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Tips for Making the Most of Conference: Dress Code, Executive Director Banquet

In summary, the dress code is not that strict - you can wear what you want as long as it is appropriate for a business setting. The Executive Director's banquet is included in the registration fee, but everyone is invited. The food at the banquet is not particularly good, and there is no dinner on the evening of Opening General Session and Awards night. There are "water stations" throughout McCormick, and the bathroom on the lowest level is available to the guys.
Michael Serrano
Silver Member
Hi All!

It's been a very long while since I've posted a message on here and I hope everyone is doing well. I'm heading out to Conference tomorrow morning and just received and email from my director with a 17 page guide to getting the most from conference. This guide mentions a few things I'm confused about and maybe you guys here can clear this up for me.

1) How strict is dress code?? This agenda "Thingy" says: Business Casual, No jeans or Shorts. Now I understand where they are coming from with this, but I was totally looking forward to getting out of my work clothes for a few days. I haven't been on vacation (or away for fun) in a very long time and I'm all packed with jeans and shorts except for dress pants for the awards ceremony and the Executive Director Banquet.

2) Speaking of the Executive Directors Banquet... is EVERYONE invited to this? The agenda FAQ says YES. If so, is this the only dinner that PC covers with registration or is there a Dinner as well on the evening of Opening General Session and Awards night? This starts at 7pm and runs till 10:30pm thats about dinner time for me

Thanks guys!
To answer your questions:
1. I'm pretty sure they won't send you home if you show up in jeans......they state a "dress code", but I've seen alot of clothing that was more casual than it was business.........

2. Everyone is invited to the Executive Director's banquets - is any of your upline going? They should know which one you are assigned to.
And along with that - Yes - that is the only dinner that is included. You are on your own for the first evening's dinner. My cluster always has dinner together - check and see what others in your cluster will be doing. Also included for meals: Continental Breakfast on 2nd and 3rd day, and Lunch on the 2nd day.
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  • #3
Thanks Becky :)
Most of the folks I've seen have been in summer casual clothes. No shorts, of course, but capri pants abound. The only folks in more business dress are the speakers or HO folks who are high visibility. For the guys I've seen, the norm has been Docker's style pants with a collared shirt. :)
You are welcome!Just have lots of fun......and learn a ton. If you are comfortably dressed, I think you will be able to relax and just soak it all in.
Oh - one more thing - if you are someone who likes snacks (like me) be sure and take some munchies - you can go long periods of time w/o any food available, and the breakfast provided is not really breakfast in my book!:rolleyes:
I'm jealous - I don't get to go til next week - so I'll be the last to know!
ChefBeckyD said:
Just have lots of fun......and learn a ton. If you are comfortably dressed, I think you will be able to relax and just soak it all in.
Oh - one more thing - if you are someone who likes snacks (like me) be sure and take some munchies - you can go long periods of time w/o any food available, and the breakfast provided is not really breakfast in my book!:rolleyes:
I'm jealous - I don't get to go til next week - so I'll be the last to know!

You're so right Becky. And the stuff the yhave at McCormick that is available for purchse costs an arm and a leg. I am packing some granola bars, protien bars, stuff to fill me up and tide me over because I am a snacker. I usually can't go more than 2 hours without some sort of sustenance or I get all weak and shaky.

I bring a re-fillable water bottle since drinks are so expensive at McCormick. There are "water stations" throughout McCormick, usually right outside the main auditorium and workshop rooms.

chefmary said:

I bring a re-fillable water bottle since drinks are so expensive at McCormick. There are "water stations" throughout McCormick, usually right outside the main auditorium and workshop rooms.


MARY - AWESOME idea!!!!!!!
I am going to go grab my waterbottle right now!!!!!
DefinatelyI remembered that I need to stop at the grocery before heading down. I think a 20 ounce soda was $1.75 and a hamburger at that little cafe was something like $7.00! Sorry but I pay a $1 for a soda and maybe $3.00 for a burger there is no way I am paying $7.00 again! And stay comfortable! It is warm in some places and colder in others in that building. Dress some where in the middle and you should be OK. Oh and rememeber, one of the only bathrooms for the guys is on the lowest level of Lakeside place!
  • #10
Does anyone know if there is a place near the Sheraton to purchase grocery type items, fruit, etc??
  • #11
grocerynot sure which hotels but some have an underground we found a grocery and McD's under our hotel the second year we stayed in the same one. I don't make the arrangements and can't remember which we stayed at. Breakfast there (McD's) was much more filling and not as early as the PC "breakfast".
  • #12
I believed I stayed at the Sheraton last year, (excuse the memory loss ), if you go to the next street over from when you exit the hotel's lobby, there is a store which I believe is a drug store with some quick things to grab to eat. Not sure if there was fruit there or not, but munchie stuff, that consisted of our late night snack one night. I can't remember the name of storee, but it's just down that road-I do know that it's the road that we went down when we went to the Navy Pier. I hope this helps out some, sorry for no exact names of streets or stores, but if you ask the consierge at the hotel, they will know. Have a great time!
  • #13
dannyzmom said:
MARY - AWESOME idea!!!!!!!
I am going to go grab my waterbottle right now!!!!!

