10 pm, it still wouldn't have gone through. So now that show won't go on July sales, leaving me with a whopping $790 in sales or something like that. WORST MONTH EVER. Then, to top it off, a check bounced from that same catalog show. I was fearing never getting THAT resolved, but luckily I reached that customer just now and she's supposedly sending me a cashier's check with the $19 which was charged to me by my bank (I'll finish holding my breath when I actually get the check).

THEN there was another message from HO last night that I got this morning (my office line voice mail was very busy last night!!) that there was a complaint on one of my shows!!! I think it was my sole cooking show from this month, but I couldn't hear the message really well. Tried to grit my teeth and call the HO this morning at 8 am to see what the hell THAT is all about, but the person handling that complaint isn't in until 3-11 pm so I'll need to call back. They didn't even tell me what it was about. Aaaaahhh!!

This all does NOT come at a good time for me. I'm already feeling very discouraged about my business. In June, I didn't have two SC lines active. In July, my org didn't have the $4000 in sales AND I didn't have two SC lines active. I'm afraid I'll lose my directorship!!! I've been contemplating what my business means to me and what my "WHY" is, but this sure isn't helping. I think if I don't meet all Director requirements for this month, that's the 3rd month in a row I haven't met everything and that means I relinguish it, right?? My brain isn't even working right now. This recent crap with the declined cc and the bounced check aren't major and I've had them happen before, but it's coming at a TERRIBLE low-confidence time in my business and it makes me wonder if I really feel like putting up with this.

So..... I'M fed up, if you couldn't tell.:eek: I'm hoping it turns around because I have no plans to throw in the towel, but my motivation is already low and this is bringing me down more. To add to that, with my "other career" of being a Masters-level licensed therapist/counselor, I'm at a point with that licensure where I need to decide whether to take that off of "hold" and renew my license. If so, I need to make up MANY Continuing Education Units, which means $$$$ because I'd need to go to tons of seminars to get those. I guess we can say I'm at some sort of turning point with everything.

Anyway, to end on a positive and stop my ranting and raving, I will share a fun, positive story. Linda Bowles spoke at our multi-cluster meeting on Monday night and shared the "Go For No" challenge that was listed as supporting meeting materials for July meetings. It has a little script of the 4 questions to ask during CCC calls while you're calling to literally try to get NO's. So, out of the 8 or so calls I made yesterday, two people were live. One wants me to call back at a better time (crap, I didn't call last night because I forgot I'd be at the PTO meeting) and the other person I actually got the chance to run through the 4 questions. Well, I didn't get all NO's so I couldn't count it as a NO. She wants me to call back in a couple months to see about doing a show. And I wasn't expecting it and I just went through the "script" section by section. It worked!! So, I was at least happy about that.

Now, if I could just get happy about the rest of my biz!! I wanted to end on a positive note at least and not be a negative nelly.

Thanks for letting me vent!!:mad::mad:
pamperedbecky said:
I think if I don't meet all Director requirements for this month, that's the 3rd month in a row I haven't met everything and that means I relinguish it, right??

We're here for you Becky!!!! HUGS!!!!! That's what we're here for! (Just one of the many benefits of DCS!!!!)

As for as relinquishment, you'll demote to TL only until you meet the requirements for D... then you'll be back up again and maintain your D title for 3 months. Plus, you keep your team so no worries about losing anyone.

So if you've not been a D three months in a row, as of the next month (let's say Sept), you'll be titled a TL. If in Sept, you hit the requirements, you'll be titled as a D for Sept, Oct & Nov (you always keep your higher title for 3 mos). And as always, you're paid at the level you perform.

I've been there a lot in the last year...

I'm attaching a pic of what my last year has looked like... you can see in April I demoted to TL but hit the requirements that month so May 1st I was back a D.

Hope you get everything resolved and let us know about the complaint. (We're all curious) and maybe we can help you brainstorm some ways to resolve it.

HUGS SWEETIE!!!!!!!! :candyheart:


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Ugh, I hear ya Becky. It's been a tough year for me, too.I was on a call with Amy Neal yesterday and she said MAKE A FRESH START. Pretend like you are starting your business all over again. Make a list of 20 friends and family to call and ask them to book. Then from there go through your past hosts from Aug 2009 and remind them that they had a successful show at this time last year, don't they want to do it again?Did you go to Director Express? There are some formulas and guidelines in that program that might inspire you.
DebbieJ said:
Ugh, I hear ya Becky. It's been a tough year for me, too.

