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Rant: so Fed up With the Help I'm Not Getting From Ho.

In summary, the customer service rep refused to tell the recruit how many other consultants are in her area. The recruit is disappointed because she was hoping for a statistic.
I've been having issues with emails not being replied to and I'm really getting sick of trying to get help from customer care at the HO.

I called today because I have a recruit that is concerned about "market saturation" and wanted to know how many consultants there are in her area before she considers joining. I called and she said (in a tone of voice that I did not appreciate) "We absolutely cannot give out that information."

Well that seems kind of ridiculous! If a consultant is expected to willingly share her phone # and email and name with her potential customers, you would think the company could kindly tell one consultant how many other consultants there are in a specific area. Ugh.

I do not understand why they would do this? It's not like saying "There are 4 consultants under that zip code" would jepordize the safety of any of those consultants, so why have this rule?

So sorry, rant over. I'm just po'd.
I was always told from the start that they don't tell you that information. Sure it would be nice (even if for curiosity) but its just something they abide by. If she has friends that are not having parties in her area already then that tells me there is room for one more. I just got 3 recruits within 1 mile of me - no worries. If she works her business, she'll get business.

Not defending HO just saying that I don't believe knowing or not knowing the saturation in an area is enough of a reason to say yes or no to the business.
I don't know a time they've ever given that out. They talked about it some at NC or somewhere I remember in the last 2yrs or so. Just because 1 zip code may carry 4 consultants doesn't mean its saturated for example. In the military you can run into 4 consultants in one NEIGHBORHOOD! Lets put it this way- We ALL succeeded without any problems!!

The CS reps tone may not have been good but you arent the first nor will be the last to ask.
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I understand that just because there could be 4 in one location doesn't mean anything. But how am I supposed to answer this to my potential recruit? I don't think telling her I wasn't allowed to recieve that information would be a very good answer, what might she think of the company then?

I know the area my friend lives in and I don't think there's a consultant within a 50-100 mile radius of her, so I'm not worried about it, she just wanted a statistic.

By the way, yes, I understand about the military. My husband is doing job training in Biloxi, MS and I just met a consultant who lives on the same base and I'd be willing to bet there are two more consultants on that base (or more!) so now there could be 4+ consultants serving that one AFB.

I'm just upset because my potential recruit wants a statistic, not a "Sorry, can't help you."
Business is everywhere, that's why they won't give you statistics. I live 2 miles from my NED and a sister director and NONE of us have any problem staying in business. I have done shows all over my metropolitan area and have done catalog parties out of state with friends and relatives.It's all about your outlook. Either be pissed that you can't have the figure or excited about the possibilities!
I agree rae..
Explain it this way. If you live in a town of 10,000 people...figure maybe half of them would be potential clients. Now, if you do 2 shows a week, with 10 guest average in attendance, that's 20 people per week/ 80 per month. Chances are very likely they will be different people...not ALOT of overlap...because not everyone knows the same people. They all know DIFFERENT people, even with some overlap of their friends/coworkers, etc.

So she'll be in front of 1000 people over the course of a very busy year! Do you think that the community can support more than 1 consultant? Oh yes! Now, branch out from the area, to the surrounding areas too.....

I heard it explained very well on a conference audio...it was similar to what I did above...but you get the idea. Let her know that even though there COULD be several consultants in the area, that consultant will have her contacts etc. But your consultant knows HER list of people- her list of 100. She starts with THAT. Does shows in that circle, and then meets new people, that will do shows with her, and meets new people, and so on and so forth. That's how consultants who live in the same neighborhood can do it. So it's not about how many people, but how many shows she does and how many people she meets. If you have more than one town in your area, even better!

HO won't give out that information because imagine if they told someone that there were 5 consultants in their area....would anyone else sign up? No...because they'll incorrectly assume they won't have enough business. BUt you don't know if 3 of those consultants are even any good or are the type of consultant with no followup.

It was perspective. You wanted the answer, but she didn't give you what you wanted to hear...but I think more importantly, she didn't give you the REASON she can't give that information. She could have nicely explained why HO doesn't give that out.
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Thank you Bobbi!! That really helps me so much. I think you're right. If she could've explained why, I probably wouldn't have been upset at all.

Thanks everyone!
Melissa78 said:
I was always told from the start that they don't tell you that information. Sure it would be nice (even if for curiosity) but its just something they abide by. If she has friends that are not having parties in her area already then that tells me there is room for one more. I just got 3 recruits within 1 mile of me - no worries. If she works her business, she'll get business.

