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Posting Updates During Conference

In summary, the National Conference schedule has changed this year and there will be updates posted on the website before everyone leaves for Chicago.
Gold Member
OK, so there are about two weeks to go until National Conference. I don't get to go because I'm too pregnant.

I know that posting of Conference information has always been a hot topic in the past with differing opinions on whether or not it's OK to share before Conference is over. Of course, in the past we've had three waves of Conference which meant that some consultants learned about the new stuff before others, and for that reason Doris asked us not to share until everyone was done. I respect Doris's request, and never wanted to spoil the surprise for anyone who hadn't gone to conference yet (or have the surprises spoiled for me).

But this year is different.

Everyone is going at the same time, and there isn't anyone to keep secrets from. Now, I understand that there is also the sentiment that those who make the effort and commitment to actually go to Conference deserve to know first, that's what makes Conference special. And I do agree with that to a certain extent.

I'd like to put it out there to get some opinions from the rest of you, and I plan to also send a message to Deb and Greg to get their official input as well. That way it's out there now, and addressed before anyone leaves for Chicago.
Yes, I agree this year is different, and there's no reason to not post updates. I won't be bringing my computer, and can't get on CS with my phone, so I won't be participating (in other words, I would if I could!:D). However, "those who . . . actually go to Conference deserve to know first," we still will! We'll get to hear the news and updates, and see the products before anything can be posted here. We'll also get to touch, taste, smell, etc., and experience all the excitement which those of you unable to attend won't. There's no reason to punish you by making you wait until we all get home.

And, really, I don't look at it so much as "making the effort and commitment" to go. Earning trips and incentives takes effort and commitment. Being able to go to Conference means being blessed with the opportunity and budget and desire. I'm sure 99% of the people NOT attending would go if finances, babysitting, vacation time, health, etc., all came together to allow it to happen.
I agree. In the past it was a matter of (a) not ruining things for those who were in later waves and (b) allowing the people who attend NC the privilege of knowing things first (after all, that's one of the perks of going). This year, though, with everyone going at the same time I think posting things immediately will be fine. I probably won't post anything because it's a little more difficult with my phone.
Correct me if I am wrong, but we are on two different tracks, so maybe things shouldn't be posted until the end of each day. B/C we won't all be finding out the same things at the same time!! Just my two cents! I won't be looking on here while at conference, but just in case! What do you all think?
mscharf said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but we are on two different tracks, so maybe things shouldn't be posted until the end of each day. B/C we won't all be finding out the same things at the same time!! Just my two cents! I won't be looking on here while at conference, but just in case! What do you all think?

Only the workshops are at different times. General sessions, product reveals & such will be everyone together.
I for one cannot go for various reasons and look forward to hearing all the news. With everyone going at the same time I don't see why we should have to wait (unless there is another important reason not to share that we aren't aware of) until everyone gets home. Yes, those who are attending conference should get to experience it all and first but hope that we who cannot go do not have to wait too much longer after the words get out.
pamperedharriet said:
I just looked at the agenda and it looks like the general sessions are at the same time just not listed on the same line.
Yes- it's a little confusing at first glance- but if you look at the TIMES, the General Sessions and Recognition are the same times. Only the meals, Workshop sessions, and 'team time' are different times.I don't see why folks couldn't post on here if they want.
  • #10
esavvymom said:
I don't see why folks couldn't post on here if they want.

The only good thing is if we have to wait at least the wait won't be as long as in the past.
  • #11
Yes- definately no reason not to post conference details right away this year. Those that want to wait for cluster meetings or a phone call from their director can avoid CS for a few days. I think it's important to start brainstorming and discussing asap.
I'll post a sticky.
  • #12
I think we should wait.
  • #13
pampchefsarah said:
And, really, I don't look at it so much as "making the effort and commitment" to go. Earning trips and incentives takes effort and commitment. Being able to go to Conference means being blessed with the opportunity and budget and desire. I'm sure 99% of the people NOT attending would go if finances, babysitting, vacation time, health, etc., all came together to allow it to happen.

I 100% agree. All these reasons listed above were reasons I could not attend last years conference and it was a major bummer. I would have been there if I could be. Gaining full custody of my step son and trying to find childcare was a headache enough, not to mention the short notice of me being gone and also he needed me at that point. Although I was not able to attend, I had planned on attending up until this point. I was at home begging someone for information. It was the biggest disappointment in my PC career. I felt like everything was top secret.

With the waves last year I completely understood but there is a huge difference this year, only one "wave" and I wouldnt see why it would be a problem. Honestly if someone doesnt want to know: they dont have to open the thread and read it. AND for those who want to know who are not able to go whatever there circumstances are will be able to feel involved with knowing the "news".

So I myself believe there shouldnt be a issue with posting.
  • #14
Post, baby. Post!

Related to Posting Updates During Conference

1. How often should I post updates during conference?

It is recommended to post updates at least once a day during conference, but it ultimately depends on your personal schedule and the content you have to share.

2. What type of content should I post during conference?

You can post a variety of content during conference, such as photos of new products, behind-the-scenes moments, customer testimonials, and updates on any promotions or specials. It's important to keep your posts relevant and engaging for your audience.

3. Can I pre-schedule my updates during conference?

Yes, you can use social media management tools to pre-schedule your updates for conference. This can be helpful if you have a busy schedule during the event.

4. How can I track the success of my updates during conference?

You can track the success of your updates by using social media analytics tools or by monitoring engagement on your posts, such as likes, comments, and shares. This can help you determine which types of content resonated with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5. Should I use hashtags when posting updates during conference?

Yes, using relevant hashtags can help your posts reach a wider audience and make them more discoverable. Be sure to research popular and relevant hashtags for the conference and your industry before posting.

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