I was on a call with Amy Neal yesterday and she said MAKE A FRESH START. Pretend like you are starting your business all over again. Make a list of 20 friends and family to call and ask them to book.

Love that idea! For me it just sucks because I'm living somewhere I know no one. One thing I thought of is my classes end Friday and there are a few specific folks I'm going to make a point to ask if they'd host a show.
Becky, I know things will get back on track for you! And you know you have to just hang in there! I know it's hard. My bottom fell out WAY worse than yours and I simply REFUSE to give up. It was utterly humiliating to walk around Conference with SC on my name tag. BUT, my goal is AD by next Conference!! We can both get things back on track Becky! We have to!
Hey Becky:

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} (me giving you multiple hugs).

I missed Amy's call but I love her...I had already decided to re-invent myself at National...slowly things are coming around (V-E-RY S-L-O-W-L-Y).... I decided to sit down and make a list of the things that bug me about my business and then try to figure out a way to change them or live with them....it's happening slowly too.

Hang in there--oh by the way---VENT AWAY!!!!
Nanisu said:
I missed Amy's call but I love her...

It was recorded if you missed it. I have the link if you need it.. let me know!

On a side note, Jean Jonas just called me (HAHA) and said there is going to be an action plan e-mailed out tomorrow to SCs and above with a follow-up call on Tuesday. I've already rescheduled my Tuesday PT appt once and don't want to reschedule it again... hope that call is recorded!

Maybe it will help get us all where we'd like to be... :pray:

Boy can I relate!! I am not giving up either, Becky, but I DO hear you. I am in a similar situation and I too have been going through the same though process. WE WILL PREVAIL!!! Just being able to vent here helps so much! Hang in there...even though it may be by your finger nails!!:chef:
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thanks everyone!! I knew I could come here and vent. :) I do want to call that recorded call because I missed it too. So, I'd love the info on listening to the recording, Colleen, if you can give it to me.

Ok, so anyway....here's the update on the dang complaint. Nothing major, but it still bugs me.

It was a past host of mine from a couple months ago, but the complaint seemed to be in relation to the show that booked off of hers that was held about 4 1/2 weeks after her show. So anyway I guess she called HO to say something to the effect like "I wasn't going to say anything, but....." (according to the HO person) that I was unorganized and she got the invitation too close to the show or something like that. The HO person even said she didn't have a whole lot of information to go off of and that was really all she said.

So, I looked back through my emails to try to piece together just how close to the date the invites were sent out (by me - I send out invites). I looked back through my emails and saw that I had a hard time getting the guest list from the host. I'm not even sure if I sent out invitations now that I think about it. By the time we connected, it was less than 2 weeks to go 'til her show and the 4th of July was in there too. I may have sent out a few invites, but I really can't remember. If so, her guest list had a whopping 10 people or something. Four people showed. She told me that all along she was telling people by word of mouth to let people know. So, I did email her the evite to forward on, but she didn't even have access to email other than at work and she worked very strange hours in a place that sounded like a hot dog stand/restaurant type place. I didn't have a good feeling about this show anyway and I don't know why I'm bent out of shape about it. It was a sucky show and I just can't believe that this host/guest went out of her way to call the HO about it. I don't think she even realized I had issues getting in touch with the host (more than once...even to close the show, it took a few days longer than we planned to close out the crappy show), so to her, it looked like it was completely my fault.

So, it was nothing major, but it irritates me. Oh well. This same person also called me last week to ask where her order was. I think she was used to her show closing out relatively quickly and the order came REALLY fast. Well, I was at conference when I normally woulc have closed so I warned the guests at the show and the host knew we wouldn't close out until a week after her show. Well, then it took me a few days for the host to get back in touch with me because she went out of town. So, the order did come in later than usual because of this. The host must've sat on the orders for several days because I saw when the show was received by her. Anyway, I think this complaining woman was just looking for something to complain about.

Oh well. of course, now I want to be sure to follow up with her to make sure she got her products. I normally would anyway, but now I wonder if I should address this or see if she brings it up. The HO person said that when they receive complaints they do address it with the consultant, so I think she'd assume that they would have contacted me about it. Not sure what to say about it to her. Any suggestions? I probably should have been more proactive with this host, but I really don't even care right now (that's a whole other issue!).