Not defending HO just saying that I don't believe knowing or not knowing the saturation in an area is enough of a reason to say yes or no to the business.

WHOO HOO!!!! I am cheering and dancing over here! Congrats Melissa! It is much deserved, and I am super excited for you. Great job!

Sorry everyone, had to take a moment to congratulate Melissa!!!

In regards to the original post....my neighbor who lives literally less than 100 ft from me joined my team, and a neighbor who lived next door also joined. We all wondered if we'd make it work. It's been a year, and we have never overlapped or had a problem with finding business.

They purposely make it a rule not to give us those numbers exactly for all the reasons mentioned. In regards to your lead, just tell her that HO does not report the numbers because it is not a pertinent factor. Let her know business is everywhere. In fact, at National Conference: one of the TPC in sales was a woman who lives in a community of 500 people!!

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  • #10
Jolie_Paradoxe said:

WHOO HOO!!!! I am cheering and dancing over here! Congrats Melissa! It is much deserved, and I am super excited for you. Great job!

Sorry everyone, had to take a moment to congratulate Melissa!!!

In regards to the original post....my neighbor who lives literally less than 100 ft from me joined my team, and a neighbor who lived next door also joined. We all wondered if we'd make it work. It's been a year, and we have never overlapped or had a problem with finding business.

They purposely make it a rule not to give us those numbers exactly for all the reasons mentioned. In regards to your lead, just tell her that HO does not report the numbers because it is not a pertinent factor. Let her know business is everywhere. In fact, at National Conference: one of the TPC in sales was a woman who lives in a community of 500 people!!


Maybe I can get her beat then huh? I live in a town with a POP. of 97. And the neighboring town is 22 miles away and their POP. is 186.
  • #11
I live in a town about 66 thousand, and in the 100 mi radius about over twice as much population. There are about 15-20 consultants here that i know of and we are all busy. i still meet people at every party i do that has not herad of PC or never been to a party before.
Also if you get to read Shan Eisler-s story, shes my director, she has stared out of a little town in Minnesota. So you never know where you end up even in the middle of nowhere.
  • #12
Okay, here is how is was always explained to me and it makes sense this way. HO doesn't want to give false impressions. There are several ways to look at this....

First, if they were to tell someone "well, there are six consultants listed in this particular zip code" then a potential consultant may think that makes the area saturated. But in reality, when compared with the number of people in a zip code that doesn't even begin to scrape the surface of how many consultants may actually be needed.

Second, telling you that there are six consultants in a particular zip code doesn't tell you the whole story. Maybe there are six consultants who are inactive but not past the six months to be considered no longer a consultant. Maybe there are six consultants who do one show each every other month just to stay active so they can have a discount. Maybe there is one consultant who is super busy but does most of her shows over an hour away because that is where her day job is and she goes straight to her show from work. Because we don't have "areas" and can operate our business anywhere, knowing how many consultants live in a particular area isn't going to give an idea of how your recruits business would be.

I would simply tell her that. It's what I have told people in the past. "Because you can run your PC business anywhere and on your own schedule that would be a hard number to give you. Even if the company were willing to tell you how many people are consultants who live in your area, it wouldn't give you a clear picture of the business that is out there for you. There may be five people that live on your block but that fact that you are talking to me and don't know about them means that there is plenty of business out there for you if you want it"

Hope that helps.
  • #13
What you might be missing is what the recruit is really asking. She may be worried about market saturation, but she is really asking where she will get her hosts from. Statistically each person "knows" about 200 people. Most won't be hosts, but some will. What you need to look at is where the future hosts will come from. So, I would let her know that you don't really know because it changes from month to month. There could be a good number of "consultants" but how many are active, how many are doing more than one show a month? How many are kitnappers? We don't know this, so even if HO were to tell you, it would be inaccurate. What I usually say when this comes up is something like: "I'm not sure, but what I do know is I am constantly finding people who tell me they have been looking for a Pampered Chef Consultant for months. What I like to suggest to my new team members is that they hold their own Grand Opening Show and invite everyone they know who eats. Then I suggest you ask your friends and family to bring people you don't know so you don't have to bug them...say it just like that. And, after doing 300 shows, I look back at my hosts and about 95% of them were people I met at shows and booths."
  • #14
Oh, and I promoted a Director under me a few years ago. We live in the same subdivision and never had overlapping issues!You might also ask if they have friends and family that don't live here. If they do, they can do catalog shows. And, when they travel to visit the family and friends, do a live show and write off some or all of the travel expenses!
  • #15
I have 3 recruits who all live on the same street. Problem? No. One is a hobbyist, one is a go getter and the other one doesn't know either.