i am also packing some of those single serving Crystal Light powder things.You just add them to your bottle of water and shake.
  • #14
20 oz Cokes are $2 at McCormick Place and $2.50 at the Hilton. Also, Palmer House Hilton rooms have no refrigerators. Just an FYI!

There is a Connie's Pizza area at Lakeside Center top floor facing the Lake. Pizza is $4.75 a slice, pop is $2 for 16 oz. Good for a quick lunch with a good view!
  • #15
Great idea about the crystal light to go. The walmart brand tastes the same and a bit cheaper. I've picked up granola bars, nuts, and cheese/crackers to take along as snacks. Easy to pack for the day.Wave 3
  • #16
Near the Sheraton, you should be able to find a local Walgreens. Down near the Hilton, there is a Jewel/Osco grocery store. Near the Palmer House there is a CVS drugstore.
  • #17
Yes, there is a little grocery store near the Sheraton. If you leave the lobby and head down the hill and take a right, as you walk toward Navy Pier there is a small grocery store on the right hand side. It takes about 5 minutes walking time to get there. It has fresh fruit, munchies, CHOCOLATE, and drinks, among other things. If you venture over to Michigan Avenue, there is a Walgreens not too far from the Sheraton, too! There are courtesy bars/refrigerators in the rooms at the Sheraton, but of course you don't want to eat anything from them because they charge outrageous prices that are added to your hotel bill when you check out! And you can't use them to store your own purchases because they are stocked full of stuff already. Best bet is to bring along some non-perishable snacks and keep an ice bucket full with drinks in the room.

See you in Wave 3!!!
  • #18
lkspeir said:
Does anyone know if there is a place near the Sheraton to purchase grocery type items, fruit, etc??
The grocery store towards the Embassy suites across (west) the street is a Dominicks (down the hill and to the left across from Embassy), it's hard to see with the scaffolding over the sidewalk but there is a neon sign in the corner of the building. Other wise we have had luck at the Walgreens next to the Embassy and movie theater.Neat the Palmer House - do NOT go into the 7-11, my friends walked in there and almost had to come out barefoot!!!:eek: Her flip flop stuck to the floor it was soooo sticky! It was gross!!!
  • #19
Thanks for the info on the Palmer House.
Can anyone tell me if they are serving food on the 8AM Home Office tour, and what it consists of??? It was not mentioned in anything I received. The tour concludes at 12:45, and if on schedule leaves very little time before the
Franklin Covey Time Management at 1:15. I wondered about registering as
early at 6:30AM, and having to be ready for the bus at 7:30, and if I should
find breakfast before boarding, or hope they had a box breakfast. If you can
let me know, it will save a call to Home Office. Thanks.

One last question. Do the Covey Seminars build on one another? If any of you attended either or both, could you PM me, so I will know whether to bring the Organizer that I spent $30+ for, at the beginning of the year?

Related to Tips for Making the Most of Conference: Dress Code, Executive Director Banquet

1. What is the purpose of Conference Questions?

Conference Questions are designed to facilitate meaningful discussions and engage participants in a conference setting. They are a great way to break the ice, encourage participation, and provide valuable insights and perspectives on a topic.

2. How do you come up with Conference Questions?

Our team at Pampered Chef spends a lot of time researching and brainstorming to come up with effective and thought-provoking Conference Questions. We also take into consideration the theme and purpose of the conference, as well as the audience demographics.

3. Can I customize Conference Questions for my specific event?

Yes, absolutely! We understand that every event is unique, and we offer the option to customize Conference Questions to fit your specific event and audience. Our team will work closely with you to ensure the questions align with your goals and objectives.

4. How long should Conference Questions be used during a conference?

We recommend using Conference Questions at different intervals throughout the conference to keep the discussions fresh and engaging. This could be at the beginning of each session, during breaks, or even at the end of the conference to recap and reflect on the day's discussions.

5. Are there any tips for using Conference Questions effectively?

Yes, there are a few tips to keep in mind when using Conference Questions. First, make sure the questions are open-ended and thought-provoking to encourage discussion and diverse perspectives. Second, be mindful of the time allotted for each question and adjust accordingly. Finally, create a safe and inclusive environment for participants to share their thoughts and opinions.

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