So, there's the story about the complaint.:cry: At this point, I'm just feeling like....whatever. Just not sure what, if anything to say to her about this issue.
  • #11
I am going to have to post twice here, because I read this kind of late, first about the complaint, I have had one and I had one person threaten to complain and both of them were about as ridiculous as yours and yet they both still bother me. It is hard to let go that someone was so put out they would complain about you. First of all I think if home office is taking a complaint like that, they should be making it VERY clear to her that it is not our job to invite anyone. When we do that it is a COURTESY (out of our own pockets I might add) we offer our hosts to make their jobs easier. Really the printed invitation is just a reminder about the party and if the host is doing their job the guest knows about it way before you put anything in the mail. So I am sorry that someone would go to all the trouble to make you look and feel bad over something that was really her friends fault in many ways. The invite thing gets to me, because if I quit doing them my business takes a nosedive so I think it is important, but so many of my hosts make me drag their guest list out of them that I feel like I spend alot of my energy on parties trying to get guests lists and then some of the more important activities get skipped, like good host coaching, because I am still trying to get a list. Sometimes I want to say "Hey there, I am doing this VERY time consuming EXPENSIVE job to save you time and money so could you at least get me the names and addresses in a reasonable amount of time??? or tell me you are going to cancel now so that I can open up your date????
Sorry now my own personal mini rant is over:)
  • #12
Becky, personally, I'd play completely dumb. But I'm a smartass so I can be ornery like that. I'd say exactly what I would have said had the complaint not been made and if she says ANYTHING negative, I'd find some way to mention the host's repeated procrastination without putting her under the bus. But again, I'm ornery like that. And I'm good a finding ways to "just mention" those things while sound oh so concerned about their concern.
  • #13
"Hi ___________, this is Becky with the Pampered Chef. I make it a habit to call all of my guests to verify that they've received their products and to see if they have any questions. I understand from Home Office that you had some questions or concerns about the order ... I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have ..." (then be quiet & wait for her to go)That kind of follows the guidelines that I used to use when I'd call back people who left a message at the Police Department wanting a supervisor to complain about one of my employees. ;) #1 rule, they usually just want to vent. So let her go. Don't interrupt her until she's done, unless she just keeps repeating the same complaint. Then you would want to interrupt and address that concern. You want to make her feel better about everything without really throwing her friend under the bus if you can. Phrases like [host] and I played phone tag for a while ... you know how that can sometimes be ;) - can explain the delay without really pushing the blame off on the host (assuming you did).On the delay issue, I'd just say "If you recall, at the show I forewarned everyone that I'd be leaving town(/state) for national conference and that I wouldn't be able to close the show until I returned. I didn't realize at the time that [host]'s vacation would overlap my business conference, so I wasn't able to touch base with her until [date], which is when we closed the show & I sent it through to our Home Office. I can see in the computer that it took them ____ days to process the order and the tracking on the shipping shows that it was delivered to [host] on [date], so that was only ____ days and seems to be a reasonable amount of time for them to process and ship the orders.Rule #2: You can't please all the people all the time. Some people just like to be a complainer! So if you don't make her happy, just feel comforted in the fact that you did try and she was just one of those who is not going to be happy no matter what you do or say. ;)(((hugs)))
  • #14
pamperedbecky said:
Ok, I try not to complain too much, but today has been a bad day. Thought I'd just let it out to people who understand!!! My business is in the crapper and although I'm trying to rebuild it by using "GO FOR NO" which I love, it's going to take time. That dang 90 day rule!!!

So, I had a pretty good catalog show (~$300) that I was SO happy to get in July because my month SUCKED (as many others did too), with only one cooking show. Show got put on hold for a credit card. Host is on vacation. Guest with declined credit card finally got back to me in a message with a supposedly new cc#, but I didn't get the message until this am because I was out at a meeting last night. There was also a message from Home Office saying it needed to be resolved by 10 pm last night for it to go on my July sales. Well crap, that didn't happen. Turns out she still gave me the same cc# as before and it still didn't go through anyway, so even if I would have heard her message and the HO message by 10 pm, it still wouldn't have gone through. So now that show won't go on July sales, leaving me with a whopping $790 in sales or something like that. WORST MONTH EVER. Then, to top it off, a check bounced from that same catalog show. I was fearing never getting THAT resolved, but luckily I reached that customer just now and she's supposedly sending me a cashier's check with the $19 which was charged to me by my bank (I'll finish holding my breath when I actually get the check).