What's the issue?
  • #16
and you wouldn't want her to not sign up because you find out that there are several people in her neighborhood only to find out later that none of them are doing anything more than just barely staying active.
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There is NOT an issue. Sorry if that sounds snappy, but I get it already okay?
I know that having 3 recruits on the same street or 4 in the same zipcode or 3,000 in the same city means nothing.

I'm just saying that a PR wanted to know how many consultants were in her area and so in my attempt to find the answer, I encountered a very impolite woman from customer service. Okay? Thank you. Sheesh.
  • #18
I understand your frustration, Shelby. The rep should never have been snippy with you. This is a perfect opportunity to bless and release. And, you know these threads always take on a life of their own. ;)
  • #19
Shelby, please don't let the posts bother you. People post answers trying to be helpful and explain different aspects. Also, sometimes people repeat things because they might have been posting at the same time or haven't read through all the responses already.You asked a good question and it's too bad the HO rep was snippy with you. It's also a question I had when I was thinking of signing.You were trying to be helpful for your potential recruit and I understand how now you are probably just wondering how to help her without making HO sound bad (because they didn't explain it and weren't friendly with a response.)Everyone here is just trying to help, I know you are probably frustrated and annoyed by things, but try not to lash out. We want you to succeed and have a great experience with both PC and CS. :)
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  • #20
Thank you Amanda. You're right, I was starting to get very annoyed. And I don't want HO to sound bad to a PR. I know they've been fairly helpful for me in the past. Today has been one of those days where some things go right and others go horribly wrong.
  • #21
ShelbyMichalek said:
There is NOT an issue. Sorry if that sounds snappy, but I get it already okay?
I know that having 3 recruits on the same street or 4 in the same zipcode or 3,000 in the same city means nothing.

I'm just saying that a PR wanted to know how many consultants were in her area and so in my attempt to find the answer, I encountered a very impolite woman from customer service. Okay? Thank you. Sheesh.

Seriously? You post a rant but then can't take the general input given? There's a nicer way to say, "Thank you all for your input. I was simply a big miffed. We'll get through this." than "I get it, okay? I'm just saying...Okay? Thanks. Sheesh." I'm not claiming to be the Patron Saint of Nicey Nice, but I always 'try' to be courteous to others but in this case, my overall rant for the night is: "If you can't take the heat, get out of the fire." If someone doesn't want to hear about something or get some input, then don't post it on a blog site. People get so darn bent out of shape for no reason.

As one would say "Sheesh" :grumpy:

-Enough said.
  • #22
Melissa78 said:
Seriously? You post a rant but then can't take the general input given? There's a nicer way to say, "Thank you all for your input. I was simply a big miffed. We'll get through this." than "I get it, okay? I'm just saying...Okay? Thanks. Sheesh." I'm not claiming to be the Patron Saint of Nicey Nice, but I always 'try' to be courteous to others but in this case, my overall rant for the night is: "If you can't take the heat, get out of the fire." If someone doesn't want to hear about something or get some input, then don't post it on a blog site. People get so darn bent out of shape for no reason.

As one would say "Sheesh" :grumpy:

-Enough said.

Ok...now everyone play nice. She basically apologized. Let's not keep the fire going. :)

Related to Rant: so Fed up With the Help I'm Not Getting From Ho.

1. Why is it important to have a supportive team in Pampered Chef?

Having a supportive team in Pampered Chef is crucial for success because it allows for collaboration, motivation, and shared knowledge. A strong team can also help alleviate stress and provide a sense of community.

2. How can I communicate my frustrations with my team members?

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your team members. Schedule a team meeting or one-on-one conversations to express your concerns and come up with solutions together.

3. What should I do if I feel like I'm not receiving help from my team?

First, try to address the issue with your team members directly. If that doesn't work, reach out to your team leader or a higher-up in the company for support and guidance. Remember to remain professional and respectful in your communication.

4. How can I be a better team member and provide support to my colleagues?

One way to be a better team member is to actively listen and offer help whenever possible. You can also share your knowledge and skills with your team and be a positive and encouraging presence.

5. What resources are available for team members struggling with team dynamics?

Pampered Chef offers various resources for team members, such as team building activities, training sessions, and online forums for support. You can also reach out to your team leader or the company's HR department for additional resources and guidance.

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