THEN there was another message from HO last night that I got this morning (my office line voice mail was very busy last night!!) that there was a complaint on one of my shows!!! I think it was my sole cooking show from this month, but I couldn't hear the message really well. Tried to grit my teeth and call the HO this morning at 8 am to see what the hell THAT is all about, but the person handling that complaint isn't in until 3-11 pm so I'll need to call back. They didn't even tell me what it was about. Aaaaahhh!!

This all does NOT come at a good time for me. I'm already feeling very discouraged about my business. In June, I didn't have two SC lines active. In July, my org didn't have the $4000 in sales AND I didn't have two SC lines active. I'm afraid I'll lose my directorship!!! I've been contemplating what my business means to me and what my "WHY" is, but this sure isn't helping. I think if I don't meet all Director requirements for this month, that's the 3rd month in a row I haven't met everything and that means I relinguish it, right?? My brain isn't even working right now. This recent crap with the declined cc and the bounced check aren't major and I've had them happen before, but it's coming at a TERRIBLE low-confidence time in my business and it makes me wonder if I really feel like putting up with this.

So..... I'M fed up, if you couldn't tell.:eek: I'm hoping it turns around because I have no plans to throw in the towel, but my motivation is already low and this is bringing me down more. To add to that, with my "other career" of being a Masters-level licensed therapist/counselor, I'm at a point with that licensure where I need to decide whether to take that off of "hold" and renew my license. If so, I need to make up MANY Continuing Education Units, which means $$$$ because I'd need to go to tons of seminars to get those. I guess we can say I'm at some sort of turning point with everything.

Anyway, to end on a positive and stop my ranting and raving, I will share a fun, positive story. Linda Bowles spoke at our multi-cluster meeting on Monday night and shared the "Go For No" challenge that was listed as supporting meeting materials for July meetings. It has a little script of the 4 questions to ask during CCC calls while you're calling to literally try to get NO's. So, out of the 8 or so calls I made yesterday, two people were live. One wants me to call back at a better time (crap, I didn't call last night because I forgot I'd be at the PTO meeting) and the other person I actually got the chance to run through the 4 questions. Well, I didn't get all NO's so I couldn't count it as a NO. She wants me to call back in a couple months to see about doing a show. And I wasn't expecting it and I just went through the "script" section by section. It worked!! So, I was at least happy about that.

Now, if I could just get happy about the rest of my biz!! I wanted to end on a positive note at least and not be a negative nelly.

Thanks for letting me vent!!:mad::mad:

I had to quote you here because your vent copied my feelings exactly. For the last three months or so I have thought every day about quitting PC. I had 9 cancellations in June! and only one live cooking show in July. Oddly as much as my team can frustrate me and they haven't qualified on their own for many months they are what has kept me from quitting yesterday. I have a few new people under me who are working this as hard as can be and need to make this work for their families and they are why I haven't quit.

So as of July 31st this is my plan. I am going to give it 3 months, Aug, Sept, and Oct and then see where I am. I am going to do 9 shows each month and 1 catalog show for a minimum of $4,500 in sales and sign two new people each month. I am going to do a recruiting night once a month and my team meetings and a team training call each month along with individual check ins as well. At the end of Oct I will see where I am and if I still want to quit:approve:

After deciding this on the 31st, I have gone from 1 show in August to 4 on the calender and a catalog show, and two more who are going to get back to me this week, I still have to send out invites for my host show, which makes 7, so I only need 2 more to go for this month.:party:

I am writing all this because I just want you to know that you aren't the only one feeling like this right now and hopefully we can enjoy it getting better together.
  • #15
Oh, and we are not allowed to use the military mail for business purposes, so I have never mailed out invitations for my hostesses. Here is the generic letter that I send to every host, usually 2-3 minutes after sending them the online "thanks for hosting a show" e-mail. I haven't revamped it yet since moving to Tokyo, so it still has all the info about Okinawa & hubby being gone on a military thing. But you can get the jest of what I send out. It works! I've used it for the last 37 shows - those shows average out to $810.74. My average before using this method was $528.65! A HUGE difference!!!

Host name,

I wanted to send you some ideas for how to have the best show possible!
  • Invite LOTS of people, the more you invite the better results you will have.
  • Utilize the online ordering system! Send it to your friends & family in the states as well. The outside orders can REALLY add up. I had a host in January who was at $700 in guest sales on outside orders before I ever even walked into her house! She got another $600 in sales at her show and more after the show, she ended up closing at over $1,500 in sales! The outside orders and online sales really DO add up!!!
  • If they can't come, ask if they would like to place an order. Many will say yes!
  • If they say that they are coming, call them on [3 days before the show] & remind them about the show. Even if you leave a message when you know that they are not home saying "Hey, looking forward to seeing you on [day] at [time] for my Pampered Chef show!" … it's a refresher for them to remember that they said they were coming & is proven to work!
  • The further you get from a payday, the harder it's going to be to collect orders. Usually anyone who hasn't ordered in 2-3 days of the show will not order. And holding open a show for days or weeks is not fair to the guests who ordered before or during the show, as their orders are also delayed on shipping until we close out the show. ;)
  • I do not tell hosts that they can not have children at the show as it’s your decision to make. But I can advise you that little hands do not mix well with knives, hot stones, the food chopper, etc. I've found that most of the Mom's enjoy coming to these types of shows to have a little "adult" time away from the children. It's also easier for them to participate in the interactive show if they are not distracted. So I'll leave that decision up to you. ;)
  • I usually stress this when a host books a show with me, but I'll reiterate: SOFA status personnel only!!! We do not pay import taxes and are prohibited from selling to the Japanese locals. There is no "gray" area on the custom's regulations. It's a violation and is punishable by the Japanese and your chain of command for active duty personnel or ERD (Early Return of Dependents) for civilians. If you try to buy for them and let them pay you behind my back, it's considered the "black market" and is also illegal. I can't stress enough how important it is to abide by this regulation.
  • We do have shipping restrictions here on Okinawa and are not allowed to accept mail for others unless we are their official sponsor with orders in hand. So every buying guest has to use the "direct" shipping rates. :( I've had people try to combine orders to save on shipping. If they choose to do that, they need to understand that their warranty will be in the name on the order form. So if someone is buying an item under a friend's name, they are going to have a hard time should a warranty issue arise. It's much easier to just pay the direct shipping rate & know that they can call corporate, give their name & address & have warranty issues handled more easily.
  • Try to get the RSVP count by the [date] so that you can decide if you want to do 1, 2 or 3 recipes & we can look at options. At that point, I'll e-mail you some ideas of what I have the tools to do. If you are doing more than 1 recipe, I'll give you hints on what works well together with timing. I try to avoid doing 2 microwave recipes or 2 oven recipes so that one team doesn't get stuck standing around waiting to cook. Since all of my shows are interactive where the guests get up and make the recipes, it's usually best to not have more than 8 per group, but since you are the one responsible for buying the ingredients, so it's completely up to you how many recipes you would like to do. ;)

The host coaching tips WORK! If you follow them, you can have a very successful show. I used to think that this next phrase was not needed, but I was recently proven wrong, so I'm now asking hosts - please do NOT tell your guests "You don't have to order anything, just come & have fun" as they may take you seriously! One host discovered that they hard way. :( You are inviting them to your show to have fun, but you also want them to order so that you can earn lots of great things for free and at a discount. So the more they order, the more host benefits YOU earn! ;)

Although being a Pampered Chef Consultant is lots of fun, this is still how I pay for all the little extras for my family. My Husband has already left Okinawa so I’m paying sitters to watch the little ones while I do my shows. So if you need to cancel your show for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. The more notice that I receive the better chance I have at re-booking the date. It also affords me the opportunity of canceling the sitter with adequate notice for her to make other plans as well. ;)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail. I do have 2 little ones and it's sometimes hard for me to not be distracted on the phone, especially with my husband gone, therefore I find myself doing most of my contact with my hostesses via e-mail during their naps or later at night when they are in bed. If you prefer phone contact, just let me know & I'll be happy to call you vs. e-mailing
  • #16
cincychef said:
I had to quote you here because your vent copied my feelings exactly. For the last three months or so I have thought every day about quitting PC. I had 9 cancellations in June! and only one live cooking show in July. Oddly as much as my team can frustrate me and they haven't qualified on their own for many months they are what has kept me from quitting yesterday. I have a few new people under me who are working this as hard as can be and need to make this work for their families and they are why I haven't quit.

So as of July 31st this is my plan. I am going to give it 3 months, Aug, Sept, and Oct and then see where I am. I am going to do 9 shows each month and 1 catalog show for a minimum of $4,500 in sales and sign two new people each month. I am going to do a recruiting night once a month and my team meetings and a team training call each month along with individual check ins as well. At the end of Oct I will see where I am and if I still want to quit:approve:

After deciding this on the 31st, I have gone from 1 show in August to 4 on the calender and a catalog show, and two more who are going to get back to me this week, I still have to send out invites for my host show, which makes 7, so I only need 2 more to go for this month.:party:

I am writing all this because I just want you to know that you aren't the only one feeling like this right now and hopefully we can enjoy it getting better together.

First, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you Becky. I too understand! I am quoting Cindy here because while details are different this is exactly where I've been lately. I am so tired of the stress of this new program and the apathy of my team. :yuck:

I am determined to find some stars :sun: - I know they're out there...

I went to conference thinking that maybe it's the last one for me unless things change in the next few months. Well the only way things will change is if I make them change so I am giving it 100% for the next 4 months and will re-evaluate in December. I have no plans of quitting PC - I will always be a consultant even if it's just to stay active - but we'll see about the leadership part of it.

You know, (other than the fact that I like the carrots) the main reason I am even trying is that there is no director anywhere near here and if I "quit" my team of apathetic consultants would have no one. Wishy-washy as they are, they are my friends and occasionally at least some of them get a spark...
  • #17
Do you girls do the Step Up Your Business class? If not, maybe that would help light a fire under their butts? ;)
  • #18
Sheila said:
Do you girls do the Step Up Your Business class? If not, maybe that would help light a fire under their butts? ;)

HA! Mine say they are interested in things like that but never follow through or keep the phone appointments. They're happy doing what they do. Like I said... looking for new blood.
  • #19
(((hugs))) Beth!
  • #20
Did any of them participate in the Bingo game? I have some competitors on my team. If I mention a goal, they make it just because it was there in front of them and they can't stand the thought of passing up a challenge. One actually asked me if anyone else on the team would like to compete with her in sales, because competition makes her work harder. I hand out the ribbons at our cluster meetings. So far, that's been a GREAT incentive. The top 3 best sellers are regulars at the cluster meetings and really seem to LOVE being rewarded in front of the group with ribbons. They get super excited if they get the top show ribbon, the top month ribbon, etc. One got mad at herself when she saw another one get a pink ($3,000 month) ribbon at one meeting and said she was sad that she didn't get a pink one too. She definitely earned it the next month! LOL
  • #21
Oops, got sidetracked ...I was doing cluster meetings with another director on Okinawa (until I moved to Tokyo 2 weeks ago). She had an incentive with the Bingo game where they could earn stuff if they got various forms of a bingo. One of my girls really started working the card just to get extra freebies. Nothing big, but it was the point, not the prize that counted to her.Weekly business building calls? I know that the accountability really helped me to promote.
  • #22
That's awesome that your team responds so well to incentives. My team, on the other hand, will gladly take whatever incentive PC or I offer if they happen to turn in sales during the earning period but aren't motivated to do anything extra by such incentives. It doesn't matter what I say or offer - they're gonna do what they're gonna do.

I have to say though, they aren't all bad - after all they have helped me keep my title thus far and they're all very nice people. I do love them and I just have to get over the fact that they are different than me - I LOVE incentives and will do what I can to earn them. lol They took it serious when they were told "your business, your way".
  • #23
Here's the info on Amy's call:

Today was the first in a six call series called "Destination Director!" offered to Team Leaders. I had 38 to join the call out of almost 300 invited!!

That means that you have some follow-up to do if you have a Team Leader in your downline.

Suggested follow-up:

1. Contact your Team Leader(s). Did they join live? If not, encourage them to listen to the recording that has already been sent to them.
2. Remind them to plan now to join Call #2 LIVE on Tuesday, August 10th at 2:00 Eastern / 1:00 Central.
3. Listen to the recording yourself and then follow - up to find out what they took from the call (live or recorded) and find out what their plan of action is to book eight shows this week!

The call series has a flow and it's important that they listen/participate in every single one!!

When you click the link below, it will allow you to listen directly from your computer or download to an ipod/mp3. (Please note that the recording started when the first person joined the call so you'll hear music when the recording starts. Slide the fast forward button up to 8:50 on the timer to hear the official start of the call.)

  • #24
bethcooks4u said:
That's awesome that your team responds so well to incentives. My team, on the other hand, will gladly take whatever incentive PC or I offer if they happen to turn in sales during the earning period but aren't motivated to do anything extra by such incentives. It doesn't matter what I say or offer - they're gonna do what they're gonna do.

I have to say though, they aren't all bad - after all they have helped me keep my title thus far and they're all very nice people. I do love them and I just have to get over the fact that they are different than me - I LOVE incentives and will do what I can to earn them. lol They took it serious when they were told "your business, your way".

This sounds exactly like me and my team! I cannot understand why they'd rather pay for products they can earn...but they all seem to be happy buying them for 50% off...and I offer incentives, etc...but like you said - they're gonna do what they're gonna do.

I've decided it does me no good to be frustrated with them, or to expect more out of them then they are willing to do. My job is to train, and motivate, and encourage - and celebrate with them when they hit their personal goals. AND keep looking for those Rock Stars!
  • #25
Only 38 people called in to Amy's call?!?!?!!?!? Wow, they don't know what they're missing. I was on the call (muted most of the time b/c David woke up just as the call was starting...grrr) but it was AWESOME!!!!Here's the recording: http://maestro.podference.com/maestro/download/QXB6M4JZYIR0LK8X/29S2L924GBL2V0ALCXFKL8GNAYZ5QEQT
  • #26

A wise friend who runs a painting business once said to me "sometimes people just need to be mad and nothing you can say to them will make any difference"--sounds like you got one of those. Oh well....let em be mad

Let's all chant at once... "i love my job, I love my job....", or maybe "i love my pc friends, I love my pc friends"... hang in there.

  • #27
Nanisu said:
"sometimes people just need to be mad and nothing you can say to them will make any difference"--sounds like you got one of those.

My dad is like that... he's 82 so I blame it on age. :eek: It's hard to swallow, especially when you're on the receiving end. Wish there was something to say to make the sting go away but I haven't come up with anything yet! But nothing excuses bad behavior...
  • #28
DebbieJ said:
Only 38 people called in to Amy's call?!?!?!!?!? Wow, they don't know what they're missing.

Was this just TL's in the count? I do not have an immediate TL and the one I do have is motivated and her D is right on top of things so I did not join the call but I will listen to the recording. The next call will be happening when take my parents for a yearly checkup for my Dad and we have to travel and stay overnight.

Once I return to work one of these weeks, I will not be able to be on the call. Many TL's may have that same issue. SOOOO glad they have found the new recorded call site!
  • #29
baychef said:
Was this just TL's in the count? I do not have an immediate TL and the one I do have is motivated and her D is right on top of things so I did not join the call but I will listen to the recording. The next call will be happening when take my parents for a yearly checkup for my Dad and we have to travel and stay overnight.

Once I return to work one of these weeks, I will not be able to be on the call. Many TL's may have that same issue. SOOOO glad they have found the new recorded call site!

I think that is everyone. This new site has a "dashboard" that allows the call "manager" to see everything, even including whose line has a lot of background noise!
  • #30
What is the new site?Can we use it?Thanks!

Related to Venting After a Bad Day: A Personal Struggling Business Story

1. How can I rebuild my struggling business?

Rebuilding a struggling business takes time and effort. Some strategies that may help include setting clear goals, analyzing the market and competition, improving customer service, and investing in marketing and advertising efforts.

2. What is the "Go For No" approach and how can it help my business?

The "Go For No" approach is a sales strategy that encourages business owners to embrace rejection and aim for a certain number of "no" responses in order to achieve more successful outcomes. This approach can help business owners overcome fear of rejection and improve their sales techniques.

3. How can I handle declined credit cards and bounced checks in my business?

Declined credit cards and bounced checks can be frustrating and can impact your business's cash flow. To handle these situations, it is important to have clear policies in place for handling payment issues, communicate with customers promptly, and keep accurate records. You may also want to consider implementing alternative payment methods, such as online payments or accepting multiple forms of payment.

4. What are the requirements for maintaining my directorship in my business?

The requirements for maintaining your directorship may vary depending on the business, but typically include meeting certain sales goals, having a certain number of active team members, and meeting other performance criteria. It is important to stay informed about these requirements and work towards meeting them in order to maintain your directorship.

5. How can I stay motivated and positive during challenging times in my business?

Running a business can be challenging, and it is natural to experience periods of low motivation and confidence. Some ways to stay positive during these times include reminding yourself of your "why" and the reasons you started your business, celebrating small successes, seeking support from fellow business owners, and practicing self-care to avoid burnout. It can also be helpful to focus on the positive aspects of your business and reflect on your progress and accomplishments so far.

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